Our Story
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"Finally," she sighed as let the grocery bags fall to the floor, her arms tired from carrying the load. "Is anyone home?" she called out into the emptiness of the house. Hearing movement from upstairs, she looked up to find her daughter peering down at her. 

"Hey mom. What's up?" Haeun asked. 

"Is your brother home? I need help carrying all of this to the kitchen," she pointed at the bags laying on the floor. 

"No, he's not home. I think he said something about hanging out with his friends or something when I saw him earlier today," Haeun informed as she descended down the stairs. Picking up some of the heavy bags, they made their way to the kitchen. 

"He didn't say anything to me about being home late today," Taeyeon said as she put away some of the groceries, leaving what she needed to make dinner. 

"Come on mom. We're both old enough to be out a little later than usual," she defended her brother. 

"That may be so but back in my day, we had curfews and if we were even a minute past curfew, we would be in big trouble," she informed, her lecturer tone on. 

"Yeah, but it's not like Dohyun and I are trainees for some entertainment company though. We're just normal teenagers mom."

She sighed. "I guess you're right. Sorry. I'm just sort of set in my ways I suppose," she apologised, a light smile on her face. 

"Being a trainee must be pretty tough, huh?" Haeun asked, as she began to help with the dinner preparation. 

"You have no idea. Hours of vocal lessons, then hours of dance practice. The weekly evaluations. It was pretty brutal. We would be lucky to even get a few hours of sleep," she explained, cutting up vegetables in the process.

"Wow. I guess it's lucky I didn't inherit singing skills from either you or dad," she laughed at herself. They both turned in the direction of the door when they heard it open and close. 

"I'm home!" came the call from the hall as footsteps were heard approaching the kitchen. "There are my two girls," Youngbae said as he entered and kissed both females on their cheeks. "Need some help?" he asked. 

"The more the merrier," Taeyeon said she handed the knife over to her husband so she could start on the other dishes. 

"So what were you two talking about?" he asked Haeun. 

"Mom was just telling me about how being a trainee was tiring," she informed her dad. "Was it the same for you?"

"Oh yeah. Ask anyone and they will tell you it was tough. I actually got cast into YG when I was 13 and trained for 5 years before we debuted. How long did you train for honey?" he called behind him, preoccupied with his task. 

"3 years," came the reply.

"Being a singer sounds hard," Haeun said. 

"It was, for sure. But it was worth it. Nothing in life comes easy sweetie. Especially the things that you want the most," he said wisely. They worked on dinner silently for a while, concentrating on their individual tasks. 

"So what happens next in your story?" Haeun asked out of the blue. 

"Oh, are you still interested?" 

"Of course I am. I've heard too much of the story to lose interest now," she said. 

"Alright, alright," he laughed as he held his hands up in defence. "You've heard my song 'Where U At' right?"

"Dad, I don't even want to imagine you as an idol, let alone listen to your songs..." Haeun started. 

"Wow. You really know how to hurt my feelings," he faked being hurt. "Well anyways, after our blind date, I had a new inspiration for music and my album production went a lot smoother," he started. 

The next morning, Youngbae found himself more motivated to complete his album then ever. Today he was scheduled to work on his music video for 'Where U At' and he was hoping that it would only take a day, two days maximum. He could't stop thinking about his date with Taeyeon and immediately checked his phone when he woke up to see if he had received anything from her. Receiving nothing but messages from his manager, he got up from his bed and made his way to the kitchen to eat breakfast. 

As per usual, he was the first to wake so he ate by himself before preparing for the day. He planned to tell Daesung and T.O.P later when he came back from filming if the other two were home. 

Arriving on set, he greeted the crew and made his way to makeup and costume, all the while checking his phone every few minutes in case he received something from her. Once filming was about to proceed, he took one last glance at his phone, only for it to be blank. With disappointment evident on his face, he started his filming. 

"You were upset with mom because she didn't send you a message the next morning? Wow. Talk about clingy," Haeun mumbled under her breath. 

"Hey, that's just how much I liked your mother okay? Although I probably wouldn't have admitted that to myself at the time," he said, more to himself than anyone else. 

"So how come you didn't message dad, mom?" she directed her question at her mother, who was still working on the soup. 

"I did! It took some convincing on your Aunt Seohyunnie's part, but I did!" she defeneded herself. 

The last day of their two day break started as expected from one of the busiest idol groups in the Korean music industry. Most of the SNSD members were still in bed, exhausted from their current promotions. The only member that was awake was the maknae, Seohyun, who was in the kitchen eating her breakfast while studying from her textbook. 

Hearing noise coming from the halls, her eyes moved in that direction, only to see Taeyeon walking in her direction. "Good morning unnie," she said as her eyes diverted back to her book. 

"Morning Seohyunnie," she replied whilst preparing breakfast for herself, not expecting any of the other girls to be awake so early. 

"What have you got planned today unnie?"

