Stay With Me, Please

What Should I Do?

Ryeowook wake up next morning.

She open her eyes and see the different decoration of the room. It's deffinetly not her own. When she tried to move, she feel the pain, and also the IV on her left hand.

She tried to remember what happen to her, but it's just make her head feel dizzy.

Yesung awake by her movement. He lift his head and find that Ryeowook trying to move, he stop her, push her back to the bed

"You can't move now, Wookie"

Ryeowook hasn't realize that Yesung is there, so she get surprised by his voice


"Yes, it's me, Wookie"

"What happen to me, Yeppa?"

"Actually, I have no idea what happen to you. All I know is that I hear a crash, then I run to find you, wish that you're fine. But I found you laying on the ground. Then the ambulance came and ...yah... we're here now"

She tried to remember, but all that she can remember is the pain surrounding her

"I'll call the doctor, just stay there"

Yesung walk out the room, and come back with the doctor and nurses

"Good morning, Miss Kim" Greet the doctor before examine her

"It's all fine. Just some broken bones. You won't be able to walk for a moment, miss"

after some suggestion, the doctor and nurses went

"Thanks God there's nothing serious, Wookie-ah. I was so afraid that I'm gonna lost you" He held her hand

"Thank you, for taking care of me, Yeppa" She smiled to him

They're looking at eachother eyes, trying to figure out what the others thinking about

The moment get interupt by Yesung's phone

"Hello? Ah...I'm at the hospital now. Wookie had some accident yesterday so I...No, I'm fine. I'll be back.....yes..."

She just listening to their conversation, wondering who's the caller, but she doesn't have to wait any longer

"Minne...Where are you? I think we need to talk....where?..."

She grab his hand automaticly after knowing it. Yesung turn his head, looking at her, confuse

"Stay with me, please?" she ask him


Yesung's POV

"Just... stay with her, Sungie. I'm fine. She needs you" Sungmin hears what she said. It's strange, I feel so happy that Sungmin allow me to stay here longer.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, make sure that I hear it right

"I'm fine. You better take care of her, Sungie....I'll call you later" and then he hung the phone

"I'm sorry oppa"  her face looks sorry when she realise what she said before

"You may leave whenever you want. Just like you said, I'm alright" her face is now turns to red, embarassing.

"No, I'll stay with you, Wookie"

I hold her hand, tightly, smile and saw the happiness inside her eyes. The old Wookie return. Her smiling eyes, now smiling back at me.

"Thank you, oppa"

And by that, my heart, feel the warmth of the sun that I always feel whenever I'm with her. That feeling, is now return.


Sungmin's POV

You better stay with her, Sungie. She needs you so bad. I can tell by her voice.

I lay myself on my bed. Staring at the ceiling.

It must be the fate, that lead our live to be like this.

May be it's the best for you, too, Sungie. She really loves you. I knew it. It's not that I didn't love you. I do love you. But my heart still uncertain over Kyuhyun's thing

*Knock Knock*

I walk to the door, and find Kyuhyun's standing in front of my door

"Good morning, bab....erm...Minnie"

"Morning, Kyu. What brings you here? "

"Umm...nothing" his face looks like a child when saying that.

"Do you know that Ryeowook got an accident last night?"

he shook his head

"I've just called Yesung, and he said that he's staying there with her. She's fine. Just broke a leg, but nothing serious"

"Is that ok for you?" He ask me


"Let him stay with her?"

i look down

"She needs him the most....more than me...." I can hear my voice crack. Then I feel a warm hug

"And I need you the most...more than anything in the world"

I tried to push him away, but it seems like I lost my power


"Come back to me, please"

I don't know why....but I give up on his arm, and hug him back

Feeling the warmth of his arm....something that I'm longing for....made me realize how I miss him so much

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I really like this story, please update soon! !!!!!<br />
GoldenSanity #2
Yay! <br />
KyuMin and YeWook! *o*<br />
I really like this story, please update soon!
bbkyumin #3
update soon :D yay i can see kyumin getting back together :D but how about yemin? i want them tooo :DD
can't wait for the next...update soon...
mykyuminnie_ina #5
waaa...really curious....<br />
can't wait for the next...update soon...
mykyuminnie_ina #6
kyumin~~~~<br />
update soon... ^^
Kyumin forever
Aigoo~ you make it more complicated now! Why?<br />
Just bring them back to each other...KyuMin forever ^^
cla7data #9
waaaaaahh~NEW READER. I LOVE SECOND CHANCE IN LOVE TYPE of story. daebak.update soon:))
NdhaKyu #10
Uwah..thankyu guys<br />
So...2 Kyumin vs 1 YeMin<br />
Hmmm...<br />
Donghae? Let's see then ^^