Our Story
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"I'm so glad you two could come over. It's really been too long," she said as she sipped her tea and watched as her husband played with the kids in the backyard.

"Yeah, it has. We need to get all the girls together and go on a spa day or something," Tiffany said. She looked over at her children as they played with their friends, smiling happily. "Youngbae oppa's so good with the kids," she said wistfully as they turned to see Youngbae being tackled to the ground.

Taeyeon smiled, watching her husband rough housing with the kids. It was rare for him to be this carefree these days with work piling up at YG for him and Jiyong. 

"So what's new?" Yuri asked, buttering her scone. 

"Well actually, Haeunie asked me about how Youngbae oppa and I met the other night."

"Really? She always gets this look on her face whenever you guys kiss or hug though," Tiffany said back. 

"Yeah, that's because those two are the mushiest people I know," Yuri said, causing them to laugh. "So what have you told her so far? About the blind date that I was supposed to go on?" Yuri asked with mirth in her voice. 

"No, I haven't gotten to that part yet. Actually, since you're here, maybe you could tell them. You know this part better than me anyways," she said as she waved over her husband and the kids. "Oppa! I just washed this shirt for you and you've already gotten it dirty," she scolded him with a slap on the arm. 

"Hey, don't blame me. It's Jungkookie's fault for tackling me," he said as he pulled Jungkook, Tiffany's eldest son, into a headlock. 

"Hey! Let him go dad!" Dohyun yelled as the three of them started to wrestle each other again. 

The three mother's just shook their heads. "It's like I married a five year old," Taeyeon said exasperatedly as she rubbed her eyes, causing all the girls to laugh. "Anyways, we called you girls over because we want to continue that story I was telling you the other night before you fell asleep on me," she said as the girls gathered around the table. 

"What story Auntie Taeyeon?" Hyunyoung, Yuri's youngest daughter, asked. 

"About how that five year old you call Uncle Youngbae and I met," she said, causing them to laugh more. "Anyways, the next part, your mother can tell."

"Right, well..."


The beginning of BIGBANG's Sunset Glow could be heard throughout the photoshoot studio, as the girls turned to look at the source of the noise. 

"Unnie, you've still got that song as your ringtone?" Yoona asked with a raised eyebrow as the other girls awaited the response. 

"What? It's a catchy song! I know you guys love it as well!" Yuri defended as she looked at the caller ID to see who was calling her. "Jihye unnie? I wonder what she wants," she mumbled just loud enough for her members to hear. 

"Jihye unnie?!? Ask her when she can give us another class!" shouted Sunny from her seat next to Hyoyeon and Seohyun.

"Hello?" she answered the phone. 

"Hello? Yuri-ah. It's Jihye! How are you?!"

"Unnie! I'm great! It's so great to hear from you. It's been too long! We miss you! When can we come to your studio again? The others really want to go as well!"

"It's great to hear from you as well! Let me know when you girls are free and I'll make time for you guys!" she said laughing.

"Well I'll have to check my schedule but I'll have to get back to you on that cause we're actually at a photoshoot at the moment to endorse some product."

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were busy. I'll just call back later okay?"

"No, no, no. It's okay! You actually called while we were taking a break!" she said with a smile as her members smiled at her as well. "Anyways, why the sudden call unnie?"

"Do I need an excuse to call my friend?" she said while chuckling. "But I acutally do have a favour to ask you," she said sheepishly, laughing that she had been caught by Yuri. 

Yuri, herself, let out a chuckle. "I know you too well unnie! But what's the favour? I'm happy to help if I can!"

"Yes! I knew I could count on you!" she said triumphantly with a chuckle. "Anyways, I have this friend that's sort of been stuck in a rut lately. He's been really into his work and hasn't really done anything fun or anything else to be honest. Some of the other girls and I are a bit worried about him. So I was wondering if you would like to meet him?" she asked with hopefullness in her voice. 

"Wow unnie. From the way you described him, I can't wait to meet him. He sounds like the life of the party," Yuri stated sarcastically.

By this point, the other SNSD members had gone back to chatting between themselves, leaving her to talk to Jihye privately. They still had another fifteen minutes before the photoshoot crew were ready for their next section.

"Aish... I probably shouldn't have said that, huh? But seriously, you're such a bright person and so much fun to be around that I know that you can get my friend out of his funk! You were the first person I thought of when I was thinking about this!"

"Well... who is he?"

"That's the catch! It's a blind date!" she said enthusiastically.

"Now I'm even more reluctant about this idea unnie," Yuri said, as she was getting less and less convinced about meeting her unnie's friend. 

"I promise you, you won't regret it Yuri-ah! Look, you don't have to think of it as a date! You can just think of it as meeting a new friend! What do you say? Help your unnie out?" she said with a hint of aegyo. 

"Alright. I suppose just meeting him couldn't hurt, right?" she agreed reluctantly.

