



gym (where they work out)


FILE ROOM (contains information about all the citizens of South Korea)












I got out of bed after a rather unusual day yesterday and looked to see it was already 10 in the morning

I got up and and walked into my bathroom and started brushing my teeth and went downstairs to the kitchen and found no one else there

I took out cereal and started eating when I was still half-asleep

took out my phone to see a text message

FROM: sungkyu hyung ^_^

Dude we have school today. And we couldn’t wake you up cuz you were practically unconscious so come when you get this text

“crap, I forgot about school,” and ran upstairs and quickly threw on my uniform and spiked my hair up with hair spray and got on my red motorcycle and started driving to school

The front entrance was filled because it was break time and girls from all over started to swarm around me

“Dang you’re hot,”

“We should go out,”

“Wanna make out?”  A lot of girls started saying

I just put my hands in my pocket and coolly just walked to our building

The girls stopped following me after I entered the building and I turned around once and smirked which received high pitched squeals in response

I walked upstairs till I reached the 3rdlevel

I walked into the quiet classroom and once I did all the guys turned and stared at me  

I just sat down next to L and listened to the teacher’s lecture, after a long hour,  the teacher left and we all stood up and walked downstairs to eat lunch

“Good afternoon guys,” a girl voice said behind me

I turned around to see Bora and the rest of the girls waving at us smiling

I smiled back


“Because soon we are going to get attached to the girls. And then soon an opportunity to kill...I hate having the thought of killing someone that welcomed us so warmly. It tears me thinking that when we do kill them, they look at us feeling betrayed, angry, and heart-broken”  


I quickly erased my smile and walked past them not giving eye contact

I spotted an empty tree with shade and I walked over and sat down

Still with my hands in my pocket I sat with my legs straight out

I took out my iPod and started listening to Epic High ‘Run’

I closed my eyes, only concentrating on the music


I saw hoya walking straight past the girls not smiling or making eye contact with them

I sighed as I knew that it was because of what we talked about yesterday

The girls walked up to us disappointed “what’s wrong with him?” asked

“I don’t know,” woohyun said shrugging his shoulder but when I turned and looked at him I knew that him and the others knew exactly why hoya was acting the way he is

“Why were you so nice to us when you first met us?” I suddenly asked

“Because I want to,” bora answered simply “, and because when I first saw you guys, you guys looked like preys getting ready to be eaten. I suddenly had the urge to protect you,”

“What if we were the predator and you were the prey?” I asked

“Why so many questions oppa?” soyu asked curiously

The way she was looking at me made me feel as though she was looking straight through me, as if she knew our secret

“Just because,” was the only answer we could give

“A lion's work hours are only when he's hungry; once he's satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together.” Bora answered

 I looked away; avoiding their eye contact as I finally understood of the guilt sungjong was talking about

“so your basically saying you would forgive us?” L whispered

The girls nodded their heads smiling warmly

“Well let’s eat,” I said trying to change the subject as I had a feeling the guys are starting to feel blameworthy and anxious

While we were eating, we started to discuss the theme for dances

During the time they were discussing I started thinking of ways to incorporate flowers into the dance as I was thinking of our mission

“Well how were all your other dances like?”

“Well like any other high school dances,” seungyeon said

“Let me remind you that we were home schooled so…’’

“Oh right, so it was like a club. Everyone on the dance floor doing their thing,” said trying her best to explain

“Since we are the prestigious school of Korea, we should class things up a bit, instead of a club-like theme. How about classy and formal dance,” I suggested

“That’s a good idea,” hyunyoung complimented

“A twist with a new year, I like it,” hyorin said with satisfaction written all over her face  

“So sungkyu oppa, since you brought up the idea. How should we go about with this?” bora asked

“It should be outside on the grass area. With white tables and flowers to make it look fancier and the tables should make a circle so that people can dance in the middle, and a band should be playing on the stage,” I said

“We should hire people to decorate the area to make it look like a garden,” soyu suggested going straight to where we wanted

I looked at the other guys and smirked and they smiled back “Well I know this flower shop that will probably be able to decorate,” woohyun spoke out

“Call them tonight and book them,”

“No problemo,”

“Since there were tables mentioned I’m guessing dinner is served?” hyorin


“We should set an exact time for everything,”

“So start at 7 or 6?

