Week later I wasn't still able to remember anything, I even started to wonder that will my memory ever come back. But it was another school day and nothing haven't been changing, I was still good at arts and I in math and the other subjects were okay. I was actually walking alone from school to home, because Sungjong had one lesson left and Sungyeol went to hang out with his friends. It was beautiful weather outside, sun was shining and it was quite warm, even though it was winter. Lately I had been thinking that who I was and where I was from, because it seemed like no one recognised me here, so I probably wasn't from here. But why I ended up here in the first place? I had no idea and I hoped to get answer to that. I was thinking so much that I didn't even realise that I was followed. This person who was following me suddenly made its move. He put his hand over my mouth that I couldn't scream, but I started to struggle right away, but then he said:
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to take you some place." And I turned my head a bit to see who it was, and yes of course, it was Woohyun. I was still scared what he were about to do, but then he continued:
"And even though I would want to hurt you, you would probably kick my ." That made me feel a bit relieved. He still had his hand over my mouth and he started to take me with him. I didn't struggle anymore, because I was so curious what he wanted to show me. 
"If I let go of you, will you be nice?" He suddenly asked. I nodded and he let go of me.
"Where are you taking me to?" I asked curiously.
"You'll see, just follow me, okay?" He asked and I nodded again. Part of me wanted to run away from him, but still I stayed, because even if I ran away, they would probably come at me again. 
After walking about 5 minutes, we were at some kind of house, which looked like it had been abandoned for the past 10 years. When we were at the door, Woohyun yelled:
"Its Woohyun, I'm coming in." And he suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me in. The house looked exactly the same from inside than outside, it was in really bad contidion, broken and dirty furnitures all around the house.
"I see you brought her, good job." Someone said behind us. We turned around and there was a really tall guy standing right in front of us. I was actually starting to get scared, why did the guy want me there?
"Just like you wanted, Zico." Woohyun told him and started to walk away. What even, first he brings me here and then just leaves, juust great. It was only two of us now, me and that guy called Zico.
"So, what was your name again?" He suddenly asked.
"Naomi." I answered right away.
"I see, well Naomi, there is something I want to ask you."
"Feel free to ask me anything."
"Would you want to join us?" He asked. My jaw probably dropped all the way to the floor, I wasn't expecting such question. Why would I even join them? All they did were just evil and bad.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because what I heard, you got some talent in fighting and I don't think you have a job, but you want money, am I right?"
"Yes, but I wouldn't want to earn my money from beating up others, its just wrong."
"What else you got?"
"Sunggyu's cafe."
"Riiiight, so you would rather want to have a job from people who are lying to you?" His question hitted me hard, why would the three of them lie to me? what are they lying about anyways and why does he know about it? 
"Yes!" I suddenly answered and continued: "Why did you even want me to become a monster like you all? I'm different from you!" I started to yell and I was starting to get angry all of sudden.
"REALLY? let me ask you a question then, didn't you enjoy beating my guys up, huh?" He knew exactly what he was talking about and it hitted me hard, because it really felt like I enjoyed it back then... I just stayed quiet.
"I'm leaving!" I yelled, turned around and started to run towards the door in case he would run after me, but he just yelled:
"I'm sure you'll come back!"  HELL NO, why would I? I AM DIFFERENT from them, at least that was the thing I was trying to tell myself all day long. I run to the yard and then I saw someone  walking towards the house. I stopped running. He came closer and I could see him very well now, He had black hair and he was tall, about the same height as Sungyeol is and I couldn't figure it out, but something in him seemed familiar.
"Going somewhere miss?" He asked from me.
"YES!" I yelled and started to run, but then he yelled:
"WAIT!" and I turned around and asked:
"What?" I don't know what was going on, but he looked different from when he was walking towards me, this time his eyes were big and it looked like he had seen a ghost, but suddenly his face expression changed and it looked like he was smirking.
"Nevermind." He said and turned around and walked towards the door. I turned around too, to walk away from the place, but didn't manage to walk many steps before someone again yelled:
"WAIT!" to me. I was already getting tired of the people bumping into me and I yelled back:
"WHAT NOW?!?!?" but then I saw him, it was Woohyun who yelled to me.
"its just...." He started, but I interrupted him saying:
"Why did you even bring me here? and why I was stupid enough to follow you..."
"If it had been my choise, I wouldn't have taken you here, he told me to."
"So you are following his orders like a damn dog?!"
"HE WOULD HAVE HURTED MY LITTLE BROTHER OKAY?!?" Woohyun yelled back at me and there was frustration in his voice this time.
"Ohh..." Now I understood it totally, if he didn't do what he was told to, his little brother would get hurt.
