First Meeting

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Jungkook POV

I heard her soft voice introducing herself and it made my heart skip a beat. It wasn't common for me to see a girl younger than me and being this close to us or even being in the same room as us. I hope I get to know her better.

Lee Minah POV

I scanned the room, and my eyes rested on the boy I believed to be Jungkook. He was curiously staring at me, but his gaze wasn't hostile it was only curious, but his smile made my face go red. I had a bad premonition that a lot of things would happen through the time I spent with him, Suddenly....


Their signature introduction haha. I bowed and the awkward silence pursued until Jimin offered to take me on a tour of the agency building. I happily agreed and I thought I saw from the corner of my eye a glare from Jungkook directed towards Jimin. But before I left, I asked if I could call everyone oppa to become closer and everyone admantly agreed, not a bad start. During the tour Jimin and I talked about our hobbies, what we like and dislike to get to know each other better. The more we talked, the more we figures out we had in common. Also, his smile was captivating like if he smiled at you, everything that was worrying you would dissappear. When we passed by another practice room, I suddenly tripped over my feet (darn those wedges) and braced myself for impact on the floor, but it never came. Instead I found two warm and strong arms holding me up and Jimin's laughing face from above. I was extrememly embarrased but Jimin oppa ensured me this would be our secret with one another. After a few more steps, we arrived back at BTS practice room. 

Rapmon suggested we listen to the few melodies I had started and I complied, but first I had to do something extrememly necessary. It was my habit to throw myself into music when I had coffee to start me off. 

"Chogio (Excuse me), but would any oppa want to come with me to get coffee for everyone?"

"ME, I'LL GO!" said Jungkook

"haha ok, thanks oppa. We;ll be back! What do you guys want?"

"Anything is fine," they all chorused.

Jungkook and I made our way out of the building in search of a coffee shop. On the way there after spotting one a distance away, he started the convo with questions to know me better. Just as with Jimin, we had a lot in common. We were out fo breath from laughing after enter

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plss update soon!!!! :D
katbprkr #2
Chapter 3: suga * sorry, i just had to correct that
Chapter 3: Haha of course there should be a chapter somewhere! But for some reason it feels like it should be with Jimin to set the whole jealousy and trust/mistrust thing off haha :P