Chapter 4

I was never your first choice ain't?




She was having fun throughout the dinner with Joong; True enough, they share their fair share rumours of being classified as a couple but they certainly knew that they are keeping their friendship as friendship definitely last for lifetime instead of relationship which serve as invisible tied towards each other;

He made her felt different from the moments she had with that mob corn face jerk right from beginning;

Joong was taking pictures of them acting silly when she heard another commotion at the entrance of the restaurant;

“Miss, please be considerate you are causing the other customer to be uncomfortable” a man dress in tux whom probably is the manager stood right at the podium;

“You are being bias towards me huh?” she jerked on angrily towards the manager;

Bom growl, right at the moment she paid attention to the source of the noise it was actually that ! Seriously doesn’t she had better things to do or better plans to made with her beloved boyfriend instead of appearing to be stalking her? Pff!

Joong seem to notice the commotion “Let’s go” he mutter tugging her arms along, there are using the back door;

For once she felt thrilled at the sight of the city at night; They are driving around the city, she watch the busy people walking across the roads, some were rushing, some were talking on the phone;

“This is fun!” she smiles looking over at the driver side;

“Ah, it sure does! I’d bring you to ferries wheel next trip alright?” he chuckled and drove her back to the girls’ dorm;

She wave and watch his car till out of her sight, content.

She was about to climb up the stairs right along to her dorm, she bumped against something hard; or someone;

Shoot! Why am I being so clumsy lately? She secretly yelled in her brain preparing to apologise;

“Sorry” her gaze turns into a frown when she realised it was him;

“Careful Bom” she flinched at his deep voice;

“Are you free to talk with me?” a sudden request blurt out from him, she mentally curse herself for bumping into him moments ago;

“I’m tired”

“For the sake of accompanying your lonely family members while?” he pleads;

She nodded with much force and followed his trail after;


He is torn in between Hyori and her; Why does she seems and sounds bitter with Hyori around?;

He nodded as a sign of assurance as his signal her to take a seat at his couch;

“Well, there is something strange going on between you and Hyori?”

He sense her flinched at the mention of Hyori;

“Nothing particular”

“She has been complaining on how you guys treated her and yet here I thought you would see her differently” whatever it is he is determine to get his answer tonight and solve all the mystery between the two women whom holds equals position in his heart, well maybe more to her but  he doesn’t want Hyori bad mouth about her all the time;


Pff, what the corn is it with this guy begging to be accompany yet it was all a scheme to protect his beloved girlfriend of his right at my face?;

She maintain her poker face, something she had perfectly capable of all these years seeing them together does trained her to be better;

“Sorry Seung Hyun, please get your point straight by indicating see her differently, for once I was never the one that barks like hyena or sending death glares at every chance or being the fake queen. Besides, why would you expect me to see her differently and not anyone else? Why me?” she taunted feeling relieve having the chance to perfectly debate over this monster in front of her coldly;

She was not the weak Bom; she is indeed now one of the hottest raising celebrity and having the best sisters in a band;


He felt his heart drop literally the moment she address him with his name not their nickname;

He felt his heart had the tingling feelings when her eyes bore blank expressions all these while and manage to question him why her among everyone else, had she forgotten their once close friendship?

“What? This is getting ridiculous! Hyori wouldn’t do things like that! Well, you are the most understanding amongst all” he taunted;


Funny, why did he even bother asking for my side of story when he apparently sides her?

What is he? A mob corn monster that tries to shove how great and protective of a boyfriend he is to her?

“Suit yourselves dearest Seung Hyun, please don’t speak as if you know me well [you are the most understanding amongst all]” she mimicked his ridiculous statement;

What understanding value that she is missing from this mob corn monster here? Nothing;


Her words kill my heart bits by bits; He wish he had the chance to clear off their misunderstood;

“Please Bommie, I can explain regard that night incident” unable to surpass his emotions, he traces her cheeks lightly with his knuckles;


“Isn’t it too late considering that was years ago? Don’t worry I perfectly understood with the way it is from your actions these years, wasn’t it true that action speaks louder than words?” she smirked and move away from him;

It is not easy for her to build up her confidence and able to get a grip of herself since the moment he chosen that barking over their friendship whom she thought was special enough;

She indeed waited long enough hoping that he will appear on her doorstep to explain about the rumours all over the medias; but he did not once show up or explained;

So, why now? Why when she had been building up her once crumple heart back? She had her sisters and Joong, her best friend whom listens to her whines and wipe away her tears with his words "tommorrow is going to be better!" encouragement; 


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Update pliz..keke..
havingfun #2
Dear all, do comment ehh? That way I know where to improve and all sorts, thank you dear <3
Dae is right,tabi-ah. Be strong and win bommie's heart again,will ya?
yeayyyyy!!! finally u updated it! thanks, author-nim!
syiiittt!!! wtf! hyori!!!! gahh!!!! i wanna kill her!!!
i'm so surprised with this chappie!
did bommie forget seunghyun?? aigoooo T.T
cheer-123 #5
Please update again soon.
Her man? And what kind of lesson? Uh oh, I smell something fishy! Yah, I love her in real life, but in the most topbom ff, hyori always act y! Hyori is the iest y ever! *mianhae but I got too excited* hahaha
gjie2cute #7
owh hyori whyy~~~~ poor bom :( thank you for updating it
Kay37541 #8
Damn you Hyori!!!! Ugh why can't she just disappear?!!! >:( <br />
T_____T poor Bommie. I hope she'll be rescued soon! <br />
<br />
Update soon please:D
Gaaah u hyori, just choose another man, huh! Go away from the aliens <br />
( "¬_¬)-O )‾з‾)́ hahahaaa
gjie2cute #10
Woot seunghyun i love it mrs. Choi hehehehe thank you for the update omg hyori just go to the producer okay hahaha