Into The New World

That Spring, That Flower That Grows

           The seven heroes were baffled when they awoke… The land they found themselves in was… Exactly the same! They were in the outskirts of their home (JB’s, BamBam’s, Jackson’s, and Mark’s home that is) in Korea, but they recognized the place nonetheless.

JB and Jr decided they would scout out the land, leaving the other five to themselves.

“We still aren’t sure whether or not this place is safe or not… So, JR and I will find out what we can about this world.” said JB

“And who made you boss?” questioned JR

“Boss? Oh, BamBam made me boss. He said he was tired of being in charge, so he let me take his position as CEO.”


“Nah, he’s right! I made him boss!” declared BamBam.

“Just go and make sure that Eric was telling the truth and that we are in fact in a whole different world. Eric could’ve just drugged us and dropped us of here alien-abduction style.” said Mark.

With that said JB took JR by the arm and walked away into town. They walked and walked, but everything looked identical.

“Everything’s exactly the same! Even that noona that always gives me the evil eye!” said JB.

“No…Something is off…Like something or someone does not exist… Quick, JB tell me, is Pluto still considered a planet?” asked JR

“What? No I don't think so…”

JR gasped and then spoke in JB’s ear, saying “ I knew it… This is the world where Girl’s Generation never existed or more possibly, a world where they did not make it big and faded into obscurity…”

JB stepped aside and immediately questioned JR’s logic. “I don’t get it… Would that mean that our universe is directly connected with this one?”

“What, nah that’s crazy. I just asked you that because there were nine planets, you see and then one left… That reminded me of SNSD…”

“Brah, that’s crazy. Let’s go ask a person and see if you are right…. We’ve been here for 3 hours, only 21 are left.”

JB and Jr then came near a girl named Sin.B and asked her, “So, what’s you’re fave Soshi song? Gee? Hoot? Into the New World? Sister Sister, I mean MR. MR? What year is dis??”

The girl was dazzled by the duo’s sheer handsomeness, but answered nonetheless, “Who is Soshi? Its the year 2015...”

JR was astonished, but quickly asked, “Girl’s Generation, the group with nine members- they work for S.M. You know, one of the members looks exactly like you!”

“SM? You mean that one girl group that flopped a few years back? I think they flopped right after relaesing Dancing Queen. Quite a shame... Had they only made their comeback with another song... Maybe, but Gee, I don't know....”

JR fainted from the sheer surprise, but JB caught him.

“Okay, ma’am, thank you for your time…” he said as he piggybacked JR back to the other 5.

On the way, JR awoke and whispered gently into his ear, “I told you so…”

When they arrived at the spot where they had left them, the 5 were nowhere to be found.

“Fudge, you think they got lost?” asked JR.

“You awake?” quickly replied JB.


“Then get off!” said JB as he dropped JR to the ground.

JR stood up and looked around saying, “You think they got themselves kidnapped?”

“No, I don’t think someone would kidnap a group of 5 men in broadlight.. But, then again…”

“Then again what?”                                                                                                                       

“Idk what to say, maybe they did… But by aliens!”


“No, of course not. I was just joking. They probably got tired of waiting for us and left for town. I’m hungry, so it makes sense that they were too.”

“Let’s go look for some food too then.”

“Okay, back to town we go!

JR and JB managed to make their way back into town, despite their growing hunger. Before they knew it, they also found the other 5 huddled together outside a small market. However, they were not without company. A tall, handsome police officer was standing by them. And as they usually do, the officer had lined up against the walls. JB and JR were unsure what to do.

“Otoke?” asked JR.

“Wakaranai… I can’t believe it only took a small while for these kids to get in trouble. And with the law nonetheless!”

JR sighed and pulled JB’s sleeve, suggesting to help their chums. So, they came by the officer and asked what was wrong.

“You their guardian?” asked the officer.

JB cleared his voice, afterwhich saying, “Yes, sir. Uhmm is there a problem.”

“Yeah, yes, there is. Unfortunately it is not just any problem. They were caught using counterfeit currency! That’s right, fake money! Comprende, compinche?”

JR started sweating, What could he mean?, he asked himself.

Immediately, as soon as he could, JB realized what had happened.

He pulled JR aside and told him, “Dude, it’s not fake money. It’ just money from our world, our dimension. I don’t know how, but the absence of SNSD was great enough to cause some historical change in regards to the Won (Korean Currency). What do we do? it’s not their fault. They simply did not think about it!”

“I got this!” replied JR enthusiastically.

He came to the officer and said, “Sir, uhm, sorry what’s your name?”

The cop smiled widely and answered, “Daniel, Daniel Chae!”

JR continued,”Uhm, Officer Daniel… I’m sure these kids were up to no good and should accept the full penalty of the law-“

But Jackson cried out, “HYUNG, watch talkin’ bout? We didn’t do nothin’!”

“WE JUST WANTED SOME ICE CREAM!!!” shouted Yugyeom

“Shut-up, delinquenst!” replied JR. “Anyways, yes, they are guilty by all means of using fake money… But, haven’t you once participated in something you later regretted later on? Surely you, like I, are not perfect. We are imperfect beings… Mistakes and errors are natural for us, we’re only human after all. So with all my heart, I ask you, will you not let boys be boys?”

JB was shocked utterly at JR’s plea. WHAAAAAT his look screamed. But, the officer had wiped a small, rolling tear.

“I understand, my boy. I too once was a juvenile delinquent. You see, I had played a part in the uhmm, Botanical Business should we call it? Yes, I had spent a while after that in a pit of regret. But I changed. I became Determined, Motivated, Trained, all Now. I became a new person.”

“So, I am sure you understand, right? Will you not be merciful and let them go?”
“What, of course not!”

“I’ll give you chocolate. Eh, eh, ehhhhh?????”

“Sir, is that a bribe. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to arrest you for that.”

JB caught wind of what was to happen next, so he made a quick run for it- all while looking back at the beady eyes of BAM BAM…..But officer Daniel tackled him down. So with that, the boys were in a state of emergency and had no safety zone left to go to, besides prison.

And on the ride to prison they learned of the greatest, most shocking, difference between their world and this one: there was only one Korea. Daniel told them how with no source of energy, of encouragement, with no girl group as a means of inspiration the men in the army were depressed, and all around gloomy without any motivation whatsover… North Korea had overtaken the South.

“Woah, that’s tragic! Who would ever think SNSD really helped us?” questioned JB

PS. I love DMTN, but I couldn't help poke a little bit of fun. No harm intented in any way. Daniel, fighting! And I love G.Friend too! Also, I am just exaggerating with the Korean's Army sudden decrease of morale when it came to the absence of SNSD.

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Korean_Mafia #1
ayyy lmaoo
BlayBrave #2
When you gonna update?????? Whose gonna be the next cameo?!!! I'm excited, please update soon!!!!!!