"Hm... I haven't made any plans for today, but I don't really feel like going out today. Maybe just a nice day in sounds good. What about you? Just studying?" she asked as she took a glance at the book Seohyun was reading. 

"Yes. Plus, I think I need to help Yuri unnie study for her college entrance exams as well."

By this time, Taeyeon had finished making herself breakfast as she sat down opposite Seohyun. As she began eating, she kept fiddling with her phone, looking at it anxiously every now and again.

This didn't go unnoticed by Seohyun though. "So... when are you going to message or call Taeyang sunbaenim?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and a small smile on her face.

Startled by the unexpected question, from Seohyun of all people, she hesitated. "Maybe I should wait a while. I don't want to seem too eager," she said even though her hand kept playing with her phone. Seohyun just smiled and shook her head at her unnie. "What? Why are you shaking your head?"

"No reason unnie. I just know that you're trying really hard not to call him right now," she said back while laughing. 

"Am I that obvious?" Taeyeon said. "I just want to talk to him again. We had so much fun last night. I mean, I did at least. I'm sure he did as well," Taeyeon rambled on, trying to convince her herself more than Seohyun. 

"Well if you're really curious, just send him a message and see what he says."

Nodding, Taeyeon lifted her phone and sent him a good morning message. 

Oppa! I just want to thank you again for last night! I had such a good time last night and I hope you did as well. Hopefully we get to see each other more often! 

"Don't you feel better now?" Seohyun asked. 

Taeyeon just smiled and continued eating her food. 

"You two sound like your were head over heels for each other," Haeun commented. 

"I had no idea your mother liked me that much that early on," he replied, walking over to his wife and kissing her gently on the cheek, a smile breaking out on her face. 

Taking a break after a few hours of continuous work, Youngbae plopped down in his chair, instantly checking his phone. A smile immediately graced his face as he read the message. 

Oppa! I just want to thank you again for last night! I had such a good time last night and I hope you did as well. Hopefully we get to see each other more often! 

He re-read the message over, the smile growing wider as he read it over and over again. Earlier when he was filming his video, he had been stiff and not motivated, but after reading the message, he felt like he could do anything. 

Taeyeon-ah! I'm so glad to hear from you. I had a great time last night as well. Yeah, hopefully we'll see more of each other. At least now we won't be awkward when seeing other at music programs or anything. haha.

He quickly sent the message, still having a few more minutes before he had to return to set. He took a sip of water from his bottle as some of the crew came to touch up his make up. Feeling his phone vibrate in his hands, he glanced down and smiled once again when he read its contents. 

Yeah oppa! When we do see other at schedules I'll be sure to come say hello to you instead of hiding away from you like a fangirl :P

He couldn't help but just adore her cuteness. Everything she did seemed to be so adorable to him. He heard the music video crew calling for him so he quickly sent another message before continuing his schedule. 

"You two totally sounded like you were smitten with each other," Haeun remarked, earning smiles from her parents. 

She didn't know where she found the courage to send messages to BIGBANG's Taeyang but after the first message and his playful response, she decided to do the same and just be herself. Seohyun noticed the ridiculously large smile on her unnie's face but decided to let her have her moment. 

His last message to her made her pout cutely but she was still happy that she was able to have this new connection with him. 

Haha. You're so cute Taeyeon-ah. But I actually need to go. I'm filming my new music video at the moment so it might take a few more hours. I'll talk to you afterwards! Bye!

She quickly sent one back before placing her phone back on the table and finishing her meal. 

Okay oppa! Hurry and finish! Fighting!

She still had the smile on her face as she got up from the table to put her dishes in the sink. By this time Yoona, Hyoyeon and Tiffany were awake and they saw the smile on her face as well, sending a questioning look to Seohyun. 

She just made a gesture with her hands raised above her head, imitating a faux hawk. Understanding what Seohyun was getting at, the girls immediately smiled and began singing Youngbae's solo debut song 'Only Look at Me' much to Taeyeon's surprise since she didn't know they were there. The teasing continued long into the day as Taeyeon's reactions to the members teasings were priceless. 

"Anyways, it didn't take long to shoot the music video and edit it so it was to be released a couple of weeks after filming..."

A few weeks had passed after then and the two had kept up their messaging, informing one another about their schedules and how everything was going. By this time, Youngbae's 'Where U At' music video was complete and the release was scheduled for midnight.

SNSD had gone back to their schedules, performing on music programs and appearing on multiple variety shows as well as radio broadcasts. 

After the completion of the 'Where U At' music video, Youngbae had gotten the praise and approval of his song 'Wedding Dress' from YG and he was preparing to film the music video for that as well, planning to release them only two weeks apart from each other.

He was nervous as he hadn't done any solo activities in a while, but Taeyeon's constant support had helped him tremendously. 

"Relax. It'll be fine," he heard as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and found Seunghyun hyung, giving his support as the minutes counted down to the music video release. 

When he had informed Seunghyun and Daesung about his blind date with Taeyeon he had expected them to endlessly about it, and they had of course, but they were still happy for him.

