
take me home

The scent of freshly trimmed grass reminds Minseok of a lot of things. But mostly, it reminds him of football fields. The one he, they, used to frequent was one of the very few fields that haven’t converted to artificial grass. Minseok remembers Luhan insisting that playing on artificial fields will never be the same as playing on fields with real grass and dirt. Minseok preferred staying clean even when playing football, but Luhan prefers the opposite, looking for ways to get himself covered with grass. He initially opposed the idea, but he eventually agreed because when did he ever resist the other’s whims?

He takes a glance at his phone to see how much time he had before he needed to go back to the dorm. He had about two hours, but what catches his eye isn’t the time, it’s the date. It’s a Tuesday. He lets out a slight chuckle, his voice echoing through the empty field.

Tuesdays were for football. Tuesdays were for them. Tuesday was their day. Minseok didn’t mean on going on a Tuesday though; it just so happened that their practice was cut short, leaving a whole afternoon free. And he decided that his cleats have been left unused for too long, so he went. It had been a while since he played football, with him favoring other physical activities instead.

Because football was different now. Going to the turf won’t the same without an over-excited Luhan dragging him to the middle of the field as soon as they arrive. Running across the field won’t the same without a persistent Luhan chasing the ball and purposely tackling him just so both of them would be covered with dirt. Lying on the grass after hours of playing won’t be the same because now, the spot beside him is empty.

When he’s done exerting all the energy left in his body, he cradles the football in his arms. It was old and worn out. But it was special. It was the football Luhan gave him on his birthday on the year of their debut.

He looks around, nothing has changed. The net of the goal on the right side still had a huge hole on the corner. The lights of the lamp post near the stands in front of him was still flickering. Nothing. Nothing has changed.

But the empty spot beside him reminds him that even though everything else remains constant, it will never be the same. Not without Luhan by his side.

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Chapter 2: this pains me. it's so cute and so sad. i might cry.
Chapter 1: "Back to Minseok, where he used to belong."
Goshhhh this line killed me </3