"Awesome! You really are the best Yuri-ah! I owe you one!" she said enthusiastically. "When you're finished with your schedules for today, tell me when you're free and I'll set up the date! I mean meeting! Also, he doesn't want anyone else to know so maybe just keep this to yourself for the time being okay?"

"Okay unnie. I'll message you tonight when I'm home. Bye!" and with that they ended their phone call. She got up for her seat and approached the rest of her members who were joking around waiting for the set crew to call them.

Seohyun, the ever observant maknae was the first to notice Yuri approaching them. "What did Jihye unnie want, unnie?"

As she was about to divulge her conversation to her members, she remembered Jihye unnie asking her to keep this little arrangement a secret, at least for the time being anyways. "She was just asking about when we were free to meet some of her dancer friends. They wanted to meet us." She thought that was a pretty good excuse for something that she just thought up. 

"WE'RE READY FOR YOU NOW GIRLS!" one of the crew members called them at that moment. And with that Yuri's conversation with Jihye slipped the minds of the other girls as they prepared to complete the photoshoot so they could go back to their dorm for some much needed rest. 

"Wait... I'm confused. What has this got to do with you and dad though?" Haeun asked, not quite understanding the point of the story. 

"That, I can help explain," Youngbae said, as he finally got up off the ground, his shirt now dirtier than before. 

"Omo! Oppa! Look what you did to your shirt! You are so dead," Taeyeon said as she got up and proceed to chase him around the garden. 

"They're so embarassing. Oh my god," Haeun mumbled to herself as she buried her face in her hands. 

"They're cute Haeunie. You shouldn't be embarassed that they still love each other so much," Tiffany said as she gently placed her hand on the young girl's hand. 

"I'm not embarassed that they love each other. That I'm really envious about. But if they could avoid expressing it in front of me that would be great," she said. 

"OPPA!!!" They all turned to the sound of the scream as they saw Youngbae and Taeyeon rolling around on the grass. After a few minutes Youngbae piggybacked her back to her seat, a sheepish smile on his face. 

"You know, for an old man, you're still quite active oppa," Yuri said teasingly. 

"Old man? I'll have you know the kids at YG still ask me for dancing lessons," he said as he exaggeratingly puffed out his chest. 

"Give it a rest old man," Dohyun said to his dad before receiving a slap to the back of his head. 

"Um... You were telling us what Aunt Yuri's blind date had to do with you guys?" Haeun asked, trying to get everyone back on track.

"Right. Sorry, I got a little distracted," Youngbae said as he took a seat and pulled his wife onto his lap. "Well, it was around late 2009 and I was preparing my first full length solo album..."

"Noona, I really don't know about this. You know I don't really have any dating experience and I could only imagine how awkward it's going to be for your friend," he told her, hoping to get out of this situation that he'd manage to find himself in. 

He was understandably nervous, considering the fact that this would be the first time he would attend such a meeting. He was currently in the preparations for his solo comeback and he had delved into his prepartions wholeheartedly, spending most of his time either in his dorm, the recording studio, the dance studio or the gym where he could relieve his stress.

Because of this, many people within YG had seen the level of stress that was consuming him and some had even worried about him. So one day, Jihye, one of the dancers for CRAZY expressed her worries to him, and although he had assured her that he was doing fine, she insisted that he go and meet one of her friends that would hopefully help him get out of his music funk that he seemed to be experiencing lately. 

"Youngbae-ah, you really haven't been yourself lately! I'm worried about you! It's not just me either, but others are starting to worry about you too. Just go and meet my friend and you'll have a good time. You don't even have to think of it as a date! Just think of it as me introducing you to one of my friends! I've done it before, haven't I?"

From Youngbae's perspective, it seemed like she wouldn't give up on this topic so he began to contemplate whether or not he should just go on this blind date just to appease her. After all, she had been an old friend of his for a long time. 

Letting out an audible sigh, "When and where?" he spoke as he hung his head and closed his eyes. He could hear a high pitched sqeual and the sound of shuffling feet as he was engulfed in a tight hug. 

"You so won't regret this. You'll probably be thanking me actually," she said with a large smile on her face as she released him from the hug. "Yah, stop looking so sad about this! This is a great opportunity for you to meet someone and get your head away from music for a while. Just have a good time and relax! I know she'll be happy to see you," she said as she hit his chest playfully. 

"Who is it?" 

"Well if I told you that, that would just defeat the purpose of calling it a blind date, wouldn't it?" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Fine. But don't tell anyone else, okay? I don't want the guys teasing me about this. Especially the maknae. If he found out about this, I'm sure he'll spill it so the whole country knows."

"You don't have to worry about that. If you guys want others to know about it, you can tell people yourselves. Anyways, I've got to get going but I'll message you about the time and place, okay?" she said as she started to leave.

"Alright noona. I'll see you later."

Once Jihye left, he began to wonder if that many people were actually worried about him and the way he had been acting lately. He had to admit that he hadn't been out lately, whether it was with s or friends. Maybe meeting someone new would be a good change of pace for him.

