

A/N: Wow I was so happy when I saw the comments. Cos I was very disappointed in myself for the first chapter cos it was so boring. And wow 4 subscribers after my boring first chapter. Yay!

But this story isn't really that original. If you read 'Uglies' and 'Matched', you will see where I got my inspiration from. I basically took the world that the authors of those books created (cos I wasn't smart enough to create my own), added the people I liked in there, changed the storyline to fit better with my idea... yea you get the point.

Oh yea and for their hairstyles during this story.

Jonghyun = Ring Ding Dong blonde/brown hair

Minho = Ring Ding Dong long black hair

Key = Juliette Japanese blonde hair

Taemin = Lucifer Japanese blonde hair

Onew = Hello light brown hair

Don't ask me how their hair is dyed when they live in those areas. Let's pretend it just happens ^^



"Minho, what are you going?"

Minho looked up.

"I'm Leaving"

Minho POV

It was funny, watching all these emotions flash across his face. Jonghyun opened and shut his mouth a few times, meaning to say something then giving up. He looked like a fish. After a minute of doing that, he spoke.


A short word, but I could hear the hurt in his voice. I guess he thought that I betrayed him.

"I don't want to stay in this Society," I answered. I turned away from Jonghyun. I didn't want him to stop me.

Jonghyun POV

I watched Minho turn his face away from me. I felt betrayed. Why didn't he want to stay in the Society. The Society was perfect. Sure it was restrictive at times but it gave us everything that we needed and made sure that we didn't turn back into Bygones. The Bygones were stupid, greedy people who didn't value what they had and only wanted more. They were from the past and most had died during the war. It's hard to believe that we're descendents of them. (A/N: Yea the 'Bygones' are us. Like humans in the present time.)

"But why don't you want to stay in the Society? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" I had started yelling. I took a deep breath to steady myself.

Minho stared at me for a while. Then started talking.

"... A month ago, a met this guy..."

(A/N: So there will be a flashback now. Just assume that what is happening in the flashback, Minho is telling Jonghyun. Kinda like Minho is narrating the story to Jonghyun... get me?)


Minho wandered around the river. Technically, the people of the Society weren't supposed to go the river after dark. But Minho didn't really understand why and somehow, he had stayed there past curfew. There was a rustle in the bushes behind him. Minho jumped then turned around to see a guy standing behind him. The guy was shorter than Minho was, but looked older. He had chin length light brown hair, with a side fringe. The guy walked towards Minho.....


....and tripped over an imaginary rock and fell over.


Minho put his hand over his mouth to stop him from laughing out loud. It would be bad if the Authorities heard and reported him to the Elders. (A/N: The Authorities are like people who work for the Elders. They take care of the things that the Elders tell them to do)

"Who are you? I haven't seen you around the Society before." Minho whisper asked to the guy.

The guy smiled. "You wouldn't have seen me before. I don't live here."

"Then where do you live? In another Society?"

"That... I can't tell you. Yet. But if I meet you again, then I might. What's your name?" he asked.


The guy nodded. "Well Minho, I'll see you again?" He trailed off with a questioning tone before turning and leaving.

Minho just stared at that place. The guy hadn't left any place or time to meet. But he seemed trustworthy. So everyday, Minho would wait at that river after curfew. After a week of doing that, he found someone else there before he arrived. And it wasn't the guy from before.

A cute little blonde boy stood there watching as Minho neared the area. "Annyeong, Minho hyung?"

Minho nodded mutely. How did the boy know his name?

Seeing his confused expression, the blonde boy smiled. "Onew hyung told me to meet you. You know, with the light brown hair?"

Minho nodded in understanding.

"Well, you seem trustworthy. Onew hyung never told you when and you still waited. That's good. Well, I'll tell you some things but you have to promise not to tell anyone else about them," the blonde boy said.

"Not even my best friend?"

"Not even him. I'm Taemin, by the way."

Over the next 2 weeks, Minho met up with Taemin and sometimes Onew a few times. They told him about the Society and why they had chosen to live away from it. (A/N: You will find out what Taemin and Onew told Minho later. :P)

Then, a week before Jonghyun's Matching ceremony, Minho met up with them.

