Episode 8: Surprise w/ Who?! Part 2

**Pearlisent's The True Pearls**



After 30 minutes, the food has arrived! But-

SC: Oh! There are two members were missing!! Where could they be?

(At the arcade)

Rainie and Kyuhyun were happily playing games. They went shooting, racing, shooting balls and more.

SC: Ah~ There they are. They didn’t even wait for the others! Are they too bored? They seem so cute!

They were playing the hockey table (?).

Kyuhyun- 2 vs. Rainie- 1

Kyuhyun: I’m gonna win!

Rainie: No, your not! *clang!* Oh! I’m in. *smirks*

*clang* *clang* *clang* *clang*

Rainie: Oh!*fake shocked* Did I won? Of course I did! Now, your punishment!!

Kyuhyun: *sigh and grunts*

Rainie: Be my butler for one day!*smirks*

Kyuhyun: *sigh* Arasso.

Rainie: Hurm… *thinking* Piggyback ride me back to the restaurant!

Kyuhyun: Arass-

Rainie: Jamkamman! Call me ‘My Princess’.

Kyuhyun: Ne, MY PRINCESS! *gets down and Rainie hops on his back* OMONA! How much do you weight?

Rainie: None of your business. Now, giddy up! *slaps his *

Kyuhyun: Aya! Not the *stood up and walks tiredly back to the restaurant*

SC: OMO! Skinships!! Mwahahahah~


SC: Did the members even noticed that two of your members are missing?!?!

Eunhyuk: Jamkamman jamkamman! *stops eating* Something smells fishy here!

Everyone looks at Donghae who was eating not listening but he sensed that everyone was looking at him.

Donghae: *looks up with food in his mouth* Yah, Bbuuyaa?? Its not me!

Eunhyuk: Aniyo. Not him. But I always hear evil laughs when we eat but this time. Its silent. *looks at Kyuhyun’s seat and realized he was missing* Yah! Where’s Kyuhyun??

JR: *looks at every member and noticed that Rainie was not even there* Yah! Rainie is missing too!!

Rin: Rainie??! Oh, I saw her!

Leeteuk: Where??

Rin: I saw her sneaking out.

Sungmin: Did you saw Kyuhyun too?

Rin: Ani. Just Rainie.

Shindong: Aish, that girl! Disturbed me when I am eating. *frowns*

Ryeowook: Shut up, hyung. Kyuhyun and Rainie is missing.

Just then, the door belled and there they were. Kyuhyun, Rainie and a cameraman.

Eunhyuk: Yah! hmhhuhumhnmshmhhsdhu?!!*said jibberishly in an angry way at Kyuhyun*

Donghae: I’ll translate him since he is a fish and I am also. He said “Yah! Where did you two went?!?!!” *Said angrily at Kyuhyun*

Kyuhyun: Oh, we went out the arcade. Waeyo?? *innocently*

Eunhyuk: Yah! Brubbebbbjjbuuhjudhj?!!!!? *said jibberishly in an angry way at Kyuhyun again*

Donghae: He said “Yah! Did you two knew that we were extremely worried?!!?!!” *said angrily at Kyuhyun again*

Kyuhyun: Aniyo *innocently*

Eunhyuk: hurhueihuhiueihuhuiennfhuhheihirhu!!!dgdhgdhdbohudh?!!!?!?! *said angrily while pacing back and forth ANGRILY*

Donghae: He said “Aish this kid is driving me crazy!! Do you want to be dead?!?!!!!” *said and do what Eunhyuk was doing*

Kyuhyun: *smiles evily* Aniyo. I don’t want to be dead. I want to live. *tries to act innocently*

Before Eunhyuk could jibberishly again, Leeteuk stopped them both.

Leeteuk: Ara ara,! Enough!! Now, will you please eat in peace?

Eunhyuk sat down angrily but he calmed down when Yuni was comforting him. Eunhyuk smiled brightly again! While, Kyuhyun was happily eating with Rainie. Let’s just say they all were eating happily!



Annyeong! Hope you like it!! I just made it just now~ Am I a good writer? I hope I am not... >.< Next chapter again will be the last part but its not finished. :(( Wish me luck!! <3

- Yuni <3

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Chapter 19: I Miss this fic T^T
Chapter 19: I Miss this fic T^T
thederpchanyeol #3
Miss this one already. T_T
thelostwishes #4
I'M wandering in this fic c:
thelostwishes #5
@glossjunior :) thank youuu hehehe
@thelostwishes Of course!! You are like my real unnie. You cared about me! No one in AFF ever cared about me, only you. :D
thelostwishes #7
@glossjunior you always think about me huh? :DDD
@thelostwishes Oh.. I lost tracks. >.< I was at Burger King that day. I was using their WiFi and I was in a hurry. keke
thelostwishes #9
@glossjunior "Adibah, Arif, Amirul&Khairul: Oh, thank you very much. *hugging Yuni and Ki Ah*" this?
@xSarangx-thelostwishes-fayeappler I dislike him too. I made him here because he is famous and famous people can make some famous. I guess.. *scracth my head* I just like his songs. :) I prefer Greyson Chance than him but Greyson is still like.. a rookie? I dont know. But if Greyson is famous like Justin, I would definitely make it into Greyson, not Bieber. >.<<br />
@thelostwishes What do you mean by 'hugging me and not Mi Cha?'??