I Wanted You

You look through the window of your bedroom, your breath taken away by the beauty of the scenery outside. The blossoming flowers on your yard, the green leafy trees, birds flying by flock on the clear blue sky, and the refreshing feel of spring. Stretching out your arms, you reached for you phone lying on your bedside table. ONE TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED. You smiled as if you already know whom it was from.


Sender: My Kid Boyfriend ♥

Good morning sunshine! How was your sleep? Let's meet at the Aa Cafe* by 3PM. I have a good news to share with you~ See you later! I love you.


You heaved a sigh.. You were already guessing what his good news was about.  But then you realize you don't really have to guess what it's about when there's only one thing that he's been mainly focused on lately, one thing he's been working hard for, one thing that motivated him to lose weight, one thing that makes you cancel some of your supposed meet ups - or should you call it dates, one thing that caused his sleepless nights, one thing that he's been dying to attain - getting into YG Entertainment.


Getting into YG Entertainment is every underground rappers / hip hop enthusiasts' greatest dreams. Seunghyun has been active in the underground hiphop scene for who knows how long already, and have won various rap contests. He was already quite popular and indeed an undeniably talented rapper.


"After years of hard work, finally! Congratulations!" You said in delight as you handed him a box of cupcake you baked earlier.

"Well, this is not really surprising to me at all. Everyone knows you're a great rapper. I'm very happy for you." You held his hand resting on the coffee table. Looking intently through his eyes, you can clearly tell how happy he is. Happy enough that his eyes were sparkling with his smile almost reaching his ears.

"I won't make it if not for you. If not for everyone's support." He squeezed your hand as he leaned forward to give your cheek a peck. You missed this. You missed spending time with him. You missed holding his hands. You missed looking through his smoky eyes. You missed him.. so much.


Although you both don't talk about it, you can't deny that lately you are not able to spend some time together. He has been very busy with training, training, training, and training. Since it's been a while since you two last had some quality time together, you thought of something. "Hey, how about we celebrate tonight? Watch a movie or meet up with your other friends from the underground scene. I know they miss you, just like how I-" but he cut you off, "I'm sorry sweetie, I have to go back for practice. In fact, I won't be staying here for long. As much as I want to but I can't. Just because I got in doesn't mean I can just go and relax. I'm so sorry. You understand me, right?" He looks at your eyes as if seeking for forgiveness, he holds your hands with both of his and pulls you closer to him, "I'll make it up to you soon, I promise. I have to go now. I love you." He gives you a soft kiss on your lips, then he stands up and leaves. "Just like how I miss you.." you continued softly as you watch him leave. "Yeah, I understand you Seunghyun. I always do.. I always try to.." you thought to yourself.


A box on your table caught your eyes "Oh my dear cupcakes.." you mumbled as you opened and took a peak. It broke your heart that not only he left too soon, but the fact that he forgot your present for him. Contradicting what your heart feels, you said to yourself "My baby is getting very busy..", getting ready to leave with the box safely placed on your hands the cafe waiter apparoached your table "Ma'am here's your order. One strawberries and cream frappe and one hot cappucino with cinammon" Yeah, Seunghyun left real quick that he did not even got to take his drink. "Oh, thanks. But could you just hand it to that couple" you said as you pointed out at a random table "I have to go now, just tell them it's a special free offer." You smiled at the waiter and left the place.



A/N: *Aa Cafe - I was watching "Kimchi Fanclub" on tvN when they were showing some popular cafes in Seoul and they showed that cafe, it looked really cool so yeah, I used the name. Lol.

So there's the first chapter, I think this story will only have a couple of chapters. So what do you think? Please leave a comment and criticize my writing and the story (in a constructive way) so for the next chapter I could make the following chapters better. Thank you! ^_^

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whimsicalfancy #1
update? :(
update please :)
ASDFGHJKL unnie you have a fanfic? /shot/ Subscribed! Update soon yeah? Will do a detailed analysis after the next update :)
BB21owez #4
yes, dats rite, b jealous, boy!!! he he update soon!<br />
BB21owez #5
Aaahhhh!!! No no no he's breaking up with 'me'!? Tabiiii wae??? I'm so crying rite now... plz update soon, nikai-shi. I want more of this. Aishhh i can't belive he's breaking up with me!!! hgxhhfsuhdxzfjkx
bbangbombunny #6
BB21owez #7
Ohhhh Tabi, I'm so disappointed with ya! How could you do this to her, I mean me!??? Luv it! Feed me with more, TOP's lover. Oh wait, I thot I'm her? ha ha! *Strumming my fingers on desk waiting... impatiently...* (^.-) Plz plz update rite now, okies? (In a demanding mode) ha ha ah<br />
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ahahaha i love top <3<br />
and i love your story so far :)<br />
<br />
just a tip, its not necessary to have the dialogue in italics. coz usually italics are used when a character is having an inner monologue. Having quotation marks is good enough for the speech parts... but that's just my opinion<br />
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Good job! care to look at my first fan fic too and leave some constructive criticism too??!!<br />
twiddlebug #9
ohhh im digging this fic sooo mucho and to tell you honestly, when i was reading it im imaging you as the OC hurr.. hahahaha srsly no joke ahaha cant blame me :D moooarrr this should be nikaixtop fic hahah but yeah loike loike loike<br />
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P.s not bad for your first its actually well written i can feel the angst man.. Seunghyun... Leave nikai come to me! Hahaha
bbangbombunny #10
HEY YOU TWO! Thank youuuu~ haha! I thought a story about G-BOM would be my first ever fanfic, but maybe I'll just post it up when this story is through. Hehe. Hwaiting~