Day 7

Baby Love

Morning had arrived and Minseok was still wide awake. Grief was the best word to describe his feelings. He felt scared, angry, frustrated, alone, afraid, and just all around jaded. His emotions were bugging him.



People might find it weird that he was so emotional and odd despite having spent only a few days with Hyejeong. But during those few days, he had developed real love for the kid. Too much attachment from treating and loving Hyejeong like she was his real daughter. The first tear drop was about to fall but Minseok blinked it away. He didn’t want to show how weak he was.



“Minseok?” Luhan asked, slowly opening his eyes. The blank, impassive expression swept over his face as the realization of Hyejeong leaving them gradually seeped in. The fear seemed to rise behind his eyes. “Did you sleep?”



“I can’t sleep.”



“Why are you doing this to yourself? For God’s sake! You need to rest.” Luhan’s brows drew together. His voice was shaking in low tone.



“I can’t.” Minseok’s face looked pinched.



“I’m sorry but you need to face reality. Hyejeong is not ours. She has her own family.”



Minseok turned his face away from Luhan, and pressed a finger onto his lashes. “I know.” His face showed distress and as he closed his eyes, he broke down entirely. Small tiny tears fell out of his eyes, one after another, soon it turned into a flowing stream of sorrow that ran down his face.



Luhan didn't say another word. A single tear formed in his eyes, and he let it roll down his cheek. He had loved Hyejeong too, just like Minseok.


Minseok wiped his tears. His eyes were red and swollen already. “Let’s go home. I want to see Hyejeong already.”



Luhan gently placed his hand on Minseok’s back, and for a moment Minseok felt everything was okay.






Minseok’s mom said her goodbyes to Luhan and Minseok when the two finally arrived at Minseok’s place.




Minseok was so grateful that his mom had taken good care of Hyejeong over the night. In his mind, he was planning to tell his mom about Hyejeong’s parent claiming her but decided to shut his mouth. His mom didn’t need to be involved with the said situation. He knew well how his mother would be saddened knowing the kid would be leaving them soon.



Luhan walked to the kitchen from the bed room, hung his clothes over the back of the chair and changed into his favourite shirt when Mrs. Kim finally left Minseok’s place. “Minseok-ah, I’m hungry.”


Hyejeong was happy to see Luhan and Minseok again. She couldn’t help but be hugged. She was looking forward to see them coming back home after a long night.



Minseok tears fell slowly down his face when he spotted Hyejeong extending her tiny arms to hug Luhan. Knowing the kid would notice it, he immediately wiped his tears not to make it so obvious.



“Good morning.” Luhan greeted. He was holding Hyejeong in his arms. “Baby, uncle Minseok will cook us breakfast,” he added.



Hyejeong showed her wide smile that made Luhan and Minseok smile as well.


I will miss that smile, Minseok thought.






Luhan and Minseok decided to act like everything was normal. The kid could sense immediately if something was going wrong. Even it if was for the last day, they want to spend it happily.


“It smells good.” Luhan took a deep breath, and then gave Minseok a lovely wink. “I can’t wait to eat the soy sauce crab. I’m starving already.”


“Hurry and place the plates on the table. Breakfast is almost ready.” Minseok commanded kindly.



As they sat across from each other at the breakfast table, Luhan commented how delicious the soy sauce crab was. Thinking that they were eating an appetizing meal he could not help but to observe Minseok who didn't touch his food.


Minseok could sense the deep stare Luhan was giving him. Assuming he could read what was on Luhan’s mind, he then told him that he gets an allergic reaction when he eats sea foods.


Despite Minseok could not eat the food, Luhan was still grateful that Minseok had cooked his favourite dish and he felt sorry about it.


Hyejeong was eating her share deliciously, letting Minseok open the crab for her. She was having fun together with his daddies, there was nothing like a good laugh of a happy family being together.


Minseok tried not to think it that would be their last meal with Hyejeong. He could not afford to think about it. Smile Minseok.


When they had finished the meal, Luhan cleaned up the kitchen as Minseok took his turn to shower and change into his new jeans and a sweater.



Minseok was haunted by his memories. His mood worsened as he once more confronted what had happened – and thought about how Hyejeong would be leaving his apartment soon and so would Luhan.







It was already noon and Minseok hadn't told Hyejeong about her father yet.



The police officer had called two times already and on the third call Luhan decided to pick up the phone and talk to the officer.



“Minseok?” Luhan said in a low voice. “The police officer said that we have until tonight to take Hyejeong back to her father.”