"Do you understand me now? I'm not doing this because I would enjoy it, I hate it all!" He yelled at me. I wondered why he was telling me all of this in the first place, but then I didn't mind anymore. I nodded at him and we started to walk back to the town. 
"So how old is your little brother?" I asked from him when we had been walking a while.
"3 years old and actually---" He started, but someone yelled his name behind us. We turned around and saw Dongwoo and Hoya running at us, looking terrified.
"Whats wrong?" Woohyun asked right away, he knew something was wrong.
"Its Boohyun.... we can't find him anywhere!" Hoya yelled.
"We just looked away for few minutes and then he was gone!" Dongwoo started to explain. Woohyun was already looking around for him with his gaze and he said:
"Dongwoo, go to that way." He told Dongwoo and pointed to left and then he said the same to Hoya, but pointed to right.
"Do you want to help us?" He asked from me when Dongwoo and Hoya were gone.
"Okay then, go to that way. " He said and pointed to one direction and I started to run, because we had to find his brother. First I didn't see any sign of him, but after looking a while, there was a kid who looked familiar, it had to be Boohyun. He was just playing in the snow all alone. I went closer and I asked from him:
"Hey little boy, are you Boohyun?" The kid nodded at me, he looked a bit scared.
"Your brother is looking for you." I told him and smiled. Actually I had no idea how to deal with little kids, but at least I tried my best.
"Woohyun?" The kid asked cutely.
"Yes, he is pretty worried about you." I said to him and pulled my hand out, if he by any chance would grab it and we would go, but he didn't grab my hand.
"I'll take you to home, okay?" I asked and smiled at him again.
"Is Dongwoo brother and Hoya brother there too?" The kid asked cutely again. What? Were they all brothers? That can't be right....
"Yes." I answered back to him after a while of silence and now he grabbed my hand and we started to walk back to where I left, because I had no idea where they lived.
"Home is in other direction." The kid said to me.
"Ohh.. can you tell me where?" I asked and he nodded. He was walking ahead of me, showing the way to their house. 
"BOOHYUN!" Someone yelled behind us. Boohyun turned around and yelled:
"WOOHYUN!" And Woohyun ran to him and lifted him up and hugged him tightly. It was like a family reunion.
"Where have you been? Big brother was worried about you." Woohyun asked from Boohyun when he putted him down to the ground again.
"Playing with the snow." Boohyun told him and Woohyun looked at me, to make sure it was true. I nodded. Woohyun sighted of relief.
"Don't you ever run away from Dongwoo brother and Hoya brother, okay?" Woohyun told to Boohyun. What even, even he said brother... I'm totally confused.
"Okay!" The kid said and they both smiled. 
"Look Dongwoo and Hoya are there, run to them." Woohyun said and pointed to Dongwoo and Hoya who just arrived. Boohyun started to run there and they did the same, lifting him up and hugging, it seriously made my heart warm.
"Thank you so much!" Woohyun said to me and hugged me, I didn't have any time to react, so I was left dumbfounded. When he let go, I swear my face turned to red, but I answered:
"You are welcome....."
"Do you want to come in too?" He suddenly asked and I couldn't refuse so I told him that I'll come and we started to walk towards their house. We stepped in to a little house with only one bedroom, kitchen and little livingroom and of course bathroom with shower. It looked a bit rusty and all I could say that they were from different life situation than Sunggyu, Sungyeol and Sungjong. I felt sorry for them.
"This actually isn't that luxorious place like Sunggyu's" Woohyun said.
"You have been there?"
"Couple of times." 
"Well home is where the heart is so I guess it doesn't matter how it looks like, right?" I asked and Woohyun only smiled and nodded at me.
"Want some coffee?" Dongwoo suddenly asked and walked to the kitchen.
"Oh yes please." 
"We are sorry that we hurted Sungjong." Hoya said and came to the kitchen aswell.
"You shouldn't be apologizing from me, Sungjong took it pretty hard, he is really afraid all of you." I told them and it was true. Whenever Sungjong saw any of them, he immediately ran away or hide. 
"You are right." Dongwoo said and poured coffee to my cup. Woohyun guided the way to the livingroom and told me to sit down on their sofa.
"Can you go play with Boohyun for a while, I have few things to talk with her in private." Woohyun said to Dongwoo and Hoya, they nodded and took Boohyun to the bedroom and closed the door.
"So are you guys really brothers? all of you 4?" I asked curiously, because I really didn't believe it.
"HAHAHA NO!" Woohyun laughed. So I was right, but then how....
"Actually none of us are related." He continued. My jaw dropped, I thought at least Boohyun was...
