Chapter 6

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When Taehyung finally woke up, they both started walking again. They were both walking extra close, bumping shoulders and leaning onto each other.

Jungkook finally felt at ease. He didn't feel as tense as before. He was finally relaxing and smiling, his bunny smile.

Taehyung cracked jokes and acted like an idiot which made Jungkook laugh uncontrollably. This is what Jungkook loved, yes loved, about the older. How comfortable he was to be around. It was easy it was to lose himself around him, which in the beginning it actually made him quite nervous. He was always shy and a person who spoke very little to anything. Jungkook thought that life was just about succeeding and nothing else. But then he met Taehyung, mischievous Taehyung, who lived life to the fullest and did things he loved to do. Taehyung must have felt Jungkook staring at him because he turned around and look at the younger. Jungkook blushed but didn't look away, he looked directly at the older’s eyes feeling a bit brave. Surprisingly Taehyung smiled. That wasn’t the surprising part, it was the smile. This smile isn't like the others, it was nice, soft and pleasant. His usual smile was goofy and a bit cocky. (Which still made Jungkook blush as dark as his hair) This made Jungkook softly smile as well.

Time passed by rather quickly and they were finally at Taehyung’s desired destination. The carnival. Jungkook whipped his head facing Taehyung.


“The carnival!.”


“Yeah. I thought you might like it.” Taehyung said while rubbing his hand on his neck, showing a bit of his nervousness, that he usually never had.


Jungkook was smiling so hard. 1. because of the destination and 2. because Taehyung really cared.

“I love it!” he said as he gave the older a huge hug, practically jumping him. “Come on let's go!.” Jungkook grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.


Taehyung was actually really nervous in the beginning. He didn't want to anything up, since this was his first date. He never really cared about dating, he just wanted to have fun with his friends. But then he met Jungkook.


Cute little Jungkook, who was so quiet and basically the exact opposite of himself. But Taehyung knew there was more to him. He tried to crack the shell of the younger. He tried to make him laugh and feel more comfortable. Taehyung did sometimes and it literally brighten up his entire day. When Taehyung actually broke the younger’s shell he got to see his kid side, not the cold sophisticated side. He got the younger to feel more comfortable around the others. Hell he even made the younger prank the older hyungs. Taehyung got to see Jungkook’s bunny smile and that's when the butterflies started appearing. Those damn butterflies made Taehyung feel so self-conscious around the younger. His head was so far up his that it took him so many months to actually realize that he actually had feelings for the younger. The older also realized that the butterflies actually symbolized his love for the younger. Taehyung knew these butterflies would never go away, he just hoped that the younger won't ever leave him. With that thought, he smiles at the younger and lets him guide Taehyung towards some ride.


Jungkook was a horror junkie. Like he was ing obsessed with this . He watched every horror movie. From Friday the 13th to Halloween, you name it he watched it. When he found the haunted house he almost, almost his pants. It was the perfect time, since the walk took a while. So now the sky was beginning to go dark and Jungkook really wanted to go in. As the younger was about to go inside Taehyung stopped him.


“Kookie, do you see that over there.”


Jungkook was confused, why did Taehyung care about anything besides, well him! But when Jungkook looked over, he saw exactly what the older was talking about. It was two people they knew very well, and they were obviously watching them.

Jungkook almost laughed at the ridiculous outfit his hyung had on. He couldn't believe Hoseok thought the top hat and fake mustache would help him blend in who the wears like that.

Jungkook turned to Taehyung ready to poke fun at his stupid hyung when he saw the evil glint in the elder's eyes.


“Tae isn't that Hoseok hyung and Bambam…” Jungkook trailed off as a smirk appeared on Taehyung's face.


“Kookie let's have some fun.” Taehyung cackles turning to Jungkook and grabbing onto his wrist.


Before the younger boy can even register what's going on or what Taehyung meant he's pulled through the crowd and into the haunted house.

Taehyung watches from the corner of his eye as a frantic Bambam follows after them and a very reluctant Hoseok trails behind. This is what you get for spying on my date Taehyung thinks with a smirk.

Jungkook has no idea what Taehyung has planned, to be honest he doesn't give a because Taehyung is holding onto his hand and he's going into the haunted house so nothing else really matters.


Hoseok was scared less. He disliked haunted houses, no he absolutely hated haunted houses. To be honest he hated anything that was scary. But if there was one thing in the world that Hoseok wished he could get rid of right now it would have to be haunted houses, after an punk named Kim Taehyung that is.

But it's not like he can do anything about it. Bambam is right beside him having so much fun, he can't just r

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I'm sorry for not posting in sooooo long! Don't worry I didn't die, but i'm probably going to update this week or the next!


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Chapter 15: I can't wait for the next one!!!
Chapter 15: I'm with Kookie on this one. I love horror stuff, although I prefer more than just slasher flicks. (For example: Slither. If you haven't watched it, do so. It's hilarious. And it has Nathan Fillion as the star. 'Nuff said.)
illyasah #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 6: Brah! Me and Hoseok would be best friends. I scream like a guy (instead of a girl). I can;t stans scary things. I make up any lie just to get out of it. Ahahaha! FIGHTING!
Kali015 #4
Ich liebe Namjin als Pärchen ♥
Chapter 12: The pictures...they're too much for me to handle ;o; those dorks are too cute