

A/N: I was going to delete this story because I don't know how  am going to continue it but BummieSarang convinced me to write some sort of brief ending, even though it would . So I wrote an ending. I know that it and yea but an ending is an ending. It involves a lot of time skips and things happening for no reason.

No one POV

Jonghyun and Key got closer over time. No one from the Society had come to disturb their little hideout. Eventually, Jonghyun did confess to Key and it made Key happy. Of course, he accepted the confession and since that day, they were together.

Months after they had been dating, Key decided to finally tell Jonghyun about why Minho had been so intent on telling Jonhyun to get out before his birthday. It turns out that the food that was given at the banquet was spiked with some sort of drug that made people who ate it blank minded. It made them easy to manipulate and unwilling to leave the Society.

Jonghyun was shocked to discover such a fact about their Society but there was nothing that could be done right now. So they waited as Onew, with the help of the rest of the SM rebel base that they had managed to contact, worked on a cure for the drug.

After a year, they did produce some sort of pill which did counteract the effects. So now their only job was to distribute the pills.

However, Society was not stupid and soon realised what they were doing. Thus, they launched a full out war against the rebels. But the rebels had much grown in number and had taken some weapons from the Society to fight against them.

Such a thing was a futile effort as the Society had much bigger and destructive weapons at hand. The rebels scattered to find a new base. And after months, they did fine a new base, in another Society.

In this Society, the people had already broken free of their trances and were allowed to move about freely. It was then discovered that each Society’s way of controlling their people was different. The rebels were welcomed there and they took shelter there.

While they were there, with the aid of that Society, they managed to launch a war against the first Society. And this time they won. The rebels had freed another Society from the blank mind-ness.

With one down, there was still many more to investigate and to see. Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin stayed in the Society in which that had sought refuge in. They taught their ways to new recruits which aided the war against the blank mind-ness.

And so their story still goes on. And if you will, they lived happily ever after.

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Why you make ending so soon! this story is really good! i wished you would have continued!
laytopinsulaydude #2
This story is really great.
I respect you.
FFiolet #3
thats the end...? seriously? ugh! T0T nooo!!!
jjongiebbyluv #5
NOOOOOO WHY YOU END IT </3 I loved it~ WHen i saw that dystopia was updated i was like YESSSS!!!! but when i saw Final, i was like MWOH?????ANIIIII!!!!
I like the ending ^-^ great job~ It doesn't really matter if you add time skips in a fic as long as it makes sense and here...it does =3
wow....another one who makes a story but doesn't finish it -.-
jjongiebbyluv #8
Ahha ^^ Oh Key<3 You and your fashion! Update soon! and Happy Thanksgiving!
jjongiebbyluv #9
Amazing. I absolutly love it! update soon!!
jjongiebbyluv #10
hurhurhur :3 'What is this, 20 questions??' hurhurhur :3 that funny ^^ updatee soon!