Chapter 2

Bittersweet Relation



Today was the day that I moved from my old house and move into a house with Yoongi. I’ve been waiting for this day, it sounds a little silly but I’ve had a crush on him since we were kids and I still love him very much, if not more.



It all started one day when we heard there was going to be a new student. I was pretty excited. When he stepped into it was like everything for me stopped just there and then. he was pretty, he had the palest skin I had ever seen and he had his head down in a cute shy way. Well that was the first time I had felt something so warm and when I asked Namjoon about it, I found that it was indeed love that I felt. After that I made big efforts to get close to him as I can. I think I’ve made a big accomplishment because now I’m even sharing a dorm with him!


Back to the real world, I’m unpacking all my stuff at our new house we’re sharing and he happens to be taking all his music equipments out and I rush to help him.


“Thanks,” he says smiling his adorable smile. It’s really just the cutest and I can’t get enough of it.


As we organize his stuff I take quick glances at him. He looks so focused… it’s adorable. Everything he does is adorable to me really and I can’t help to squeal over it. To be honest I have a whole bunch of pictures of him stacked and it’s in one of the boxes and I just hope he doesn’t find.


His eyes land on me and I quickly look away trying to hold back a smile. When I feel his eyes are off me I look at him again… just one last time. He seems to be struggling, he’s on his tippy toe and his trying to put his CD in a place higher than him. He’s so cute… I chuckle and he looks at me.


“Don’t just stand there and laugh at me, help,” he says pouting slightly and handing me his CD.


“Yes Yoongi~” I say teasingly at him and wink.


He flushes.



    I know Hoseok has a crush on me. I know because he kinda makes it obvious. He was just standing there staring at me and when I looked he quickly turned his head and I can see his lips curve very slightly. And he blush a little.


    The time I actually found out that he liked me was this one time in middle school. We were having a sleepover at his house that day. We had a lot of fun that day, telling stories and secrets, playing pranks on his sister and just having fun. But when it came to night we were all going to sleep but not all of us would fit into his room so the two of us had to sleep in the living room. There was lightning that day and it was loud. He was really scared so I told him he could onto my hands and he gladly did, soon he was practically on top of me. He was sleeping though and he was talking in his sleep too.


“I love so much… Yoongi” he whispers in his sleep.

Up until the last day of middle school I never thought very seriously of it. I thought he meant it as a friend or a brother or something but I found a whole bunch of pictures of me stacked in his desk and that’s when I finally realized he had some… romantic feelings for me.


I tried to think of him as just a friend and it works out perfectly fine… except when I catch him staring or taking a picture of me.


Sometimes I get worried. What if he decides to ask me out? Then I’d have to deny and our friendship will be ruined. I really do hope he falls in love with someone else or forget about his romantic feelings before then.


“Yoongi, what are you doing standing there and doing nothing?” Hoseok says pulling me out of my thoughts.


“Oh uh sorry, I’m gonna get back to work now,” I assure him.


“Okay” he says with a small smile on his face.


A half hour later we’re done taking out everything and putting them where we want them.


“Wanna go out to dinner?” He asks.


“Sure,” I answer, “Don’t have anything to cook tonight anyways.”


So we went to this restaurant. Everything seems new here in this unfamiliar place. There was couples and families everywhere and honestly I felt like we really stuck out.


“So,” Hoseok says getting my attention, “ What do you wanna eat?” he says looking at me and then at the menu. There’s already a waiter standing there.


“Um… I’ll just have some pasta,” I say while looking at the menu then at the waiter. He has these weird lenseless glasses and is really small, which makes him seem kinda cute despite the frown on his face.


I don’t really wanna look up at Hoseok after the waiter takes our order and leaves ‘cause I don’t wanna look up and find him looking at me. I’ll just pretend to busy my eyes with is unfamiliar place.


While I’m looking off at somewhere else I notice someone familiar.


“Is that Kyung?” I say to no one in particular.


“Is who who?” Hoseok ask confused.


“Oh,” I turn to Hoseok,”Just thought I saw someone familiar,” I say backing my attention to the other person again.


