I Wanted You opened the door but was startled with the figure of tall man blocking your way.


As soon as you found out the identity of the tall man blocking your way, you happily moved forward and wrapped your arms around his waist.


"Why have you not contacted me? I missed you so much I felt like dying."


Just seeing his face and feeling his warmth erased all the anger, frustration, and sadness that were clouding your head not long ago. You buried your face on his chest your embrace tightened but when you noticed he wasn't giving you any response, response from what you just said and from your hug, you pulled out from the hug and saw him just standing still looking at you.


"Can we talk?"


With your head bowed you were looking down your lap as you watch your hands nervously laying with the hem of your top. This can't be it right? You thought to yourself. Suddenly you fear that what you were planning to do earlier would happen now, it's just he would initiate it. No, I am not ready yet.


"Seunghyun-ah.. Are you doing well? You lost weight, when I hugged you earlier you feel thinner."


He was quietly seated on the other side of the bench. His eyed laid on the ground that were once enjoying the beautiful cam night view of the Han river.



"Have you eaten? We can ea-"

"I-I'm sorry.."


You face quickly shifted to his direction. I'm sorry? No. It can't really be. I don't know what he meant. You tried smiling fighting hard your trembling lips from frowning.


"Do you have something to do later? Maybe we can just have-"

"Can you stop pretending as if nothing is wrong?!"


He suddenly growled, pissed off from your sweet talks. 

He calmed down as he whispered,

"I-I'm really sorry.."


Your heart was in your throat. This time, you lost and your lips are more trembling and you feel your hands cold. Is this really it? You thought to yourself. His eyes met yours. His hands reached out to wipe away the tears that you don't even feel running down on your cheeks. But before he could do so, you have slapped away his hand. You struggled to loosen the blue bracelet on your left arm and tossed it on the bench. You stood up and left without a word.


As soon as you reached the sidewalk, you hailed a cab and went home.


As soon as you slammed the door behind you, your broke out into tears. The time has come. The time that you fear has finally come. 



And here is one of the main point of the story!

Why she can't say what she really feels when he was (indirectly) breaking up with her?
You'll find out on the next chapter! ^____^


And also as you notice, I changed the title of the story. 

The change with the title doesn't mean there will also be changes in the story.

I just thought that this title is more suited to this story ^___^

Comments, criticisms, or any reactions are highly appreciated 

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whimsicalfancy #1
update? :(
update please :)
ASDFGHJKL unnie you have a fanfic? /shot/ Subscribed! Update soon yeah? Will do a detailed analysis after the next update :)
BB21owez #4
yes, dats rite, b jealous, boy!!! he he update soon!<br />
BB21owez #5
Aaahhhh!!! No no no he's breaking up with 'me'!? Tabiiii wae??? I'm so crying rite now... plz update soon, nikai-shi. I want more of this. Aishhh i can't belive he's breaking up with me!!! hgxhhfsuhdxzfjkx
bbangbombunny #6
BB21owez #7
Ohhhh Tabi, I'm so disappointed with ya! How could you do this to her, I mean me!??? Luv it! Feed me with more, TOP's lover. Oh wait, I thot I'm her? ha ha! *Strumming my fingers on desk waiting... impatiently...* (^.-) Plz plz update rite now, okies? (In a demanding mode) ha ha ah<br />
<br />
ahahaha i love top <3<br />
and i love your story so far :)<br />
<br />
just a tip, its not necessary to have the dialogue in italics. coz usually italics are used when a character is having an inner monologue. Having quotation marks is good enough for the speech parts... but that's just my opinion<br />
<br />
Good job! care to look at my first fan fic too and leave some constructive criticism too??!!<br />
twiddlebug #9
ohhh im digging this fic sooo mucho and to tell you honestly, when i was reading it im imaging you as the OC hurr.. hahahaha srsly no joke ahaha cant blame me :D moooarrr this should be nikaixtop fic hahah but yeah loike loike loike<br />
<br />
P.s not bad for your first its actually well written i can feel the angst man.. Seunghyun... Leave nikai come to me! Hahaha
bbangbombunny #10
HEY YOU TWO! Thank youuuu~ haha! I thought a story about G-BOM would be my first ever fanfic, but maybe I'll just post it up when this story is through. Hehe. Hwaiting~