Day 5

Baby Love

Luhan walked into the kitchen to find Minseok sipping coffee and reading the morning paper. “Morning,” he said, reaching for the orange juice inside the refrigerator.


“You’re up early,” Minseok observed. “This must be a miracle. Did you sleep well?” Minseok stated as if there had never been any words coming out from his mouth. There was nothing wrong if he wanted to get closer with Luhan right?


“Yes, I did,” Luhan replied. He looked at Minseok. “I don't know how you can wake up so early.”


“My body is used to waking up early and I need to drink my daily dose of coffee, take a shower, and clean before I go to work.”


Luhan poured himself a bowl of cereal, immersing in happiness because he learned something new about Minseok’s daily morning activity.


“Is there any place you want to go later?” Minseok asked, sipping his coffee.


“Actually, I was planning to see the sunrise but I guess I failed,” Luhan confessed, scratching his nape.


“Ahhh. So this is the reason why you woke up so early.”


“Yes,” Luhan said with disappointment.


“I’ve once witness the sunrise before. You can totally view it on the top of this building. I can accompany you tomorrow morning if you like.”


“Really? You'll accompany me to watch the sunrise?” Luhan asked, taking another sip of the orange juice excitedly. Staying in Minseok’s place could definitely give him worth remembering memories. He inhaled and smiled eagerly, “Wake me up early tomorrow, okay?”


“Sure. So, is there any place or thing aside from viewing the sunrise do you want to go or do?”


“I think you’ll laugh if I say this but I really want to visit the Lotte World.”


Lotte World’s the most popular theme park in Seoul. No wonder Luhan would like to visit it.


“Lotte World? Really? Well it’s been a long time since I last visited a theme park. If you would like to visit the place, then let’s go, let’s bring Hyejeong with us for sure she will enjoy the ambiance of the theme park.”




At the age of five, Hyejeong had begun to scream and cry inconsolably.  She had experienced trauma during her childhood. Her nightmares were composed of screams, cries and terrors where his father would spank, kick, slap her. If she wasn’t being hit, her father would scream at her with insults that could hurt her feelings. No one knew nor could see or hear about Hyejeong's situation because her father would hide her in a dark room whenever she committed mistakes.


Hyejeong’s first memory of when she was mistreated by her father was from when she was four years old. When she had been unable to find one of her shoes on her way to the school, her father would yell and scream at her, saying she had been careless and she had misplaced the shoes on purpose because she had been seeking for attention. Her father would continue to yell by telling her that she was a curse on their family. That she was the reason why her mother had died, even though it had not been her fault her mother had died during delivery. Whenever her father was at work, she could still feel the terror, dissociation, loneliness, and isolation as she expressed it in her drawings, a little girl crying and longing for love and care.


As Hyejeong had grown older, she had withdrawn within herself, somehow different and apart from her neighbour kids. She had started to realize that she was mistreated by her father. It was around that time that she began to believe that she was less than, not treated as good as, other kids. She carried that feeling in her heart.


Hyejeong woke up from her nightmare, a little bit shocked and sad. She had had dream about her father again, him mistreating her. As she looked around she noticed she was inside Minseok’s room, she immediately got up and looked for her two new daddies. Her worries went away when she spotted Luhan and Minseok talking in the kitchen.
“Daddy.” Hyejeong’s relief voice echoed. She cleared and ran towards Minseok. 


Minseok gave Hyejeong sweet kisses on her cheeks, hugging her like bear. “Our baby is already awake. I have a little surprise to you. We will be going to Lotte World. Do you want to go with me and uncle Luhan?”


Hyejeong nodded and jumped excitedly. “Yessss I am going to Lotte World. Hurray~”




After walking outdoors for few seconds, the very cold wind was already hitting Luhan’s face, immediately turning his face numb. He was amused at how quickly the temperature could drop when a cold front rushed through. He saw Hyejeong shivering. “Hyejeong, come here, wrap this scarf around your neck.” 

Hyejeong whined to protest that the scarf around her neck was too heavy. She didn’t like the feeling. It was choking her.


Minseok removed the scarf and put it back around Luhan’s neck. He concentrated on tying the scarf not to choke Luhan.


Luhan stopped his breathing for seconds and silently watched Minseok, who was busy fixing the scarf around his neck. 


“Stop staring at me, Luhan.” The sight of Luhan staring at his face embarrassed Minseok.

Luhan smiled and looked at Hyejeong but a matter of seconds he glanced back at Minseok, not wanting to make it obvious the he liked the feeling of Minseok taking good care of him plus Minseok really looked especially vibrant that day. He couldn’t help but to just gazed at Minseok’s charming face in the end.


“Thank you,” Luhan said sincerely who was still staring at Minseok.


“You're welcome,” Minseok replied, getting used to Luhan’s constant staring.


