Chapter 2

It's Our Life

Soojin. Soojin. Soojin!”

“Huh…yes Jung ah. Sorry for my lack of attention.” Soojin finally responded to Jung ah’s calls.

“Since you’ve return you seem to be out of it. Did something happen during your time outside?”

Jung ah read Soojin like a book, she could tell that she was not her usual self. If only she knew how much of a joke Soojin had made herself into, the humiliation she had faced.

“Do I look that troubled? Soojin enquired, her eyebrows knitted.

“Yes. Very.”

Jung ah eyed her waiting for her to reveal why she had become so distressed.

“If you must know…I stumbled across a villager today while I was out.” Soojin quickly muttered out in one breath.

Jung ah didn't understand, it was as if her brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. She took her time to grip onto and process the words Soojin had just spat out until she finally understood, making her eyes double in size.

“Really, did they recognise you?” Jung ah inquired with bated breath.

“No, with the clothes I was wearing I wouldn’t expect him to suspect a thing. Also, it’s not like the villagers have seen the princesses face to know.” Soojin explained as she walked over to her bed to rest on it.

“That’s true…wait…him---it was a man?” Jung ah blurted out not being able to hold back her curiosity.

“Yes” Soojin responded, the memory of her encounter with the touchy tanned boy suddenly appearing into her head.

“Old? Young?”

“Young.” Soojin sighed.

“What did he do to you that you’re so...out of it?”

“Jung ah, it’s not what he did” Soojin spoke as she faced palmed “it’s what I did.” She continued through her covered face.

Jung ah moved closer to get a better listen to of what was to come.

“He asked me where I was from, I was so scared of what to answer and my mind literally went blank. Then I somehow shouted out that I’m from Korea…South Korea to be exact.” Soojin hastily released a summary of the embarrassing incident that happened not too long ago.

She slowly peered through her fingers to Jung ah who simply stared back at her in disbelief. It was taking longer than expected for her to respond. Usually Jung ah would respond without a second to spare, but now many seconds had passed. Soojin removed her hands from her face and stared back searching Jung ah’s eyes waiting for her reaction to the situation. 

“Jung ah” Soojin moaned not being able to handle the unusual lengthy wait.

“Yes Soojin...well…it’s just that you was flustered and responded with such an obvious answer.” Jung ah stumbled trying hard to put together an answer,” I find it…cute.” she finished off, her response sounding too familiar to Soojin’s ears.

“That’s exactly what he said” Soojin exhaled, remembering the stranger’s comeback to her ridiculous answer.

“Hold on a moment…he called you cute!”

“Jung ah please keep your voice down, someone might hear.” Soojin whispered, scared of someone overhearing their conversation.


“It’s ok and yes he did. I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life.” Soojin puffed out.

Jung ah moved even closer and rested her hand on Soojin’s back rubbing small circles to calm her down.

“It’s alright you were just in the moment and-”

“Princess Soojin” a voice was heard from outside the doors, earning both Soojin and Jung ah full attention.

“You can come in” Soojin responded to the voice after she had pulled herself together.

Entering the room came one of the court maids with her head bowed, eyes never leaving the ground.

“You have been called by King Hae Jong” the women relayed the order.

“Father wants to see me?” Soojin mumbled to herself, “I’ll be there in a moment.”

The courtsmaid left the room leaving Soojin in deep thought. She was summoned by the King, which rarely happened. Soojin wondered what could have happened that the king voluntarily wanted to see her face.


Silence. If a pin had drooped the clear clink of it hitting the solid ground would have been heard. Minutes had passed and no words had been exchanged. Soojin’s eyes stayed lowered eyeing the ground, so long she had started to count the many scratches the wooden floor had developed. Soojin thought as to why the King had requested to see her but didn’t say a single word upon her arrival till now, not even a twitch of the lip.

“Princess Soojin” King Hae Jong spoke as if he had read Soojin’s thoughts just a while ago.

Upon hearing the sound that broke the silence Soojin soon realised that the King had finally spoken, immediately bowing her body to show her respect.

“Your Highness, you had called for me” She humbly spoke, tentatively lifting her eyes to see the Kings’ face.

King Hae Jong simply scrutinised the young girl in front of him as she had shown her respect.

“The more you get older the more you are starting to look like a women” King Hae Jong spoke again, not an ounce of fondness wavering in his voice.

“Thank you, Your Highness” Soojin returned, unsure to whether or not to comprehend it as a compliment. Looking like a women should be a good thing, right?

