I have heard people talking, laughing, yelling for a long time. I don't know who they are, since I can't see anything, everything is just black. I can only hear noises around me. People coming, people leaving. Where am I? What is happening? Why can't I see anything? Why can't I even move? and the most weirdest thing is that today I could hear those voices around me even more clearly than before, I wonder what is going on. I need to find out. I need to get out of this darkness. All I have to do is open my eyes, right? The thing is that its so hard, it feels like my eyelids weights tons. But I have to do it, I have to open them now. Slowly I started to see again, even though the view was a bit dizzy. I saw someone leaning over me and I heard that person saying:
"Heyheyhey she is opening her eyes!!!"
"DOCTOR!! SHE IS WAKING UP!!" Someone other yelled. But doctor? why? where am I? why do I need a doctor? I was confused. But when I finally got my eyes open, I saw three guys around me and a doctor coming to the room. I didn't recognize any of them.
"Hey girl are you okay?" This tall guy asked from me. I didn't manage to answer to it, since the doctor came next to me and she said:
"Hey there! You have woken up now from a three week long coma, which is a relief. You had a lot of bruises and you had lost a lot of blood, but that is fixed now. Do you remember what happened?"  Oh a coma! Thats why I haven't been able to open my eyes yet. But what happened? To be honest, I don't have any memory of it, I really didn't know what has happened, so I shaked my head to her.
"I see... can you tell me your name then?" Why would she ask such thing? I thought doctors find out my name from some files or something? But I had to answer to her. What my name is? When I thought about it, my name... what is my name? why can't i remember what is even my name! what the hell is this?!?! I got so confused, have I lost my memory or something? Who am I?! The doctor noticed that I didn't remember it, so she said to the 3 boys:
"It seems like she has lost her memory, which isn't a suprise, because of all her bruises in her head..." I was right. My memory is long gone and probably never coming back.
"Will she be able to remember about what happened to her anymore?" One of the boys asked.
"We don't know that, it will come or it won't come, its a matter of time. But I think you guys should tell her how she ended up here, so I'll leave you alone." The doctor said and left the room.
"Can you tell me what is my name then?" I had the courage to ask from the three strangers.
"Actually, we don't. The polices took your finger prints and everything, but they couldn't find anything, which is a bit strange..." The polices?! what actually is happening?! and what was that supposed to mean that they didn't find anything?! 
"Ohh okay then... that sure is weird... but let me ask you something. Who are you all?" I asked from them.
"WE ARE THE SUNGBROS~" One of them said, probably the youngest one and then one of them slapped his back of the head right away and he said:
"I'm Sunggyu, this tall blackhaired one here is Sungyeol and the one sitting next to your bed is Sungjong."
"So you are brothers?" I asked.
"Yes we are. Sungjong is the youngest, Sungyeol is second and I'm the oldest." Sunggyu told me.
"Nice to meet you all... I'm really sorry that I can't remember any of you.." I apologized. I was sure that they were at least my friends or something before I lost my memory.
"Well the first time we saw was when we found you actually..." The tall boy said.
"Actually it was me who found you.. you were in really bad contidion to be honest... Bloody all over and you were just lying there in the snow.. first thought that came in to my mind was that you are dead... anyways I had to call my brothers to help me, I couldn't drag you to the hospital all alone." Sungjong said. 
"Snow? is it winter?!" I asked confused.
"Its always winter here." Sunggyu told me. Was this place some kind of snowland? I want to see what its like outside.
"Riiight... But guys, I'm really confused, why are you still here, after all those weeks?"
"Because we couldn't let you be all alone! There is no information about who you are or who is your family and that are you even from here in the first place!" Sungjong said. What a nice boys to be honest.
"I really appreciate it, thank you so much." I really were thankful to all of them.
"We have an suggestion to make actually! Would you come to live with us?" W-H-A-T.
"Well umm....." I started, but Sungyeol interrupted me by saying: "Or do you have some other place to go?" He was right. I had no other place to go, since I can't even remember if I was from here. 
"Okay then, I'll move in with you. But what will your parents say?" I asked.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!" Sungjong yelled and suddenly got so excited. I wonder why...
"Actually, we have no parents. Its only me, Sungyeol and Sungjong." Sunggyu told me. Wow, these guys must have been gone through so much, I suddenly started to feel sorry for them. Then again I should feel more sorry for myself, I don't even know who my parents are or do I even have ones...
"I'm sorry to hear that...." I couldn't figure out anything else to say.
