Chapter 8 - At the gala

Three Hearts and a Single Beat

Yoongi bowed gratefully to one of the sponsors of his exhibition. True, he had no interest in involving with them besides professionally but he had to admit that they were nice people. His main sponsor was a kind couple who had been in the photography business for quite some time now. And while Yoongi didn’t bother with the couple’s details, he wasn’t entirely ignorant of them either.

Every time a hand extended out to him or someone patted his back in appreciation of the art, he accepted it in gratitude, thanking them each and every time for showing up. It was hard work, for Yoongi. And his face had begun to hurt about half an hour ago from smiling but he couldn’t complain. These people here were the ones sponsoring his talent and were buying them. So he was fine with it. And besides, they were not all bad.

The photographer rolled up the sleeves of his white cardigan and looked at the watch. It was almost one thirty in the afternoon, which meant that it was just half an hour ago that the exhibition had started. Great! Approximately three more hours of painfully exhausting smiles left.

One of the servers of the event approached him and offered him something to drink from the silver tray. Accepting the gesture, he chose the thin glass of sparkling apple juice (he was still underage to drink so…) and gobbled it up in one go.

“Would you like another one sir?” the server asked. Placing back the now empty glass on the platter, Yoongi shook his red dyed head. “Thank you,” he said and the server ushered himself away without Yoongi taking another one.

Half an hour in and almost all of the big shots were already there. It was supposed to be a plain exhibition, with some few sponsors and some few people to buy some of his work. But noooo! The Park family had to go overboard again and invite all of the great names in the artistry world, including the fresh upstart, Mister Lee Sangmin. He was grateful to the Parks, no doubt, but then again, this was a little too much.


“How much for the entire exhibition?” a sudden voice suddenly rung from beside him, towards his left. He recognized that cavernous voice and turned, not surprised to find the lilac head from his school. And there was that loud but helpful ray of sunshine beside said lilac head.

Yoongi smiled, thankful and genuinely pleased that they were here. “They’re not for sale, Mister Kim,” he replied, shaking Taehyung’s extended hand, making it look like a talk between two professionals. Then Taehyung grinned like a child, breaking all pretensions of the proficient air around them. “I’ve always wanted to say that,” he confessed and took a step back. Yoongi chuckled. This kid was… well, a kid.

Hoseok was a little less loud than usual, albeit him being noisy altogether. “Oh man! You never said that there would be so many people. And such elites as well! If I’m not mistaken, I thing I saw the photographer Aria on our way here. And was that Lee Sangmin, admiring your work out there? Man, you’re so dignified, aren’t you, Yoongi?”

“Good to see you too, Hoseok,” Yoongi wished and smiled. He could tolerate this for today. He had no choice but to do so.





“Thanks for coming,” Yoongi expressed his gratitude as he coolly ran his fingers through his sober red hair. Taehyung simply grinned. Hoseok said that it wasn’t a problem and that it was his pleasure to be there. They made small conversation for a few more minutes until he heard Mrs. Park call him and he had to excuse himself, inviting them to take a look at his other works as well. He also added that they not do any sort of bull, though this was mainly directed at the lilac headed alien. Taehyung grinned and tried to shoo him away when he realized that his hyung was not paying attention anymore.


The English major student noticed that the passionate photographer had frozen in his steps, looking somewhere – away from the crowd. Taehyung deduced almost unconsciously that the way that Yoongi’s gaze was directed, it was the way that they had walked in. His eyes widened a little and Taehyung realized that he had gritted his teeth. Self control

His line of vision followed Yoongi’s and he finally realized what made Yoongi freeze like that in utter defeat. What Taehyung saw was one of his best friends, Jimin. The new comer had cut his hair a little shorter and it was pulled a bit to the side. He had dressed up a little fancier than usual. His face seemed to glow with a content smile and he seemed nothing short of joy. Taehyung expected no less from Jimin but he immediately understood where Yoongi’s sense of defeat was coming from.

Jimin was holding Jungkook’s hand.

And he wasn’t aware at the moment but he too felt a little defeated. But at what, he had no idea… As of yet.






“I can’t believe we missed our stop!” Jimin whined and waited for the lights for the pedestrians to go green. Jungkook laughed. “Hey,” he replied in between his delighted laughs. “You’re the guide. I’m just the tourist here!”

Jimin felt his stomach do a full somersault. This kid was really dangerous.

They ran across the road upon the light turning green and quickly made their way to the gala. But before reaching it, they had to climb some wide stairs.

Jungkook groaned. “I’m at my limit, Jimin!” he complained. Of course, Jungkook had every right to complain. They had just run back from the succeeding stop of their actual stop and had been going on without rest. Jungkook, at this point, wondered how Jimin was so full of stamina. But then he remembered that this hyung of his was in the dance society. And he had seen some history of the dance club. They didn’t kid around when it came to their moves.

