Chapter 5

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“So…”, Jungkook asks nervously. “Where are you taking me?”.


They're walking incredibly close and it’s making Jungkook blush, cheeks flushing a bright pink. Taehyung looks down to see the younger staring intently at his shoes, dark red hair blocking his face. But Taehyung knows he’s blushing making the older smirk and become bold in his actions.  He takes the younger’s hand and threads his fingers with the maknae’s.


Jungkook immediately looks up, cheeks flushing an impossible shade of red.

Taehyung leans in, mouth close to the younger's ear and whispers, “You will see.”


He moves his face away slightly to give the younger a kiss in the cheek, making it last longer for his own benefit.


Jungkook closes his eyes and gasps slightly at this gentle yet not so innocent touch. As Taehyung pulls away, he feels himself leaning in for more. The younger can’t help himself, he enjoys Taehyung’s warmth. Jungkook slightly opens his eyes as he leans impossibly close to the older’s, feeling him go rigid and still. The younger closes his eyes again and returns the favor, but instead of a kiss on the cheek he heads for the older’s lips. The kiss starts like the first one, soft, gentle and sweet. However Jungkook intends for this kiss to last longer, much longer, than the first. His hands move to Taehyung’s face and he pulls the older boy in closer, hands surprisingly cool against the elders very warm cheeks. Finally the younger pulls away, a toothy smile on his face when he notices that the older’s eyes have rolled to the back of his head.


Taehyung barely feels his knees give out under him or the way Jungkook clutches on to his head basically supporting him. All he can do is smile his rectangular smile and think that this was quite possibly the best kiss ever.


Jungkook notices the idiotic smile on his face as he drags the unconscious body to a nearby bench.


Jungkook sighs, “Not again!”.

Jungkook shrugs well at least he doesn't have a nosebleed he thought.


Jimin is practically on top of of the older boy as they walk down the street. Since the morning the younger has been staying extremely close to the older. Closing any possible distance between them.


Yoongi notices all the possessive actions and smiles his gummy smile. The younger finally notices the elders gummy smile and asks,


“Why are you smiling so much?”

He tilts his head cutely and Yoongi can’t help but give him a quick peck on the nose making the younger scrunch it. Yoongi laughs at the in {lol} adorable action and says with a slight smirk,

“I never knew you were this possessive”.

Jimin blushes a deep scarlet and tightens his grip on the older boy. Jimin’s always been possessive over the older, the possessiveness growing with his feelings when he started college. Instead of answering Jimin leans in and gives him a deep kiss.

The kiss is a battle for dominance, and it lasts for a while until Yoongi wins. It finally ends when both moan, breathless, cheeks flushed as they rest their foreheads against one another. After a moment of comfortable silence Jimi

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I'm sorry for not posting in sooooo long! Don't worry I didn't die, but i'm probably going to update this week or the next!


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Chapter 15: I can't wait for the next one!!!
Chapter 15: I'm with Kookie on this one. I love horror stuff, although I prefer more than just slasher flicks. (For example: Slither. If you haven't watched it, do so. It's hilarious. And it has Nathan Fillion as the star. 'Nuff said.)
illyasah #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 6: Brah! Me and Hoseok would be best friends. I scream like a guy (instead of a girl). I can;t stans scary things. I make up any lie just to get out of it. Ahahaha! FIGHTING!
Kali015 #4
Ich liebe Namjin als Pärchen ♥
Chapter 12: The pictures...they're too much for me to handle ;o; those dorks are too cute