"I'm okay hyung. Just want to get it over and done with," he said as he lay back on his bed and threw a pillow over his face. 

"You'll be fine. It's a good song and the video is good. You have nothing to worry about," he comforted as he patted Youngbae on the leg once more before leaving his room. 

The other members were also present in the dorm, however they had decided to leave him alone since he would always act this way when his new music was being released. 

There was only a few minutes until the release and he still hadn't heard from Taeyeon, assuming that her schedule had gone on longer then she had said. 


He quickly looked at the caller ID and sighed with relief as he saw it was Taeyeon. 


"Oppa! I'm so sorry! We got held up at the radio station and I only just got home," she said with regret, knowing how stressed out he must have been.

"Ah... It's okay. It's not your fault. How was your schedule?" he asked, trying to get his mind off of the song release. 

"It was fine. We're all just tired. But all the girls are gathered around the computer now waiting for your video. Hyoyeon and Yuri are especially excited," she laughed. 

"Really? I'm happy they're excited, but I didn't hear you say you were excited," he pouted playfully. 

"Wah... I had no idea that BIGBANG's Taeyang had aegyo," she replied playfully. 

Youngbae just laughed into the phone. "Honestly, I don't have any aegyo. Apparently you just bring it out in me," he said honestly. 

"TAEYANG SUNBAENIM FIGHTING!" he heard through the phone, laughing as he heard the other SNSD members yelling support for him through the phone. 

"OH IT'S OUT! IT'S OUT!" he heard them yell as the phone went quiet. He only heard the sound of his song with the occasional cheer of exclamation. 

Then suddenly, "OH MY GOD!" 

Once that was said, all the other girls started congratulating him, saying it was going to be hit, how his dance moves were fantastic and that they wanted to learn them. They asked him about the strange ending and he just told them they would have to wait and see. 

"Hello? Oppa?" he heard after a while.

"Yeah, Taeyeon-ah."

"The other girls left so it's just me now."

"So what did you think?" he asked.

"It was great. I don't know why you were so stressed. I knew it was going to be amazing," she said sincerely. "But I'm really curious about the song at the end as well."

He laughed into the phone. "You said the other girls aren't with you at the moment right?"

"Yeah oppa. They went to their rooms to get ready for bed."

"Well since it's just you, I'll send you the audio file for the song."

"Really?!" she yelled.

"Shhhh. Only you can listen to it. Think of it as a present."

"Okay oppa! Please send it! Hurry!" she said, aegyo evident in her voice. After he sent it to her, he didn't hear from her for a few minutes until it ended. "Oppa, this is amazing. How did you come up with this?"

Hearing her call him amazing, he smiled the biggest smile he had ever done. "It just came into my head. I'm glad you like it Taeyeon-ah. Your opinion means a lot to me," he said, not realising he was making her blush on the other end of the phone. "Anyways, I'm sure you're exhausted from your activities. Get some sleep, okay? I don't want you to be tired because of me."

"Okay oppa. We'll talk tomorrow?" 

"Yeah, of course. How could I say no when you ask me like that?" he laughed. 

Taeyeon smiled into the phone and giggled. "Okay oppa. I'd better go. Good night. And congratulations again!" With that, they hung up, both smiling ear to ear. 

"Wait, wait, wait," they heard from the doorway as they turned to find Dohyun. "You're telling me all of this happened, the late night calls, messaging each other practically everyday, and you guys weren't even a couple yet?" he asked in disbelief. 

"We were only getting to know each other at the time. But I would be lying if I said I didn't have some sort of feelings for your father then," she blushed before straightening her apron. "And where have you been young man?" she directed her fierce gaze at her son, her hands on her hips in an intimidating manner. 

"I was just at Jungkook's house mom," he said tentatively, crumbling under her gaze. 

"Next time, ask me first. Or at least send me a text so I know where you are," she said sternly. 

"Geez. I'm old enough to go over to my friend's house without telling you," he said under his breath. He visibly flinched as he watched his mother approach him. He recoiled when she reached her hand back but calmed when she pulled him into a hug. 

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justcrazy #1
Chapter 14: Now im very curious
IamTheMarsian #2
Chapter 14: Couldn't believe...didn't believe that you updated! But this was a good teaser, and hopefully you update more frequently now :)
blanwi #3
Chapter 14: One of My favorites is back with a chapter! I really do enjoy reading your fanfic
Checkmate92 #4
Chapter 14: Woo. Update
IamTheMarsian #5
Chapter 12: Really enjoyed it and hopefully we'll be enlightened on what other 'fights' they had! Please update soon! ✌️✌
Rusty22 #6
Chapter 12: Wow jjang chapter!
Fkami63 #7
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update and wow MAMA with Bigbang and 2ne1 was just beautiful!
Foreverminho #8
Chapter 6: Finally u update... thanks for update, authornim... Hope u update soon
IamTheMarsian #9
You updated with another brilliant chapter! And new material!! I can't wait bro!
Keep it up! Author jjang :)))