“7, 6 is too early for a dance,” dasom said

“Okay so from 7pm to?”

“Midnight,” we all said in unison

Bora started clapping, smiling proudly “You boys are awesome! Oh this is going to be a great year,”

“Yeah, it sure will,” I whispered as I looked down



I was so impressed and satisfied with their cooperation and couldn’t stop myself from smiling

“Hey, I just realized you guys don’t have your kingka names,” I blurted out

“Kingka names?” the 6 confused guys asked

“Yeah well basically every kingka group is called something. Like the kingkas upstairs that won’t do anything are called Gracious Fire a.k.a GF,” unnie informed

Everyone started blurting out random suggestions

“The 7 dragons?”

“No that sounds lame. How about the 7 wonders,”

“That’s worse,”

While everyone was talking and discussing I started thinking

“How about infinite?” I asked and the room suddenly got quiet


“Yeah, infinite. 7 guys who will never stop being who they are and will be infinitely remembered,” I said

“I like that,”

“Noona you are so smart,”

“Ah, so poetic,”

I smiled at their overflowing compliments

“Then it’s set, you guys are Infinite. We should tell hoya, wonder where he is?” I asked as I looked out the clear door

“I’ll go find him,” I suggested and started walking out the door but someone grabbed a hold of my arm

I saw 6 guys looking at me with worried eyes “why? What’s wrong?” I asked

“Nothing. Just…We’ll go with you,” L recommended  

“We should all go,” and the rest of the girls stood behind them

“Well okay then,” and the 13 of us went searching for Hoya but I spotted him almost instantly

I ran up to him and I saw him sitting under the tree looking peaceful while listening to music

I kneeled next to him and put my face close to his, examining him

His eyes suddenly opened, which startled me, but I regained my posture quickly

My eyes looked into his

His eyes were searching mine. Usually I could read other people, but him, I couldn’t, it was bothering me. No sign of sadness or happiness, hate or love, disturbed or purity, innocent or evil…His eyes were purely brown, as if he had no soul

He just suddenly stood up and walked away with his earphones still in his ear

The others and I started to follow him and he turned around and glared

The others flinched but I stood my ground and continued to walk towards him til I was under his nose

“What is your problem hoya? Why the sudden coldness? Did something happen?” I asked worried

“Who are you to care,” he replied with the same cold eyes

“Your friend,” I said genuinely

I could see that caught him off guard

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. “I said poetically

“Why do you care about someone you rarely know?” he asked angrily

He once again flinched as I took him in my embrace

“I am not sure what you fear. Abandonment, betrayal, or pain but I promise you I will not be the one committing those hurt towards you,” I whispered in his ears


“I am not sure what you fear. Abandonment, betrayal, or pain but I promise you I will not be the one committing those hurt towards you,” she whispered in my ear

It is not that I am afraid of you doing those things to me but I do not want to be the one giving you those pains, I thought sadly

I let go and looked straight into her eyes “Then promise me, friend, you will not in my business when I am acting strangely,”

“But…” and I glared at her and she whimpered but nodded yes

I patted her head and smiled

I walked up to the other peeps smiling

“You done P.M.S.ING?” seungyeol asked

And I rolled my eyes

" Hey how about we eat lunch in the school cafeteria, it only has been a day and i didn't get to know the other kids," i said not knowing my sudden change in mood

 Once we walked into the cafeteria, it was chaos

people from all over was crowding around us

 "wow i guess i understand why we have our own building," i whispered and the other guys nodded in agreement

i just put on a smile "hey guys, we haven't been at this school long, so we wanted to eat lunch here so can we please get through," attempting to see if my kingka status can help me in this situation

the crowd immediately split into two lines making a path for us to walk through

I was the first one in line and started picking the food I wanted to eat and I sat down on a table and the rest of the guys followed with the queenkas behind us respectively

Bora started to snicker “oh hoya, you sure know how to make girls sway,” she said chuckling

