Our Story
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"Seungri-ah, go and get us some more beers," Jiyong told him, randomly pointing in the direction of the kitchen. The guys were chuckling at the flustered maknae, who looked indignant at being told what to do in his own house. 


"Ah, relax Seungri-ah. I'll go get them," Youngbae chuckled as he got up off the couch and headed towards the kitchen. Walking in, he found the group of women laughing over some stories they were telling each other, at the same time playing with some of the kids. 

Forgetting about his task of getting beer for the guys, he crept up behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist, startling her slightly. 

"You scared me honey," she scolded him, slapping his chest playfully. "What are you doing?"

He just smiled and leaned in to kiss her. "The guys wanted some more beer so I came to get it."

"You're not drinking, are you?" she asked worriedly, forcing his mouth open and sniffing his breath. 

"Relax baby. If I drank, how are we supposed to get home, huh?" he asked, lifting up the glass of wine that was next to them, presumably hers. He raised an eyebrow at her, causing her to giggle and lean her forehead on his chest. "Had a few too many, did we?" he asked her, again receiving a giggle in response. 

"She had like two glasses oppa," Tiffany informed him. 

"Yeah, two glasses too many apparently," he laughed. "Here. Sit down, okay? I'll be back in a second," he told her as he helped her into one of the chairs by the dining table. Walking back towards the fridge, he pulled out several bottles of beer and delivered them to the guys lounging around in the living room. 

"Hyung! Where are you going?" Seungri called out after taking a sip of his beer and finding his hyung walking back towards the kitchen. 

"The wife needs me," was all he said before he sent a wink at the guys as they started jeering him and making whipping sounds. He just smirked back and made his way to the kitchen, pulling a chair up beside his wife. "You okay, baby?" he asked.

"Hmmm... couldn't be better," she smiled as she leaned into him, kissing him on the bottom of his jaw. 

"Yeah, that's what I thought," he chuckled as he hugged her to his side, rubbing her back soothingly.

They sat there for some time, laughing and smiling at some of the stories they were telling each other. Feeling his pant leg being pulled he turned to his side to find an adorable three year old Yebin with her arms outstretched towards him. "Hey there Yebinie," he cooed, removing his arm from around his wife and lifting the little girl into his arms. "How are you my princess?" he asked, placing kisses all over her face, causing her to giggle endlessly. 

"Good!" she said cutely, inciting more laughter from the women. 

"Yebinie, how come you like your Uncle Youngbae more than your other uncles?" Tiffany asked with a small smile on her face. 

She just shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her small arms around his neck, hugging him tighter. Taeyeon cooed and made silly faces at the young girls causing her to giggle with mirth. Feeling a tapping on his shoulder, he turned to find Hyunyoung smiling at him and his daughter as well. "Hey there, Hyunyoungie. How are you?" he asked kindly, his eyes forming the shapes of crescents.

"I'm good Uncle Youngbae. Can you tell me that story about you and Aunt Taeyeon again?" she asked, her arms behind her back and her feet twisting shyly. 

"What story?" Hyoyeon asked, swirling her glass of wine in her hands. 

"Are you still telling the kids about you and Taeyeonie?" Tiffany asked. 

"Hmmm... We haven't really gotten that far into the story yet," Taeyeon said with a smile, still playing with Yebin. 

"Feels like you've been telling it for ages though," Dohyun grumbled under his breath when he walked into the kitchen with Jungkook. 

"Yah, just because we tell the story doesn't mean you have to listen," Youngbae raised his eyebrow at his son. "Oh, by the way Dohyunie," he called out, getting the attention of his son. "Some people at YG told me they saw you taking a girl around on a tour," he started, causing some of the women to laugh and Dohyun to grow red in the face. "If you keep showing attitude, I'm going to take away your access card."

"Wow oppa. Who knew you were this strict," Yuri laughed at the red faced Dohyun, who was now being teased by the other kids. 

Youngbae and Taeyeon took a few minutes to catch up the rest of them on where they were up to, skimming over the story roughly. "Anyways, we had been out of contact for a while after that whole incident..."

It had been a few weeks since they last talked to one another and things had started to change for them one by one. The day after Youngbae had messaged her, his new song 'Wedding Dress' had been released and he would be promoting his two pre-release singles, as well as working on album. 

He had finally gotten some burden off of his shoulders but it was still hard for him to be happy. Although he was happy that people seemed to enjoy his music, the only person that he wanted to hear from was the one person he had pushed away. He had spent countless hours just staring at his phone, waiting for a message or call from her, but still he heard nothing. 

After the news about Taeyeon was publicised by the media, SM Entertainment had released a statement stating that the person in the photo was merely a close friend of hers and nothing more, asking that people don't misinterpret the photo as anything more.

