

A/N: Yay I'm getting more subscribers! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while! Stupid maths homework... I don't understand maths :(



"Favourite song?"

"Are you deaf dinohead?"

"Sweet or savoury?"

"Urgh! You are hopeless!"

Jonghyun POV

I don't know why I kept asking the new guy all these questions. I could tell that I was annoying him for for some reason, I wanted to see that face. His expressions interested me.


Why would I be interested in his expressions. Perhaps it was because the Society didn't have any. No one ever showed any emotion that was out of the ordinary. And there was only 2 emotions. Happy and hard-working. Everyone was always happy with everything. Fighting with friends was only play, and the argument was always resolved in less than a minute. And seeing his annoyed expression interested me. Yes, that must be the reason.


We arrived to find the other 3 gathered around a stack of wood and some orange dancing gas.


Key turned his head towards me but his eyes didn't leave a certain spot.

"What is that? That pile of wood?"

"It's called a fire. It gives off heat and light, so we use it to cook out food and to keep warm at night. The nights are cold."

Fire. Fire = a rapid oxidaition of a material in the chemical process of combustion releasing heat and light energy. A process used by Bygones to heat their homes and cook their food.


I watched the food cooking on the fire. It was fascinating to see. The colour was slowing turning from a white to a brown. After watching it for a while, I identified what is was. It was chicken. My gut instinct was screaming out in protest. Eating live meat? Eating animals? Eating animals was outlawed soon after the time of the Bygones. It was outlawed during the time of the Beginners. Killing animals would result in extinction. Bygones had driven many animals to extinction and Beginners wanted to stop that.


I watched as Jonghyun's face turned to one of disgust. While staring at the chicken.

Well it's not my fault that Onew decided to eat chicken everyday.


He looked at me, with those puppy eyes. OMG they are cute~

"Chicken is a species which has over populated this area. Killing them is doing good for the environment. That way, they won't be killing so many potential trees by eating the seeds."


"You really like saying 'oh' a lot don't you?" I remarked dryly.

I turned back to the food and served it up. Well I put it on a plate. Then I went to check up on the other food.

"Umma!" Taemin ran towards me with his arms out.

"Taebaby!" I scooped him up and gave him a hug.

"Umma, it's been so many hours since I last saw you! Is the new guy giving you trouble? Is the food ready yet? Please don't let Onew eat all the chicken. Last time he almost ate the bones. And---"

I listened as Taemin talked away. But my umma instincts were telling me that someone was looking at my Taebaby. I flicked my eyes around. And met a pair of ginormous frog eyes.

"Yah! Minho stop staring at my Taebaby. You'll corrupt my innocent baby!"

Minho quickly averted his eyes and started talking to Jonghyun. I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Taemin.

"Umma, Minho is a nice guy."

"No one corrupts my Taebaby."

Taemin facepalmed.

Jonghyun POV

Why did I feel so angry after hearing Key yell at Minho about his Taebaby. His Taebaby? What kind of relationship did they have? Were they together? But they were both guys. That was against the ways of the Society. I nudged Minho, who was standing next to me.



"Key and Taemin..."

"What about them?"

"Are they, you know, to-together?"

Minho stared at me like I was dumb. Then he laughed.

"What made you think that?"

"Well, you know, Key always calls Taemin, Taebaby. And Key calls Taemin his Taebaby. So, you know..."

"No they're not. Did you miss Taeminnie calling Key 'umma' all the time?"


"Yea. It's a long story. And I think it would be better for you to ask Taeminnie directly."



It was night. And I was tired. At least I didn't have to trek up the hill for those who are waiting to be taken in with us. But I had to cook. Well, I did anyway. Which was weird. After all, noone cooked in the Society. And I had come from a Society as well.


"Yes Jonghyun?"

"Are you asleep?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Does it sound like I'm asleep dinohead?"

"Sorry. It's just that I'm not used to sleeping in these circumstances."

I laughed softly. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon enough. We've all been through this."

"You have? So did you live in a Society as well before?"

"We all did. Except for Onew. Onew was born here."

"So how was your journey?"

I was silent. One part of me was telling me to tell him. And the other part was telling me not to. Because, I don't tell a person at first meeting everything about me. But the first part was telling me that is was fine. And I found myself agreeing with the first part.

"My journey?"


Key lived in another Society. There were many Societies in one area, but they rarely interacted with each other unless it was for the Matching ceremony. Each Society had different rules but they all had the same principle. In Jonghyun's Society, at the age of 16, they would be seated down at a Matching Banquet. In Key's Society, at the age of 15, they would be given an injection. But pain was not something people embraced or were used to. So as well as an injection, they were given the permission to start surging (having cosmetic surgery). When this was first introduced, surging was an option. But as time went on, surging became a must. The important part of turning 15 was no longer the injection but the surgery. And the Elders couldn't be more pleased with this.

Key, or Kim Kibum, as he was known at that time was normal. Like any other 14 year old. He was looking forward to his 15th birthday. He would surge and become pretty. His best friend was Taemin. But Taemin shared a different view about the surgery. He was doubtful about its effects. He didn't believe that changing your appearance was all it did. And Taemin was in a gang. Not a gang that went around beating people up. Physical abuse was a Bygone thing. The gang that Taemin was in had a similar goal though. His gang went against that ways of the Society. And his gang had connections outside of the Society.

