Chapter 4

You Found Me
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“Well look who’s back” the burly man in a big furry coat spoke, his voice booming across the room.

The place was dark almost like sunlight never reached its windows. Smoke and dull music filled the empty souls as women, bodies half-covered sat on men with drunk eyes.

“I’m sorry” Baekhyun’s voice cracked with fear.

“Sorry? You’re sorry?” the man got up and walked towards Baekhyun, placing his large hand on his thin neck as he pushed him harshly against the walls covered with dust and murals.

“No. I’m sorry for being too kind with you and too lenient. I should’ve have just buried you along with your brother” The man spoke through gritted teeth spewing words that cut through Baekhyun’s heart.

“What do you mean, Jin? Where is my brother? I’ll do anything please tell me where is he. I’ll never leave you again.. please tell me.” Baekhyun struggled under the Jin’s hold gasping for air.

“Your brother is dead.” Jin tightened his grip around his neck.

“You shouldn’t have left me Baekhyun. Where were you the past two weeks, do you know how much I’ve missed you, baby?” Baekhyun squeezed his eyes shut holding back his tears. He knew how much Jin liked to see him cry.

“Take him to my room and tie him there.” He let go of Baekhyun making him fall down in a heap.


Baekhyun didn’t bother resisting the men who dragged him into the dark musky room he hated, knowing it was mistake to come back here.

But he had to come back.

For his brother.

His dead brother.

Cruel thoughts swirled in his mind.

His heart then felt as ease thinking about the warm smile and those kind eyes looking after him for the past two weeks. He thought about Chanyeol and wondered what he’d done to deserve his care and concern.

He’s been running away from these people for the past 4 years only to find himself back here every single time. But it was bearable with his brother being there around. Now that he’s gone he didn’t know if he wanted to live anymore.

Hyung why did you leave me? You promised you’d never leave me.

The sharp wires cut his wrists; he resigned from trying to escape, he knew what was about to happen. He just sat in the dimly lit room as Jin entered with those malevolent eyes and his sadistic smile.








Chanyeol woke up with Baekhyun in his arms breathing quietly as his hair fell softly over his closed eyelids. Lifting his hand, Chanyeol ever so slightly brushed his fringes away tucking his hair behind his ears.

Baekhyun woke up fluttering his eyes open, looking up at Chanyeol with drowsy eyes and Chanyeol could swear at that moment that angels really do exist on Earth.

Baekhyun then proceeded to shove his face into Chanyeol’s chest burying himself in Chanyeol’s embrace.

“Let me sleep a little longer because if this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up.”

“Hey, look at me” Chanyeol tipped the younger’s chin upwards.

“This is not a dream. I’m really here and I am not going to hurt you.” Chanyeol whispered.

"How did you find me?" 

"Doesn't matter. But now that you're he

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im writing a really gross fluffy cheesy epilogue. it'll be up in an hour!!! uwu


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 7: Hard start but very sweet ending!! I wonder what happened to the kitten??
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 1: Poor Baek - can Chan help him?
Itseln13 #3
Chapter 7: THIS STORY IS SO FUJKING AWESOME!!!! I'M CRYING thankyou so much for your hard work author-nim?
Chapter 7: This is the cutest! Such a heartfelt story!
Black-roses03 #5
Chapter 7: sooooooo sweeeeeeeetttt

I love it :)
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 7: If the sequel would be longer then that. I want to see more like how they'll grow as a couple, baek's college life, maybe a little bit of jealousy and maybe some and mpreg ;)
Chapter 7: its so fluffy... i LOVE IT AHHHH
toyadoya #8
Chapter 7: ♡♡♡
Chapter 7: A sequel maybe?