Chapter 2

Crazy Love

 The school was still empty, but Kim Jaejoong already roamed the hallway. Everyone could tell that Jaejoong was very angry now. He kept dribbling his basketball harshly.


The conversation with his uncle earlier really made him mad. His uncle already asked a girl to be his tutor. What the hell! He didn’t need anyone to be his tutor. And he didn’t want to.


At first, he thought his uncle just suggested that ridiculous idea. He never expected that his uncle would really look for a tutor for him. And why must it be a girl? Jaejoong bet that girl was a nerd with thick glasses and braid hair.


Jaejoong gritted his teeth as he threw the ball randomly to express his anger. But next second, a loud thud was heard, followed by a girl’s cry.






Aram entered the school in a rush. She didn’t know, but she couldn’t sleep yesterday night. She ended up wake up too early, which made her decided to just go to school.


She didn’t expect to meet the crowded school when she arrived. She knew it was impossible. But the silence really killed her. She never liked it when she was alone, especially at school. It was scary.


Fastening her steps, Aram found herself already running on the empty hallway. She didn’t know why, but she felt afraid. She looked back while kept running, made certain that there was no people following her.


Just right when Aram turned her head to the front, a basketball flew right on her face. She lost her balance and fell backwards on her .


“Ouch!” Aram cried.


She held her nose, feeling an unbearable pain there. And then she realized the blood was streaming from her nose, wetted her uniform.


Aram felt a little dizzy, but she tried to stand up. She held the wall for support, while her other hand covered her nose.


“My ball.”


Hearing a voice, Aram looked up.


It was him, Aram thought.


“My ball,” he repeated.


“Oh, I’m sorry,” Aram bowed and picked up the ball. She gave it to him and bowed again, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”


Being such a fool, Aram kept apologizing although it wasn’t her fault. No, she didn’t want to look for a problem. Just apologizing, it won’t hurt, she said in her mind.


That guy took his ball. And without saying anything, he walked passing Aram who was still being a coward by kept apologizing to him.


After that guy disappeared, Aram quickly rushed to the bathroom. The dizziness in her head already lessened, but the blood was still streaming.


Aram stopped in front of the wastafel. She opened the tap, wanting to wash her hand which was covered by blood, but she immediately stopped when she saw there was no sign of blood on her hand.


Aram touched her nose. The blood didn’t flow out anymore. She looked up at the mirror, expecting the blood on her face, but there was nothing.


The blood had just disappeared.


Aram looked down on her shirt. Her shirt was stained by the blood. But how can it disappear from her face and hands?


I’m weird, she thought, I always know that. I'm not like others.




“Omo! What happened to you, Aram-ah?” Hana screamed when she saw Aram entered the class.


Hana stood up and approached Aram. She looked at her closely. “Omo, is that blood on your shirt?”


Aram waved her hand and said, “It’s nothing.”


“It’s nothing?!” Hana asked hysterically. “You’re bleeding. I mean, your shirt…there is blood!”


Aram sat on the chair. She sighed. “It’s nothing, okay? I’m just unlucky and got thrown by a basketball. My nose was bleeding but it already stopped now.”


“WHAT? It’s not nothing, Aram-ah!” Hana protested. “Tell me, who did throw you basketball?”


Aram looked at her best friend. She was doubt whether she must tell Hana or not. Finally, she said, “That guy. The guy on the right. Shim Changmin…”

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Superfishy #3
O.o ... What did u mean tht 'aram was not belonged to this world'? Is she a ghost or something?? So,this is 'four-angled' love story?? Update soon please~ >w<<br />