The more Key talked with Taemin about the gang, the more Key started to have doubts about the Society as well. 1 month before his 15th birthday, he joined the gang. He was no longer excited about the surgery. He was dreading it instead.

"Hyungs! My best friend, Kibum, decided to join as well!" Taemin whisper-yelled to his friends.

Eunhyuk, Yesung, Sungmin and Heechul looked up.

"Glad you joined," Eunhyuk said. He smiled his famous gummy smile at Key. And Key couldn't help but smile back.

"Nice to meet you," Yesung nodded.

"Yay! Another person!" Sungmin whisper-yelled as well. Just like Taemin. And the combination of their aegyo's was... wow.

When it was Heechul's turn, Heechul gave off that vibe. A similar diva vibe. They stared at each other for a while, before Heechul pulled the younger one into a hug. Not a love one. A friendship one.

"Let me get this straight. I'm a Cinderella. A princess."

Key had a feeling that they would get along.

Soon, they met Leeteuk and Kyuhyun. They were also rebels. There were a large number of rebels. There was also many rebel bases where numerous rebel groups had come from. And like Onew, Leeteuk and Kyuhyun told the gang how to get to the rebel base. Because, they didn't need any convincing.

The gang decided to leave in a staggered fashion. First Heechul and Eunhyuk left. Then Yesung and Sungmin. A week before Key's 15th birthday, it was decided that then, Key and Taemin would leave.

But they were suspected. Of betrayal. The Elders suspected them of being rebels. Key and Taemin were brought to the Elder's headquarters. It was a frightening place. The entire place was coloured in unfriendly cold colours, of varying shades of grey. Even the Elders looked cold and unfriendly, their eyes matching the walls, their auras matching the atmosphere.

Talking to an Elder was nerve wracking. Taemin was most suspected. Taemin's mother had run away soon after giving birth to Taemin. Such a thing was unheard of. It was decided that Taemin's mother was a rebel. But to be a rebel after her 15th birthday was incredibly difficult. It required a lot of mental power. And if the person did not have the mental capacity, then she/he would break. But since Taemin's mother had managed it, Taemin was labelled as someone to watch. After all, the genes would have passed on.

After the interogation, Taemin was nearly crying. And Key felt extremely angry at the Elder and extremely protective of Taemin. The Elder spoke harsh words. And it was then that Key saw proof that the Society was not perfect.

They were let off after a day. Then they escaped the next day. During the journey, Key and Taemin became even closer. But in an unusual way. Key became Taemin's umma. Taemin was delighted with this.

When they arrived at the SME rebel base, they were met with 14 people. Eunhyuk, Yesung, Sungmin and Heechul were happy to see their friends after a long time.

Then the others went around and introduced themselves.











Key and Taemin became good friends with all of them. But they became especially close with Onew. They learnt that Onew was born at the rebel base. But the rebel base was not definite. And there were rebel groups which had code names. The first group was called TVXQ. Then Super Junior, which was this group broke off from the. There was a girl rebel group called SNSD. They had all come from the SME rebel base. Onew told them that many people did not use their real names for certain reasons.

But the Super Junior rebel group was getting to big. If they travelled around like that, they would be too suss. So Onew, along with Key, which decided to create that name there, and Taemin left the group. They formed the SHINee rebel group.

Sometimes, but rarely, 2 rebel groups would cross paths. But that was unlikely. The rebel groups had to keep moving. They had to keep telling other people who lived in Societies about the manipulation. So it would be safe to say that you may not hear about the rebel group you have broken off from even again.

End of Flashback

"So you haven't spoken to Eunhyuk-sshi and the others ever again?"

"No. But it's okay. They will be fine."

"But what is the manipulation that you are talking about?"

"I can't tell you yet. But maybe later."


A/N: So I introduced Super Junior. ^^

I was thinking about what looks that they should have in this story. But I couldn't be bothered giving them all individual looks because they won't be appearing much. So let's just say their Mr. Simple looks.

And I heard that SHINee is preparing for a Korean comeback!!! Yay!!! I preordered their 'The First' album. I need to have the limited edition one. And I shall pray for Taemin-oppa's photocard!!!

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Why you make ending so soon! this story is really good! i wished you would have continued!
laytopinsulaydude #2
This story is really great.
I respect you.
FFiolet #3
thats the end...? seriously? ugh! T0T nooo!!!
jjongiebbyluv #5
NOOOOOO WHY YOU END IT </3 I loved it~ WHen i saw that dystopia was updated i was like YESSSS!!!! but when i saw Final, i was like MWOH?????ANIIIII!!!!
I like the ending ^-^ great job~ It doesn't really matter if you add time skips in a fic as long as it makes sense and does =3
wow....another one who makes a story but doesn't finish it -.-
jjongiebbyluv #8
Ahha ^^ Oh Key<3 You and your fashion! Update soon! and Happy Thanksgiving!
jjongiebbyluv #9
Amazing. I absolutly love it! update soon!!
jjongiebbyluv #10
hurhurhur :3 'What is this, 20 questions??' hurhurhur :3 that funny ^^ updatee soon!