Chapter 6

It's Our Life

A huge risk was taken by revealing herself to Jongin’s friends. Nonetheless, Soojin couldn’t lie that she gained a thrill from it. Although she found the gathering with Jongin’s friends was awkward it was nice being around different faces. They seemed like good people. Soojin had to admit that she was envious of their friendships with each other.

“Thank you.”


“Thank you for last time. You know…introducing me to your friends. It was nice.”

“It’s my pleasure. They enjoyed your company too.”

“Really?” Soojin stared at Jongin in disbelief. They liked her being there.

“Of course.”

“Don’t lie.” Soojin couldn’t believe this, I was too good to be true.  

“Why do think I’m lying?” Jongin asked with furrowed brows.

“Well, I’m not the type people like a lot or get along with.” She stated returning her gaze to her tangled fingers.

“Why do you think that? Why wouldn’t anyone like your company?”

Soojin herself didn’t know the answer. She never really had the chance to meet people to know so how would she know. All she could do was shrug her shoulders.

“Well don’t believe that. They really did like you and so do I. So don’t ever think that like that. Ok.

There really was something about her that was likeable, something she never imagined that she possessed. Making it unknown a slow smile worked its way across her face and into her eyes. Soojin couldn’t deny the spark she felt run through her body from hearing that Jongin liked her.



“Sorry if any of them was acting out of place. They can be quite the bunch.”   

No. Well they’re quite… “

“Loud. Unreserved. Easy going.”

“Yes” Jongin had taken the words straight out of .

“Their outgoing characters, their ability to make the others feel like a part of the group, that’s only a small amount of reasons as to what I love about them.”

Well everyone didn’t seem judging but playing back to what they had said about the princess, about her, they may not have intended it in a bad way but Soojin couldn’t help but take what they had said to heart. Was her life really that pitiful? Will she ever be able to live a life worth living? Soojin chuckled at the thought.

“What’s so funny?” Jongin questioned as he heard a faint snicker

“Life.” Soojin replied wearied as she stared into the horizon. Life was so much of a mystery, she tried everything to solve it but couldn’t find the answers so now all she could do was to laugh at her “pitiful” life.

“Life? What’s there to laugh about?”

“You’re always asking me questions” Soojin scrunched her nose as if she smelt something foul.

“There are never too many questions. It’s what people who are curious do.” 

“If you ask too many questions, you will find no answers, only more questions.” She countered.

“But by doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth.”

The truth. She finally looked up to stare into his eyes. “It is not every question that deserves an answer” she of all people would know this.

“Questions are asked to be answered and if you feel that you can’t be at ease from not receiving an answer then that is a clear indication that the question is worth an answer, the wait.

“What if they won’t tell me?” she slipped out.

“Then you keep trying until you get the answer. Answers are worth the wait.” 

“What if you’re tired of trying? What if you’re tired of waiting?” Soojin poured out frantically. She couldn’t keep in her frustration now he asked her. She was becoming bottled up with emotions. All the questions he asked her seemed to eat away at her conscious.

“Right now I am trying to be in a place of calmness, a place where I can stop worrying and then handle the confusion of life better. You don't just get the answers overnight; you have to work at it. I’ve worked my entire life for the answer and still…I can’t find the answer. For me it’s a constant struggle and I’m tired of it.” She exasperatedly blurted out.

“The hardest thing to be in this life, in which your mind and the opinions of others are continually fighting against; is to be your whole self. However, you can’t be yourself if you don't know who you are. And you can’t know who you are, if you don't know where you come from. Life is anticipating for you to discover the realisation of who you are. You must start your journey, in quest for the truth of you. You must never abandon the quest, because the only truth that you need to discover, is the truth of you; that's why you have an unfilled void inside you. Along your road there will be a lot of truths; but there is only one. Don't settle for any other truths until your void is filled.”

Soojin was left speechless, all she could do was dumbfounded stare at his innocent face. All of a sudden her heart tightened and her mind couldn’t seem to function right. This sensation. It was like he could see right through her. He always seemed to know what to say to make her feel placated. The air became congested with the intensity within the small environment, her emotions were unsettled, scampering all over the place.

“Look who’s asking all the questions now, hmmm” his voice echoing through the silence.

“Huh” she finally blinked snapping out of the trance.

“And you even got all of them answered too yet you don’t answer mine. Lucky you.” Jongin answered trying to break the intense atmosphere.

“As you said ‘keep trying’ ” Soojin imitates him faking a deep course voice, playing along as she understood that he is trying to break the silence.