She watched as the King’s mouth opened to say something but then slowly closed, swallowing back his words, causing Soojin to wonder why the king had second thoughts speaking. The King never had second thoughts, he would always speak straight whether you liked what he had to say or not. But now it was a different turn from the usual. 

“In two weeks’ time a friend of mine will be coming to visit.”

The sudden information had been sure to have grabbed Soojin’s undivided attention. No one from outside had ever stepped foot inside the palace or visited the palace, this was something new---Really new. Her ears perked up as she continued to listen.

“Once the guest arrives you will be in charge of ensuring that they are at comfort with their stay whilst they are here” King Hae Jong continued.

Soojin sat as she listened attentively to the additional information. Not only was a guest visiting the palace something Soojin had never witnessed before but she was to take responsibility over their stay.

“Will the guest be male or female?” Soojin found asking before her mind told it to stop.

“Are you questioning me?” the King raised a brow.

“No--sorry Your Highness” Soojin immediately apologised, silently cursing her fast mouth for questioning the king.

“You will see once they arrive” King Hae Jong added, surprising Soojin as he had answered.

“Be sure you are well dressed for the arrival. You may leave now.” He ended with.

“Yes, Your Highness” Soojin responded, immediately reacting to the Kings order. She rose up to her feet to leave the nation’s ruler’s quarters.

As she slowly walked to the doors Soojin faintly craned her neck towards her father, the King, catching another glance of his still expressionless face, thinking as to when will be the next time she will see his face again. She turned back straight ahead and released a small sigh as she left the room.

On her way back to her room Soojin suddenly came to a halt as a figure emerged in front of her, and was surprised to see it was Queen Yeon Joo, her eyes carefully scanning her.

“Your Highness” she spoke as she got back her composure.

“You seemed to have been in there for a long time,” Queen Yeon Joo pointed towards King Hae Jong’s quarters with her eyes, “what was so important that needed all that time?”

“The king said there will be a guest visiting in two weeks” Soojin revealed the newly learnt information.

Acquiring the information she wanted Queen Yeon Joo walked away without a word. Soojin made nothing of what just happened and continued her journey back towards her room. Breaking the bend she found Jung ah standing outside her door. 

“Jung ah? What are you doing standing here?” Soojin questioned as walked up to the girl.  

Jung ah turned her face towards the voice.

“Soojin.” Jung ah handed her a cup of warm milk “This is for you, it will help you calm down and sleep well tonight, I know that you’ve been worked up since you’ve retuned from outside.”

“Thank you Jung ah but you didn’t have to”

“It’s alright, it’s my duty to ensure that you’re fine.”

“You should go to bed now you’ve been working all day, get some well-deserved rest.”

“Yes I will, goodnight Soojin”

“Goodnight Jung ah”

The young girl gave a small smile and walked away heading towards her room.


All the different events from the day had caused Soojin’s mind to become restless. She laid with her back against her bed looking up towards the rooms ceiling. Tonight she had trouble sleeping; the warm milk hadn’t work.

For the first time since never Soojin was going to experience someone from outside the palace enter the grounds. She thought about as to why the king had given her such a huge responsibility. The king was ready to expose her face to an outsider, which made her think further as to how important that person would be to get such an opportunity.

Not only had that put her on edge, but she then remembered the touchy stranger.

Every time she had closed her eyes to drift away into her world of dreams he would appear before her, instantly waking her, bringing her back to reality. No matter how much she tried to erase the scene from her head, it would only make her think about it more. Her mind was refusing to forget the abrupt encounter with the villager.

She had always visited the place without any problems but now the area had another life form in its residence, which seemed to have popped out of nowhere. It had been some time now that Soojin had often visited the area, why now did someone else have to show up?

After many years Soojin had finally found a place where she could break free and relax and she was dead sure that no one was going to stop her from going there, even if meant she had to come across anyone again, in particular, that touchy stranger. 

Attempting to get some well needed rest Soojin turned for the umpteenth time and closed her eyes again, this time hoping to successfully fall asleep.  





Three weeks have passed since I’ve updated…I have no idea why I decided to start to write a story during my exam periods, but anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter ^^  

Ps. As always let’s forget the grammar errors ;)

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jjchan #1
Chapter 6: FINALLLY!!!! AFTER WAITING FOR SOO LONG!!! T.T *satisfied*
Chapter 5: autornim update pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase :'( i really like this fic and i want to know what happens next so bad
sweetestserenity #3
Chapter 3: Minister Joo is so creepy *~*
minahbubblez #4
The foreword seems interesting.. Can't wait for the first chapter :D hwaiting !!!!
sweetestserenity #5
The foreword sounds great

Can't wait for the update