Day 6

Baby Love

Minseok’s body alarm clock woke him up, realizing he made a promise with Luhan to watch the sunrise with him. He gazed longingly at the Chinese guy, who was still sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed. 


Without making any noises to avoid Hyejeong from waking up, Minseok rose up and walked slowly on Luhan’s side.


“Luhan wake up!” 


“What?” Luhan answered, slightly opening his left eye. When he spotted Minseok’s face too close to his, he panicked a little.


“It’s time to see the sunrise.” Minseok stood up properly from slouching.


“Can we postpone the sunrise watching? I’m still sleepy.” Luhan told Minseok sleepily, then yawned.


“Will you get up or not?” Minseok ordered, placing his hands on Luhan’s waist to tickle him.


“Get up!”

Luhan exhaled with relief when he stepped outside and reached the rooftop. The air felt fresh and new like a gentle breeze caressing his skin. He positioned himself on the balcony and watched as ribbons of golden sunlight spilled into the clouds. The yellow shining sun started rising from the ground. It filled the sky with mighty colours of red and splashed the clouds with endless soft rays of orange. It was bright and mesmerizing in Luhan’s eyes. It was a nice view, Luhan wanted to tell that to Minseok but when he glanced at Minseok he was mesmerized completely at Minseok' adorable face.

Luhan’s eyes were glued not on the beautiful pink and orange colours of the sky anymore but on the guy beside him. The shimmering, gold disk of the sun began to shine on Minseok’s face.  Minseok was smiling adorably. Luhan has seen Minseok smile many times but that time it was different. He could not explain how Minseok looked so good despite his messy hair and sleepy eyes. 


“Stop looking at me and appreciate the beauty of the sunrise, Mr. Lu,” Minseok stated, turning the Chinese guy’s face forward. He was mesmerized how the sun shone towards them. It was heart whelming.


“But you are more beautiful than the sunrise,” Luhan whimpered, looking back again at Minseok.


“Are you kidding me?” Minseok asked quickly.


“No, I’m telling the truth.”


“Shut up! Let’s go back to my place now. Hyejeong might freak out if she realizes we are not inside the apartment.”


Luhan grinned. He loved how Minseok quickly changed the topic. So Minseok.




Nothing could beat Minseok’s face when he saw his mother. His mouth dropped open. His eyes were larger than his friend Kyungsoo. He froze in disbelief, having sharp intake of breathing. He was completely surprised when he saw his mom entering his apartment, holding a basket of full of fruits in her hand. His mom was even more shocked when she spotted Luhan and Hyejeong playing in the living room.

“Mom?” Minseok eyed his mom narrowly. “Why are you here?”


“Didn’t you invite me to come here last month?” If his mom was not mistaken, it was the third time she visited her son’s place since the previous year. She didn’t expect to see a kid and a guy inside her son’s apartment early in the morning. 


Minseok stared at his mom, uncomprehending. Then he finally remembered that he really had called his mom the previous month, whining he was lonely staying alone.


Mrs. Kim turned to gaze at Luhan, a tall, pale, pretty faced man.


Luhan was frozen on his spot, when he spotted Minseok’s mom staring at him. “Go – Good morning, Ma’am. I’m Lu - han.” He stuttered.

Minseok’s mom went straight to Luhan to pat his shoulder. “Good morning, young boy.” And went abruptly to hug Hyejeong who was smiling widely at her. “And who is this adorable kid?”


“Hi grandma, my name is Hyejeong. I am Daddy Luhan and Daddy Minseok’s daughter,” Hyejeong replied proudly.


“Mom, don’t believe on Hyejeong. Actually, I can explain all of this,” Minseok stated very carefully.


“Minseok-ah, a child doesn’t lie.” Mrs. Kim responded wittily.


“Mom, let’s go to my room to talk?” Minseok begged as if his Mom would listen to him. “And Hyejeong, it’s already noon. It’s bath time already,” He added, as he took Hyejeong from his mom's hold.


Instead of going to Minseok’s room, Mrs. Kim went to the kitchen and placed the fruits on the table, reaching up into the cupboard to drink apple juice. The happenings minutes earlier suddenly crashed into her mind. Did Minseok get marry without notifying me?


“Tell me more about your husband.” Mrs. Kim told his son, chopping the apple that Hyejeong had requested to eat.


“Mom.” Minseok hissed, he had just arrived from the kitchen and he was interrogated already.


“Luhan, right?” Mrs. Kim asked, walking towards the living room. She offered some slices of apple to Luhan who was still sitting on the single couch.