“It’s feels like it’s getting colder out here. Shall we go?” Luhan glanced over at the car, ushering Minseok and Hyejeong to go first.


“Yes, we’d better go straight to the car so that we can arrive at the park before it starts snowing.”


Heads turned when the three of them walked inside the theme park. Well, there was nothing new about it. Minseok and Luhan were used to being talked about or stared at when they went out altogether.

The carousel was the first ride Hyejeong had chosen to go. It was exciting. The smile on Hyejeong’s face riding the make-believed horse was like a gem to Minseok. It was too precious.


“Did you enjoy the carousel ride, baby?” Minseok asked happily as he embraced Hyejeong into his arms after the ride.


“Yes, daddy. Where are we going next? Hyejeong tilted her head to one side to look up at Minseok.


“Do you want to try indoor ice-skating?” Minseok asked.




The indoor ice-skating rink was in a fairyland setting, Minseok and Luhan were enjoying sliding along with Hyejeong inside the rink, holding her little hand so that she would not fall down. 


After five minutes of holding Hyejeong, Minseok decided to let the kid skate alone.


“Baby, skate forward at a medium to slow speed. Don’t move your legs to fast. Look at me move your lower leg just like this.” Minseok instructed the kid before starting to skate as he added, “Bend your knees a little like you're going to sit and turn sideways or straight with your skates to the direction that you want to go. And, remember don't push your feet in so you don't twist your ankle. Did you get it?”

“Yes.” Step by step, she followed what her daddy had told her to do. She tried her best not to fall down. And in span of one minute, Hyejeong was able to skate slowly without holding Minseok’s hand.


“Good job, baby,” Minseok said, caressing Hyejeong’s cheek.


Half an hour already passed, Hyejeong was enjoying the skating rink while Minseok and Luhan were on their verge of freezing. The latter had spoken to the kid that they would visit the rink again, so it was time for them to stop skating and visit the other rides or views of the park.

Outside Lotte World laid the iconic Disney castle. It was unreal and fantastic to see those blue and white castles just like Sleeping Beauty’s. The rides in Lotte World were more child friendly compared to other parks Luhan had visited. Although Luhan, Minseok and Hyejeong weren’t able to try the famous outdoor rides like the Atlantic Adventure, Gyro Drop, Gyro Swing, Bungee Drop, and Waikiki Wave they were still happy strolling around the area.


Some of the rides that Hyejeong enjoyed were the World Monorail, French Revolution, Pharaoh’s Furry, and the Aeronauts Balloon Ride. 

The Ferris wheel would be the last ride Hyejeong wanted to go. Luhan was longing to go with Minseok and the kid. Even if he was afraid of heights, he wished to accompany the two, leaving his fear behind.


When they were up there in the ferris wheel, Hyejeong couldn't remove her hands around Minseok arm, gazing at the beautiful sight below her. She got to finally see the city view clearly.


On Minseok’s other side, Luhan was busy clinging like a koala to him. Luhan is worse than Hyejeong. For Pete’s sake is he afraid of heights, Minseok thought.


It was a clear, cold afternoon, and Luhan could clearly see the buildings by the glass surface of the ferris wheel. As if he was pulled down, he immediately closed his eyes and clinged tightly to Minseok.

Going up all the way to the top of ferris wheel in the enclosed small cube for the first time was quite thrill for Luhan, and one he wasn’t sure he wanted to repeat soon. 


As though sensing Luhan’s unease body, Minseok allowed Luhan to keep his hand firmly on his elbow during the seemingly endless ride.


“If you are afraid of heights, you shouldn’t have taken the ride along with us.” Minseok stared at Luhan who was still closing his eyes.


“I’m okay. I will be okay.” Luhan slowly opened his eyes.


“We are almost down there just enjoy the ride,” Minseok whispered, smiling confidently to ease the trembling Luhan.


Luhan smiled back. Minseok's comfort words really helped.


Luhan’s legs wobble and his upper body stiffen as he stepped outside from the ferris wheel.


Minseok wanted to laugh at Luhan but he chose to be concerned. He understood the feeling of having a phobia. As he saw how pale Luhan's skin was, he let him rest for a while.


When Luhan got a chance, he never failed to take a solo candid shot of Minseok. He had been taking pictures of Minseok on his phone secretly. While he was taking candid pictures of Minseok and then of Hyejeong, Luhan noticed that Minseok was shivering. He quickly moved to his side, grabbed Minseok’s hands, puffed out his breath to warm them up and then rub them together with his hands, trying in attempt to get them warm. “Do you want to buy winter gloves?” Luhan asked. His eyes were gentle and concerned.


“It’s okay. I can still handle the cold.” Minseok said, assuring he was fine.


