There we were, two against ten guys. How in the world we would survive this even alive?! I had to figure out something, but before I even could think about it, eight guys started to run towards us, but then someone yelled:
"WAIT! We are not going to beat up a girl, bring her here."  Sungjong and I looked at each others even more terrified. This meant that all of them were against Sungjong, how in the hell I would let that happen?! The other guys took me to the 2 guys who were just standing behind, and I tried to struggle against them, but it was no use. But as soon as they loosen their grasp of me, I tried to run back to Sungjong, who was still standing there, he couldn't move, he was too afraid, but the blond haired guy grabbed me right away and I couldn't go back. While I was being captured again, the other guys went back to Sungjong and I could hear his screaming, and he was screaming me to help him, but who could I? I was captured, so I kept yelling to the guy:
"I wish I could." He answered back and I looked at him, and I could see in his face that he didn't like what he saw. But why would he do this then? why in the world they would want to hurt people, if they didn't like what they see? and I looked at the other guy standing next to him, he looked worried too.
"UNNIII!!" Sungjong yelled once again, this time his yell was full of pain, I knew they were beating him up really badly. I knew I had to do something or he would end up in hospital soon. Then it happened. I somehow snapped. I can't explain it, but I got so mad that the blood in my veins started to boil. I detached myself from his grasp easily this time and I ran back were Sungjong was. And what I did to the guys around him was just weird. I knew where to hit to make them pass out immediately, I knew were to kick to make them kneel down in pain and I just kept shoving them away from Sungjong and when I finally managed to see how Sungjong was doing, it looked bad. His nose and mouth were bleeding and another eye were black all around and he couldn't even get up from the ground, so I pulled him up from the ground and he said:
"Thank you unni, but there is still those two..." 
"Right..." I turned my gaze to them and then I suddenly snapped out of it when I saw all the 8 guys rolling in the ground in pain. Did I do this? How in the world I was able to beat up 8 guys on my own? I could see that the blonde guy and his friend were as much shocked as I were. Then I realised that I had to do something to them before they are going to do something to us, so I started to walk towards them and they started to withdraw, but then I started to run and I pulled my fist up and I was about to hit, but someone came between and said:
"I think that's enough."  I almost bumped into him, but I could stop in time. I was just standing there, looking at him. This guy had black hair and he looked really skinny to me.
"Dongwoo and Hoya, are you guys okay?" He asked from the two guys behind him.
"Yeah..." They answered.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you guys hurting people like this, for fun, huh?!?" I had to know the reason, so I started yelling at them.
"We got our own reasons which you don't have to know about." The guy in front of me said. 
"Okay then." I said, actually I didn't know what I was supposed to do now, walk away or just stand there watching them?
"Since our guys beated up your friend and you beated up them, lets call it even, okay?" The black haired guy suggested.
"Meaning we can go?" I asked, I had to make sure.
"Yes."  I nodded and started to walk back to Sungjong and I started to help the other guys in the ground back on their feets, since it seemed like they couldn't do it their own. I really beated them up badly, geez. And I wishpered to every single one that I was sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt them, I just didn't know what went into me. It felt like it wasn't me who was that. But anyways, after helping them, I went back to Sungjong and I helped him to walk. 
"That was pretty cool what you did there." He said to me. I wasn't proud of it.
"Yeah...." I just answered. Actually I was pretty confused and scared. Were I like this before I lost my memory? 
"What are we going to say to Sunggyu and Sungyeol?" Sungjong suddenly asked when we finally reached their house.
"Tell them the truth, whats the point of lying?"
"Well...." Sungjong didn't manage to end the sentence, before someone yelled from the inside:
"WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?" It was Sungyeol.
"We kinda---" I started, but Sunggyu suddenly appeared and saw Sungjong in pretty bad shape and he right away knew what was going on.
"I swear I'm going to teach those 3 a lesson someday!" He yelled, I could tell that he was really angry. He took Sungjong from me and carried him to the livingroom and he started to treat his wounds.
"I guess you guys got attacked? Are you okay?" Sungyeol asked from me.
"Yeah..." I answered. I walked past him straight to the livingroom and I said to Sunggyu:
"I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect Sungjong."
"No, Unni, you saved me from the worst." Sungjong told me. 
"You don't have to apologize, its not your job to take care of him, its mine." Sunggyu said, he really cared about his brothers.
"But you weren't there!" Sungjong yelled at him.
"BUT I SHOULD HAVE BEEN!" He yelled back. I thought it would be best to leave the brothers alone to talk, so I walked to upstairs and I walked to my and Sungjong's room and I let myself fall to my bed and I started to think. What was happening to me? was it really me back there, who beated the guys up? and to be honest, at that moment, I felt like I was enjoying seeing people getting hurt. And why haven't I been able to remember anything? and who were those 3 guys anyways? Dongwoo, Hoya and some other guy? I knew they are on my class, but still, why are they doing this? All I had was just questions, but I had no answers to them, but over time, I would get answers.