The response was mixed of course. Most netizens didn't accept the statement but many supported it since they didn't want to believe that Taeyeon was with someone. Weeks had passed and the 'scandal' had slowly died down until she was finally able to resume her activites as the leader of SNSD.

While Youngbae was busily preparing his album, Taeyeon had found a niche in the entertainment industry as a radio DJ, as well as a host of a few variety shows. Not only that but SNSD had been incredibly busy with their group and individual activies as well. Although her body was tired, it helped her get her mind off of Youngbae and what had happened between the two not too long ago. 

"DJ Taengoo in the house!" Seungri called out loudly as the guys filed into the kitchen area. 

"Oppa, you're too loud," Seohyun scolded, hitting him on the arm. 

"You guys are still talking about this?" Jiyong asked as he wrapped his arms around his wife. "Our story is so much more interesting," he mumbled into her ear, earning a smile from her. 

"Yah oppa. It's our time. The kids want to hear our story," Taeyeon grumbled playfully, sticking out her lower lip as the girls jeered and threw some crackers and biscuits at her display of aegyo. 

"Anyways, like we were saying, before that kid rudely interrupted," she pointed to Seungri," oppa's new song was about to come out..."

There was only a few minutes until midnight when his new single would be released and the girls of SNSD were impatiently waiting for it. All the girls except for Taeyeon that is. She knew that all the girls were in the living room but she decicded to stay in her room. 

"Oh yeah! I remember that. Taeyeonie was sulking because we wanted to hear the new song and she was upset that we were 'betraying' her," Sunny said, causing everyone to laugh and Taeyeon to cover her face in embarassment. 

They hadn't spoken to each other for more than half a year since their incident together. He hadn't tried to call or message her after that and she felt like to him, she just wasn't worth it. So she wanted nothing to do with him. If he wasn't willing to make the effort to reconcile than she wouldn't either.

"How come you didn't call Aunt Taeyeon, Uncle Bae?" Hyunyoung asked as the kids had now found seats either on the floor or on their parents laps. 

"Well... it wasn't like I didn't want to. Honestly, I had called her a bunch of times and had hung up before the phone could ring," he confessed embarassingly. 

"There's the Youngbae we know," Seunghyun chuckled, the other guys laughing at his expense as well. 

'I should probably go to sleep. Why am I still awake anyways?',  she thought to herself as she stood up to turn the light off. However, as she reached the door, she heard her phone vibrate on her bedside table. 'Who would be messaging me this late at night?' she thought as she left the light on and walked back to get her phone. 

Unlocking her phone, her eyes widened and she gasped when she saw who the message was from. Youngbae oppa. Fingers trembling slightly due to her nervousness and trepidation, she opened the message and read its contents. 

Taeyeon-ah. I know it's been a while since we've last spoken. Have you been well? I've been following your activities well and I'm really happy that you and your members are achieving so much success. I'm truly happy for you.

I don't know if you know this or not, but my new song and album will be released soon and I just wanted to tell you that you were a really big inspiration for me. And I don't want you to misunderstand if you choose to watch the music video. 

You probably won't reply to this message, but know that I'm really happy for you. Please make sure to eat all your meals and be healthy. 

"Omo, that's so touching," Tiffany swooned, placing her hands over her heart. "Why can't you be romantic like that?" she scolded her husband, glaring at him. 

"Um... because I'm a man?" Seunghyun said before a few of the women scolded him and hit him upside the head. "Aish, this always happens. Youngbae does something 'romantic' and the rest of us get scolded for not being romantic enough," he grumbled under his breath, the other males in the room nodding their agreement. 

"I'm not even sorry," Youngbae laughed, kissing his wife and little Yebin on cheek. 

"Aish. Even my little girl has taken Youngbae's side..." Seunghyun grumbled again, causing those around him to laugh.

When she finished reading the message, she couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed by her emotions. Even though they hadn't talked in such a long time, he was still being so considerate and thoughtful. Wiping the few tears that had managed to escape her eyes, she stood up from her bed and went outside to the living room. 

The other girls had managed to connect one of the laptops into the television in order to watch the video more clearly. They were all facing the screen so none of them noticed her as she stood behind the couch, patiently waiting for them to start it.

She stood as Yuri brought up the screen on YG Entertainment's homepage, showing two different versions of the video. 

"There's two versions?" Sunny asked. 

"Let's just watch one first. Hurry!" Yoona pestered from her seat on the floor. Yuri quickly clicked the link and sat back to watch. The screen showed Youngbae and eventually 2NE1's Sandara Park showed up as well. 

"Wah... Dara unnie looks so pretty," Jessica admired as they continued to watch. Then a scene of him shirtless came on the screen and all the members screamed. Tiffany, Hyoyeon and Jessica who were sitting on the couch heard a scream from behind them and turned to find Taeyeon there. 

"Oh, I didn't know you were there," Tiffany said. 