“Then, should I continue to hold your hand so that you won’t completely feel cold?” Luhan held Minseok’s hand tighter, while walking out in public.


Hyejeong, who was standing near Luhan watched her two daddies, holding their hands. She was indeed happy to see them being love-dovey as she decided to tease them. “Daddy Luhan, PDA. Ehhhhhh…”


Upon hearing Hyejeong's teased, Minseok immediately unclasped his hand with Luhan's hand.


“PDA? Who?” Luhan grabbed Hyejeong’s small hand and gave a quick kiss on her forehead. “You sneaky kid.”


Minseok moved forward to face Hyejeong and gave her an extra hug, pulling her closer while walking together on a cold day. “Who taught you the acronym PDA, baby?”


“Daddy Luhan.”


Minseok sighed. He thought he needed to protect the kid from Luhan. In some way.


Hyejeong spotted a cute dessert house, she whined to Minseok if she could eat a piece of cake inside. Minseok nodded and eventually bought the cake she wanted.


The kid was sitting on Luhan’s lap while he was slicing the cake into pieces for Hyejeong to eat properly. Minseok on the other hand was busy holding his phone trying to get updates on his work when Hyejeong noticed that his other daddy had not eaten anything yet from his plate. She suddenly requested that her Chinese daddy also feed Minseok. Due to Hyejeong’s constant whining, Luhan and Minseok gave in. 


Minseok raised one eyebrow at Luhan. “Just this time.” Then he gave him his sweetest smile.


“Minseok-ah, say ahhh,” Luhan demanded as he turned his head to feed Minseok.


Minseok opened his mouth and tasted the slice of cake Luhan had fed him. He looked at Luhan with an amused twinkle in his eyes.


“It’s tasty. So sweet.” Minseok smiled with satisfaction.


“You’ve got an icing here.” Luhan wiped the icing on Minseok’s lower lip with the tissue on the table. “You look like a cute kid.”


“Shut up!” Minseok slapped Luhan’s arm slightly. “I am not.” As he showed Luhan his not so angry face. “Where should we go after this?”


When they have stepped outside the dessert house, Hyejeong spotted another food she wanted to eat. “Daddy Luhan, can you buy me a hotdog on a stick?” She was pointing at the food cart along their way. 


“Sure,” Luhan answered.


“Hyejeong, you just had a slice of cake and now you want to eat again. Later. We will eat later,” Minseok told the kid, who was on the verge of crying when she heard Minseok's slight harsh-toned voice.


“Daddy Luhan~” Hyejeong’s voice was soft, she was staring continuously at Luhan.


“Minseok?” Luhan stared at the shorter guy in front of him. “The kid wants to eat. One piece of hotdog won’t make us poor.”


“It’s not about the money, Luhan. The kid just ate a cake. Do you want her to get constipated?”


“But it’s just a piece of hotdog.”


“When I said later. Later.  So please shut this out.” Minseok’s face was already looking annoyed.


“You are obviously upset about a piece of hotdog that is not worth fighting over therefore I refuse to discuss the matter any longer.” Luhan was saddened. 


That was the first time Luhan and Minseok got into an argument.


“What? I am not upset. It is you who is upset. Look Luhan I am not selfish when it comes to Hyejeong's wants but there are times that we don't need to spoil her.” Minseok tugged on his arm.

“Fine, Okay you are right,” Luhan sighed as he added, “Life is too short for small stupid fights.” He sensed his withdrawal after the terse emotions on Minseok’s face. 

Minseok watched as Luhan held Hyejeong’s small hand, trying to ignore the tiny twinge of irritation he felt. He had not expected Luhan to look like that, scary yet forgiving. But Luhan should not spoil Hyejeong. He was thinking what was good for her. He glanced towards Hyejeong’s direction; he saw how the kid looked so sad in those teary eyed, flashing clearly into Minseok. I’m sorry Hyejeong. I was just disciplining you.


For about 30 minutes, Hyejeong was still pouting, holding Luhan’s hand when they walked along the pavements. The kid sure knew that her two daddies had had a little quarrel because of her. Minseok was right, she was already full but still she wanted to be spoiled. And now, she wanted to cry, holding back her tears that threatened to fall down after Luhan told her, “It’s Okay.”


“Hyejeong baby, want to play this arcade game? If I win we can bring home that big teddy bear,” Luhan said, pointing at the big teddy bear inside the prize booth.


Hyejeong nodded with a glimpse of happiness on her face. Luhan stopped his pace and went to the shooting game. He grabbed the ball and started shooting the ball inside the basket with three points. 


Minseok managed to keep his eye on Luhan, he was amazed at the grace and precision of his movements, and hardly have recognized that he has a talent on playing a basketball, how good Luhan was with balls. Throughout most of the game, he stood with his arms folded across his chest, watching every shot Luhan had threw.