"Its okay, it was long time ago." That meant they don't want to talk about it, so okay, I'll leave this subject right away.
"So I think you guys should give me a name." I wanted my saviours to figure out some good name for me.
"Well umm... Naomi?" Sungjong suggested. Naomi. Naomi. That didn't sound bad at all.
"Actually that sounds great! But can someone give me a mirror or something because I don't even know how do I look like and I want to know if the name fits..."
"I think it will fit perfectly." Sungyeol said and I couldn't help but smile at him. Sungjong gave me a mirror and I finally saw myself. There I am. I have long black hair, skinny face with small nose and not that big eyes. To be honest, I kinda looked like I was a zombie, but hey, I had been in coma for the past 3 weeks. 
"You are right, I think Naomi fits!" I told Sungjong.
"YAAAY NAOMI UNNI!!!" He yelled at me and clapped his hands.
"Unni? are you sure I'm older than you?" I asked, because I had no idea how old I was even. I might be like 25 years old, no one could be sure of that.
"Well I'm 15 and I think you look older than that haha" Sungjong laughed. 
"You are right. How old are you Sungyeol and Sunggyu?"
"I'm 17 and Sunggyu is 22." Sungyeol told me. 
"I think you would be close to Sungyeol's age." Sunggyu said. He was right, I didn't look that I was the same age as him and not the same as Sungjong, so I had to be there in between. 
"But guys I want to do something.. I want to cut my hair." I announced suddenly.
"But its so beautifully long!" Sungjong told me. 
"You'll regret it if you get your memory back." Sungyeol said.
"Nahh its that time's problem! Lets do it when I get out of here!" I was so excited of my new look. I had to do something with my face too, it really looked awful at the moment.
"First lets get you out of here!" Sunggyu said.
"What? I can already leave?" I was confused, I just woke up from three week long coma!!!
"Yup! the doctor said that since your wounds managed to heal before you woke up, then you can leave!" 
"Ohhh okay then, lets go!" I yelled and at that moment when I stood up, I never thought I was so tall. I was almost as tall as Sungjong was.
"WOW!" I yelled right away.
"You are so tall....." He complained. I patted him to his head and we left the hospital for good this time.
They showed me around the town before we went to their house. The whole place was so beautiful, lots of snow everywhere and the sky was clear light blue. Plus the mountains were beautiful too. I so wanted to go there, for even once! But we finally were at their house. It was not a big log cottage, but it looked really nice. We stepped in and then I finally realised how amazing the place was. They had really expensive looking stuff around the house and they even had probably 50″ TV there too! And the house was in two floors! They told me that the bedrooms were in the second floor and all the others were in the first. I wondered where I'm sleeping and they said that with Sungjong. I didn't mind at all, he seemed like a really nice and sweet boy. I was sure its going to be fun to be around here. 
"How do you guys have money for this house? I think its quite expensive!" I asked. I was really curious, because two of them were still at school and such.
"Didn't we tell you yet? We own a cafe here! Sunggyu is almost always there and we come to help after school. Are you interested in helping us?" Sungyeol asked from me. A CAFE! Thats really amazing and it seems like its popular here.
"YESSS I DO!!" I told them, it would be a great payback for what they have done for me. 
"But I was wondering, you should go to school with us, right?" Sungjong suddenly asked. I hadn't even thought about it yet, going to school. Well why not? Maybe that way I would be able to remember something.
"Suure.." I said.
"Then you'll be in the same class that I am!" Sungyeol yelled and put his hand on my shoulder.
"I guess so." I said and smiled at him. 
"I'm going to make food, any suggestions?" Sunggyu suddenly asked. Finally food, I was so hungry already.
It was the next morning and Sungjong and Sungyeol told me that I have to go to school with them already. Guys hey come on I just woke up from coma! Well I couldn't say no, so I left with them. I wonder if it was every morning habit of Sunggyu to wake up early and make breakfast for all of us, or did he do it because I'm here. Oh well I don't mind, he really is a reaaaaallly good cook. Anyways since I didn't have much of clothes, I had to borrow from Sungjong. His clothes pretty much fitted me, which was a suprise. He really had amazing S-line and his legs were so thin, to be honest I was jealous. Well at least I have great clothes to wear before I will buy my own haha! We left to school about 15 minutes before it started so that we would be there in time. The 4 of us walked together, we were planning on what to do after school and after few hours of work. We didn't manage to figure out anything yet, so we would decide it later. We passed the cafe and from outside it looked absolutely amazing, no wonder they were quite rich... Anyways the school wasn't a big one, they told me that every grade had only 3 different classes, I was hoping that I would get in the same class as Sungyeol is. And luckily the principal put me in the same class, thank god, because I was still out of everything. I walked to the class with Sungyeol and he said hey to few of his friends and someone asked from him:
"Who is this girl? your girlfriend?" I snorted and they all looked at me. I felt embarassed to be honest.
