
Korean 101 with J.Lee

Days of the Week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일 일요일

All days of the week has the word 요일, which means day (of the week). So just be able to memorize and differentiate each day by their first word: 월화수목금토일



January 1월
February 2월
March 3월
April 4월
May 5월
June 6월
July 7월
August 8월
September 9월
October 10월
November 11월
December 12월

Easy right? Just the Sino-Korean numbers up to 12 and just add 월

When you want to say the day, just use the Sino-Korean number and then add 일. When you want to say the year, use the Sino-Korean and add 년.
How to write the date!

Year | Month | Day

오늘은 ...년 ...월 ...일 입니다
ex. 오늘은 2017년 1월 19일 입니다

When you want to write just the day of the week you say

오늘은 (Day of the Week) 입니다


Today | Yesterday | Tomorrow | Day after Tomorrow

오늘 | 어제 | 내일 | 모레


You would have to conjugate certain verbs to match these times *wink*

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BTSARMY2001 #1
Also, my real name is 시엘라 (Sierra).
BTSARMY2001 #2
안녕하세요! 저는 킴용인 여! Did I spell it correctly? I couldn't remember if I needed to use ㄱ or ㅋ for Kim. I'm learning how to read, spell, and say simple phrases in Korean from my sister who is taking Korean classes in college.
xui-jin #3
my korean paper got an B and i still really upset about it. when i found and open this, why i didnt discovered it much earlier? . now my regrets get more deeper. TT...
teacher, would you update more often?, i sorry for the pressure. but this is really help my understand knowledge especially how to pronouns the correct tone, how to write it back , etc,
and my problem, i still cannot differentiate the under double consonant how to pronouns it. like 나는오고있다.
있지 않다. ( just auto translate) i don't even know if this a correct words.
Chapter 31: This is pretty good! It's pretty easy to understand.선생님 감사합니다~! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
안녕하세요. 저늠 최혜경입니다. ㅇㅅㅇ
I would like to be a student!
Also, I used the generator, so please tell me if the name sounds weird for you. =)
(I can just use my nickname if you're uncomfortable with it.)
soominiecraze #6
안녕하세요. 저는 오수민입니다. I would like to be a student.
Chapter 29: Maybe its a boring topic but I'd like to learn business terms. Like words you'd use around your work place. And maybe formal school terms. For example, assignment, task, deadline etc.
I just realized that I haven't subscribed to this story lmfao
yamitan7 #9
Chapter 29: Sorry about being so quiet >< I'm usually quite inactive in actual lessons too T T
Hmm... I've been wondering for a while but how about slipping a quiz every 2 or 3 lessons? That way, you'll get to know how our Korean is coming along and we get to put our Korean to the test xD
안녕하세요! I'd love to be a student here!
저는 이은지 입니다!