Kyuhyun's Pain

What Should I Do?

Sungmin and Yesung come to a travel agency. They're busy choosing which place to go.

"Min, which one? Pataya or Bali?" Yesung ask him

"Hmm" Sungmin's eyebrows wrink

"Hard to choose....both of them...looks so great...hmmm"

"Well then, let's try them all"

"Pabo! We only have less than a week!" Sungmin slap Yesung's arm

"Yeah, then add one more week" Yesung smiled innocently, and Sungmin just rolled his eyes


Outside the agency, Kyuhyun's car park right across the street.

Ryeowook can't take her eyes off of the door. She really curious, so does Kyuhyun.

When they saw Yesung and Sungmin leave, Kyu got the idea on his mind

"Follow me" He order Ryeowook and get off the car. Ryeowook follow him.


They enter the agency

"Excuse me, I want to give a surprise to both of my friend, who's just left, Mr Lee and Mr Kim. May I know where they will go? Oh, I'm Cho Kyuhyun, by the way"

He gave his best smirk to the lady at the counter.

His name means the whole world, he knows it very well. He used to hate the fact that he's the only son of Mr Cho, the richest man on this country. But now, he really enjoy the benefits of his name.

By his name, he gets every single information he wants.

After that, they walk out from the agency.

"So, Miss Kim, I'll drive you home for now. Get prepared, cos we'll have to follow them again, tomorrow"


After drop Ryeowook to her hime, he drive to Sungmin's apartement, stay on his car, watching Sungmin's window.

Sungmin's already home, his light still turn on and Kyu can se his shadow.


~Kyu's POV~

Min, really...why did you make it hard for me?

I do really love you.

Even though I was married to her, you know I've never loved her!

I'm in love with you and only you, no one can change it, not even my dad!

And you're the only one who I want to be with. But now, you're with Kim Jongwoon.

I don't know how can you move on that easy. I thought that you only love me?

Are you never love me for real, Min?

My bunny...sweet bunny...

I swear to my self, I'll have you back!


~3rd person POV~

One rare thing happen right now

Cho Kyuhyun, is now crying on his car, still watching the shadow from Sungmin's room.

After an hour, he drive back to his home


His big empty home, used to be his dad's.

But now, his father passed away and Kyu has devorced her wife, a year after their marriage, so practically he owns this house siblings, no family.

No one knows about their divorce. Kyu again used his power to shut them all.

He never loved her, and the marriage happened because of old Mr.Cho, who wanted to witness his son marriage with the girl he likes.

Mr.Cho liked that girl very much after seeing her on a party.

But Kyu, his only son, never pay attention to any woman. Lucky for Kyu, his dad never found out he's a gay.

Kyu realized that he's a gay when he met Sungmin at college. A very pretty boy who blew his mind.


Kyuhyun drop himself on bed, forcing his eyes to shut cos tomorrow he has big things to do.

But he just can't.

He felt a terrible pain on his heart.

He's been hiding it since he saw them on the restaurant.

It hurts so bad.

He never knew that falling in love or loving someone could feel this bad.


~Kyu's POV~

I come back from UK only for you, but you walk away from me.

I always watching you, but you're with the other man.

I never forget you, but it seems you've forgot me at all.

Really Min. I never meant to hurt you.

Did you know, that it hurt me when you throw that newspaper right on my face. It hurt me when I have to lie to you, act as a good boyfriend for her.

And I just want to runaway on my marriage, but I just can't.

You have to listen to me this time, Min.

Oh crap! Why did I cry again?



In the end, Kyuhyun just can't go to sleep.

He just sitting at the balcony, watching the stars, collecting all the memories he ever had with his only love, Sungmin.



~ you have to know Kyuhyun's side too, guys (My Sparkyu's side want to help him hehehe), So, what will happen next? Will he ruined YeMin's vacation? Will Yesung use this chance to confess his feelings to Sungmin? How about our sweet neglected Ryeowook? oooh...I can't wait too!!!~

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I really like this story, please update soon! !!!!!<br />
GoldenSanity #2
Yay! <br />
KyuMin and YeWook! *o*<br />
I really like this story, please update soon!
bbkyumin #3
update soon :D yay i can see kyumin getting back together :D but how about yemin? i want them tooo :DD
can't wait for the next...update soon...
mykyuminnie_ina #5
waaa...really curious....<br />
can't wait for the next...update soon...
mykyuminnie_ina #6
kyumin~~~~<br />
update soon... ^^
Kyumin forever
Aigoo~ you make it more complicated now! Why?<br />
Just bring them back to each other...KyuMin forever ^^
cla7data #9
waaaaaahh~NEW READER. I LOVE SECOND CHANCE IN LOVE TYPE of story. daebak.update soon:))
NdhaKyu #10
Uwah..thankyu guys<br />
So...2 Kyumin vs 1 YeMin<br />
Hmmm...<br />
Donghae? Let's see then ^^