Chapter 3

You're My Friend, but I'm Your Enemy

I've been working on this chapter little by little, because the writer's block is so bad. Not only that, I decided to watch my very first Kdrama ever(It's Okay, That's love) and I'm obsessed with it so far. I had no idea that Kyungsoo would be in it, which is partially why i'm obsessed!  Anyway, I hope to publish this chapter soon, and not have you guys wait so long. 


It eventually began to rain, which resulted in an excited Yukwon. He averted his attention from the two beside him, to the rain falling not so gently. He didn't know what, but it was just something about rain, and how it managed to distract him no matter where he was or what he was doing. But, how could you not be distracted by such a calming sound? The cool air that came with the rain gently caressed the boy's face, leaving him to sigh. If there was anything he loved the most, it was definitely rain. While Yukwon was lost in the rain's beauty, Jihoon and Minhyuk talked amongst themselves, not really noticing that he was withdrawn from the conversation. Their chatter came off as low mumbles as the rain fell even harder.

"Huh, I wonder if it's gonna let up." Minhyuk referred to the rain.

"Hopefully, it does soon. I don't wanna be stuck under here." Jihoon sighed.

"What, are you afraid of water?" Yukwon asked, finally tuning into the conversation.

"What?! No, it's just that wearing wet clothes are uncomfortable." Jihoon shifted awkwardly just thinking about it. 

"Aw, you're lame." Yukwon teased, and hopped to his feet. He stood between the two with a hand held out to each of them. "Come on."

"What?" Jihoon asked."

"Let's play in the rain!" Yukwon smiled.

As Yukwon was helping Minhyuk to his feet, Jihoon shook his head and said a simple, "No, thanks."

"Aw, please?!" Yukwon begged, and shortly after, so did Minyuk.

"No, no, no. I'll pass. You guys go ahead."

"Well, alright." Yukwon pouted before shrugging, ripping off his jacket, and dragging Minhyuk out into the rain.

"God, why does he have to be so cute?" Jihoon said through a defeated sigh. He crossed his legs, and watched as the two laughed loudly. Seeing Yukwon smile was enough for Jihoon to feel a flutter in his stomach. He really liked this boy, even if they only met a few days before. But, that's just how Jihoon was. He fell for people entirely too fast. Even so, he was okay with that. WHat he wasn't okay with, was the fact that Minhyuk, his close friend of almost two years, had always gotten more attention than him. He could literally just take a breath, and everyone around him would lose it. Even after he graduated, people at school would still talk about Minhyuk as if he still attended. It wasn't fair that he got attention just for existing, while Jihoon had to change mostly everything about himself- his hair, attitude and all. But still, no one knew his name. They only called him things like, "Hot Tamale", or "Red Rocket. Never did they once take the time to learn his name or things about him, like they did with Minhyuk. It was a bit depressing, in all honesty. But, Jihoon though to ignore it. To ignore how everyday it felt like he was competing against his own friend- that couldn't be more clueless to the situation.

A good fifteen minutes had passed, before Yukwon and Minhyuk joined Jihoon, who was lost in thought. 

"Jihoon, you really missed out!" Yukwon couldn't stop himself from laughing. 

"Yeah, it was pretty fun." Minhyuk nodded.

"Yeah... it really looked like you two were having fun. Maybe next time I'll join you." Jihoon said only to Yukwon. There was no way in hell he'd frolic in the rain with Minhyuk like that.

"Promise?" Yuwkon asked, while pushing his wet hair from his face.

"Promise." Jihoon nodded.

"What's that?" Minhyuk put his hand behind his own ear. "Are those wedding bells I hear?"

Jihoon glared at Minhyuk who, in return, practically died from laughter. "Hey! Don't make jokes like that!" He jumped to his feet and chased Minhyuk in circles.

"Stop chasing me!" Minhyuk begged through his laughter, but Jihoon continued on.

"You two are too cute for your own good." Yukwon watched as they ran in circles around him.


After a while, Yukwon had departed, and it was just Jihoon and Minhyuk on their journey to Minhyuk's home. "So, exactly what was that?" Jihoon asked, shoving his hands in his pants pockets.

"What was what?" Minhyuk asked.

"You were flirting with my Kitty."

"You're always so possesive." Minhyuk snorted.

"Don't change the subject." Jihoon scoffed.

"I wasn't flirting." Minhyuk said flatly. "You always think I'm flirting, but I never am." He shrugged. "I know you like him a lot, okay? And, besides I was just agreeing that the nickname you gave him was cute."

"Yeah, but he got all red when you said it. When I said it, he didn't do any of that."

Minhyuk knew where this conversation was headed, and he'd do anthing to avoid it. "Look, maybe you should tell him you like him."

"Why? So he can turn me down and tell me how much he likes you." Jihoon scoffed.

Minhyuk sighed, as they stopped in front of his house. "You never know, maybe he likes you too." He shrugged. "How about this, I won't hang out with you if Yukwon's around. That way, if he does like me, even a little bit, he'll forget about those feelings, and have new ones for you."

"Will that even work?"

Minhyuk laughed and shrugged again. "Worth a shot, eh?"

"If this doesn't work, I'm gonna fight you." Jihoon nodded.

"Well, I guess I should prepare myself." Munhyuk nodded. "It looks like my parents aren't even home yet." He sighed. "It's basically like I live alone."

"Then, maybe I should move." Jihoon joked.

"Yeah, right!" Minhyuk pushed Jihoon off the doorstep. "The last person I wanna live with is a pig like you!"

"Hey! I'm a clean guy!" 