“Come on, Jungkookie!” Jimin gave faux encouragement, as if chiding a child. Jungkook laughed. At this rate, he wouldn’t have minded if they never showed up at the gala altogether.




Jimin ran back down the stairs and caught hold of Jungkook’s hand and ran towards the entrance. Jungkook’s breath hitched visibly but any person would have shrugged it off as an intake of breath due to lack of it as they had been running for the past ten minutes at least.

“Come on, you lazy idiot!” he compelled him to follow. Jungkook simply continued to stare at Jimin and allowed his legs to do every bidding of the person in front of him. His heart thundered and he felt his head going a little dizzy but he blamed it on the marathon he had run a few minutes back.

But there was that little voice in the back of his head always pricking him.


Admit it, Jungkook. You wanted to hold his hand ever since you came back.


Jungkook chuckled at his own childishness. He had been wanting to hold his long separated hyung’s hand ever since he found out that he had been missing incessantly, ever since he had been in the States. And here was the perfect chance to do so.

So, grabbing the opportunity, he cleverly intertwined his fingers tighter onto Jimin’s. Jimin didn’t seem to mind which encouraged him to hold on. And like that, they ran up the extensive white stairs till they reached the front entrance of the gala.

They paused, looked at each other and then exchanged bright grins. This was it. They had reached their destination.

“You ready?” Jimin asked for no particular reason. Jungkook nodded as his reply.



Jimin tightened his grip on Jungkook’s hand, overwhelmed that Jungkook had held on and hadn’t let go. He gave him a bright smile. “Let’s get going then.”



The wide domed structure of the gala and the pictures hung up on every four walls of the gala swallowed up their weary pants. Jimin grinned at the familiar sight. Sure he had never been to a gala before. After all, this was the first time Yoongi hyung’s works were showcased in such a grand way but still, the sight seemed familiar. Why? Because Yoongi was a photographer. And Jimin loved every bit of Yoongi for that.

It was in Jimin’s nature to annoy his hyung by coming over his place every weekend and ask him the most bothersome questions in the world while scanning the photographer’s room for any new pictures that he had probably put up that week. The dancer knew that it was probably troubling for his hyung to entertain him when he himself was so busy but then again, Jimin couldn’t help it. He loved Yoongi’s work, though his own understanding of photographs and pictures were close to zero. And besides, the elder genuinely didn’t seem to mind whenever he came over so Jimin took it as that Yoongi actually liked his company. It was presumptuous of him, yes, but then again, Jimin didn’t bother too much about it.

So when he entered the gala and saw the magnificence of the beige colored walls, adorned with the aesthetic nature of Yoongi’s photographs on them, he couldn’t help but let out a wide, self satisfied grin. He knew that it was stupid but he felt a sense of pride, as if he had raised Yoongi to be such a wonderful photographer and artist.

Of course, it was a different case for Jungkook.


Being more of an analog artist himself, Jungkook was always open to new art and art forms. Back in America, he had discovered his love for art but he wasn’t that lucky when it came to his confidence level. Since he was shyer and more reserved than anyone else he knew, he couldn’t bear the thought of his artwork being out in the open so he never got the chance to showcase it like the way Yoongi was doing currently. It made him a little envious but he let it slide because the works in front of him were more that magnificent.

His hand unconsciously loosened as his eyes gazed and took in the beauty of all the pictures on the walls. His mouth gaped open in awe and he escaped into the world of the pictures momentarily.

There were numerous worlds that he could get lost in: the bright scenery of the beach and the calming sounds of the waves crashing on the sandy shore, the mellow landscape of the distant hut in the middle of the ripening fields, the quiet and peaceful panorama of the mystery filled forest in which the light seeped through the leaves of the tall trees… where did this person get the time to do all this? Not to forget the still life pictures and the many other pictures of the distracted subjects. Jungkook never knew that there could be so many emotions in pictures. But now he had seen the beginning of the power of expression and he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.



Jimin smiled, delighted at the fact that Jungkook was enjoying himself. It pleased him to a very high extent that his dongsaeng was having fun. It set a very warm and fuzzy feeling in him and he had decided it months back that he liked it.

“Hyung,” Jungkook called out, his eyes still wavering from one picture to another. Jimin looked earnestly at the younger, awaiting the rest of his sentence. “Hmm?”

“This is beautiful!” Jungkook almost squeaked out. Jimin chuckled contentedly that Jungkook was taken aback. The kid was usually so expressive when it came to describing aesthetics but for him to utter just a simple sentence, he would have to be very much impressed to do so. He squeezed Jungkook’s loosening hand, as a reminder to return back to the real world. “It is, isn’t it?”