Luhan glanced over at Mrs. Kim, puzzled. “Yes, Mrs. Kim and thank you.”


“Oh Luhan, you don’t have to call me Mrs. Kim. You can also call me mom.”


Minseok heard what her mom told Luhan as he leaned forward on his seat and turned to face his mom defensively. “Mom, if I am not mistaken, a few minutes ago, I told you Luhan is my friend from China who is enjoying his vacation here in our country. And, I have some unfinished business – ”


“Okay. Okay. Okay. If that is it.” Mrs. Kim smiled and Luhan smiled back to her. “Enjoy your stay here, Luhan. I hope you will have a good vacation spending your time with Minseok and Hyejeong.”




When Hyejeong returned from taking a bath, she ran towards Mrs. Kim. She then seated next to Minseok's mom over the side of the couch to get a closer look on the phone she was using to play a game before Minseok told her to take a bath.


“Grandma, may I borrow your phone again?” She looked at her with an adorable face.


“Sure, here. Are you going to play Pororo Penguin Run again?” Mrs. Kim asked.


The kid nodded. “Yes, I want to reach the top score.” 


Minseok sat himself in the small space between his mom and Hyejeong. “Having fun?” He asked, staring closely at Hyejeong. The warm flesh of Hyejeong’s forehead brushed against Minseok’s forehead.


“Daddy Minseok, you are disturbing me,” the kid who was busy playing the game told her dad, whining.


“Sorry, you can continue playing now,” Minseok said with a candid grin. He then looked at his mom who was staring at Hyejeong.


“By the way mom, how many days are you planning to stay in my place?” 


“I’ll probably leave tomorrow morning.” Mrs. Kim leaned in closer to Minseok. “So that you can have a long quality time with Mr. Lu.” She teased.

Minseok’s blush was visible and he felt embarrassed all of a sudden. His body reacted easily to what his mother had told him in a peculiar way. The blood vessels in his face, particularly his cheeks experienced a faster flow of blood ridiculously.


Mrs. Kim had never seen her son blush; he was always stoic and passive. So when she saw the blush on Minseok’s cheeks, she knew something intriguing was happening between his son and Luhan. She needed to figure it out. So far, she liked Luhan for his son.


Minseok cleared his throat. He was so nervous. “Mom, please.” He was being subtle, letting his mother knew she should have zipped her lips. And eventually he was trying to redirect his mom’s attention to something else which somehow works. “Mom, actually I’m glad you are here. Sehun invited me to go to his birthday party later. You know him, right?”


“Of course! How could I not? Why don’t you invite Luhan to go with you?” Mrs. Kim insisted. “You would love to accompany Minseok to a birthday party, right Luhan?” She added.


“Sure,” Luhan replied, smiling warmly. 


“But mom, how about Hyejeong?” Minseok asked, worrying about Hyejeong being left at his apartment. The kid was not used to be left alone with other people.


“Hyejeong, your daddies will be attending party tonight. Do you want grandma to babysit you?” Mrs. Kim asked. She was confident enough that the kid would love her company.


“Yes grandma.” Hyejeong nodded sagely. “Daddy Minseok told me before that you know how to bake a cake,” she added.


“Do you want us to bake a cake?” Mrs. Kim asked.


“YES!” Hyejeong agreed happily.


“See? The kid likes me. So you have no excuses to stay here and not attend the party.” Mrs. Kim stated in her defence at Minseok.




Luhan had no excuses for being left alone since Minseok introduced him to his circle of friends. Even though, he was having a hard time memorizing all their names. He began to love their night out together when Minseok asked him to dance when he heard his favourite song playing.


“It’s Kelly Rowland’s Commander. Let’s dance.”


‘Let's go all night, baby. You won't find no lady who does it like I does it, yeah.’ Minseok sang along to the song.

The first dance of Minseok and Luhan without Hyejeong made Luhan smile. Minseok moved so easily into Luhan’s arms. They danced as if they had always danced together. Minseok danced gracefully, and Luhan could not even remember ever feeling so happy as Minseok throughout the dance and complimenting his ragged outfit that suited him the most. They danced and partied all night, enjoying like a teenager.


After three hours at spending good times at Sehun’s birthday party, Luhan and Minseok left his house and started walking along a busy street in Gangnam.


“Minseok-ah, accompany me to dance the gangnam song here.” Luhan stood behind Minseok.


“What? Do you want us to dance here? But there are so many people.” Minseok watched as people passed them one by one.


“Please. At a count of 5. Let's start dancing the chorus and run.” Luhan suggested.


