Chapter 5

You're My Friend, but I'm Your Enemy

I don't really have much of an Author's note for you guys this time, so I'll just shut up and give you this chapter ^~^

I'm actually in the process of working on another story as I'm writing this one, so bare with me if I don't give you the updates you guys deserve *sob* I don't plan on posting that story for another few days (idk). It's an exo fanfic *sigh* I've been so obsessed with them for the past two weeks and now that they've did their comeback and released their album I'm even more obsessed so I went and started a story *shrugs*


Minhyuk may not have known it, because Jihoon wouldn't tell him, but even after all the constant heartache he had to endure because of him, he still looked up to his dear friend. He knew that Minhyuk wasn't to blame for everyone he liked, liking him instead. But, it was a hard thing to believe after having it happen countless times. Not this time, though. He wasn't going to let Yukwon slip through his fingers that easily. He planned to make that boy his no matter how long it took. 

"So, where's Minhyuk? I haven't seen him in a while." Yukwon asked, as the two walked through the crowded school hallway. 

"He picked up more hours at his job." Jihoon lied. "It'll be just you and me most of the time." He nodded, and stopped in front of Yukwon's class. "I hope that's okay with you."

"Of course it is!" Yukwon nodded. "You're fun to be around. Plus, if I'm with you, then I don't have to hang out with Kira." He admitted. 

"You really don't like her, huh?"

Yuwkon shook his head and shrugged. "So, will you be attending your classes for once?"

"So what if I am?"

"Then, I'm glad!" Yukwon laughed. "That way I get to see you more often in the hallways, instead of waiting for you at the end of the day."

"Y-you wait for me?" Jihoon tried not to sound suprised, but that was posing to be a bit difficult.

"Of course, I do." Yukwon smiled and waved afterwards. "Well, get to class before you're late, Jihoon."

Jihoon gave a small smile and nodded. "Don't miss me too much." He winked jokingly.

"Are you flirting with me?" 

Jihoon snicked, before shrugging. "I dunno. Is it working?"

Yukwon only rolled his eyes, and shooed Jihoon away, continuing to tell him that he'd be late if he didn't leave.

I don't believe it. He waits for me? Jihoon couldn't believe that at all. The person he had this biggest crush on, waits for him at the end of the day? That couldn't be true. Although, Jihoon saw for himself that Yukwon would be waiting patiently at his own locker for redhead to show. 

"What's he doing back?"

"I dunno, but I wish he would just stop coming to school altogether. He's annoying."

"Not to mention, a distraction with that hair."

"I heard he only did his hair that way, to make his parents angry."

"What kind of son is he?"

Poor Jihoon's smile faded when he slowly walked into his class a few minutes after the bell rang. He heard people talking out loud about him. They didn't even try to whisper. No one in the class liked him, and he knew it. That was partially the reason why he never went. He drew in a deep breath and tried finding a seat that wasn't taken. There was an open seat directly in the middle of the room, that was surrounded by hostile classmates. He didn't want to sit there, because he knew he'd feel his skin burning from the constant stares. But, there was no where else to sit.

"It's been awhile, Mr. Pyo." His teacher, Mr. Li, welcomed him. "Please take a seat, so we can begin."

Jihoon nodded, and maneuvered his way through the rows of desks, to take his seat in the middle. Not even fifteen minutes had gone by, but he was already ready to call it quits.


After what seemed like forever, the class ended, but Jihoon stayed in his seat. "Mr. Li?" He called his teacher who was in the middle of erasing the blackboard.


"I-I... I want to makeup all my work, or something. Whatever it takes to bring my grade up." Jihoon nodded. 

Mr. Li looked over his shoulder, almost surprised at what he was hearing. "You're in a hole so deep. How can you possibly get out of it?"

Jihoon sighed. He expected to hear this. "Please, Mr. Li. I wanna pass. I really do."

By this time, Mr. Li had turned around completely. He took a seat at his desk, and watched Jihoon closely. "Why do you want to pass, all of a sudden?"


"Is this about your parents?"

Jihoon bit his lower lip, trying his best not to cry. He hated being so sensitive when it came to his parents."Why would it be about them?" He scoffed quickly. "I just wanna bring my grade up. I dont wanna be held back."

"I know how much it's taken out of you, Jihoon. You're really stressed out, and I'm assuming that's why you never made it to class. I don't blame you, okay? You're parents are the ones I blame, so," Mr. Li pulled the black, thick-rimmed glasses from his face and sighed. "Just come to class from now on, and do your work. You'll be fine." He assured him. Since the new school year had started, and Jihoon was his student, he picked up that something was wrong when he asked for a parent teacher conference a number of times, and Jihoon always seemed to have the same disappointed look on his face, while saying the same thing every time:

"My parents are busy with more important things."

Mr. Li didn't know the whole story, but he still worried a great deal about Jihoon.

"W-what do you mean?" 

"You're not going to fail my class because of parents that feel its okay to stress their child out to the point of no return." 

