
take me home
The scent of coffee makes Luhan dizzy. But there’s one that has a distinct fragrance that’s so strong, so strong that he feels himself gagging, suffocating even, with each breath he takes.

He found the beans in a box outside his apartment. A note attached to it with the hand writing he knew so well.

happy birthday lu, I hope you’re taking care of yourself

The moment he placed the beans in the grinder, the air in his apartment immediately changed. The memories lingered, waiting to be touched and relived in his head.

When he closes his eyes, he could almost feel the lingering touches on his cheeks, soft chapped lips on his own, and the strong arms around his waist.

But when he opens his eyes, there’s no one there but him. Because he had left the person that saw past the smiles and laughter. The person who didn’t ask why he was awake at two in the morning and instead just held him close and sang him to sleep. Leaving had hurt him so so so much. Because Luhan left him even though he promised him forever.

But what hurt the most was the fact that he didn't hold him back. He selflessly let him go. Because to him, Luhan’s happiness and health were more important than the hushed promises they had made.

The throbbing in Luhan’s head was persistent, but it wasn't enough to overshadow the dull ache in his chest.

And the scent of that coffee, their coffee. The coffee they discovered at a quaint little coffee shop tucked in the streets of Seoul. Its scent was painfully familiar, but it’s the one that takes him home.

Back to Minseok, where he used to belong.

note: luhan birthday fic

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Chapter 2: this pains me. it's so cute and so sad. i might cry.
Chapter 1: "Back to Minseok, where he used to belong."
Goshhhh this line killed me </3