White Raven


White raven a rare species of raven due to the fact that most white ravens don’t make it to adulthood.

An outcast and is bullied by other ravens for being different when grown up.

Pure white feathers cover its body, matching the white clouds at day and the moon at night. 

Flying high despite everything thrown in its way.



I lay there with hair stuck to my face from the sweat; feel filthy from not showering for 3 days and wearing the same attire everyday. Being trapped on a bed, unable to move, in a white room with bright lights shining down on me everyday was giving me a headache.

 ‘Oh, how I can’t wait to get out of this place and go home.’ I thought, staring at the light blue curtain on my right waiting for the doctor to come give me the news. I moved my short white hair away from my face to behind my ear, so I could look at least a bit presentable.

“Mrs. Jang.” The doctor called out after pushing the curtain away and smiled. “Congratulations for giving birth to your new baby boy.”

I reached out my hand to receive the bundle up ball that held my newly born child. I look down and see his little pink-ish scrunched up face with closed eyes sleeping peacefully. I smiled, ‘Sorry for appearing to you in such a messy state’ I mentally apologized to my baby.

“Thank you doctor.”

“It was my pleasure Mrs. Jang, but sadly he also lacks melanin so his hair will be white.”

My smile dropped and signed, “I expected that much, but how is his health does he have any problems?” I ask like I’m begging for the doctor to deny my suspicions.

“Oh yes his health…” he looks down at his clip furrowing his eyebrows. I held my breath at that point. “He’s health is fine, but since he was born early his immune system hasn’t fully developed. So I suggest that he should get a lot of fresh air, maybe move to countryside for a few years would do him good.”

“But my husband job is here is Seoul.”

“Well that’s a choice you and your husband should talk about, the city’s air is quite polluted so… I’ll leave you with your child to think about your decision. The nurse will come back later to pick him up.”

“Ok, thank you again doctor,” I bowed my head and watch him leave, pulling the curtain back in place.

I look at the little ball of life in my arms, hovering my hand over his tiny head; like he’s made of glass and one wrong move would break him.

“I promise I’ll do everything in my power to give you a good life, so you don’t go through the same thing I did.” I said smiling sadly, softly kissing my baby’s head.

“Yeobo! I’m so sorry I’m late my boss kept my back and-“

“Shhh you being to loud and your startling the baby.” I said trying to calm my husband down.

He looks at the bundled up baby in my arms and got down to his knees next to my bed. He softly touches the baby, staring at him in awe.

He got up and kisses my forehead, “Thank you yeobo, I’m really sorry I couldn’t come here earlier.”

“It’s ok” I bit my lips before hesitantly telling my husband what the doctor told me. “So what do you think we should do?”

The silence became pregnant, while my husband tried to analyze the situation. He knows I have poor health and me giving birth is already a miracle, he probable doesn’t want our newborn to face the same issues I have.

“Lets decide this later,” breaking the silence, “Right now lets decide on a name for him.”

I smiled at him, “I thought of one while I was here.”

“Really what is it?”

“His name is Hyunseung. Jang Hyunseung.”



Hey everyone. Im back with another oneshot, more Junseung for everyone. I'll apologize before-hand im a major procrasinator and i have bad grammar and spelling, so... yeah. This story was inspired by a post about white raven.

Hope you like this story and feedbacks are loved.

Photo credit to white raven on deivant art


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Inspiritexoelf #1
I am really excited for this story!! It's a great idea you have and i hope that you're going to update it soon!! ^^