Jungkook got out of his trance at the sudden squeeze.


There it was again. That blasted heart of his had once again started to do funny and yet not amusing little dances in his chest. What was this feeling? It was strange and entirely new. But not unpleasant. This was something which he had felt the moment he heard Jimin’s voice after many months of not contacting him. It was the very same feeling that he had felt when he saw his hyung running down the corridor one the first day of class.

Could it be…lo…?

“Jungkookie!” a familiar voice echoed from across the large hall. A few heads turned towards the voice to see a decently dressed lilac head waving frantically at the person who had just screamed the name. Jungkook turned towards the voice, his ears turning red. That was definitely the ever ‘at-his-own-pace’ Taehyung alright. But still, he could at least lower his voice a bit. After all, they were in a serene environment, weren’t they?

And like that, the two connected hands slowly slipped away until it returned to its original cold positions, besides their bodies, falling to their hips.


Hoseok swore he heard Yoongi groan in embarrassment as he told Taehyung to calm down and apologize to the surrounding people about the disturbance. But Taehyung was relentless, he didn’t care what was going on around him.


As for the person in question, he didn’t know why he did that. He was eccentric and erratic even, but he wasn’t stupid. He, of all people, would know. So then why did he suddenly shout out his new friend’s name as if the world didn’t matter?

 Yoongi hyung didn’t like it… they were holding hands…


Jimin and Jungkook walked towards the two companions and while Jimin scolded the alien, Jungkook bowed in acknowledgement of their presence.

The four companions soon fell in a comfortable silence and continued to enjoy Yoongi’s work, though some more than others. And finally, after about thirty more minutes or so, Yoongi came up to them to inform them that the boring part was just starting.

Jimin cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

Ignoring the gesture made by the kid with the new hairstyle, Yoongi answered with a straight face. “The Parks have decided to auction some pictures for charity, though I had no idea of it. Apparently, someone gave the idea of auctioning certain pictures,” his cold gaze fell on Taehyung but the younger didn’t faze in his actions. “So they’re going to hold an auction now. No wonder it said that it would last for three hours.”

The inquirer glowed with pride. “Woow! That shows how much talent you have, hyung!”

Yoongi tried to smile. He really did. But he couldn’t. Because that giant of a person, who towered over the rest, was standing right there, beaming appreciatively of the pictures around the room. He felt bad about it. He really did. He didn’t want to hate the person when he had done absolutely nothing to him. But it was quite hard to not dislike him. After all, when you have the capability to love someone, hating someone came naturally, didn’t it?

“Hmm,” he simply replied coldly. Hoseok shrugged it off as Yoongi’s usual indifference but Taehyung knew better. And though Jimin was not to the level of Taehyung’s he knew that his hyung was kind of pissed at something though he knew not what.

“Anyway,” Yoongi continued, “I appreciate you all coming. It was of great support, honestly,” he bowed a little to the four members, his gaze lingering a little to Jungkook. “But like I said, the boring part is coming up. So you can leave if you want.”

Hoseok was the first to take up the offer. “I have to return back early to catch up with an assignment of mine.” Taehyung replied that he would head back in due time. Jimin was about to protest when Yoongi cut him short. “Don’t bother staying, pipsqueak. It’ll be a waste of your time. And besides, didn’t you say that you wanted to show Juncok the place?”

Jimin whined that it was ‘Jungkook’ and not ‘Juncok’. “Is that really okay, Yoongi ssi?” Jungkook intervened. “We did say that we would support you.”


He didn’t deserve this. The kid was innocent.

So Yoongi sighed and run his hands through his red hair- one of the many actions he did whenever he tried to hide something. Taehyung knew it from the instant but he kept quiet. However, that didn’t stop him from keeping a close eye on his hyung.

“‘Hyung’,” the red head asserted. “‘Yoongi hyung’ is more than fine, if you’re comfortable with it. ‘Yoongi ssi’ sounds so distant.”

Jungkook was taken aback. This person’s character was betraying his initial impression of him.

“And yeah, it’s absolutely fine. Like I said, restless bodies like Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin here would not be able to stand it, though I’m very curious as to why this selective genius here,” his gaze fell on Taehyung, “wants to stay longer. And besides, you guys leaving would be doing every one of us a favor, honestly.”

And with that, the ‘giant’, the beagle and the ray of sunshine walked towards the exit. But not before Jungkook thanked him and said this:

“You seriously are talented, Yoongi ssi. I’m envious. Thank you for allowing me to come today. And I do hope your work gets many buyers.”


Yoongi stood there, shaken at the innocence of the bunny toothed kid as he watched them go. Seriously, what the heck was with him?