Their eyes locked together, until Minseok felt the sudden hot tears stinging behind his lids. He bit his lips and looked away. He didn’t say anything for five minutes; he just sat, staring his knuckles on his lap.



Luhan waited for Minseok to calm down as he reached up a hand, wiping away the rest of Minseok’s tears. “Don’t cry. Listen, Minseok, it will be all right. Isn’t this what we wanted from the start? To find Hyejeong’s family.”



Panic-stricken, Minseok whirled around to face Luhan. “At first yes but now – I don’t want to return Hyejeong,” he cried. “Am I selfish?”



Luhan put his arms around Minseok’s shoulders and rested his head above Minseok’s head. “You are not.”



Minseok looked up at Luhan and forced a weak smile. “I am starting to treat Hyejeong like my real daughter. Can't she stay for one more night?” He hoped he wasn't asking for too much.



Luhan shook his head. “The police officer strictly said that if we will not return Hyejeong to her father they will file a case against us.”



“But –”



“Maybe it's the right time for you to tell Hyejeong about her father,” Luhan said softly.



Once again the sickening panic rose up in Minseok. “What do you mean? Luhan, I thought you understood me? You just said I am not selfish.”



“Minseok, I only mean that you should be honest to Hyejeong about what’s going on. The kid has the right to know that they already found his father.” Luhan put a hand on Minseok’s cheek, wiping the tears that kept on falling.



Minseok slowly walked away from Luhan, he walked silently around the bed. He was dismayed how reality hit him hard that day. He reminisced how Hyejeong had slept in his arms, flat on her back or on his lap on the bed.



Luhan’s arm flung out to Minseok’s side, eyes scrunched shut, his mouth slightly touching Minseok’s ear. “When that time comes, just know that things will get better, eventually.”






It took a lot of courage for Minseok to confess that they had found Hyejeong’s father. He had to be honest with her. As honest as he could possibly be revealing how saddened he was losing her.


Minseok felt the press of Hyejeong's arms around him, and held back to keep from falling onto her small, thin frame.



Hyejeong looked at Minseok, her eyes that tugged at his insides. There was so much sadness in those eyes, and that moment Minseok felt so undeserving of it. The news didn’t bring happiness onto Hyejeong’s face. Instead the kid ran away to her room after hearing everything.






Smiling a little, Minseok reached down and tugged loose the blanket that twisted beneath Hyejeong’s small body. He eased it up over the kid and kissed the girl’s forehead. “Baby, uncle Minseok loves you. If only you could stay with me forever that would be perfect. But, your father probably misses you. Aren't you happy to see him again?”



Hyejeong didn't respond. She was unhappy. She sobbed, burying her head in the pillow.

She felt isolated from the world. Her hopes of finding a new family vanished. She wanted to tell Luhan and Minseok about her father but was too scared. Her father was scary and she didn't want to cause trouble for Luhan and Minseok.


A vague feeling that something was not right, a kind of minor emptiness, was shattering the warmth from Minseok's within. The feeling of cheeriness diminished. The feeling of hollowness inside him was getting empty.


The sun light didn’t brighten up Luhan's face. His face had been dimmed by heartbreak seeing Hyejeong crying and Minseok in pain. His chest was sore already as he could feel the deep pain in Minseok’s heart. 'Men do not show how they are feeling; they are good at hiding feelings deep inside.'  He was trying his best to be tough but he was failing.


Several minutes passed before Luhan trusted himself to speak. He cleared his throat and wiped his nose with his wrist. He smiled at Minseok faintly. “It’s going to be okay,” he said. His eyes were understanding with a trace of care. He knew exactly what was going through Minseok’s mind and he was making it clear that Minseok was strong enough to face everything.


Luhan and Minsek left the room, giving space for Hyejeong to be alone. They started to hate the situation. They wanted a happy farewell but the situation was making it impossible to be happy.


The memory of being with Hyejeong for six days brought a bittersweet edge to Minseok’s smile. Would everything be okay if he’d been able to see into the future and know that Hyejeong would not be around; that his life would be back to normal.



“Luhan, I am going to miss Hyejeong. She is like a daughter to me,” Minseok whispered, his eyes wandering along Luhan's face.


“I know but you know better than anyone that Hyejeong’s family have been looking for her. They probably missed her.”


There was no answer from Minseok, only the soft sound of a clock. Accompanying that, an echo from his sad heart. His heart was crying endlessly. He knew he couldn’t do it. He could no longer walk away from Hyejeong’s playfulness and sweetness. With a muttered prayer, he prayed for Hyejeong’s happiness.