"Do you want to join us? You'll be living away from the Society that you've lived for 16 years though." Onew asked.

Minho, considered that for a while then nodded.

"After hearing all those things about the Society, I don't want to live in it anymore." He said.

Huge smiles broke out on both the guys faces. Taemin walked forward and pressed a note into Minho's hand.

Wow he can write? Writing was outdated. There was technology which could put your thoughts onto the screen so not many people knew how to write, Minho thought.

"Follow the instructions. It will take around a week to get there if you travel by Solarboard. Hoverboard will be useless outside of the Society. If you somehow lose your Solarboard, travel by foot takes one month. It would be best if you left on the day of the Matching Ceremony. Most of the Authorities are overseeing the Matching ceremony so there will be less security." Taemin said. "We'll see you soon Minho..."

They left. Minho turned back and snuck back into his room. His thought processes were running out of control. One thing was evident. He had a lot of stealing to do.

"So, that's what I am doing today. You can come with me if you want. I packed a bag for you. It's by the river. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about my meeting with them, but I trust you." Minho finished.

I looked down at the floor. I felt so guilty now that I had doubted him.

"Will I see you again?" I asked.

Minho smiled. "Maybe. If you come with me, doesn't matter now or later, you will. If you don't.... it was fun knowing you."

I nodded. Minho walked over and gave me a note.

"These are instructions on how to get there. When you want to come, the follow the instructions. But if you do not decide to come before your Matching Banquet, the hour before you have to leave, destroy the note."

And with that, he left.

I didn't think that Minho would actually leave. I was waiting for the punchline for the joke. But now that I think about it, Minho is a pretty serious guy. He wasn't really the type to joke around, especially to these proportions.


Third Person POV

The next morning, the Authorities arrived at the dorm. Minho's disappearance became known throughout the dorm. Rumours were spreading that he was an ungrateful child that was displeasing the Elders.

Jonghyun POV

I hate hearing all those rumours about my best friend. He isn't ungrateful, nor is he going to get caught. I don't think. I lay in my bed and tried to tune out all the noise. I didn't like it.


2 weeks later

Jonghyun POV

After a week, the rumours died down. After another week, the Authorities decided to stop looking. They used Minho's disappearance as an example of what happens when the Elders give you too much freedom. That really made my blood boil. And one day, I just didn't want to hear all those 'lessons' again.

I looked through my drawers for the note that Minho had given me. It was already night time, so I crept out of my room to the river. Minho had said that he had left a bag that he packed for me there. And I found it, along with a Solarboard.

I picked up my bag and the Solarboard. I wouldn't need the Solarboard now. Then I decided to actually look at the note. It said:





How am I supposed to figure this out?


A/N: So I updated the 2nd chapter! Yay! Yea I know I ended the first chapter with Minho leaving, and now I ended the second chapter with Jonghyun leaving. But I kinda need one whole chapter to write the next part. I don't wanna break the next part up into chapters.

Please comment! I love reading the comments. :L you people put so much effort into writing long comments. ^^

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Why you make ending so soon! this story is really good! i wished you would have continued!
laytopinsulaydude #2
This story is really great.
I respect you.
FFiolet #3
thats the end...? seriously? ugh! T0T nooo!!!
jjongiebbyluv #5
NOOOOOO WHY YOU END IT </3 I loved it~ WHen i saw that dystopia was updated i was like YESSSS!!!! but when i saw Final, i was like MWOH?????ANIIIII!!!!
I like the ending ^-^ great job~ It doesn't really matter if you add time skips in a fic as long as it makes sense and here...it does =3
wow....another one who makes a story but doesn't finish it -.-
jjongiebbyluv #8
Ahha ^^ Oh Key<3 You and your fashion! Update soon! and Happy Thanksgiving!
jjongiebbyluv #9
Amazing. I absolutly love it! update soon!!
jjongiebbyluv #10
hurhurhur :3 'What is this, 20 questions??' hurhurhur :3 that funny ^^ updatee soon!