The familiar person who reminds me of my old friend comes our way and until He gets really closer to us that I finally realize that it was indeed my old childhood friend, Park Kyung.


“Hey!” I shout, “Park Kyung!”


He turns and looks at me and I watch as his eyes get bigger and walks to me.


“Yoongi?!” He asks unsure.


“Yeah!” I say assuring him.

“Oh my god! I haven't seen you since you moved away in fifth grade!” He says smiling brightly at me.


“I know right!” I say and we give each other a high five and a hug.


I can feel Hoseok watching the whole thing behind me and I turn around.


“This is Kyung, my friend from my hometown,” I introduce, "This is Hoseok, my first best friend since I moved."


"Hi, nice to meet you" Kyung greets Hoseok with a smile.


"Hi, you too," Hoseok returns him a smile.


Our food is ready and I invite Kyung over to sit with us, at first he denied, “don’t wanna be a bother” he said but me and surprisingly Hoseok insisted, so he stayed. We talk and catch up on things while occasionally Hoseok joins the conversation or is forced but too kind to deny.   


“Well, it was nice getting to see you again, maybe we can do this another time? I can bring Jiho along, remember him?” Kyung says all in once.


“Sure thing and yeah I remember him, how can I forget my one and only friend/rival,” I laugh and answer like as if it was the most obvious thing ever.


“Haha yeah okay, bye, I’ll text you tomorrow,” Kyung waves and me and Hoseok waving back.




Well that was fun… not. Yoongi’s old friend just came by and all Yoongi talked to was him. occasionally his friend, Kyung, would try to put me into the conversation asking me about something and I’d just simply answer. Did I look left out or something? I wasn’t… well maybe a little, guess I kind of have to give him credit for his consideration.


Yoongi seemed really happy, talking to his old friends and all. I wonder what life was like to him, before he moved to our school. Probably great seeing how he was so happy, I was a bit jealous at how the guy made him smile his cute gummy smile so widely… I mean I’m able to do that but… in some sense its a bit different.


“So,” Yoongi says pulling me out of my thoughts, “ready to head back home?”




Home. That special thing i get to share with Yoongi now.


This is impossible. This love I have for him. I’ll never love someone as much as him. Maybe I should tell him my feelings soon.  




Hai! I hope this chapter isn't too bad, I tried hard to make as good as possible. Also sorry for the late update and thanks for subscribing my subs and new subs!! I think I'll be updating on a weekly bases and yeah I hope you injoyed this chapter!


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Chapter 5: I want Vhope & Jikook bcs I ship them so hard !!!
And, they are cute together \( >ㅅ<)/
Yeay !
And fighting author-nim ~~
seohyunnie_snsd #3
Chapter 5: I want vhope xD
parvitasari #4
Chapter 5: Bcoz i'm vhope and jikook shipper, so yeah.. can you make jealous moments between them?update soon..
greenmimi #5
Chapter 5: I defo want jikook, but Im stuck between vmin and yoonseok
Throwaway-143 #6
Chapter 5: Aww, poor everyone. Why does it feel like Jungkook was going to tell Jimin something? ;D OOH I WANT THE JIKOOK AND VHOPE (even if my OTP is yoonseok or jihope, though jihope in this story would be an absolute crack twist).
Throwaway-143 #7
Chapter 4: Awwwwww YOUNGJAE (my ult bias from B.A.P.). A daejae and vhope comparison is so cute > u <
iziana #8
Chapter 5: jungkook jealous seeing vmin laught and talk to each other? Jungkook like v but why he wish a good night to jimin..? He's confusing himself... but i like this story.. and i enjoyed it... can't wait to the next chapter...%>_<%
raebmonster #9
iziana #10
Chapter 4: Oh my gawdd..! All the couple in this story..i ship all of them.. i would love to see jikook than vkook..vhope and yoonseok...?ouh..i can't make a decision.. i love vhope cuz they are sweet..and 4D..i like yoonseok cuz yoongi looks matured with that crazy i prefer vhope more.. and namjin.they are so sweet...the sweetest and the weird couple in the universe..that's all from meee..can't wait for the next chapter..(=^.^=)