“I know it really hurts but admitting the reality and facing it will make us even stronger. Expressing our feelings may lead us into something better after the sadness and frustration. We may be able to begin to see where these feelings are coming from—what they are connected to in our lives. As we begin to see the connections we will be more able to move on,” Luhan advised.







Luhan thought, what is it an odd question to ask at that point. “The police station is calling again. Aren’t you going to pick it up?”



Minseok looked suddenly defensive and sad. He had struck a nerve. Again. His heart was tearing into pieces. Again. How many times would he feel the sadness?



“I don’t know, Luhan. Can you just answer it for me?”







With a sigh, Minseok held open the front door and Hyejeong passed through it first. Luhan followed his lead and hurried toward the car.  The weather was positively nasty by the time they arrived.



Hyejeong didn’t want to go nor see her real father. By the time they arrived at the police station, Hyejeong was desperate not to be separated from Luhan’s hold.



An unsettling feeling began to develop inside Luhan’s body. There was something wrong in the room—he couldn't quite tell why Hyejeong was unhappy and indifferent when she saw her father. The atmosphere was dense and strange. A state of fear that Luhan could see through.



Minseok looked carefully how Hyejeong eyes broke into tears. Her eyes were puffy from crying because she couldn't stop crying. Noticing that, Minseok immediately wrapped his arms around her. Holding her close, he rocked her back and forth until her cries became muffled sobs. He reached into his pocket for a handkerchief and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Hyejeong-ah, your father is already here. Don’t be sad. Everything is going to be okay.”


Luhan looked at Minseok, his expression softening. He knew how Minseok felt, but there was nothing to be done. They needed to return Hyejeong to her real family.


Minseok felt a terrible weight on his shoulders when Luhan handed Hyejeong to his father. It was as if a giant ship was laid on him and he couldn't straighten up or catch his breath completely.


Pain. Pain. Pain. It felt as if it would never go away. Minseok was about to shut down, inside.


He stumbled back, feeling his knees shake. An arm automatically wrapped around Minseok’s waist as his eyes never left Luhan’s expressionless ones.



“Are you sure you are okay?” Luhan asked worriedly.



Minseok blinked. “Ahhhh. Yes.”



“I thought I saw you shiver.” Luhan raised his eyebrows, his warm gaze sliding across Minseok’s slim body.



“I am perfectly fine. I will be.” Minseok smiled to reassure the man in front of him.  




The police officer called for Minseok and let him sign a document while Luhan was standing, observing how odd Hyejeong was with her father. Luhan’s body posture kept on shifting from Minseok to Hyejeong, who was with her father.  He looked bewildered and wide eyed, and really didn't like what was happening. He has bad feeling about it. He didn't trust Hyejeong’s father. He was sensitive enough to feel that something was wrong. And he knew Minseok could feel it too.




Hyejeong's father looked at them like they were criminals who had stolen a kid. His eyes kept darting the two persons. His facial expressions were cautious. He thought that the two persons who adopted her daughter for few days were clueless enough from Hyejeong misery towards him.


Too bad for him the two persons noticed it.



Minseok's last glimpse of Hyejeong was her crying face, mouthing 'i love you daddy Minseok and goodbye'. And at that moment, Minseok knew it was not time to say goodbye to Hyejeong. They would see each other again.




Luhan and Minseok left the police station first. The atmosphere inside the station was too gloomy for them. “This day has been tough for me. I need to unwind for a moment. Want to go somewhere else?”  Minseok asked after stepping out.







Somewhere along Banpo Bridge, where Minseok had decided to go, Luhan reached for Minseok’s hand, his eyes observing the other for a moment as if to seek for Minseok’s approval. Minseok let his heart march to double time. What Luhan did was far more than the friendly gestures they did, and yet it felt so right to be holding hands with Luhan. Apparently delighted by what he had read in Minseok’s eyes, Luhan tightened his grip and walked along the bridge.



Although it was winter, the cold wind brushing against their bodies did not affect them. All they could feel was the warmth of their hands holding each other.



“Thank you,” Minseok whispered softly. He looked at Luhan in surprise, surprised by how close his face was to his.



“For what?” Luhan asked curiously.



“For the comfort. For everything. I really appreciate it a lot,” Minseok replied, his heart fluttering.



The look Luhan was giving to Minseok made the latter shudder.



Luhan took a deep breath and smiled, taking both of Minseok's hands in his, he let his forehead touch Minseok's. “Thank you for being strong.”