“Yah! My voice doesn’t sound like that. You're making it sound all croaky” he protested.

“It does sound like this” she says while imitating his voice again.

Listening to Jongin moan about her imitation of him, her tenuous giggle turned into outright laughter. Hearing the melodious giggles fill his ears Jongin suddenly stopped and gazed at Soojiin's face.

“Why you laughing now?” he asked as she smiles sweetly at him. He watched how her eyes framed by long dark lashes sparkle like stars flaunted on the night sky. What a sight.

“Because of you, I’m enjoying the moment” she replied in between laughs. Because of him

“I’m glad I’m the cause of that smile” Jongin openly expressed. He smiled back knowing he was solely responsible for this beautiful scene.

Me too

“You look even more stunning when you’re like this. Laughing and smiling.”

Soojin gradually stopped laughing and freezes at the compliment, gaping at him wide eyed. She then immediately breaks the direct eye contact.

“You stop smiling so soon? Well…it was nice while it lasted”   

Soojin couldn’t take it anymore she unsteadily jumped her feet, “I should be going now.” she couldn’t bear to stay here, she was sure her cheeks were painted bright red. Jongin couldn’t see her like this. Never.

“So soon?”

“Yes” she replied walking away without sparing Jongin a look.

Five steps ahead she turned to look at him.

“Thank you…for…making see the good in life again…making me laugh at the good things in life.”

She couldn’t remember the last where she felt at such ease, to let her pride down for a moment and be herself.

“No problem. It’s an honor to be the cause of that smile. I wish I could make you smile like that all the time.”

That’s it. Soojin couldn’t take it anymore. If she stayed any longer she knew not only her cheeks but her whole body would have starting turning red, and with that she was on her way.


Soojin had never anticipated the upcoming days, she would always live the days as they came with noe concern for tommorrow but now wished the days would go by so she could see Jongin again. Fiddling with her fingers Soojin was contemplating whether to ask, she couldn’t hold down the anxiety she was feeling. Since the last few days she has been feeling this way and it was constantly eating away at her being. Why was he acting like nothing happened? Her curiosity was itching away at her. She couldn’t bear it. Without a moment to spare Soojin looked up to see Jongin rambling on as he usually did and finally asked the question that was at the bottom of trying to leap out and be heard. It was seriously sending her insane.

“What I said a few days ago…Why don’t you ask me what it was about?”

Jongin stopped talking and turned to look at her. His face was no longer possessed the usually carefreeness instead a serious look took over, it was so unlike his usual self. He stared at her his face relaying no emotion. Soojin couldn’t help but look at him in complete confusion. Why wasn’t he saying anything? She finally had the courage to ask and all he was doing was simply staring at her.

He gave a small smile, his eyes creasing and finally spoke. 

“Well, I’m not in any place to know, like you said before, we don’t know each other enough to be telling the full details. Right?

“Yes.” was all she could bring to say. He remembered.

“See, I don’t want to intrude on your privacy. If I wanted to know so much I would have asked and if you wanted to tell me you would have said. I’m not here to dig into your life.” He paused searching her face and offers her a heartening smile, he then reached down to take her hand and intertwine their fingers together. Soojin halted at the sudden interaction.

“I’m here because I believe you need someone to bring some joy and light into your life. Show you it’s not as bad as it seems.” He spilled his heart to her.

He was so right, even if he had asked Soojin she wouldn’t have told him. She couldn’t help but be taken aback that he wanted to emit joy into her life, bring her out of the shadowy life she’s been living in. Not only him, she wanted it too.

An awkward yet somehow heart-warming silence arises as the two wait for the other to speak next. Soojin’s eyes flickered toward his, then quickly fall back towards her feet in embarrassment. Looking straight into Jongin’s eyes made her heart beat even faster, harder. It pulled all the strings. She moved her gaze towards their intertwined hands then brought herself to look back up to him and returned a gentle smile, allowing herself to melt in his soothing warmth. Just for this peaceful moment, she chose to ignore the tickles of fear that stream through her veins.



A/N Really sorry that it has taken me so long to update. Hoped you enoyed this :)

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jjchan #1
Chapter 6: FINALLLY!!!! AFTER WAITING FOR SOO LONG!!! T.T *satisfied*
Chapter 5: autornim update pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase :'( i really like this fic and i want to know what happens next so bad
sweetestserenity #3
Chapter 3: Minister Joo is so creepy *~*
minahbubblez #4
The foreword seems interesting.. Can't wait for the first chapter :D hwaiting !!!!
sweetestserenity #5
The foreword sounds great

Can't wait for the update