"Not even the kid?"
"Then how?"
"Well few years back something happened and I found myself taking care of Boohyun and Dongwoo and Hoya are helping me."
"It has something to do with your parents, am I right? because I can't see any here." I asked and looked around.
"Wow girl you are a curious one!" 
"I'm sorry...." 
"Nah its okay, It seems like you are actually the only one who DOESN'T know about it around here." He was right, there were secrets all around this place and I had no idea what was going on, so I just nodded at him.
"Well let me tell you the whole story. Two years ago there was this camp for people to the mountains and then the accident happened." He took a break and continued:
"There was a snowslide and all of them died and as you might guess, my parents were there too just like Sunggyu's, Sungyeol's, Sungjong's, Dongwoo's, Hoya's and Boohyun's." Now it all made sense, the accident. That's why any of them didn't have parents. 
"Because Boohyun's parents lived in the next door, I was taking care of him on that day. And when we heard what had happened, I just couldn't abandon him, I felt responsible of taking care of him and I promised to myself that I will do whatever it takes to have a better future for him." 
"I understand that..he deserves it." I answered, to be honest I didn't know what else I could have said.
"What comes to Dongwoo and Hoya, we have always been there for each others and actually they have been living here ever since that day, even though Hoya has his uncle around, and no ,its not his dad who is the police, its his uncle." Right okay, so one of the polices who has been asking questions from me is his uncle. 
"There is one thing I want to ask." I suddenly said, it made him a bit of suprised too.
"I overheard one day when you and Sunggyu were talking about giving money or something? I'm sorry, I'm just curious...." I apologized and it really wasn't my bussiness.
"Well at first we were having a hard time, so one day I ran to Sunggyu, when I was stealing some food from the store and he offered to help me, even though he and his brothers had a hard time too. He gave me money once in a while that we could buy food for me, Dongwoo, Hoya and Boohyun, but then I realised I can't forever borrow money from him, so I told him to back off and then I met Zico... and rest of it you know."
"But Woohyun, I think you really should quit working to Zico, because there is lot of other options for you out there." I told him.
"Like what? Because of my parents, the whole town hates me and they are not willing to take me to work."
"There is one who would."
"Woohyun, I think this is the best way to pay back to him, take Dongwoo and Hoya with you too." 
"You might be right about that." He answered.
"Well I don't think you want to beat up people for the rest of your life, am I right?" I asked and he nodded.
"But Naomi, I heard you have lost your memory, huh? It must be hard for you too." He changed the subject suddenly, I knew he didn't want to talk about Sunggyu and beating up people, so I answered to his question:
"Yeah, well I haven't had time to deal with it, but I'm doing okay... I just want to remember something, but I guess it will happen when its supposed to." I said and smiled at him.
"You are right." He said and smiled back. I looked at the clock and said:
"But I think I should go, the otheres don't know where I am and such."
"Are you going to tell where you were?" He asked.
"No I don't think its the best to do now, but see you around, okay?" I asked, stood up and walked to the door.
"Sure. It was nice to talk with you." He said to me and smiled.
"It was nice to talk with you too! Say bye to Boohyun, Dongwoo and Hoya for me!" I said and closed the door.
After 5 minutes of walking, I was back at home, the door was a bit open and I couldn't help but hear the argument inside. I decided to stay behind the door and listen.
"When are we going to tell her then?!" Sungjong yelled to someone.
"NOT NOW OKAY?!" Sungyeol yelled back.
"She deserves to know the whole truth about when we found her!" Sungjong yelled again. What? the whole truth? All I could think of what Zico had said to me about them lying, so I kept listening.
"So you mean we should tell her that there was a dead guy too, huh?!?!" Sungyeol yelled. I could feel my heart skipping few beats, I couldn't breathe well and I accidentally hit the door with my hand and in few seconds, Sungyeol and Sungjong were at the door.
"Naomi...." Sungjong started. I couldn't say anything, I was just staring at them, wanting them to say it was a lie, because all I could think of is that I had something to do with the dead guy. And because I couldn't say anything, I turned around and started to run away and I heard Sungyeol yelling my name behind me, but I didn't care, I just kept running away....
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Deongwoo #1
whoa who was that guy O_O<br />
btw update soon! ^^
Minhyorin #2
@B2st-lover mostly there will be woohyun, sunggyu, sungyeol and sungjong~
Hmmm whos the main guy?
Minhyorin #4
@lemonkpoplover i'll try my best! i have started writing the first chapter already~ awww i think Sungjong is going to be there around a lot :D
lemonkpoplover #5
Sounds interesting! Update soon!Hope to see more Sungjong here cuz he's my bias! XD