I smiled widely “hell yeah I do,” I jokingly replied

“Don’t get too cocky now,” soyu said

“duh~,” I replied

We all ate lunch happily even though during the entire time there were people taking pictures and whispering to one another

I felt like a celebrity, and I liked the feeling of that

The feeling of being a high school, and a kingka at that, is refreshing and I want to enjoy it as much as possible

“Yo bastard,” someone suddenly yelled through the crowd

The crowd suddenly got quiet as they looked around to find who said that

I rolled my eyes as I saw the guy I fought with yesterday, standing in front of me with his crew

“Damn I must’ve hit you hard, seeing how your bruise is still dark purple,” I said

The guys just smirked cockily

“The fight yesterday wasn’t fair. We weren’t prepared,” he defended

“Prepare? What guy prepares for a fight? And besides you were the one that rushed towards me. You’re the one that started it and I’m the one that ended,” I said calmly still sitting down

He just scoffed

Suddenly Dasom stood up and walked in front of me

“Just f**k off jaehyo were just here to eat lunch,” she said

“Get out of the way princess,” and shoved her almost knocking her on the floor but L caught her in time with his fast reflexes

L walked up to the jaehyo and punched him in the face literally sending him across the cafeteria unconscious

“ if any of you dare to hurt us or the girls, we’ll handle you personally,” L said coldly and walked off with the lunch tray

Us guys all smirked, while the girls stared in horror

“damn, L is so suave,” commented awe-struck

 "yeah," dasom whispered

dasom suddenly ran out after L


i was surprised by L's sudden anger

i saw fierce and deadly eyes in him, and was taken aback

i followed after him and saw him sitting under the same tree hoya oppa was sitting under

"L?" i called out and he looked at me fiercly but his eyes softened once he saw me

"oh hi dasom,"

"hi L...," i kind of coughed because of the awkward atmosphere

"umm, is it alrite if i call you oppa?" i asked hesitantly

he was qeuit but he kept staring at me with his soft eyes

"sure," he finally answered and smiled

that gave me courage to sit next to him

"i didn't know you can fight," i said complimenting him

"well honestly all 7 of us can fight, and hoya is actually the best fighter out of all of us," he said

"really? where did you guys learn to fight so viciously?" i asked, truly curious

"well, my hyung taught me when i was 10,"

"you have an older brother?"

"yeah, but he's not my blood brother, more like my adopted father who treates us like his brothers,"

"where are your parents?" i asked digging more into his private life but i could see i was making him feel uncomfortable

 "sorry, i didn't mean to into your personal life," i apologized

"no it's alright. I just never really talked about my parents before with anyone."

"oh,well do you want to talk about them?"

"honestly, there's nothing to talk about. THey died when i was young and i don't have any rememberence of them. So i was dropped at an orphanage and met those guys and my hyung adopted all of us"

"oh," i replied in sympathy

"i don't need your pity," he replied coldly

and i just nodded not knowing what else to say

we both were quiet, as we both had nothing else to say

"dasom?" he called out softly

"yes oppa?"

"when you guys said you'll forgive us even if were the predator going after the prey. DId you mean what you said? will you really forgive us, even if it costs you your life?"

i turned and stared at himt

hough he was talking to me. he was looking elsewhere

"oppa why are you and the others so caught up on that question? i'm worried that you're going to.."

"dasom," he said more firmly, looking straight into my eyes "oppa, whenever i am with you i feel safe and protected. even though you betray me, i will forgive you," i answered sincerely

he suddenly got up and i just stared

"i got to go," he said walking away

i ran after him confused and stood in front of him, blocking his path. he avoided my eyes and continued walking

i just stared at his back until i ran after him

this time i grabbed his hands

i could feel him squirm in my grasp "what's with you?" i asked

"first hoya oppa and now you,"