The same cavernous voice which volunteered to stay back for a few more minutes reverted him back to the situation at hand. “Are you alright?”

Yoongi knew exactly what Taehyung was talking about. He hated the fact that he practically encouraged Jimin and Jungkook more time together but he pushed the irritation down.

He turned away from the exit and walked away, his shoulders slightly rubbing on Taehyung’s. “I’m heading back. Come in whenever you want, though you might not get a seat if you’re too late.”



Taehyung watched Yoongi walk away briskly until he disappeared into the corner. He couldn’t imagine what Yoongi must be going through. Originally, Taehyung had suspected that Yoongi might consider the clueless beagle as something a little more than friends and his suspicions were confirmed when Yoongi confessed them about three months back to the alien. But when the elder revealed that he wouldn’t do anything about it, Taehyung immediately felt a sting in his chest; something which rarely happened to him anymore.

“Why not?” Taehyung asked, his voice maintaining his usual calm but there was a bit more emotion in it. He couldn’t help it. This was his hyung they were talking about, the hyung who put up with him and supported him silently when no one could, not even Jimin.

Yoongi sighed and tampered with the lens of the camera in his hand. The piece of glass was already clean but the photographer had to make sure of it. “What do you mean?” he replied, his eyes never leaving the apparatus in his hands.

A collected voice repeated his intention. “Why won’t you do anything about it? I don’t mean to pry or be nosy hyung, but you like him more than anyone else.”

An indifferent snort left Yoongi’s nose. “You exaggerate, Taehyung,” he said, his eyes still not moving from the device in his hands. “Hyung,” Taehyung pressed on. There was slight desperation in his voice but Yoongi chose to ignore it.

Another sigh left his lips. He finally set down the piece of protected in his hands only to pick up another object lying on the table. This time, it was the camera itself. Taehyung waited for an answer but it never came.


Now all alone in the particular area of the hall, Taehyung checked his wristwatch for no particular reason. The bidding would be starting any minute now. He should get back into the gallery so that he could annoy the elder by bidding on one of the pictures.

As he walked back, the scene from earlier flashed across his mind. Jimin and Jungkook were holding hands. They looked out of breath but they had happy smiles on their faces. He had to admit, they kind of suited one another, each one being very commendable in their own way and unable to handle their own brightness. But for some reason, Taehyung didn’t like the scene as much as he should have.

That’s right, he affirmed himself, Yoongi didn’t like it. And if Yoongi didn’t like something, he had a similar emotion to it, though he hid it pretty well many times if not all. But this one was strange. It was almost as if he was fueled by something of his own…



Merry Christmas!!!

Oh who am I kidding. I had probably one of the worst Christmas ever... Lolol. Most, unproductive one, I should say. Hope everyone else had a good one... If anyone is interested in why I had a ty Christmas, do check out a blog post which I will be uploading a little later... (Warning: Iy will contain major rantings...)

But do enjoy this chapter in the meanwhile...



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i'll edit the alrrady updated chapters and release the newest chapter soon. i promise


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Chapter 9: As expected, I am definitely bad at handling one-sided love tae and yoongi. my feels— ㅠㅍㅠ
Chapter 9: wtf????jimin go to ur yoongi already!!and u kook if ur heart fluttered again i will dirk u !why is tae so idiot ?try to do sth like make kook jealous ,laugh with hobi or or dance with namjon .. .. .. I DONT KNOW !*calm myself down *
my dear author why do u enjoy suffering my taekook hreat so much?*cry
Chapter 9: i know i know kook about what u feel..................................................................................but i know u will fall for tae so bad so prepare ur self !
marry Christmas
Chapter 9: authorrrrrrrrr marry Christmas ....
my poor tae tae ...i always wonder why he should suffer ugh!i hope this story have taekook ending !
newpersonhere #5
Chapter 8: Read all the chapters in one go! Well, I had read it before, but just to refresh my memory. And refreshed it is. I love the Hobi Hyung of this story, he is new and exciting. I will leave the final pairing to you but I would like to see more interactions between Taehyung and Jungkook, because that really sparked my interest, they blend well for two people who shouldn't. Jikook is so cute... and Yoongi, oh! Yoongi. (It's okay, just don't break his heart into too many pieces *sniffs*)

Update soon, L!! :) Excited!
Chapter 8: u know author i hope this story ends with vkook i don't like jikook stuff yoonmin is better and vkook is life and love
vkooook fans fighting
hell yeah
Chapter 8: i want vkook and yoonmin that all
Islahearts #8
Chapter 7: It scares me that this will be jikook and not yoonmin but.. its all up to you though. Haha anyway i like how you slowly building each characters in this story. While reading this it reminds me of reading a manga. idk. Just.. well hoping for updates ^^