Our Story
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How are you going folks? It's been a long time, huh? I doubt many people are going to read this but I might as well put it out. Sorry about the extended leave. I don't know what happened. I just seemed to lose my motivation to write anything. This'll actually be my first chapter upload for any of my stories in 2016, which is closing in a about a week hahaha.

Anyways, before you read this chapter I should note that this isn't Chapter 8 or a continuation from the last chapter you read (Chapter 7). Chapter 8 has been in draft mode for sometime but I'm struggling with it a bit cause I'm not really all that good when it comes to fluff. I think I'm a lot better at angst and hence why this chapter is coming out.

For now, I'm just going to call this chapter 12 for the time being until I can fill in the gaps. But I just wanted to get something out for you guys as well as ease my conscious. Anyways enjoy. It's just a short one but I hope you like it. Any feedback would be great.


"Hey dad."

"Hey princess. Everything alright?" he asked, looking up from his laptop.

"I just... There's something that's been bothering me lately... and I just..." she trailed off, not sure if she could broach the topic with her father.

"Well, come here. You know you can tell me anything. What's been bothering you?" he asked, shutting his laptop and putting it aside, as well as gesturing for her to take a seat next to him on the couch.

She hesitantly sat next to him, seeing his expectant face looking back at her.

"So? What's been bothering you? It's not another boy issue, is it?" he looked at her warily.

She just giggled at his antics. "No, dad. Relax, would you? I'm not dating anyone and I don't think I want to at the moment."

"Well, that's good to hear. That 'at the moment' is worrisome though," he said, causing his daughter to giggle even more.

She hesitated a few more moments before she couldn't hold it in any longer. "Do you... do you remember a little while ago, you guys were telling us your story about the time you guys fought?"

"Oh, you mean that little misunderstanding we had?"

"Yeah, that. But I remember after that, when we asked you if you'd actually had any major fights, you and mom became really awkward," she said tentatively, seeing the way her father started to react.

"Oh... um... why are you asking about that suddenly?" he asked, totally flustered by the topic.

"I know it's not really something that you guys would be comfortable talking about, but the way you acted, it just got me really curious. I mean, whatever it was, you guys overcame it and look at you now. I figure it would be better to ask you about it individually rather than together," she shrugged, hoping it would convince him.

"Well..." he rubbed the back of his neck, totally uncomfortable with the current situation. "It's not really a time in my life that I look back at fondly."

"I understand that dad, but didn't you once tell me, everything you've been through, all the good and all the bad ultimately make you who you are?"

Youngbae rubbed his eyes tiredly but a wry smile grew on his face. "Talk about making me eat my own words," he laughed.

"Is it okay if you tell me about it?" she asked hesitantly. 

"I guess it'll be okay..."

After almost a year of non-stop touring, the Alive tour was finally over and the boys were happy to be home and resting. It was their first ever world tour and with multiple concert every week, the fatigue had finally gotten to them. With the end of their final concerts in Seoul, they now had time to themselves to rest and recuperate.

For Youngbae though, he was back in the studio. You never know when inspiration hit and his was now. His relationship with Taeyeon over the past year had consisted of late night phone calls and the occasional video call when they were both free, which was very rarely. 

While BIGBANG was abroad with their tour, SNSD had been continuously busy throughout the year. From debuting their very first sub-unit to acting and variety shows, it was non-stop for the girls as well. It was hard to find time for each other, but they somehow made it work.

Even now, when the BIGBANG members were free, with the release of SNSD's latest album and their promotional cycle in full swing, it was hard to find time to spend with each other.

"So you guys spent almost a year away from each other, and when you were finally done with your world tour, mom and the aunties were too busy for you guys to see one another?"

"Yeah, pretty much. The scheduling wasn't fantastic but that can't really be helped."

"So what did you do then? Just relax at home?"

"Partially, yeah. But I was also mostly in the recording studio. During the tour, I spent a lot of time writing songs and meeting with a bunch of different producers that I thought could help me on my next solo album. I knew that being away from your mother was tough and I wanted to try and make it up to her by writing songs that described how I felt about her and how much she meant to me," he explained.

"That's actually really romantic dad," his daughter smiled at him. "Is it one of these albums up here?" she asked, getting up off the couch and looking through the albums displayed on the shelves.

"That's the thing Haeun. That album never got released..." he trailed off awkwardly.

"What? What do you mean?" she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "I thought you just said you had spent a bunch of time working on it?"

"Yeah, well, this is where we hit our only major speed bump."

"How's everything going with you girls? It feels like everytime I turn on the television, one of you girls is on," he chuckled into the phone.

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Don't mind the updates guys. Sorry. I'm just fixing them up a bit


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justcrazy #1
Chapter 14: Now im very curious
IamTheMarsian #2
Chapter 14: Couldn't believe...didn't believe that you updated! But this was a good teaser, and hopefully you update more frequently now :)
blanwi #3
Chapter 14: One of My favorites is back with a chapter! I really do enjoy reading your fanfic
Checkmate92 #4
Chapter 14: Woo. Update
IamTheMarsian #5
Chapter 12: Really enjoyed it and hopefully we'll be enlightened on what other 'fights' they had! Please update soon! ✌️✌
Rusty22 #6
Chapter 12: Wow jjang chapter!
Fkami63 #7
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update and wow MAMA with Bigbang and 2ne1 was just beautiful!
Foreverminho #8
Chapter 6: Finally u update... thanks for update, authornim... Hope u update soon
IamTheMarsian #9
You updated with another brilliant chapter! And new material!! I can't wait bro!
Keep it up! Author jjang :)))