
A Place I Call Home



“Annyeonghaseyo.” Greets the man from behind the counter.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m here to pick up Hyungnim under Junhyung’s request.” I said trying to warm myself up from the cold, winter is coming and today happens to be one of those colder days.

“May I ask who you are and what relation you have with Junhuyng.”

I’m not shocked that he cant recognize me I was wearing sunglasses, a beanie and a large scarf, dressed in casual clothing. You can barely see my face to be honest, I took off my sunglasses and pulled down my scarf, so he can see my face. “I’m Hyunseung a friend of Junhyung.”

“Ahhh! Hyunseung-shi! I’m so sorry I couldn’t recognize you. I’ll go get Hyungnim right away.” He goes into the back door and later comeback with Hyungnim biting on his sleeves.

“Here, be careful he likes to bit.” He carefully hands Hyungnim over; it was awkward at first because I never held a dog before. The owner had to teach me and took a couple of tries; Hyungnim got impatient and almost bit the owner. When that was out of the way, he gave me some medication for Hyungnim and told me to not let Hyungnim tire himself too much. Thanking the storeowner I put Hyungnim on a leash and walk back to Junhyung’s place.

Junnie is currently at work so I’m in charge of babysitting Hyungnim today. I sighed at the thought; I was never that good with animals, but considering after getting home he hasn’t bitten me yet I take that as a good sign.

I sat down taking out some of the gifts I bought for Hyungnim consisting of a chew toy, a ball and some treats. I gave Hyungnim the chew toy and watched him trying to tear it apart; it was 4 pm, time for Hyungnim’s medicine. But, it turned out to be a fierce game tug of war with Hyungnim before I could obtain the chew toy back and feeding him the medicine was another battle itself.

I don’t know how Junhyung takes care of Hyungnim, it took a 5 minutes job of feeding medicine to a 30-minute war between owner and pet and sad to say I lost many time to Hyungnim and had to use treats as bribes. But I got the job done with a minimal of 2 bites, so I’d say I did a good job.  

After I wanted to rest and watch some tv, but that wasn’t the case for Hyungnim, he wants to play and when he couldn’t get my attention, he resorts to biting. I played catch with him for a bit, but had to stop because things began to topple over. Then I tried to teach him some simple tricks, but again Hyungnim had something different in mind and didn’t cooperate, leading to a whole game of chase. As night drew near, without realizing I fell asleep on the couch with Hyungnim sleeping by my side.


“I’m home.” No one replied.

“Hyunseung” Junhyung called walking into the living room to see the two asleep on the couch, he didn’t have the heart to wake them up.  But then he looked around his house, Hyungnim’s toys were everywhere; Junhyung sighs at the mess he has to clean up now.


What the readers didn’t know:

Junhyung had cameras installed in his kitchen and front door way, for security reasons and he can use an app on his phone to check up on his house. During his break he decided to check if Hyunseung was home, when he opened the app he saw Hyunseung sitting on the kitchen floor hugging Hyungnim, struggling to keep him still. Hyunseung was trying to feed medicine to Hyungnim with a spoon, but Hyungnim got out of his grasp by biting his hand and ran off. Hyunseung then just plopped down lying on the floor squirming, while hugging his hand. Junhyung couldn’t hold his laughter when watching, causing the people around him to stare.



Hyungnim is cute, has muscles unlike his owner and kinda resembles Junhyung in a way

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Chapter 3: niceeeeeeee!!
Hyuzaki #2
woooooa please update! I'm loving this fanfic omg omg omg *___________*