I Wanted You


You cried your eyes out as you hugged a pillow tightly. Feeling the pain through every beat of your heart,you tried comforting yourself as you thought of the happy moments you had with Seunghyun. The moments when he was always there for you. Since you were from a broken family, your mom and dad separated when you were still 12. 
Your dad went away and married another woman, while your mom being very broken hearted spent all her time drinking and sleeping with different men every night. Feeling sick and tired of the cold and harsh treatment you receive from your mom, you ran away from home and stayed at your bestfriend's house. Since then, you thought men are all heartbreakers. But when you met Seunghyun, he proved you wrong - before, at least. He made you feel that you were his one and only. When you needed something, he gives it to you even without second thoughts. He made you feel like you were his everything. Your world revolved around Seunghyun.
"I'm a 23 year old college student."
You smiled softly as you remembered when Seunghyun used to lie about his age when he was actually 18years old by the time you first met. Being a matured man himself, at first you thought he was actually older than you. He took care of you and he showed you that he is a strong man. You find it silly of him to have him fake his age, he was such a kid to do such thing. But there are times when you would be very motherly towards Seunghyun. You were always there when he felt down, when he had no one to talk to, when did not know what do, and when he was feeling weak. You felt that you were perfect for each other.
The tears continued rushing down your cheeks and then slowly yourself drifted to sleep.
You closed your eyes as you inhaled the sweet scent of the sunny morning. Ahh very refreshing. It's a perfect day to start new and fresh. It's your first day of your part time job as a tutor at your university, since you are about to graduate next year you thought it's alright to handle some small lectures with some of your fellow students.
Your tutee is actually a friend of yours, Yunho, who is just in the same level as you are. You have been having quite good times while tutoring him and at the same time you hang out together. You would sometimes continue your lessons outside the school, like at a cafe or at your apartment. The two of you have gotten really close and he thinks you're a great noona to him not only for you helping him out with his homeworks but you also get to talk with non-school stuff.
"Oh but are you fine now though?"
He asked as he put down his pencil on the desk, taking a short break from the math problems.
"Not really.." You answered as you smiled softly, "But now is not the right time to think about it. Major exams are coming and if I just continue crying my eyes out, who would help you with your homeworks then?" she chuckled trying to lighten up the mood.
"Silly! Noona, you must have loved him very much."
Yunho added as he flashed a smirk. He was trying to tease you but,
"Yeah, he took me to his world but now he just suddenly want to put me out off it completely."
Oh this wasn't the response he was expecting. He didn't know what else to say but he just mouthed that an ohh. And then suddenly they heard a knock from the door.
"What brought you here?"
You quickly asked as you opened the door seeing the figure of the familiar tall man.
He looked thoroughly into your eyes as his hand reached out to touch your face but before he could, you have slapped his hand away.
"Please.." although you used a pretty kind word, you said it with authority as your gaze went from Seunghyun to Yunho who was sitted by the dining area watching the two of you.
Seunghyun said nothing and just smiled.
"Did I interrupt a couple's quality time? Oops!"
He said with an offensive tone as he put up his hand on his mouth showing more sarcasm.
"Just leave now, will you?"
You ordered him closing your eyes trying to control the anger building up in your chest.
Seunghyun welcomed himself in your apartment as he stepped inside and walked towards Yunho 
"Is this why you cooly accepted our break up huh? Were you very happy that you didn't even say a word anymore? Were you very excited to run to his arms that you did not bother to respond at all?"
He was shifting his gaze between you and Yunho. But before you could respond to him, Seunghyun's fist flew as fast as the speed of light towards Yunho's cheeks.
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whimsicalfancy #1
update? :(
update please :)
ASDFGHJKL unnie you have a fanfic? /shot/ Subscribed! Update soon yeah? Will do a detailed analysis after the next update :)
BB21owez #4
yes, dats rite, b jealous, boy!!! he he update soon!<br />
BB21owez #5
Aaahhhh!!! No no no he's breaking up with 'me'!? Tabiiii wae??? I'm so crying rite now... plz update soon, nikai-shi. I want more of this. Aishhh i can't belive he's breaking up with me!!! hgxhhfsuhdxzfjkx
bbangbombunny #6
BB21owez #7
Ohhhh Tabi, I'm so disappointed with ya! How could you do this to her, I mean me!??? Luv it! Feed me with more, TOP's lover. Oh wait, I thot I'm her? ha ha! *Strumming my fingers on desk waiting... impatiently...* (^.-) Plz plz update rite now, okies? (In a demanding mode) ha ha ah<br />
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ahahaha i love top <3<br />
and i love your story so far :)<br />
<br />
just a tip, its not necessary to have the dialogue in italics. coz usually italics are used when a character is having an inner monologue. Having quotation marks is good enough for the speech parts... but that's just my opinion<br />
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Good job! care to look at my first fan fic too and leave some constructive criticism too??!!<br />
twiddlebug #9
ohhh im digging this fic sooo mucho and to tell you honestly, when i was reading it im imaging you as the OC hurr.. hahahaha srsly no joke ahaha cant blame me :D moooarrr this should be nikaixtop fic hahah but yeah loike loike loike<br />
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P.s not bad for your first its actually well written i can feel the angst man.. Seunghyun... Leave nikai come to me! Hahaha
bbangbombunny #10
HEY YOU TWO! Thank youuuu~ haha! I thought a story about G-BOM would be my first ever fanfic, but maybe I'll just post it up when this story is through. Hehe. Hwaiting~