Chapter 1

Single British Dad


The beautiful symphony of Swan Lake engulfing the grand hall with the audiences watch in awe at the beautiful solo by the ballerina.

The ballerina gave a delicate spin before three beautiful toddlers emerged from a tree and they dance together with the ballerina creating an enchanting chemistry. It is such a beautiful combination of how the girls and the ballerina dance together with such delicacy that it is not strange when it managed to capture the audience’s eyes and heart. The way they work on the dance to fit it with the famous music of Tchaivosky was just simply divine.


Well, that is until the entrance door opens so loudly that it makes all the audience turn their eyes to the source of it. A bloody chap.

21 years-old Allen Thatcher felt the awkwardness surging through him. He’s late and he knows it. 'Stupid, bloody traffic jams' He mentally groaned. He rubs the back of his tousled bronze hair before slowly –with the door making an awkward squeak- closes the door. He ignore the glare that being send to him and in fact, gives an awkward smile that managed to capture a lot of girls heart before taking a seat next to an old lady.

Allen’s eyes trained to the stage, travelling to every dancers until it met with a beautiful little girl with a soft coffee hair that has been put up into a tight bun wearing a beautiful white and pink gradient dress.

Allen smiled; He’s just in time. Allen watched in amaze at the solo performance by his daughter, Agnes Thatcher. It’s a simple role, not too strenuous like the senior Odette but perfect for toddlers.

Agnes inform him a few days ago that she got the role of little Odette –a lead role for toddlers- and demand for him to come no matter what. He is proud of her for getting a lead role at a young age. He could cry by now but he has a strong image to uphold. His feature is enough pride-killing so he better keep up his remaining pride at high level.

The show keeps on until the end where all the ballerinas give a bow to the audience.

Allen followed the audience’s applause, clapping his hands along and smiled at his daughter who smile back at him.

Allen waited at the backstage, ignoring some ballerinas wink and flirt as he waits for his little angel.


Allen eyes sparkled at the sight of his daughter running to him, already clad in her cream Burberry toggle coat with her hair still in a tight bun.

Allen opens up his arms widely to her but Agnes just huffed.

“Father, are you serious?” She rolled her eyes but a smile still crept on her pale face. She crossed her arms over her chest while tapping her feet.

Allen didn’t crouch down to her height so it’s impossible for Agnes to reach his height. Allen chuckled before crouching down to his daughter’s height.

“I’m just playing with you.” He cooed before engulfing Agnes in a hug.

“And I know you do.” Agnes hugs back.

They stayed like that for a while before quickly pulled back.

“That is so dramatic.” Allen shivered.

“Says the one who hugs me.” Agnes sassily retorts back.

They stared at each other before breaking out into a laugh, earning some looks from people.

“Come on, let’s celebrate.” Allen lifts the girl into a piggyback.

“Any recommendation?” Allen asked as they make their way to a white Ghibli Maserati. Definitely not a car for a family but this is Allen. He's just like any other lads with their car . And Agnes is fine with her father's obsession, she gets to be at her ballet class faster with it.

“Ummm, STARBUCKS!” Agnes gleefully answered.

Allen grinned. “Starbucks it is.”

Allen placed Agnes at the passenger’s seat before setting himself at the driver’s seat.

“Seatbelts on!” Allen ordered as if he's the Nazi's leader.

“Do I look like a child to you?” Agnes huffed but complied anyway.

Allen rolled his eyes at the obvious irony.

“You look like a child to me.” He muttered before starting the engine and makes his way to the nearby Starbucks.

“So Agnes, father got some good news.” Agnes looks at her father while sipping onto her Green Tea Latte.

“What? You're pregnant? I thought it's only works for female."

“Child, respect your father.” Allen squint his eyes at the rude kid. Agnes rolled her eyes.

“What is it father dearest?” Agnes questioned with a sickenly sweet voice that makes Allen’s eye twitch.

“Children these days.” Allen muttered.

“Father these days.” Agnes retorts back with a smirk.

“What?” Allen glared at her.

“Too beautiful to be a man.” This kid is provoking him!