“But... I can't dance in here. Luhan, looked they are lots of passerby’s walking and I can't... ” Minseok was distracted when Luhan started counting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


They danced Gangnam style on the immense streets of Gangnam, hesitating and laughing endlessly from what they have done. They felt shameless but who cares as long as they were not disturbing other people. Actually, they disturbed the people but at best the people who watched enjoy their live stage impromptu dance. So far, it was one of the best nights of Luhan on his stay in Seoul.


“Han-ah, let’s go to Kyungsoo’s place. His apartment is two blocks away from here.” Minseok suggested.


“Sure.” Luhan nodded, showing a wide smile on his face.


“This way.” Minseok held Luhan's hand, ushering him the way. It's not bad if they will visit a friend's house without prior noticed right? He just hoped Kyungsoo would welcome them open arms without his meme face.



“Mom discovered I'm living with Luhan. She kicked me out of my place.”  The image of Kyungsoo being shocked made Minseok smile inside. Well enough, Minseok's acting was so true that made Kyungsoo hugged his older friend.


“I am so sorry to hear about that but if you want a place to stay you can stay in a motel. Actually there is a motel located on the next blocked so...” Kyungsoo's faced was serious. Bad enough for Minseok his trick won't make Kyungsoo fool. “Stop fooling me. I had talked with your mom a while ago and she said her son is having a date with his future son-in-law.” He added, exaggerating the last two words.

“Seriously mom and .” Minseok sighed.

“Your mom likes me?” Luhan asked at Minseok. His eyes were shining at the thought of it.


“You heard it.” Minseok replied with a straight face. He was ashamed and sheepish towards his mom.


Luhan felt fluttered and high. Amazing.


Kyungsoo welcomed them inside his house. Luhan immediately asked permission if he could use the toilet. Kyungsoo ushered the Chinese boy towards the toilet while Minseok went directly in the mini home bar designed located in the kitchen.


By the time Kyungsoo had arrived in the mini home bar, Minseok was already drinking the half opened bottle of tequila.


Luhan, who had eavesdropped shamelessly on Kyungsoo and Minseok’s conversation, drew beside Minseok’s attention. Luhan had heard Minseok’s story telling about what had happened to him at the party and the things they have done.

“You can join the conversation, Luhan,” Minseok exclaimed, “you already overheard what we were talking about, didn't you? You gossip boy!” he added. He was 100% sure he saw Luhan’s shadow, no doubt it was him.


Luhan who had entered the mini bar blurted out, grinning. “I am not. You mean boy!”


“I’m not.”




“Are you two really that close that it’s so easy for Luhan and for you Minseok to say those words?” Kyungsoo interrupted.


With a surprised smile, Minseok and Luhan turned to Kyungsoo and said, “YES.”


“Minseok likes me the most,” Luhan confessed, grabbing the tequila from Minseok’s hand, winking. “Right Minseok?”


Minseok laughed. “How astute and confident of you, Luhan.”


“Just kidding! The truth is we are friends. Friends that share a bed with our child every night. Minseok is a friend who cooks breakfast and dinner with me and Hyejeong almost every day. Minseok is a friend who accompanies me to where I want to go. He’s a very good friend. A very good FRIEND.”


Startled to find his heart pounding every time Luhan spoke, Minseok found even himself frightened as Luhan smiled at him. He had the most marvellous smile!


Friendship suddenly seemed a dangerous position.


Luhan’s free spirit attitude made Minseok nervous. If Luhan had been able to see Minseok’s face clearly, he would've noticed that Minseok was blushing like a red beet.


“Let’s go home now.” Minseok told the Chinese guy who was busy mixing his cocktail drinks. 


“Why don’t you sleep in my spare room?” Kyungsoo suggested. “You are both drunk already.”


Luhan smiled at Kyungsoo’s suggestion. That was indeed a good suggestion.




The guestroom was not very big and has one single bed located at the center. It was a pretty small room, but it's spaced out well. It has tan colored wall with white curtain hanging on one window. The only extra furniture’s were a couch, a lamp, a mirror, and few other things here and there.

“Woah! This guestroom is so neat.” Luhan was busy exploring the room, looking extremely happy when he saw the single bed. “Snuggling time.” He shouted.


“You sleep on the couch and I will sleep on the bed,” Minseok commanded.


“Let’s sleep on the bed together,” Luhan suggested.


Minseok tensed up as he eyed Luhan who was stepping forward to his direction warily. Minseok stepped back, keeping his distance. “What? No.”


“Why not?”


“We are not a married couple who shares a bed almost every night,” Minseok said, defensively.


“Should we get married now?” Luhan was watching Minseok intently. The question that Luhan asked made the Korean guy shiver.