Adorning a smile on his face, he actually began to anticipate who he would be meeting in the near future. 

"You had your first date when you were like 20? Wow," Dohyun said under his breath, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Hey, I still managed to marry the most beautiful woman in the world," Youngbae said as he kissed his wife on the cheek. 

"Oh my god, please stop. Can you just tell us the rest of the story please? I'm starting to feel ill," Haeun mumbled, covering her face with her hands. 

"Wait. I still don't understand," Hyunyoung said. "So you and Uncle Youngbae went on a blind date?" she directed the question to her mother. 

"Well that was originally the plan but it didn't turn out that way," Yuri told her daughter. 

Over the past few days since they had been told about the blind date, both had been more and more curious about who they had been set up with. Youngbae, because he was told the girl he would be meeting was someone that was fun and outgoing. Yuri, because she wanted to know who was supposedly down in the dumps and needed a new friend. 

Both had maintained the secrecy of the blind date from their members up until that point, however there was a complication that would lead to one party breaking that promise. 

"I don't feel so good...", Yuri coughed as she tried to sit up in her bed, only to fall back against her pillows. She placed her hand on her forehead and felt a high temperature. "Great. I haven't been sick all year, but I had to be sick today?" she mumbled to herself as she finally managed to sit up. 

At that moment, her roommate Yoona walked into their shared room. "Oh unnie, you're awake? Omo! Unnie, you look awful! Are you okay?" she exclaimed as she rushed to her roommates side and checked her temperature. "You're totally burning up! Wait here. I'll go get Taeyeon unnie!"

Before Yuri could even get a word out, Yoona was already out the door, coming back moments later with Taeyeon, Seohyun, Hyoyeon and Sunny in tow. They all rushed to her side to check if she was okay, making a fuss loud enough to wake up several of the other members as well. 

"Looks like you've come down with something," Taeyeon mumbled to herself. "Luckily we don't have any schedules for the next couple of days."

"I'm fine unnie. Really. You don't have to worry about me. I'm sure I can just shake this off." The moment she finished her sentence she immediately let loose a coughing fit. 

"Fine huh?" Sunny sarcastically remarked. 

"I'll go make some soup for you unnie," Seohyun said as she rushed to the kitchen.

All of the other girls began to file out of the room as well to go assist their maknae, leaving just Taeyeon in the room with Yuri, telling her to rest more until the food was ready for her. As she was getting up to leave the room, she felt Yuri grab her hand lightly. 

"I sort of have a confession to make unnie," Yuri said sheepishly, only receiving a questioning look in return.

Yuri took a few moments to compose herself before finally talking. "The other day, when we were at the photoshoot and Jihye unnie called me, she actually was calling me to ask for a favour, not just to see when we were free."

"Oh. Okay. So what was the favour she wanted from you? And how come you're only telling me this now?"

"She told me to keep it a secret from you guys. But she asked me if I could go on a blind date with one of her friends. She said that he wasn't being himself lately and that he needed to get out or something. So she asked me," Yuri explained. 

Taeyeon, however, was only getting more confused. "You said no, right?"

"I did at first but she was really persistent about it, so I said yes in the end. After thinking about it for a bit, I was actually looking forward to the date, but Iook at me now," she said as she gestured to her congested nose and warm forehead. 

"So are you going to call Jihye unnie and tell her that you're sick and won't be able to make it?"

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I don't want to cancel last minute because she said her friend wasn't doing too well at the moment. So I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, you could go in my place tonight instead?" she pleaded as she held Taeyeon's hand, with just a hint of sad eyes to try and persuade her.

"W-What?" The look on her face said it all.

"Please unnie! You'll be doing me a big favour. You don't even have to think of it as a date. You never know. You might even meet your future husband!" Yuri with a wink.

"I can't believe you're trying to drag me into this."

"Please unnie! I'll totally owe you one," she pleaded. 

"Yeah, and I can add that one

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Don't mind the updates guys. Sorry. I'm just fixing them up a bit


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justcrazy #1
Chapter 14: Now im very curious
IamTheMarsian #2
Chapter 14: Couldn't believe...didn't believe that you updated! But this was a good teaser, and hopefully you update more frequently now :)
blanwi #3
Chapter 14: One of My favorites is back with a chapter! I really do enjoy reading your fanfic
Checkmate92 #4
Chapter 14: Woo. Update
IamTheMarsian #5
Chapter 12: Really enjoyed it and hopefully we'll be enlightened on what other 'fights' they had! Please update soon! ✌️✌
Rusty22 #6
Chapter 12: Wow jjang chapter!
Fkami63 #7
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update and wow MAMA with Bigbang and 2ne1 was just beautiful!
Foreverminho #8
Chapter 6: Finally u update... thanks for update, authornim... Hope u update soon
IamTheMarsian #9
You updated with another brilliant chapter! And new material!! I can't wait bro!
Keep it up! Author jjang :)))