"Yeah, right! You make messes by just breathing." Minhyuk laughed. "You wanna stay over? I know how you don't really like being at home."

Jihoon's smile faded into a frown. His parents weren't ideal ones. They were strict- but not only that... They were upset about his choices. His choice to dye his hair, his choice to hang with someone like Minhyuk, who they thought to be a bad influence, and most of all, his choice to be gay. Of course, it wasn't his choice to be gay. No one ever chooses to be gay, but that's what they thought. No longer was he their beloved son, that still had his natural brown hair, and did extremely well until he made it into high school. He was a stranger to them, and he knew it. They'd barely even look at him. His own father wouldn't address him, or even acknowledge him as his son. His mother would practically be in tears if Jihoon entered the room. He was even sure he ruined his parent's marriage, because his dad would stay out for days on end, saying how he didn't want to be in the house at the same time Jihoon was, and he would always overhear his mother telling her friends how disappointed she was of him over the phone. They didn't treat him like their son. They didn't treat him like they loved him. And so, he hated being at home. He'd stay out as late as possible just so he wouldn't be a burden on his parents. "I-I... Are you sure it's okay? I don't have a change of clothes."

Minhyuk gave him a reassuring smile, before patting him on the shoulder. "I think you left some clothes from the last time you came over." He nodded. "C'mon, Jihoon. You know you're always welcome here. Even my parents said so." At first, when they met, Minhyuk didn't like Jihoon, and he didn't want to hang around him as much. He'd always laugh too loud, or get too hyper, and it was annoying to Minhyuk. He didn't know why he had to be so positive all the time. But, he soon found out that Jihoon wasn't always like that. Especially with his parents around. He was quiet, and he'd always have his eyes glued to the ground. Minhyuk would've never found out how awful Jihoon's parents really were if he didn't pop up unannounced one day. He heard yelling through the door and, before he could even knock, Jihoon rushed out, and ran right into Minhyuk. He stood his ground as Jihoon clung to him, mumbling how he wished his parents loved him like they used to. He would never be able to forget how hard Jihoon cried that day. From then on, Minhyuk knew why Jihoon seemed so annoying, and he didn't mind so much after that. He'd always ask if Jihoon wanted to sleep over, so he wouldn't have to go back to that awful place. He wanted to protect his friend as much as he could. He wanted him to feel comfortable. He didn't want him to have to worry as much as he did when he was with his parents.

"Okay." Jihoon eventually nodded, and followed Minhyuk into his home. "Thanks, Minhyuk. I don't know what I'd do without you as a friend." 




I'm also currently dying because i'm listening to the exodus album. i'm not even an exo-l but i might as well be after all this fangirling i've been doing xD

So maybe this chapter won't be all that good becuse im dyING FROM THE ALBUM *sobbing*

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finally updating!! so sorry to keep you all waiting //sobs BUT I AM BACK SO DONT WORRY


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Chapter 12: KKK NO.... IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.... PLEASE DON'T..... *cries*
Chapter 11: I haven't read your other fanfic yet since this one is a prequel of it... It's sweet though... but it won't last AHAHAHAHA I don't feel sad at all AHAHAHAHHA keep updating :)
Misaitonya #3
Chapter 11: Awww so cute! Maybe now I can understand why P O was planting when he met Taeil... maybbe?
BookWormNerd #4
Chapter 11: Aww~ it's cute how Yukwon's mom ecstatic is when meeting Jihoonie~ :3
I'm happy that he and his mother are finally talking again! Someone he can finally depend on! :D
It gives me a warm felling inside~~ <3 *becomes a ball of feels*
Chapter 10: I really want to know how Kwonnie and Jihoon are going to break up with now hard feelings afterwards (I mean, Jihoon even ends up shipping Ubomb)... So happy to have you updating again ^^
ChocolateDragon #6
Chapter 10: This fic legit gives me so many feels <3 it's okay if you can't update really long chapters! I feel like this chapter deserved to be short in its own right, and I'm sooo glad Jihoon has at least one family member to depend upon! And there's Mr Li too :D but here's me being cautiously happy because i know sad things are gonna happen soon :( hope you update soon!
ChocolateDragon #7
Chapter 9: That moment when you realise the relationship isn't gonna work and more sad things are happening :( GODDAMNIT i hate angst but i love it so much its a tragedy
Also I hope this isn't too asking much, but in the epilogue you could perhaps write how exactly Yukwon and Minhyuk got together in the end! It'll be the perfect ending gyaaa and omg this fic isn't even going to end any time soon and I'm already asking these things ohhh god :P Can't wait for my heart to be thrown in a blender ahahaha don't worry it happens a lot
BookWormNerd #8
Chapter 9: KYA~!!! YOU'RE BACK~~! *jumps in excitement*
It's cute how Jihoonie and Yukwon are going to be a thing now! :3
But I know in the end it doesn't work out *depressed sigh* ;~;
Anyways~, glad to have you back, Author-nim~~! *hugs* :D
ChocolateDragon #9
Chapter 8: LOL earache... I'm sorry I shouldn't be finding this funny XD hope you're okay! but my god your writing is so captivating. You're constantly improving, and guess what, that takes practice. KEEP WRITING YO *peace sign*
BookWormNerd #10
Chapter 8: Good to see that Jihoonie is alright~ ^^
And it's cute that Yukwon is looking out for Jihoonie :3
Oh! Author-nim! I've got to tell you something!
If you update again in the next two days, I may not be able to comment on it like I usually do :(
I have a two day trip that I'm going to go with my symphonic orchestra for competition~ :D
And I don't know if the hotel we're staying at has wifi ;~;
So don't be worried~ ^^