Marmalade Toast

My Magic Sketchbook [Hiatus]

The next morning, Jung-ah woke up slightly earlier to prepare six extra portions of breakfast for the six sleeping boys. After checking her father's room, she realized that he already left for work. She decided to make marmalade on toasted bread. She took out the marmalade from the pantry and the butter knife from the table. Taking out the earlier-toasted bread from the toaster, she applied the orange substance onto the bread. Just as she put down the last piece of bread on the plates, the six boys walked into the kitchen with bleary eyes. 

Jeongmin rubbed his nape as he said, in a tired voice, "What are you doing?"

Jung-ah replied with a bright smile, "Breakfast! Quick! Eat up!"

Upon hearing what Jung-ah said, the younger three rushed to the table, fighting for seats. While the older three walked towards the table slowly. The boys ate the bread heartily with Jung-ah making another slice of marmalade toast for herself to eat. 

"You guys lack a lot of essential items. Stay at home. I will bring you all to the shop to buy daily essentials after school. Don't do anything silly. Just stay at home." Jung-ah said, sounding a bit worried. 

After saying that, Jung-ah collected the already-empty plates and placed them in the sink. She then walked to the room to change into her school uniform. She was surprised to see that the boys have already made the bed and also tidied up and kept the blankets. After brushing her teeth, Jung-ah grabbed her schoolbag and rushed off to school.


A/N: soooooooooo sorry for not updating for so long. My father confiscated my computer so I was not able to post this.
But FINALLY I put it up. ^^
Enjoy! Remember to subscribe and comment if you enjoy the story~
The exciting part should happen very soon!

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LOrd_JY_ #1
wow!a really nice fiction,so different^^<br />
awww~it's okay,you can update whenever you want(not really cause I really need to read more)kay?^^ LOL<br />
Jo twins so smart to find this idea^__~<br />
aaaaaand I like when you said:'and then a ghost came and killed them all'LOL <br />
update soooon~
Amandaluvvskpop #2
Lol! I totally cracked up at the last line of chapter 4, "And a ghost came and kill all of them. lol"
AHAzhA the last line was DAEBAK XD
OMO, got caught by her dad.. UPDATE MORE PLZ..
Ahahaha wait now it makes more sense XD<br />
<br />
LMAO het dad will use them as Helpers >]