Minseok’s heart soared. These were the words he wanted to hear. Not wanting to be fake, he tilted his head upward until their lips were so close they were all but touching. Stepping on tiptoes, he pressed his lips shamelessly against Luhan's and pulled away.



Luhan blinked.  He stared, uncertain of what to say to Minseok. His mouth opened, attempting to form a reply but failing. Once it sunk in that Minseok had made the first move, he didn’t think twice as his lips moved against Minseok's.  His arms encircling the shorter guy’s waist, he pulled him closer. Finally, his mouth pressed deeper, his lips merging with Minseok's so passionately.



Minseok’s lips parted slightly allowing his tongue to flick in and out of Luhan’s mouth like fireworks sparkling that made his heart respond in the sparkles of it. His heart raced. He felt the kiss was not enough. Oh God help me I can’t stop myself from kissing Luhan.



Luhan could feel Minseok’s heart beat fast next to his chest. Filling Minseok’s mouth completely with gentle s, each one designed to gather up as much of his sweet taste as possible. Luhan’s lips, his mouth, his tongue, his teeth caught fire, Minseok's quivering lips spreading the flames downward until Luhan’s body was consumed.



Minseok felt the genuineness of Luhan's feelings and every kiss he received from Luhan’s mouth made him feel as if he were floating through space, anchored only by Luhan’s touch and lips. It was a wonderful feeling he didn’t want to forget.



When at last their lips parted, they could only gaze into each other’s eyes as if to seek confirmation that both of them had been enjoying the kiss. Strong feelings and a huge amount of attraction between them left. It felt completely different than if it was just some random kiss.



Luhan didn’t want to push Minseok, to hurry him. Everything told him Minseok wanted him every bit as much as he wanted Minseok, too. Interpreting Minseok’s body language, he assumed that everything would fall soon. Pretty soon.



“Let’s go home,” he whispered softly, knowing that he couldn’t keep Minseok out all night. Luhan knew he needed some rest after the cheerless day they had had.





A/N: Sorry if I took time updating this fic. It was so hard for me to write the whole thing. I couldn't even remember how many times I re-write the whole chapter. To my beta-reader thank you so much for making the story ten times better than it was before. What will happen to me if I didn't findyou? ;> 

T/N: I edited and re-arrange the chapter. I thought it would be easier for me to update it.


By the way, I have a qiuck question for you guys... what are your fav genres/aus in a story? Mine is fluff/domestic!au. domestic!xiuhan gives me life. 


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celenene #1
i have a serious question in here, authornim, are you gonna update this fic this year? honestly this is my fav xiuhan story so far. I'm just sad this fic hasn't updated for quite a while.
Chapter 7: Hi! Your have a nice story to look forward to. I hope you can get the time to update your story soon. I'm one of those waiting.

It's really catchy. I'm excited to what will happen now to Luhan and Minseok. How they will get Hyejeong back into their lives. If I'm not mistaken, Luhan was a Lawyer and that maybe could help that they can get Heyjeong from his aweful father. I'm looking forward to a happy family soon.

Thank you for making this one. Fighting!!!.
xiu_min #3
Chapter 7: Just finished reading the last chapter and it was a cliff hanger i want moreeeè.. i hope you'll update soon. Happy valentines author-nim.
Chapter 7: Still nothing new....:-((((((((
writerwriter #5
Chapter 7: I like the re-arranged version of the chapter! ^^ <3 Can't wait for more!
Chapter 7: i just found this fic today? WHY havent i found this earlier *sobs* this is so cute :') and just fnished all of the chapters and minseok is so adorable he jst cant let go of hyejeong and they kissed!!!! Asdghjkl . i really love domestic, parent aus, and mpregs lmao. and yes i agree to everyne in the comments ehehe i love every genre as long as its bottom!minseok :) ♥
Chapter 7: Your story is soooo wonderful and sooo sad and at the end of the last chapter sooo exciting! They kissed ..... I like every genre too and bottom! minseok. Hope you update as soon as possible...please?
hikka000 #8
Chapter 7: Noooo hyejeong, i hope nothing happened to her. And yes they kiss.... Waiiii.
I love every genre but i prefer happy ending and bottom minseok hahaha
VIPBabys #9
Chapter 7: It's sad.. how i wish hyejeong will comeback to xiuhan as fast as possible..
I loved every genre as long as it's bottom!seok
aprilboy20 #10
Chapter 7: update this please ^_^