"Nonono! Remember the girl I told you about?" He asked from them. Ohh, so people knows about me, you didn't tell me this before....
"Ohh right, okay nice to see that she woke up! glad to meet you, I'm Hyungshik." The another tall boy said and offered his hand to shake with mine. I put my hand to his hand and I said:
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Naomi." 
"So Naomi, are you from here?" He continued asking. I was afraid of this, they asked questions in which I didn't even know the answer to! Before I managed to answer back, Sungyeol answered him:
"Yes she is and no more questions, okay?" The other boys nodded and sat down to their places. 
"Thank you." I thanked Sungyeol, he saved me from awkward situations. 
"No problem, they don't have to know that you don't remember anything." He told me. I nodded and we went to sit to our places. 
First class was math and I noticed that I'm really bad at it. I didn't know how to calculate anything! Sungyeol wasn't good help neither, he was as lost as I was. Maybe after all the school wasn't my thing, I already started to wonder. But the next class was arts and I started to get my hopes back to school, since I was pretty good at drawing, even Sungyeol was admiring my drawing skills and he told me to draw something to him. Before I even started to draw something to him, it was lunch time. We met up with Sungjong and Sungyeol said that he had to eat with his friends, so I decided to stay with Sungjong.
"So how is school so far?" He asked.
"Well maths isn't my thing, but arts went pretty nicely. I actually can draw!" I told him, I was so excited to start to know myself better.
"REALLY?! Then you have to draw something to me!" Nahh I need to draw something to Sungyeol first, but I nodded at him too.
We went to the cafeteria together and we took food, I didn't know yet did I like this one, but it looked really good. There were almost no free tables left so we would have to sit with some others. I pointed out one table where 3 boy students were eating, but Sungjong told me:
"NO WAY! you really don't want to mess up with them..."
"Ohh riight, they are some sort of school's gangsters or something?" I was curious. We first sat next to some girls and then Sungjong answered:
"Exactly. They beat the crap out of you if you ever mess up with them... and I have heard rumours that there was this one guy who accidentally met them one night somewhere in the town and they just beated him to hospital condition, just for fun..." 
"WOW! haven't the polices caught them yet?"
"Well one of their's dad is a policeman, so...."
"So whatever you do, stay away from them, okay?" Sungjong begged me.
"Of course! but its kinda hard since they are in my class...." I told him.
"Don't worry, they won't do anything at school."
"Good to hear." to be honest, I was still curious about them, how could three handsome guys like that be so awful? how could they beat up people just for fun? I thought that when I'm with either Sungjong, Sungyeol or Sunggyu, I wouldn't have to face them, but I was so wrong..
After school we rushed to the cafe together to help Sunggyu. The boys told me that the most of the people come there after school and after work, so we could really be helpful to Sunggyu. They told me the basic things about the cafe and how to use stuff and they decided that I should be the cashier. I didn't really mind, and after a while of being one, I was handling everything well and it was quite fun. After few hours of working, Sunggyu let me and Sungjong go home to rest, he would stay there with Sungyeol a while. So we left the cafe and started to walk home. It was already dark, but it was okay, since there were two of us. Sungjong suddenly stopped and I saw the horror in his face and he pointed straight in front of us and then I saw it too. Two of the so called gangsters plus probably ten other guys were almost right in front of us. Nowhere to escape, they had already noticed us. I was terrified.
"Shall we have some fun?" The other asked from the another.
"Sure." He said. I knew we would be so screwed, I knew we would end up in hospital again....

NOTE: so here is the first chapter~ I feel like I let you guys down since this is so boring urgh oh well i hope you like it and continue reading :) I already want to thank you all who are subscribing this :)
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Deongwoo #1
whoa who was that guy O_O<br />
btw update soon! ^^
Minhyorin #2
@B2st-lover mostly there will be woohyun, sunggyu, sungyeol and sungjong~
Hmmm whos the main guy?
Minhyorin #4
@lemonkpoplover i'll try my best! i have started writing the first chapter already~ awww i think Sungjong is going to be there around a lot :D
lemonkpoplover #5
Sounds interesting! Update soon!Hope to see more Sungjong here cuz he's my bias! XD