“Okay, you win. You can sleep on the bed now. I’ll be sleeping on the couch.” Minseok went straight to lie down on the couch when Luhan grabbed his wrist and carried the Korean guy up to their bed. 


It happened so fast that Minseok could not guess Luhan’s intentions. All he could tell was... He is already lying on the bed.


Luhan caressed Minseok’s cheek. The imprint of Luhan’s hand stayed longer than the time he’d carried him. 


“Luhan, are you aware that you’re so close to me and on top of me?” Minseok hissed. 


“Seriously I want to marry you now,” Luhan said seriously, staring at Minseok’s tense eyes beneath him. Nothing he could have said would have surprised Minseok more. “I have to admit I am starting to like you. I am enjoying your company and your existence is making me excited.”


“Are you that drunk already?” Minseok said with a quirky smile. He didn’t know why he was smiling though.


“I am not. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. I don’t want this to end.”


“What do you mean? You don’t want this to end?”


“Being with you and Hyejeong. Seriously, can I just stay like this forever?” Luhan tilted his head back, and he watched, mesmerized by how Minseok trembled on the bed.


The loose polo shirt Luhan was wearing revealed a large expanse of smooth, pale and firm chest that Minseok would have guessed from Luhan’s slim, and lithe appearance.


When Minseok noticed that he had been staring at Luhan’s chest for few seconds, he directly looked into Luhan’s eyes. “I still don’t understand. Are you saying you want to stay here?”


“I’m saying exactly what it sounds like. I want to get to know you better, see you more.” Luhan had never been infatuated with a man before. From the moment he first glimpsed at Minseok and learned his name, his infatuation had not weakened but had grown stronger. For six days, he had watched Minseok, he had learned Minseok’s the type of guy he would never get tired of accompanying. Minseok was too kind, caring, and lovable. Luhan knew it would be a mistake if his infatuation didn't involve love. 


“Why?” Minseok’s eyes flew open.


“To have a good time, to do things together, to find out if there’s any chemistry between us.” Luhan slid his body closer to Minseok's, giving him broad grin. “Do you want to know how two people know if they like each other?” That night, Luhan needed to confirm if he was just infatuated with Minseok or it was more than infatuation.


“What are you doing?” Minseok asked, curiosity hit him when Luhan started to lean his face closer to Minseok's.


“I wanted to know if you have feelings with me too.”


“Your face is so close to my face Luhan. Move before I count to five… ONE, TWO...” Minseok pushed himself away from Luhan as he showed his frowning face, as if the latter would stop teasing him. 


“What? Why are you trembling and feeling uneasy? Don’t be afraid. Are you scared that I might eat you alive?” Luhan gritted his teeth as he expelled a single, humourless chuckle.


“THREE…” Minseok continuously pushed Luhan’s body away from him but the latter was too strong on his defence to stay away from him.


“Aren’t we tired of pretending we don’t care for each other, Minseok? Because I am somehow tired. I want to give in and say -” 


Instinctively, Minseok wanted to reach out to Luhan, but he could not. He was to uncontrollable not to let the Chinese guy fall for him. Luhan was not allowed to fall in love with him. “FOUR…”


 “I think I love you, Kim Minseok.” Luhan wished he could deny his feelings, but he knew that what he felt was true. There was no reason to hide it. 


Minseok was already late. Luhan had fallen in love with him. How could that even possible? Too fast. 




Minseok was about to tell Luhan that it was possible but he was interrupted by a phone call. His phone was already ringing for a minute. He turned his head just the slightest bit and pushed Luhan fiercely away to grab his phone inside his pocket.


Minseok looked at his phone when Luhan snatched his phone away from him. 

“I won’t allow you to look at your phone until you respond to my question. Do you like me or do you have any feelings for me?” 


A trick question by Luhan. If Minseok answered yes, he would be in a relationship again but he could not afford to be hurt and fail over again. He could not afford to lose Luhan. If Minseok answered no, he was lying to himself. Minseok needed some time. He needed to think of an escape to avoid the conversation.


Luhan flexed his fingers, feeling anxious and helpless than he was ever felt in his life. He trapped Minseok’s body once again with his body building an arm wall in between Minseok’s face, making their face closer.


“I... I...,” Minseok said, trying to escape from Luhan’s arm wall.


Luhan held Minseok so close, he could feel him trembling even more, feel his soft lips, feel his crotch between his thighs as he gently leaned more closely to the man under him. "I what?" He Minseok’s hair and ran his hand over his soft cheeks.


Minseok’s skin tingled at Luhan’s touch and he felt himself responding to Luhan’s needs. "I....I...."

