Day 11

All of Me


In Kigurumis

            It’s been a long day for the two of them. Waking up this morning, Jongup and Himchan weren’t expecting the kind of day they had. Waking up this morning from a late night out on the town, Jongup and Himchan quickly received a phone call from Jongup’s mother. They were barely awake and out of bed when she called informing them that she was going to be dropping off two of his younger cousins. Jongup had barely slipped into his pajama pant when she knocked on the door, a child in each arm.

            “I’m sorry, baby. I know today is you and Himchan’s day off, but I really need the favor.” Jongup’s mother said as she handed the little girl to Himchan, doing the same thing to Jongup with the little boy. “But the clinic called saying we’re short on people today. Just for a few hours, okay?” And with a soft kiss to his and Himchan’s foreheads, she was off on her way.

            “Jongup-ah~~” Himchan called from the dining room. “Jonguuuppp~~~” His voice high and whiny.

            “Babe…” Jongup’s feet were dragged along by his tired body. “What do you want to eat?”


            Jongup finds Himchan sitting crossed legged on small skateboard that little Namu must have forgotten. He finds it even more adorable that Himchan is still in that rabbit one piece that little Haru demanded Himchan to wear. He even had the little hoodie with the hanging ears pulled on over his uncombed hair. His head was hanging between his shoulders and he looked as though he was dozing off.

            “Babe…” Jongup gently called out as he bent down towards Himchan. “Are you really that tired?”

            Himchan looks up with his eyes closed and childishly nods. Jongup can’t help but let a smile stretch along his lips. Himchan is so adorable when he’s tired. Compared to the ever so serious grad student when he’s caffeinated and awake, half-asleep Himchan is a little kid that’s still afraid of getting lost at the mall.

            Without another thought, Jongup pulls on the front of the skateboard and drags Himchan closer to him. It’s a quick peck on the lips but the sudden energy igniting Himchan’s body is enough to get him to let out a soft chuckle.

            “Better?” Jongup asked as his lips rested comfortably on Himchan’s.

            Thought Himchan is a bit more awake now, he merely shakes his head making Jongup’s head follow along. Himchan sudden grabs the hood of Jongup’s matching one piece and pulls the younger in closer. They’re lips meet again, keeping in contact for a longer amount of time, softly molding itself to the perfection of the other’s mouth.

            Its several moments later when they decide air is needed that they finally pull apart almost out of breath.

            “Now… that…” Himchan breathes out heavily. “That’s better.”

            And for the hundredth time for the day, Jongup’s smile stretches even wider.

            “Babe… I like that rabbit one piece on you.” Jongup says in between pecks. “But…”

            “But what?” Himchan asks curiously.

            “But I think you look better without on…” Jongup says as his gentle kisses travel towards Himchan’s jawline. “If you catch my drift.”

            Himchan lets out a breathy laugh. “Yeah…” His fingers digging into the back of Jongup’s head, pressing them closer together. “I do.”

            With a soft growl, Jongup wraps his arm around Himchan’s waist and pulls him up with him as he stands to his feet. Himchan reflexively wraps his legs around Jongup’s body, feeling every part of the younger’s body.

            “Good. ‘Cause I was gonna show you what I meant if you said you didn’t know.” Jongup teases as one of his hands run up the elder’s thigh.

            With a throaty chuckle, Himchan leans into Jongup’s ear and whispers quietly, “You should still show me what you meant…” He leaves a small bite on Jongup’s earlobe. “Just in case I didn’t thoroughly understand it…” He gives his small bite a soft . “Yah know.”

            Jongup doesn’t need to be told twice.

            “My pleasure.” 


I used "one peice" instead of "kigurumis".


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 11: This stories are nice... :)
BAPlover09 #2
Chapter 11: I agree Jongup and Himchan without there clothes is so amazing.. haha * alert
BAPlover09 #3
Chapter 8: ahhhhhhh.. I like this super cute moments.. I know this kind of things happened in real life ..
BAPlover09 #4
Chapter 7: *walks away quietly..silently following authornim and other readers* haha
BAPlover09 #5
Chapter 6: ahh I can imagine them wearing each other clothes.. even when they don't have clothes on too.. <evil smile!!>
BAPlover09 #6
Chapter 5: ahh this is too much HIMUP ahhh my heart gets bigger and bigger because of HIMUP's love
Alphawolf1567 #7
Chapter 7: Oml. What have I just read lolol
Can't wait for more updates ^^
sue_erin #8
Chapter 7: oh m..himup..
hotness overload
thanks 4 update
BAPlover09 #9
I love this.. I SUPER LOVE THIS.. SUPER DUPER LOVE THIS HEHE ^^ Keep going authornim..
gypsyqueen #10
Chapter 1: A good start to things. Anticipating more :)