“Aish, if you act like this I will not tell you the good news.” Allen huffed and turns his head away from his daughter while he take a sip from his drink –which is the same as Agnes.

“I’m just joking! I’m sorry! Please tell me the good news! Pleeeease?” Agnes bit her bottom lip whilst giving a huge puppy eyes at her –childish- father.

Allen bit the inside of his cheeks to contain his laugher.

“I can see you’re laughing father.” Agnes smiled and tilts her head to the right side to see her father’s face more clearly.

“See, you’re smiling.” She pokes his cheeks.

Allen chuckled before ruffling the lass’s hair, making her bun a mess.

“Aish! My hair.” Agnes pouts.

“You such a cutie.” Allen cooed, pinching her cheeks. Agnes smacks his hand away.

“So what’s this good news?”

Allen cleared out his throat before answering.

“Your ballet class will have a winter holiday soon for three months.”

“Yeah, and why is it?” Agnes inquired, crossing out her arms over her chest.

“And we seems like we need more father-daughter bonding time since I’m always busy so. . .” Allen paused, purposely creating suspense.

“Sooo?” Agnes trailed off.

“Soooo, I’m taking a 3 months off case.”

Silence, only the sound of the cafe can be heard. Well that is before Agnes stormed out from her seat and hugs the living daylight out of her father.

“Are you serious? That means,”

Allen pecked her daughter’s head while he adjusts her easily on his lap.

“Yes, I’m available for 3 months.”

“At last!” Agnes pecks Allen’s cheek. Allen smiled, deep inside he felt guilty. He’s a busy lad, a professional lawyer and also the most sought out one in UK. He gets a pay that as big as Mount Fuji, but money is money, his daughter is his first priority, and he can’t buy love. Allen want to be the best father to Agnes, he knows he couldn’t do much but he is sure that this 3 months holiday will be his chance to make up for it.

“And uh uh,” Allen held up his hand, stopping the little girl’s rambling.

“I’m planning a trip.” The sparkling in Agnes’s eyes is enough to warm Allen’s heart.

“Really? Like oversea or grandfather’s place?” Agnes widens her eyes.

“Well, yes to oversea and maybe to grandfather’s.” Allen tap her nose lightly.

“Where!? Tell me boy, tell me!” Agnes tugged into Allen’s collar making the lad choke on his drink.

“Get your hand off me! Trying to kill me aye?” Allen gently brushed those hands off his collar and fix it.

“Aish, so eager, it’s Korea, South Korea.” Allen finally answered.

“You mean those kimchi, k-pop and plastic surgery country?”

“Hey watch your word young lady!” Allen scolded.

“But the telly said so.” Agnes muttered.

“So when is it? The date?” Agnes asked.

Allen smirked, his eyes glinted with mischief “Tomorrow, so we better get ready now young lady.” Allen stood up as soon as Agnes gets off from him.

“That early?! Bloody nutcrackers you should’ve told me! Trying to be all secretive, yeah right!” Agnes grumbled while putting on her coat.

“I’m just that type of person.” Allen deviously grinned.

The two exit the shop and make their way home.

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Nataliechan #1
Chapter 6: Interesting story.. please update soon...
seralina #2
Chapter 6: This story was so good...can you update soon please...
Chapter 2: This is soo interesting !!!
Chapter 1: This is so sad, shofia T.T
I'm going to read this one :3
Llamasandpandas #6
I hope you update because this story is funny and sweet love Agnes and Allen. Lol Lulu is so in love
fira_bunny #7
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update, I really like
fira_bunny #8
Why not up to date?
Lofera #9
Chapter 5: It just ing hilarious... Luhan is checking out at Agnes hahah n he is just soo cute thinking him self as a e n Kyungsoo just so funny standing there b'cause he just hit a jackpot hahah...n don't worry author-nim its one funny chapter...gud luck on the next chapter n tan q 4 updating...
Lofera #10
Chapter 4: One word from me 'Fantastic'. Great job author-nim, I like your story n good grammar I should say. Little Agnes is just soo cute n mature n what a cute dad. Its quite cute though, the relationship betweet he and his daughter. I can't wait for the next update, please update soon author-nim... Great job ;):D