
My Magic Sketchbook [Hiatus]

"Hi! We're your boyfriends!" six boys, all dressed in white, shouted cheerfully.
They were all looking at Jung-ah in awe. For some strange reason, Jung-ah decided to look at the boys' faces in great detail, remembering each and every one of their faces and body physique. 

Suddenly, everything around her slowing faded away until everything was pitch black. 

"Jung-ah, wake up!" Her father cooed while shaking you gently.
Jung-ah woke up, startled.
"You overslept. Quick, get ready for school. You're almost late. I'm going off to work now. Take care of yourself," her father reminded.
After a simple breakfast, Jung-ah changed into her school uniform and slid the sketchbook inside her bag before heading for school.
Hopping on her bicycle, she cycled to school.

Upon entering the school gates, Jung-ah's best friend, Naeun, walked towards her and smiled sweetly. The both of them chatted happily while Jung-ah was parking her bicycle near the school gate before securely chaining the bicycle to the gate.

She discussed with Naeun about the sketchbook she found during the weekend and the weird omega sign.
Soon, classes began. Jung-ah stopped conversing with Naeun and she returned to her seat. 

During lunch break, Jung-ah stayed back in class. She took out the sketchbook and started her rough sketch of the boys in her dream last night. Jung-ah thought that it was weird that she could still remember the dream, let alone remember every detail of the boys' faces. Soon, she was almost done with the sketches, with only finishing touches to add. Stretching her arms, Jung-ah relished the thought of another masterpiece done.

Having a flair for drawing since young, Jung-ah participated in many art competitions, winning most of them. One of the competitions' prize was a scholarship to the prestigious arts school she is attending now. 

After school, Jung-ah waved goodbye to Naeun before returning home. At home, Jung-ah placed her bag in her room, took out the sketchbook and placed it on her desk, opened up, ready for coloring when she returned from lunch. She also planned to buy new coloring materials on her way back from lunch.

When Jung-ah returned back from lunch, with new coloring materials bought from the stationery store. When she walked over to her desk, Jung-ah found out that the sketches in the book were gone. 


I keep on typing "You" instead of "Jung-ah". OTL
There. another chapter. ^^ Happy reading!
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LOrd_JY_ #1
wow!a really nice fiction,so different^^<br />
awww~it's okay,you can update whenever you want(not really cause I really need to read more)kay?^^ LOL<br />
Jo twins so smart to find this idea^__~<br />
aaaaaand I like when you said:'and then a ghost came and killed them all'LOL <br />
update soooon~
Amandaluvvskpop #2
Lol! I totally cracked up at the last line of chapter 4, "And a ghost came and kill all of them. lol"
AHAzhA the last line was DAEBAK XD
OMO, got caught by her dad.. UPDATE MORE PLZ..
Ahahaha wait now it makes more sense XD<br />
<br />
LMAO het dad will use them as Helpers >]