"Really, Mr. Li?!" Jihoon jumped from his seat. "Oh, thank you! I'll come to class everyday, you have my word!"

His teacher only nodded, and he watched Jihoon rush from the room. "He needs people that care about him." Mr. L sighed.


"What?" Yukwon looked up at Jihoon, who'd been extremely happy for some reason.

"Most of my teachers are letting me makeup all my missed work and stuff, and a few teachers were even willing to give me extra help!" Jihoon cheered, but frowned soon afterwards. "But, ugh, school is exhausting. I'm not sure if I can do this."

Yukwon smiled, and took Jihoon's hand. "I believe in you!" He nodded. "And, if you need help outside of school, I'm available." 

Jihoon looked down at their hands, and began to turn red. He returned his attention to Yukwon, trying to keep his composure as he spoke. "T-thanks... I'm sure I-I'll need it."

"Ah, there you go, blushing again." Yuwkon teased. "It's because you like me, huh?"

Jihoon jerked his hand away. "No! I don't like you." He rushed to answer. "I mean, I do... but not like that."

"Are you sure?" Yukwon asked, stepping closer to Jihoon, who seemed to be trembling a bit. "What happened to that confident, flirty guy I met at the party? Where is he now?"

"U-uh.." Jihoon stepped back. "I guess some days I'm confident, and some days I'm not."

Yukwon shrugged, and grabbed Jihoon's hand again. "Lets go somewhere! Like the arcade or something, yeah?"

"I... actually need your help. I have a test coming up. Can you help me study?"

"Oh.. Sure!" He nodded. "Should we go to your house, then?"

Jihoon shook his head. "Is yours okay?"

"Yeah, let's go. We've gotta get you nice and ready for that test!" Yukwon smiled and dragged the tall boy to his home.


So, I kinda rushed and just threw this chapter together because it was time for you guys to have an update, so please forgive me if it's not that good. I didn't want to wait too long, y'know? Next chapter, whenever I get around to starting it, will be quite an interesting one in my opinion! I'll try to give you guys updates every other day like I said while I'm working on my new story. Please be patient with me, you guys ^~^


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finally updating!! so sorry to keep you all waiting //sobs BUT I AM BACK SO DONT WORRY


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Chapter 12: KKK NO.... IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.... PLEASE DON'T..... *cries*
Chapter 11: I haven't read your other fanfic yet since this one is a prequel of it... It's sweet though... but it won't last AHAHAHAHA I don't feel sad at all AHAHAHAHHA keep updating :)
Misaitonya #3
Chapter 11: Awww so cute! Maybe now I can understand why P O was planting when he met Taeil... maybbe?
BookWormNerd #4
Chapter 11: Aww~ it's cute how Yukwon's mom ecstatic is when meeting Jihoonie~ :3
I'm happy that he and his mother are finally talking again! Someone he can finally depend on! :D
It gives me a warm felling inside~~ <3 *becomes a ball of feels*
Chapter 10: I really want to know how Kwonnie and Jihoon are going to break up with now hard feelings afterwards (I mean, Jihoon even ends up shipping Ubomb)... So happy to have you updating again ^^
ChocolateDragon #6
Chapter 10: This fic legit gives me so many feels <3 it's okay if you can't update really long chapters! I feel like this chapter deserved to be short in its own right, and I'm sooo glad Jihoon has at least one family member to depend upon! And there's Mr Li too :D but here's me being cautiously happy because i know sad things are gonna happen soon :( hope you update soon!
ChocolateDragon #7
Chapter 9: That moment when you realise the relationship isn't gonna work and more sad things are happening :( GODDAMNIT i hate angst but i love it so much its a tragedy
Also I hope this isn't too asking much, but in the epilogue you could perhaps write how exactly Yukwon and Minhyuk got together in the end! It'll be the perfect ending gyaaa and omg this fic isn't even going to end any time soon and I'm already asking these things ohhh god :P Can't wait for my heart to be thrown in a blender ahahaha don't worry it happens a lot
BookWormNerd #8
Chapter 9: KYA~!!! YOU'RE BACK~~! *jumps in excitement*
It's cute how Jihoonie and Yukwon are going to be a thing now! :3
But I know in the end it doesn't work out *depressed sigh* ;~;
Anyways~, glad to have you back, Author-nim~~! *hugs* :D
ChocolateDragon #9
Chapter 8: LOL earache... I'm sorry I shouldn't be finding this funny XD hope you're okay! but my god your writing is so captivating. You're constantly improving, and guess what, that takes practice. KEEP WRITING YO *peace sign*
BookWormNerd #10
Chapter 8: Good to see that Jihoonie is alright~ ^^
And it's cute that Yukwon is looking out for Jihoonie :3
Oh! Author-nim! I've got to tell you something!
If you update again in the next two days, I may not be able to comment on it like I usually do :(
I have a two day trip that I'm going to go with my symphonic orchestra for competition~ :D
And I don't know if the hotel we're staying at has wifi ;~;
So don't be worried~ ^^