"what's with you?" she asked

"first hoya oppa and now you,"

her grip on my hand started tightening

though it was a cold day her warm hands were comforting

i felt a second hand grab mine but this time the hand ropped mine and dasom's hands apart

i looked behind to see that kingka CAP holding onto dasom's hands firmly "let's go," he said pulling dasom away and glaring at me at the same time

dasom tried hard to break the grasp but CAP was too strong for heri

 was ready to pounce on him like i did to the jaehyo punk but i stopped myself because i knew i shouldn't interferei

 looked at dasom struggle and just continued to walk i

 got on my motorcycle and the engine

"oppa! oppa!" i heard smoeone yell

i saw dasom running towards me with CAP right behind her

i drove away without hesitation

"oppa!" she continued to yell

i just continued to drive faster i

 drove, not knowing where i was heading towards i

stopped mear a lak and sat down on the grass letting the winter breeze blow through my hair

i breathed in the fresh air


“Because soon we are going to get attached to the girls. And then soon an opportunity to kill...I hate having the thought of killing someone that welcomed us so warmly. It tears me thinking that when we do kill them, they look at us feeling betrayed, angry, and heart-broken”   


“I am not sure what you fear. Abandonment, betrayal, or pain but I promise you I will not be the one committing those hurt towards you,”


“A lion's work hours are only when he's hungry; once he's satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together.”  


" you guys looked like preys getting ready to be eaten. I suddenly had the urge to protect you,”


"oppa, whenever i am with you i feel safe and protected. even though you betray me, i will forgive you,"


i uffled my hair in frusteration

my phone was buzzing in my pocket


i picked up the phone

"what is it?" i replied

"where the hell did you run off to L?" he asked

"i just.."

"LET GO!" i heard on the phone

"hey whats going on?" i asked

"I SAID LET GO!" the person continued to yell

i put the phone on speaker

"hyung?" i continued to yell out

"hold on L," sungkyu hyung grumbled

"DASOM!" i heard people yell in frantic

"dasom? what happened? what happened to her?"




"DASOM!" i and the others yelled

i quickly ended the call and put on my helmet and started driving towards school

when i arrived, i ran to the building and when i arrived dasom was still on the floor and the guys were trying to stop CAP from attacking her

i ran up to dasom and kneeled next to her

she wasn't crying but she was holding on to her cheeks

i removed her hands and softly kissed her cheeks

"it will be better," i whispered and smiled

dasom just looked at me about to cry

i wiped her tears and stood up

i signaled the guys to let go of him

and they were hesitant but listened to my order

i walked up to him slowly and punched him in the face knocking him off his feet

"who taught you to hit a girl? HUH?!" i yelled as i grabbed his collar and threw another punch

the other girls excluding dasom was yelling at me to stop but my boys held them back, telling them it was no use

"you don't even DESERVE to be on this planet with these girls you ," and threw another punch

by now the other kingkas were downstairs "CAP!" they yelled

they pried me off of him and that g-dragon punk punched me on my stomach and my face

also knocking me down

my guys held me up

it was like a total battle scene

the GF on one side and us, INFINITE standing on the other, with the girls in the middle looking at both sides

"that's enough,"dasom firmly said, and she stood up

she looked at me and smiled

but she turned around and walked up to CAP and slapped him, and surprised me of her strength seeing how she was able to knock him off his feet

"NEVER touch me again dirty bastard," she scoffed and walked up to me

she put my arms around her shoulder, allowing me to lean on her

she guided me upstairs to the girls' lounge and started to apply medicine on my lips

when she was only a couple of cms. away from me i was so memerized by her eyes, her lips, her nose

after she finished applying medicine on me, i got vasaline and gently smeared it across her cheeks

"thanks oppa,"

"no problem,"

"i want those bastards out of this school," seungyeon demanded

" do you all agree?" bora asked

and all 7 of us nodded along with 5 girls

"dasom? you haven't agreed. School rules if not all queenkas agree then the kingkas stay," bora reinformed

"no, i want them out," she said softly

"arlite then, girls let's go talk to the principal," and the girls walked out

heading towards the principal to talk about the issue

the school bell rung and we threw our backpacks over our shoulders and started walking towards our motorcycle

fan girls started surrounding us

"L OPPA! what happened?" one of the fangirls yelled

and the others started noticing as well, then someone ran towards the crowd

"yah!did you hear? the queenkas demanded the principal to expel GF," the one girl informed the crowd

some girls broke down crying and others started talking

"HEY! WAIT!" the one girl yelled trying to get the people's attention

"i'm not finished! the queenkas had 2 reasons. 1. GF never helped with school events and 2. CAP oppa smacked dasom on the face twice," and everyone gasped in surprise