Sungjong woke me up in the morning, it was school day again. I guess I was thinking so much yesterday evening that I fell asleep, I didn't even change my clothes. Sunggyu had made us breakfast again, and it was delicious as usual. But this time, I walked to school with only Sungyeol and Sungjong, since Sunggyu thought that he would open the cafe later. And today me and Sungjong didn't have to help them at the cafe either, because what happened yesterday.
"Sungjong, are you sure you want to go to school already?" I asked from Sungjong, I was worried, because he still looked bad, bruises in his face and so on.
"We are already going, so its okay!" He told me, but I could see that he wasn't sure should he come after all.
"When I see those 3 dudes, I swear I'm going to punch them all!" Sungyeol threated and lifted his fist up.
"NO WAY! we can't show them that we mind about what happened yesterday, that is exactly what they want." I told them.
"BUT WE DO MIND!" Sungyeol yelled back at me.
"Still Sungyeol, promise me you won't do anything, okay?" I gave him a puppy eyes look, I was sure he couldn't resist it haha.
"Okayokay." He promised me and smiled at me. I felt relieved. I didn't want to repeat what happened yesterday, for Sungjong's sake and for mine too. I promised to myself that I will not get that out of control again, I don't want to solve problems with violence.
"Thank god we have girl power in this family these days!" Sungjong said and smiled at me. I nodded and smiled back.
We were already at the school and to be honest, I did everything to avoid Dongwoo, Hoya and that other guy which name I hadn't yet heard. It wasn't easy though, they were almost everywhere I was, but least I could do was to avoid their gazes. I really didn't want to get in to trouble again. After school me and Sungjong walked with Sungyeol to the cafe, but Sungjong wanted me to come shopping with him.
"What are you searching for? new shirt? jeans?" I asked right away.
"Not actually any of those, we are finally going to buy clothes for you and cut your hair!" He told me. He gotta be kidding me! I didn't even have any money! I complained about it, but Sungjong said he would want to buy few piece of clothes for me, just because I saved him, so I agreed. What a nice boy he is. We went through many shops, but I didn't seem to find anything that fitted me so far, I actually didn't know what I liked. Then we decided to visit one store more and there was everything I wanted. Sungjong bought me few t-shirts, few plaid shirts and two black jeans, those would be enough for the time I have money to buy something more. Then it was time for the hairdresser. I wanted to get rid of my long black hair, and Sungjong suggested that I would cut it short and dye it to brown. It seemed like he knew about these fashion stuff, so I believed him and told the hairdresser to do exactly what Sungjong said and to be honest, I really liked the result. The dresser cut my hair layered and I have bangs which curves to right. Sungjong liked it too! I wondered would Sungyeol and Sunggyu be able to recognize me anymore haha. 
We were walking home with all the new stuff we bought and we talked about everything and nothing, for example how was Sungjong doing in school and such and what people had said about his bruises. Sungjong told me that he didn't have much friends, just few girls, whose names were Amber and Luna. I felt pretty sorry for Sungjong, in that age, friends are really important, but then again, he got 2 amazing brothers and me. I promised to him that he would never be alone. But when we had walked a bit more, Sungjong stopped me and told me to hide. 
"Why? what is happening?" I asked, when we were already hiding from someone.
"See?" Sungjong said and pointed out few people not long away from us. It was them, again. Now I knew why he wanted to hide.
"Right... but who is that little one?" I was starting to get worried, would that kid be their next target? no way....
"I have no idea, do you think the same as I?" Sungjong asked and I nodded. We decided to hide and if they were about to do something to the kid, we would interrupt for sure. But we were left mouths wide open when we saw what happened next. The black haired guy kneeled down and the kid jumped to his back and he was piggybacking the kid and jumping around. The kid was laughing of joy and Dongwoo, Hoya and the black haired guy were laughing with the kid too. They looked like a one family, just enjoying each other's company. Then he let the kid go down and the kid made a snowball and threw it to Dongwoo and I could hear his laugh to where we were hiding, it was so contagious that I started to giggle quietly. Sungjong looked at me and when he saw me laughing, he laughed a bit too and said:
"I think we can let them just be and go home." Sungjong was about to stand up, but I pulled him back and I pointed out to someone walking towards them, he looked really familiar, but I couldn't tell this far away.
"Sunggyu!!" Sungjong almost yelled. Oh right of course, it was Sunggyu.
"What would he have to do with them?"  I asked, then I realised it. No way. We looked at each others with Sungjong and then turned our gazes back to them. It seemed like Sunggyu wanted only to talk with the black haired guy and Hoya, Dongwoo and the kid started to walk away from them. 
"We need to get closer." I told Sungjong and we slowly started to go towards them, and we hide behind the next little snow mountain. Luckily they didn't see us and we could hear what they were talking.
"So beating up my little brother and Naomi is the way you thank me for all I have done for your family?" Sunggyu asked, he was pretty angry to the black haired guy.
"I wasn't there then, I came after they had done it already." He answered.
"How about Dongwoo and Hoya then? You haven't told them?" Sunggyu asked.
"I guessed so."