Luhan kept on staring at Minseok longingly. “Kim Minseok,” Luhan whispered into Minseok’s ear, “Each day I have spent time with you, I haven't once regretted that you hit me with your car that day. Do you think we are destined for each other?”


Minseok's blushed and for a minute he thought his face was on fire even though they were inside a cold room without the heater on. He suddenly felt awkward, modest, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide his shyness behind his slim fingers. The Korean guy knew that Luhan's eyes were looking at him – all eagerly waiting for an answer, a reaction, like predacious beasts. “Of course I treated you right – ”


Luhan really wanted Minseok to know on how he feels for him. He desired to tell him exactly how he felt. He didn’t want to have an uncertainty that could put a strain on his relationship with Minseok. “Shhhh. Don’t talk. Just listen to me,” Luhan said softly, positioning his index finger on Minseok’s mouth. “I like you. More than anything in the world. You are so beautiful inside and out. From the moment I saw you I knew I had fallen for you– ”


Minseok was already on his limit of confessing that he had already like Luhan but he was completely hesitating to tell the guy in front of him. Not now Minseok. Not now. Think of something else to divert the conversation. 


“Luhan please stop those cheesy lines because… because I have to pee. I have been holding this in for so long now and I don’t want to have kidney stones so please let me use the toilet first before you continue your confession. May I?” Minseok didn’t wait for Luhan’s response as he pushed him away and ran.


Out of the many words that could come out from Minseok, he felt he wanted to hide in the toilet forever. He wanted the toilet bowl to eat him alive. How could he blurt out those words? That was a hideous alibi.



Minseok eyes widened when he read the text that had arrived from the Police station.


“Luhan, we need to talk.” Minseok called Luhan after returning from the toilet. Well enough he just stayed half an hour inside the toilet.


“Okay,” Luhan said worriedly. “What about it?”


“Luhan!” Minseok said worriedly, slightly pouting his lips. “The...” he couldn't continue his speech.


Luhan slowly rose up from the couch and turned around to face Minseok, his eyes wide with surprise. “What’s wrong?”


Minseok marched past him to him a hand on his hips, he walked over to where Luhan was sitting and glared at him. The look of total bewilderment on Minseok’s face showed there was something wrong. 


When Luhan asked what was wrong for the second time, Minseok couldn’t speak again. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong? You are making me nervous,” Luhan said worriedly, thoughtfully.


Minseok struggled not to let his tears fall down when he said, “The police officer said: they have found Hyejeong’s father.”



A/N: I just want to say Thank You to all who subscribed, upvoted, and commented on this story. I really appreciated it a lot. ;>


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celenene #1
i have a serious question in here, authornim, are you gonna update this fic this year? honestly this is my fav xiuhan story so far. I'm just sad this fic hasn't updated for quite a while.
Chapter 7: Hi! Your have a nice story to look forward to. I hope you can get the time to update your story soon. I'm one of those waiting.

It's really catchy. I'm excited to what will happen now to Luhan and Minseok. How they will get Hyejeong back into their lives. If I'm not mistaken, Luhan was a Lawyer and that maybe could help that they can get Heyjeong from his aweful father. I'm looking forward to a happy family soon.

Thank you for making this one. Fighting!!!.
xiu_min #3
Chapter 7: Just finished reading the last chapter and it was a cliff hanger i want moreeeè.. i hope you'll update soon. Happy valentines author-nim.
Chapter 7: Still nothing new....:-((((((((
writerwriter #5
Chapter 7: I like the re-arranged version of the chapter! ^^ <3 Can't wait for more!
Chapter 7: i just found this fic today? WHY havent i found this earlier *sobs* this is so cute :') and just fnished all of the chapters and minseok is so adorable he jst cant let go of hyejeong and they kissed!!!! Asdghjkl . i really love domestic, parent aus, and mpregs lmao. and yes i agree to everyne in the comments ehehe i love every genre as long as its bottom!minseok :) ♥
Chapter 7: Your story is soooo wonderful and sooo sad and at the end of the last chapter sooo exciting! They kissed ..... I like every genre too and bottom! minseok. Hope you update as soon as possible...please?
hikka000 #8
Chapter 7: Noooo hyejeong, i hope nothing happened to her. And yes they kiss.... Waiiii.
I love every genre but i prefer happy ending and bottom minseok hahaha
VIPBabys #9
Chapter 7: It's sad.. how i wish hyejeong will comeback to xiuhan as fast as possible..
I loved every genre as long as it's bottom!seok
aprilboy20 #10
Chapter 7: update this please ^_^