Chapter 2

Finally Knowing



She couldn't sleep. After tossing and turning in her new bed she laid on her her back staring at the ceiling, she was started to get anxious about starting classes tomorrow. She still wasn't sure of how the process work.

For example, can you just sit anywhere?

How can she get to classes avoiding the mass crowd?

Where were her classes again?

Would there be at least one likeable person in her classes?

Can she survive the first semester without having a complete break down and call home and then her dad would start freaking out and her sister would tell her she should just it up and grow up a little.

An anxious wave washed over her and her eyes darted around the room. JiHae jumped slightly when the door suddenly creaked open and light poured through the small gap. A figure squeezed through the tiny opening of the door and shuffled about in the dark room. JiHae lifted herself from the bed to try and see if it was her roommate, who disappeared for the whole day, or a stranger who just a broke into her dorm room.

The person gasped ". Did I wake you up?"

JiHae left out a relieved sigh. It was just her roommate.

"No, I couldn't sleep anyway." She heard a few thing drop on the ground and heard her roommate drop herself onto her bed.

"Nervous about the new day huh?" She heard SooYeon mumble into her pillow and then she chuckled. "I remember my first day. Everything was so new and exciting. Now? I don't even know what's going on anymore. Enjoy your freshman days, freshman."

"You're not a freshman?" JiHae set her head back onto her pillow

"Nope. It's my second year." SooYeon replied

"I thought most people move out of the dorms after freshman years?"

"Yeah, well I thought I was getting my own room when I filled out my housing forms"

"Oh. I'm sorry" JiHae slightly shrinked into her bed covers.

"Don't be. It's not not your fault freshman. Plus I don't think you're that bad, so far anyway."

"Thanks" JiHae whispered. SooYeon chuckled and shuffled around underneath her covers.  There was silence in the room.

"Night freshman."

When JiHae woke up she already found that the morning light shining into her dorm room and the weird smell was something she would have to slowly adjust to. Her arm reached out from the covers and picked up her phone and checked it.


Still nothing from ChanHyuk. She decided to be the first to initiate the conversation between them.

First day here, I hope you're doing fine.

She sent the text and set her phone down. Throwing the covers off her, she step out of bed and grabbed her clothes before turning to look at her roommate sleeping soundly.

JiHae headed out to the bathroom and changed in the stalls. She didn't want to be caught changing her clothes, it would be too awkward for her.

JiHae headed back to her room, ignoring the over the top friendly eye contact of the other girls in the bathroom, to put her clothes back and grab her bag and phone.

She double checked the contents of her bag making sure she had everything she needed for the day. She slipped her phone into her pocket, slung her bag over her shoulder and silently bid goodbye to SooYeon, who was still sleeping.

JiHae walked to class following the route she mentally mapped out the night before when she received the plans of the building. Everything seemed like a movie, with all the students out on campus with some lying on the grass bonding with one another and others making their way with where every they need to head to.

When JiHae had made it to class, she found that didn't make it early enough for her to claim a seat at the back, so she awkwardly shuffled into the seat closest to her.

Beside her was a boy who had headphones in, self-consciously bobbing his head. With a cap backwards and dressed in all back. JiHae didn't want to seem weird so she tore her eyes away from the stranger. Next to her the she heard shuffling before she was greeted with a familiar face.

"JiHae right?" Peter asked, his face etched with a smile and hair spiked up with sleek black glasses on. JiHae nodded in response and Peter brightened even more.

"Looks like psychology isn't going as bad when you know someone in the class right?"  

"Yeah." JiHae smiled and faced the front when a middle aged man had entered the room.




A late update, but I'm on a break now so there should be another update during this week. Hopefully.

Still no full Jackson apperance (just a small apperance in this chapter, if you can find it) but he should be appearing soon.


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Chapter 2: I spotted Jackson :D
Peter seems really nice. I hope JiHae can learn how to make more friends be a bit more confident. But still I understand because it takes a bit of time to come out your shell when you go off to college.
Chapter 1: This is exactly how I felt when I moved away for university. I like how it's so relatable. Keep it up! :D