"How do you think I was able to tell them that we have gotten money after the accident from the family our parents hated?!?" The black haired guy yelled. I had no idea what they were talking about, hate? money? accident? I looked at Sungjong, but he seemed even more suprised than I did and  I could see he wasn't happy, not at all, it felt like he was in the verge of starting to cry.
"Just telling the truth..." Sunggyu answered.
"Well I can take care of everything now, I have a job.."
"YEAH! BEATING UP PEOPLE! are you guys insane?!" 
"DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IS IT TO GET A JOB WHEN HALF OF THE TOWN HATES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY?!?" He kept yelling. What even, I have never heard such thing...
"You should just have asked from me." Sunggyu told him. 
"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP ANYMORE, OKAY?" He yelled at Sunggyu and started to walk after Dongwoo, Hoya and the kid.
"Woohyun, wait. What would you think Boohyun would think if he knows what you do?" Sunggyu asked.
"He is still a kid, he doesn't have to know." He answered and walked away. Sunggyu stood still for few seconds, sighted and left aswell. All I understood from this conversation was that the black haired guy is Woohyun and the kid there probably is Boohyun. 
"What even.... Sunggyu has given money for them? I don't understand..." Sungjong said, he was still confused about it all.
"So you don't know what they were talking about?" I asked.
"Not at all. I know the accident and hate, but the money, thats just....why...." Sungjong started to mumble and he stood up and started to walk. I really wanted to know about those all, but I didn't think it was the right time to ask about it, so I stayed quiet. The whole walk till home was quiet, it seemed like Sungjong was thinking a lot, and I didn't want to interrupt his thoughts. When we stepped in the house, there was no one inside, I guess Sunggyu went back to work and Sungyeol was still there too.
"Are you hungry?" I asked from Sungjong, but he just walked straight to his room, slamming the door behind him. Well I guess he wasn't. I thought I could make a favour for Sunggyu, that I would do the food for the whole family and I decided to make chicken and rice, not anything special.
After few hours Sunggyu and Sungyeol finally came home, but Sungjong was still in his room. Right away when I saw Sunggyu, I wanted to tell him what we heard, but I didn't know should I, because after all Sungjong was there too, so I let it be.
"Have you made food for us? AND HAVE YOU CUT YOUR HAIR?!" Sungyeol asked when he stepped to the kitchen.
"Yes! do you like it? and you guys must be tired of working, so I decided to help a little, if thats okay?" I asked and looked to Sunggyu, he just nodded and said:
"Your hair is looking great!" Sungyeol told me and took food. Both of them ate a lot of food and I was asking for Sungjong to come to eat, but no answer.
"Whats wrong with Sungjong?" Sungyeol asked from me.
"He just got a bit upset today, thats all." I answered, then again I didn't even know why he was so upset.
"Should I go to check him?" Sunggyu asked.
"No I don't think you should, I'll go." I decided, because of Sungjong's reaction to Sunggyu's and Woohyun's conversation was so negative, the last person he wanted to see was his big brother. So I walked to the second floor, knocked to the door and asked:
"Sungjong, can I come in?"
"Yeah..." He answered. I opened the door and he was sitting on his bed.
"Is everything okay?" I asked and sat down next to him.
"I guess. I'm just wondering why didn't Sunggyu tell me about it..."
"Maybe he didn't want to upset you?" I asked.
"You might be right, but still, I'm his brother..."
"Which he is taking a good care of, he doesn't want to make you worried."
"How about you go downstairs and eat with them? and I suggest that you don't ask about what happened today, because I'm sure he will tell you when the right time comes." I told Sungjong and smiled at him. He nodded, got up and walked downstairs. I heard Sunggyu and Sungyeol asking from him:
"Is everything okay?"
"Yes it is, so what are you guys eating?" Sungjong asked and he seemed to be himself again, I sighted of relief.
Another rough day behind, I was so tired. I had been awake for 2 days now and so much has been happening, but still no memories haven't come up. Well I guess it takes its time, but I really would like to be able to even remember who were my parents, since I can't stay here forever. I don't know how was Sunggyu's, Sungyeol's and Sungjong's life before I woke up, but it seemed like I was making it a bit harder. I don't know how, but I just had that kind of feeling. And what comes to all the secrets around here, I really would want to know about them, I was so curious. I guess this who I am? wanting to know everything that is happening around me. But I just can't go and ask them, I needed time to figure it out....

NOTE: few things I want to say, I know that Boohyun is actually Woohyun's big brother in real life, but I just couldn't figure any better name for the kid haha~ and thank you all for subscribing! remember, don't be a silent reader hehe~
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Deongwoo #1
whoa who was that guy O_O<br />
btw update soon! ^^
Minhyorin #2
@B2st-lover mostly there will be woohyun, sunggyu, sungyeol and sungjong~
Hmmm whos the main guy?
Minhyorin #4
@lemonkpoplover i'll try my best! i have started writing the first chapter already~ awww i think Sungjong is going to be there around a lot :D
lemonkpoplover #5
Sounds interesting! Update soon!Hope to see more Sungjong here cuz he's my bias! XD