It was not long when Luhan finally won the big teddy bear. “Here. Daddy Luhan’s gift for you.”

Hyejeong hugged the big teddy bear and gave it to the man standing on the other side of the small basketball court. “Daddy Minseok, I am sorry.” Hyejeong smiled when Minseok accepted the bear. “You are not mad at me anymore?”


“I’m not mad at you. I will never be. You know how much uncle Minseok loves you. But sometimes I need to be strict too. Did you get me?”


“I know. Hyejeong was being greedy,” the kid said softly. Her heart was sagging down into an empty pit of sadness. But, she was relief when Minseok started to pamper her.


“And you know being greedy is bad.” Minseok told Hyejeong as he caressed her hair.


Hyejeong nodded. “I won’t do it again.”


Luhan’s gaze met briefly with Minseok, then he looked back at Hyejeong smiling. His heart softened from the view. How can Minseok be so perfect at disciplining Hyejeong? Can I marry him now?




It was already late at night when they got home. Hyejeong directly went to ask Luhan to accompany her in her room. She went to grab a pair of sweater and pajamas out from the cabinet.


“I thought you were afraid of the cabinet. It seems you are not anymore.” Luhan said.
Hyejeong gave a cute grin to Luhan which shocked him, grabbing her clothes she immediately ran towards Minseok who was also inside the room.


“Daddy Minseok, help me change my clothes,” Hyejeong commanded adorably. 


“Ok,” Minseok said, a little bit confused. “Why are you dragging me out of your room? Let’s change in your room.”


“No, I want to change in your room.” Hyejeong grabbed Minseok’s wrist and dragged him out of her room completely.


When they had arrived at Minseok’s room, Hyejeong immediately ran towards the bed.


“Hyejeong, come here closer. Uncle Minseok will change your clothes.” 


By the time, Minseok was changing her clothes; Hyejeong kept on wiggling on the top of the bed, singing the para pam song.


“Here you’re fully changed now. You can go back to your room and –”


Hyejeong automatically let her body fell on the bed, grabbing the comforter up to her neck. “Good night daddy Minseok. Please tell daddy Luhan to come and sleep on the bed too,” Hyejeong said, closing her eyes.


Minseok sighed; feeling defeated by a six year old kid. He was left with no choice but to let Luhan sleep on his bed again.


The room felt cold to Luhan, despite the fact that the heater was in the opposite side of the room. He considered sitting down, but he was too lazy to sit down on the bed. His body was too tired to move. Luhan just looked around thinking about what had happened to him since he had arrived in Seoul. He was thinking about Minseok, his sweet smile and his blushes. Luhan thought that something had changed in him but he tried to ignore. He just admired Minseok. That's all. Or maybe not?


On his fifth day, well only Luhan could recognize what he felt for that day. However, he was looking forward with his sixth day.


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celenene #1
i have a serious question in here, authornim, are you gonna update this fic this year? honestly this is my fav xiuhan story so far. I'm just sad this fic hasn't updated for quite a while.
Chapter 7: Hi! Your have a nice story to look forward to. I hope you can get the time to update your story soon. I'm one of those waiting.

It's really catchy. I'm excited to what will happen now to Luhan and Minseok. How they will get Hyejeong back into their lives. If I'm not mistaken, Luhan was a Lawyer and that maybe could help that they can get Heyjeong from his aweful father. I'm looking forward to a happy family soon.

Thank you for making this one. Fighting!!!.
xiu_min #3
Chapter 7: Just finished reading the last chapter and it was a cliff hanger i want moreeeè.. i hope you'll update soon. Happy valentines author-nim.
Chapter 7: Still nothing new....:-((((((((
writerwriter #5
Chapter 7: I like the re-arranged version of the chapter! ^^ <3 Can't wait for more!
Chapter 7: i just found this fic today? WHY havent i found this earlier *sobs* this is so cute :') and just fnished all of the chapters and minseok is so adorable he jst cant let go of hyejeong and they kissed!!!! Asdghjkl . i really love domestic, parent aus, and mpregs lmao. and yes i agree to everyne in the comments ehehe i love every genre as long as its bottom!minseok :) ♥
Chapter 7: Your story is soooo wonderful and sooo sad and at the end of the last chapter sooo exciting! They kissed ..... I like every genre too and bottom! minseok. Hope you update as soon as possible...please?
hikka000 #8
Chapter 7: Noooo hyejeong, i hope nothing happened to her. And yes they kiss.... Waiiii.
I love every genre but i prefer happy ending and bottom minseok hahaha
VIPBabys #9
Chapter 7: It's sad.. how i wish hyejeong will comeback to xiuhan as fast as possible..
I loved every genre as long as it's bottom!seok
aprilboy20 #10
Chapter 7: update this please ^_^