Clothing Raid

**Pearlisent's The True Pearls**


Narrator: Up next is TRUE PEARLS




Kim Jae Ri

Lee Eun Ji

Kim Serenity

Park Ariel

Kim Seorin

Song Ki Ah

Kwon Yuni

Kim Mi Cha

Jung Eun Hye



~Traveling to their destination~

JR, Serenity,Rainie, Ariel (JARS) POV:

Serenity: Hyeonie Unnie what kind of clothes should we buy?

M: clothes that you should wear for a party.

JR: so does that mean we will attend a party?

M: hmm…maybe and oh, here..*hands out a card to JR*

Ariel: what’s that?..*looks at the card*

JR: Rainie, can you please read this for us?*hands the card to Rainie who was listening to them*

Rainie: ok..

Clothing Raid

This is your 3rd mission, since you succeeded to get the attention of all the people with your performance you al should prepare for your debut, and buy some clothes for a party. We are going to give you 100,000 won each for your accessories & make ups, and 300,000 won for your clothes and shoes, you can use your own money if you need to but it’d better learn to save. Goodluck!


So does that mean we have 400,000 won each?

M: yes, and here’s your money. *hands the four girls 9 different colored envelopes*[2 red, 2 black, 2 orange, 2 blue, 1 white]

Ariel: hmm, so that’s why we are going shopping.*grabs the Orange colored one*

Serenity: *grabs the Red colored envelope* What type of clothes should I buy?

JR: *picks the red colored envelope* I also don’t know what type I should buy.

Rainie: let’s just buy the clothes that is both pretty but is still in our budget.*picks the orange one*

JR: *just noticed the colors* Unnie what are the purpose of the colors?

M: You’ll just know when we arrive, and please inform the other girls about the mission.

Ariel sent Rin the message.

Ariel: Done..*shows their manager her smile*


Seorin, Mi Cha, Eun Na, Ki Ah, Yuni’s POV:

~Sorry sorry sorry messageeee~

Mi Cha: oh, a message, Rin *looks at Rin who was driving*

Rin: can you read it please?*focuses on driving*

Mi Cha: Eun Na? Can you please read this? My phone is vibrating, I think my brother is calling *Gives her phone to the 3 girls in the back*

Yuni: Mi Cha, Eun Na is sleeping

Mi Cha: ah, so that’s why it’s so quiet there, hehehe, is Ki Ah also sleeping?

Yuni: De~

Rin: Yuni, can you please read the message *she saw Mi Cha was talking to her phone in her peripheral view*

Yuni: *reached for the phone* the message is from Ariel Unnie

From: Ariellie. <3

RiNnie! We have another mission, guess what. It’s a clothing Raid! We have a total of 400,000 won each person, we should learn how to spend less but we can also use our own money if we really need to. :3


Rin: as I’ve thought, hahaha..


SC: Destination reached.


The girls went down from the cars.

M: here are your monies *hands the five girls the remaining envelopes*, wait where’s Yuni & Eun Na?

Rin: they are still in the car,

Mi Cha: Yuni is waking Eun Na up,hahaha

Serenity & JR: well that’s new..hahaha

Rin & Mi Cha agreed to get the violet/purple envelope, Ki Ah got the black one. Yuni arrived late with Eun Na who was still wiping her eyes. Eun Na just took the white one and Yuni took the black.

Rin: I think I know what we should do, we should go to the person who has the same color of envelope right?

M: Right, then go.*smiles*

SC: Sharp thinking Rin!

Rin & Mi Cha: Violet/Purple

Serenity & JR: Red

Ki Ah & Yuni: Black

Rainie & Ariel: Orange

Eun Na: white

Eun Na: I’m all alone?..T_T

M: it’s not like that Eun Na, you chose the white one right so that means you get to choose who you want to be with.

Eun Na: Really?..yay! Omma, Appa!*ran to Rin & Mi Cha*

M: so the grouping is done, now all you need to do is go to stores and find what you need. Wait the mall is big and has so many stores right? So all of you here’s one glitch please read the instructions inside the envelope with your money. 

Rin & Mi Cha: Violet, the color of royalty, take the west wing of the mall never go or cross to the east ,south or north or else your money will be deducted in half. May your knowledge guide you to fulfill these tasks.

Eun Na: White, the color of Purity, Take the ____ wing, but you can choose a group in which you want to be with. Never cross or go to another wing except for the group’s wing that you chose.

Rin, Mi Cha & Eun Na: WEST wing here we go! *ran towards the west wing*

M: wait! *About to hold Eun Na’s hand but the group already left* never mind, continue reading.

Rainie & Ariel: Orange the color of the sunset, take the East wing, not the WEST, SOUTH OR NORTH because just like the disappearing sun, your money will be deducted in half. May your bright rays guide you to engulf this task and complete it without any problems.

JR & Serenity: Red, the color of Love, Take the Southern wing, never invade the WEST, NORTH & EAST. Your money will be deducted in half if you’ll break the rule. With love in your hearts may you fulfill this task without delay.

Ki Ah & Yuni: Black, the color of sociality, take the North wing never the SOUTH, EAST, & WEST, please abide with this single rule and your money you can keep, With your outstanding wit may your choices be right to fulfill this task at hand.

M: ok, so now all of you know, after you all bought some clothes let’s all meet up here & tally your expenses. I’ll just inform Rin, Mi Cha & Eun Na through a text message. . Ready, get set Go!


SC: let's see what the girls bought in the next episode..please stay tuned to TRUE PEARLS..XD



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Chapter 19: I Miss this fic T^T
Chapter 19: I Miss this fic T^T
thederpchanyeol #3
Miss this one already. T_T
thelostwishes #4
I'M wandering in this fic c:
thelostwishes #5
@glossjunior :) thank youuu hehehe
@thelostwishes Of course!! You are like my real unnie. You cared about me! No one in AFF ever cared about me, only you. :D
thelostwishes #7
@glossjunior you always think about me huh? :DDD
@thelostwishes Oh.. I lost tracks. >.< I was at Burger King that day. I was using their WiFi and I was in a hurry. keke
thelostwishes #9
@glossjunior "Adibah, Arif, Amirul&Khairul: Oh, thank you very much. *hugging Yuni and Ki Ah*" this?
@xSarangx-thelostwishes-fayeappler I dislike him too. I made him here because he is famous and famous people can make some famous. I guess.. *scracth my head* I just like his songs. :) I prefer Greyson Chance than him but Greyson is still like.. a rookie? I dont know. But if Greyson is famous like Justin, I would definitely make it into Greyson, not Bieber. >.<<br />
@thelostwishes What do you mean by 'hugging me and not Mi Cha?'??