"Omo! Dara unnie is so lucky," Sooyoung said as she was mesmerised by the video. 

"Well that sounds about right. The first time he took his shirt off at a concert and girls were screaming, it was like he was allergic to shirts after that," Jiyong joked, causing everyone, even the kids to laugh.

Watching the scene unfold in front of her, her mind was somewhat blank. Thinking back to the message that he had sent her a few moments ago, a smile broke out onto her face when she remembered he said that she was the inspiration for his song. She continued to watch the interaction between him and Sandara Park, admitting that she did feel a little bit jealous of her. Thinking back on his message again, she now understood why he said not to misunderstand the video.

More screams were heard when Jiyong suddenly appeared on the screen. 

"Omo! I didn't know he was going to be in this song," Hyoyeon said as she was fangirling. 

"As expected," Jiyong smirked before his wife pulled his ear.

Taeyeon continued to watch and listen as Jiyong's part was over and Youngbae sang the bridge. However her mind was a bit cloudy at that moment. A lyric that Jiyong had rapped was floating through her mind. She remembered when they were at the park and Youngbae was teasing her about liking him.  


"Based on your reaction, I'm hoping you like me too?" he teased as he nudged his shoulder into hers, causing more giggles to escape from her. 

"Aing... I don't know," she said, still covering her face with her hands. 


After hearing Jiyong rap this line, she was certain that Youngbae was truthful that this song was inspired by her, the smile on her face growing wider. When the video ended, most of the girls turned to see her reaction and they saw the smile on her face. 

"You liked it that much Taeyeon-ah?" Sunny teased. 

"I'm shocked she's not jealous of Dara unnie," Sooyoung said. 

"She's totally daydreaming about Taeyang sunbaenim now," Yoona laughed. Yuri quickly clicked on the next video that said 'dance version' next to it. 

"Oh! Now I can learn the dance," Hyoyeon said excitedly as she bounced in her seat, the other girls started trying to imitate the dance. When the bridge of the song came on again, Taeyeon listened because she was too consumed in her thoughts before to listen to the lyrics. 

Make my heart race again

Make me able to create sweet songs again

You know 

Don't need no more

It's not like that

You're the person I want to give my heart too

Girl... I need a girl

Girl like you, gotta make you mine

I'mma treat you right baby

"Ahh that was such a good song," Sunny said wistfully with a smile on her face. 

When the chorus started for the last time, the smile on her face was starting to hurt. She felt like her feelings for Youngbae were reigniting, her doubts about his feelings towards her disappearing when she heard the lyrics to his song. 

"Wah... Now I'm jealous of both Dara unnie and Taeyeon unnie..." Yoona said from her position on the floor. 

"Yah! Why would you be jealous when you have me now?" Jiyong asked indignantly, taking his arms away from Yoona and crossing them over his chest. 

She just shrugged her shoulders and sent him a smirk. "Honestly, I'm still jealous of Taeyeon unnie now," she said, inciting more laughing from everyone else. 

The other girls saw the smile on her face and continued to . 

"Yah, yah. Alright, let's all get to bed. We still have schedules tomorrow," she directed, her hands firmly on her hips. She watched them file one by one to their rooms, grumbling about her bossiness. Once everyone was ready for bed, she quietly made her way to the living room again and sat on the couch with her phone in her hand, mentally debating whether or not she should send him a message.

'Maybe I should congratulate him on his upcoming album release? I do really miss him...'

"Oh, that's right! I remember that night. After we went to our rooms, we saw you going back to the living room and we snuck out to spy on you," Yuri laughed, hugging Hyunyoung to her.

While Taeyeon was lost in her own world, the other girls had snuck out of bed and were in the hallway watching her carefully. 

"What do you think she's doing?" Yuri whispered to the others as she peeked her head a

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Don't mind the updates guys. Sorry. I'm just fixing them up a bit


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justcrazy #1
Chapter 14: Now im very curious
IamTheMarsian #2
Chapter 14: Couldn't believe...didn't believe that you updated! But this was a good teaser, and hopefully you update more frequently now :)
blanwi #3
Chapter 14: One of My favorites is back with a chapter! I really do enjoy reading your fanfic
Checkmate92 #4
Chapter 14: Woo. Update
IamTheMarsian #5
Chapter 12: Really enjoyed it and hopefully we'll be enlightened on what other 'fights' they had! Please update soon! ✌️✌
Rusty22 #6
Chapter 12: Wow jjang chapter!
Fkami63 #7
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update and wow MAMA with Bigbang and 2ne1 was just beautiful!
Foreverminho #8
Chapter 6: Finally u update... thanks for update, authornim... Hope u update soon
IamTheMarsian #9
You updated with another brilliant chapter! And new material!! I can't wait bro!
Keep it up! Author jjang :)))