Points When Learning!

Korean 101 with J.Lee

1. Make The Effort!

A. Do you want to learn Korean? (Y/N)

B. Are you interested? (Y/N)

C. Since you are interested, will you make the effort to actually learn? (Y/N)

Hopefully your answers to all of these questions are Yes. Making an effort is super important when learning Korean, or a new language in general. Don't make excuses like, "It's too hard." or "I don't think I'm much of a language learner." You're not making the effort. You're thinking everything is hard before you actually get into it. If you need help, I'll try my best to help you out. If it doesn't work out, then just call it quits. Or if you're willing to spend money, actually get lessons from a professional. I can't teach you guys formally/professionally. I'm just an average Korean college student who can give useful and hopefully, fun ways to learn the language. But make the effort!! Not everything is easy.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

You've all heard this phrase many times before. And it helps! Practice, practice, practice and practice some more. Repeating words/phrases will help you to really remember the word and understand its meaning. Some ways to practice are:

a. Write it down! I will have vocabulary words in this lesson. Write them down! It will help you practice your Hangul writing. I suggest writing it 5 times. 1-2 times while looking at my example and 3 more times on your own. Also try saying the words as you're writing it down.

b. Write vocab words on sticky notes and attach the vocab words to the word it refers to. For example, write 문 on a sticky note and stick it to a door. 문 means "door". Write another sticky note down, 냉장고. Stick it onto a refrigerator. 냉장고 means "Refrigerator". Connecting the words in your real life will help lots.

c. Have a Korean friend to practice with. It really helps to have a Korean friend to help you as well. Go over the vocab words with the friend. And hear it in the native pronunciation. There's no better way of learning a language than from an actual native speaker.

d. If you don't have a friend, turn to dramas/shows. Yes, I'm allowing you guys to watch dramas/shows. It helps. Of course watch it with subtitles first! If you know a few words on your own, and you hear them in the drama, remember them! And then also listen for words you don't know and write it down. Hopefully at this point, you will be able to hear the words and jot them down. Even if you get it wrong, just write what you hear. If you wanna know what that word means, refer to the subtitles at the bottom. Then connect that word with the words you already know and try to understand the meaning of the whole phrase altogether. If you still have questions, ask me.

e. Of course there are other methods of practicing so whatever is comfortable for you guys, use it.

3. Slow and Steady wins the Race

This goes with any language. Don't try to learn it fast. It takes time to learn any language. Set a time table for yourself and learn. Just know that you're not gonna be an expert after a month. Even with study methods/practice methods, there are no fast ways of learning a language. Some people are blessed with learning languages quickly. But most of us aren't. Be prepared to commit a lot of time to learn Korean. You're not gonna get it in a day. Go at your own pace.

4. Have fun while learning!

I think the best way of learning is by enjoying it. Why are you learning Korean? You have a hot Korean friend you wanna talk to? Wanna be able to talk in the same language as your favorite idols? What is motivating you to learn? Make that your goal and enjoy it while learning.


Hope you guys have fun while learning. I hope my lessons help. Honestly, I'm learning myself even though I am Korean. As I made these lessons, I've learned so much about the language in itself and I really want to share it with you guys. Thank you! And hope you enjoy!

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BTSARMY2001 #1
Also, my real name is 시엘라 (Sierra).
BTSARMY2001 #2
안녕하세요! 저는 킴용인 여! Did I spell it correctly? I couldn't remember if I needed to use ㄱ or ㅋ for Kim. I'm learning how to read, spell, and say simple phrases in Korean from my sister who is taking Korean classes in college.
xui-jin #3
my korean paper got an B and i still really upset about it. when i found and open this, why i didnt discovered it much earlier? . now my regrets get more deeper. TT...
teacher, would you update more often?, i sorry for the pressure. but this is really help my understand knowledge especially how to pronouns the correct tone, how to write it back , etc,
and my problem, i still cannot differentiate the under double consonant how to pronouns it. like 나는오고있다.
있지 않다. ( just auto translate) i don't even know if this a correct words.
Chapter 31: This is pretty good! It's pretty easy to understand.선생님 감사합니다~! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
안녕하세요. 저늠 최혜경입니다. ㅇㅅㅇ
I would like to be a student!
Also, I used the generator, so please tell me if the name sounds weird for you. =)
(I can just use my nickname if you're uncomfortable with it.)
soominiecraze #6
안녕하세요. 저는 오수민입니다. I would like to be a student.
Chapter 29: Maybe its a boring topic but I'd like to learn business terms. Like words you'd use around your work place. And maybe formal school terms. For example, assignment, task, deadline etc.
I just realized that I haven't subscribed to this story lmfao
yamitan7 #9
Chapter 29: Sorry about being so quiet >< I'm usually quite inactive in actual lessons too T T
Hmm... I've been wondering for a while but how about slipping a quiz every 2 or 3 lessons? That way, you'll get to know how our Korean is coming along and we get to put our Korean to the test xD
안녕하세요! I'd love to be a student here!
저는 이은지 입니다!