I Thought You Said it was Okay...?

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Minah POV

I woke up and saw a curious face eyeballing me and I quickly covered my eyes with my hands. I could hear oppa's body tremble from his silent laugh and he suddenly picked me up bridal style and carried me to the kitchen. He sat me down on the counter and proceeded to fumble around in the refrigerator. He amerged holding two eggs, a tomato, mushrooms, green onions, peppers and of course, cheese. He never said a word but only playfully smiled and winked at me. I was swinging my legs and humming one of their new songs while oppa was frying up the omlettes. A savory aroma filled the little apartment and I couldn't help but let out a big contented sigh at what would fill my belly soon keke

"Oppaaaa, I'm hungryyyyy."

Instead of a response, I got a hot spoonful of the fresh omlette but it was SO HOT.



Just as he said that, I jumped down from the counter but oppa was so fast and ran away from me. He was still holding his little spatula while I chased him around the little apartment. After he ran into the ktichen again, he surrendered! HA. I proceeded to put him in a headlock before his strong grasp help my arms and wrapped them around him. Powerless, I stared at him while he stared back. He bumped out foreheads lightly together and just smiled at me. He nuzzled me with his nose and then pushed me to go sit down and eat. We had a light conversation and I paused eating when I noticed oppa staring at me.

"Oppa, what is it?"

"Nothing nothing~"


Instead of replying, he took my hand and spun me around. Surprised, all I could do was laugh and he spun me around the whole room and we danced across the living room until we collapsed ontop of each other out of breath. We stared at the ceiling in silence while he my hair quietly. All of a sudden,


"kekeke Oppa/Hyung is back tooo~"

"Omo....look at those two."

"Aigoo, kim taehyunggg"

Embarassed I hopped up with my face beet red with oppa whistling and strolling around behind me. Unnie and oppa just laughed and winked as well as shot love signs, aigoo....We all sat with each other and talked. After, I went to get readdy for my first interview that would kick off my U.S. schedule. Just when I headed out of my bedroom I slipped on the wood floor..YES AGAIN..and came right down on oppa. I quickly got up and apologized and oppa put me in a headlock and tussled my hair only chuckling. Finally finished, we finally headed out to my first interview place. As I went in the door, I had multiple people with their hands out waiting for me to shake them and stunned, I bowed to each and every person waiting for me. 

Up until then, my populatrity never really hit me, but for once, people treated me with respect and like I actually existed. It was great :) 



I watched her timid steps into the room and saw her freeze when she saw the immense line waiting for her. I watched her proudly because hey, this was a big moment for her. Her interview went so well and she charmed everyone there, well, especially me keke.

Afterwards, she was swarmed with people asking for pictures and autographs and after that was done, Minah was exaughsted, but she was still holding strong. She made a quick trip to the restroom and we were all waiting for her at the entrance ready to leave. 5 minutes passed, but Minah still wasn't here. Another 5 minutes go by. By then, noona and hyung were both also worried and noona went to go find her.

---2min later---


"WHAT?! Call security right now."

I stood there stunned. Where did she go? Did someone...did someone take her...?"


Minah POV

I was so tired but immensely happy. Everyone was so nice and encouraging and I ws so happy to hear that my song could have such a big impact. I went to the restroom to quickly freshen up. I was fixing my hair in the mirror when a dark figure slipped into the restroom right behind me. Alarmed, I quickly scurried out of the bathroom but didn't make it very far. A deep voice told me,

"Who the hell do you think you are coming here from Korea and thinking you can just take over the music charts

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plss update soon!!!! :D
katbprkr #2
Chapter 3: suga * sorry, i just had to correct that
Chapter 3: Haha of course there should be a chapter somewhere! But for some reason it feels like it should be with Jimin to set the whole jealousy and trust/mistrust thing off haha :P