I Wanted You

"Seunghyun-ah how many times do I have to tell you that your knees are not supposed to move yet!? You just stay still before the beat drops!" The dance trainer exclaimed in frustration.

"Where is your head at, huh? Keep your focus on here. I tell you if you don't show any improvement by the end of this week, I'm sorry but I don't know anymore" He raised his hands in the air then left.


"Damn these big stupid feet why can't you move right!?"
He growled as he stamped them on the floor as if doing so would make any difference.



Taking the words of the dance trainer, he gathered his senses back and started over again. As much as he excels so much in rapping, it's the other way around when it comes to dancing. He is always the last person among their group to pick up the choreography, he almost commits mistakes, and actually he has admitted it himself that he is never good in dancing.


It's been almost a month since you last spoke to Seunghyun. You have tried calling him but it would only direct you to his voicemail, you sent his text messages but you don't receive a single reply. "As if there's something new about it.." You just shrug off your thoughts about Seunghyun and his absence. Well, there really isn't anything new about it since he entered YGE. Instead of thinking deeper into things, just like you always do, you just try to understand.



"O-oh hey, it's been a while."

Silence filled the air. Hearing his voice somehow felt so alien, yet it made you feel how you missed him much more. Hence, your lips curved in excitement of hearing his deep voice once again.

"Oh hey, how are you?"

A strange feeling of awkwardness lingered as you started talking. Talking informally without using any baby, babe, sunshine, or whatever. 

"I'm doing good.. no not really.. Seunghyun-ah, I miss you so much."

"Me too.."

You hear his deep breath as he continued "I th-"

"How about we meet? It's been a while you know.."

You hurriedly cut him off, sounding a little desperate.

"Sorry but we just started filming for our group documentary, things are hectic so.."

"Oh is that so.. okay. Then.. uhh.. Don't tire yourself out too much."

You try to sound cheerful as possible, fighting the tears you said 
"You might be busy, I'll hang up now okay?"

You quickly ended the call as the tears rushed down your cheeks. I don't even know what I am to you now. Do I still mean anything to you? Am I being selfish that I want to see you everyday? I try to understand, always I do.


Days pass by with tears, sleepless nights, waiting, missing, and lingering. As days passed you miss him more, you long for him stronger, you become more desperate to see him. Once sunny morning, you checked your mobile with the hope of Seunghyun sending you at least one simple message, but no. Nothing was in your inbox. I can't just let this happen like this. You said to yourself as you picked up your keys, you opened the door but was startled with the figure of tall man blocking your way.



A/N: All of a sudden, I ran out of thoughts. I already the have the plot but I don't know how to smoothly make scene transitions. So I'm sorry if the chapter is boring. The next chapter is like the . I will do my best to work on it! 

And thanks to everyone who subscribed to my story and to the silent readers :D

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whimsicalfancy #1
update? :(
update please :)
ASDFGHJKL unnie you have a fanfic? /shot/ Subscribed! Update soon yeah? Will do a detailed analysis after the next update :)
BB21owez #4
yes, dats rite, b jealous, boy!!! he he update soon!<br />
BB21owez #5
Aaahhhh!!! No no no he's breaking up with 'me'!? Tabiiii wae??? I'm so crying rite now... plz update soon, nikai-shi. I want more of this. Aishhh i can't belive he's breaking up with me!!! hgxhhfsuhdxzfjkx
bbangbombunny #6
BB21owez #7
Ohhhh Tabi, I'm so disappointed with ya! How could you do this to her, I mean me!??? Luv it! Feed me with more, TOP's lover. Oh wait, I thot I'm her? ha ha! *Strumming my fingers on desk waiting... impatiently...* (^.-) Plz plz update rite now, okies? (In a demanding mode) ha ha ah<br />
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ahahaha i love top <3<br />
and i love your story so far :)<br />
<br />
just a tip, its not necessary to have the dialogue in italics. coz usually italics are used when a character is having an inner monologue. Having quotation marks is good enough for the speech parts... but that's just my opinion<br />
<br />
Good job! care to look at my first fan fic too and leave some constructive criticism too??!!<br />
twiddlebug #9
ohhh im digging this fic sooo mucho and to tell you honestly, when i was reading it im imaging you as the OC hurr.. hahahaha srsly no joke ahaha cant blame me :D moooarrr this should be nikaixtop fic hahah but yeah loike loike loike<br />
<br />
P.s not bad for your first its actually well written i can feel the angst man.. Seunghyun... Leave nikai come to me! Hahaha
bbangbombunny #10
HEY YOU TWO! Thank youuuu~ haha! I thought a story about G-BOM would be my first ever fanfic, but maybe I'll just post it up when this story is through. Hehe. Hwaiting~