"but i thought they went out two years ago so why did he slap her?" i heard one whisper

"she probably did something stupid like the she is," the girl next to her complained

"you know that none of the queenkas are s. you were a to them you deserved it,"

"AND so L oppa, protected dasom and got hurt in the process," the girl finished

the crowd got queit and turned and looked at me

they just started cheering and whistling which got us all laughing


"man this is bull," i muttered, sulking on the lounge chair

"it's CAP's fault for slapping a girl," junsu yelled

"we need to persuade the girls," dongjun said

"CAP your kneeling on the floor and going to ask  dasom for forgiveness," yunho commanded

CAP was just queit, he was dosing off staring into space

i threw a pillow at him

"YAH!" i yelled

"let's go," CAP said as he stood up and started walking downstairs

we all stood up and started walking downstairs and found the girls chatting and eating fruit

once they saw us they all stood up

"you should get all of your stuff out of that lounge cuz that room is now officially INFINTE'S ," seungyun coldly said and they went right back to talking again

i walked up to seunghyun and grabbed her wrist pulling her up from her seat

"let go bastard," seungyun said struggling to get out of my grasp

"i suggest you let go of her," someone  threatened

we all looked behind to see 7 wannabes standing in a straight line, glaring us down

i released her wrist and we also stood in a straight line

"you're no longer enrolled at this school so GET OUT," seungyeol threatened

"then i guess we can kick your since were no longer students," i pointed out

"bring it on,"

 and we ran towards each other with raised fists

ready to get your asses kicked punks, i thought


i scoffed as the 7 GFS were on the floor bleeding

"now get out,"

the 7 pathetically got up and started limping out the school

"you guys okay?" bora asked

"yeah," we answered in unison


the girls started to huddle and started whispering

"no you get him, and i'll get him,"

"okay so i have him,"

"oaky," and we finished whispering and all of us walked up to one guy


DASOM----> L






and we ran upstairs quickly

"WHAT THE!" we heard all the guys yell from downstairs and we bursted out laughing


big mistake bora

you,, seungyeon, hyunyoung, hyorin, dasom, and soyu will suffer i promise you

get ready to die, ithought as the 7 of us walked off

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hey guys sorry for not updating for a long time but i update right now and sorry it was a bit disappointing but the next chapter is heartbreaking&action;-packed


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Kuukuu #1
Chapter 10: Oh I get it it's all the beggining letters of the girls names oh wow way to go for your mystery
so sad......but love your story.
TT_TT the ending is so sad. Hoya should just meet Bora.
I'M FREAKING SOBBING RIGHT NOW! HOBABY WHY YOU KNOW SEE HER ! MAN UP ! Great story by the way . Reminds me of the city hunter but not the same story. Please make the sequel soon :)
hey guys i know it was a disappointing end but do not fret
i'm making a short sequel for this fanfic
maybe 2 or 3 chapters long ^^
thank you readers, commenters and subscribers
you are awesome!!! :)
kiana0509 #6
T^T im crying~
Ugh, damn you hoya! Y U NO MEET HER??? why? You did all you could! I NO UNDERSTAND!!!

But truthfully, Im glad that both of them survived! So, TOP and Taecyeon are in this together? Hehe, I knew I was right! TOP is a baddie!! Got confused in the middle bit, but its alright! All that I know is, everyone is safe and sound. Beautiful story with twists! Amazing!!! I like the quote at the end by the way!

In the middle, when Taecyeon kidnapped the girls, and when the police arrived afterwards, saying "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" I laughed. Sorry, it totally ruined the moment, but I just had to laugh! I was imagining all the police officers singing that line in unison! Rofl

Anyways, I hope you can do on LxDasom!!!! Is it possible for a CAPxDasom??? I seriously ship these two in dream team!
I-Remember-Myself #8
That was a very nice story^^
The next story should be about Soyu and Sunggyu^^
Sorry that I didn't comment till the end..
That was a great story maybe a sequel?
The next couple should be Hoya and Bora again
That was sad!!!