Chapter 5 - Too close for comfort (But it's alright)

Three Hearts and a Single Beat

“What number is this one, Taehyung?” Jimin sighed and sipped on his juice box. It was grape flavored that day.

The trio sat comfortably on the rooftop of the school, eating their bought lunch, though Taehyung had, as usual, a whole lot more quantity than the other two. The eldest of the group had, out of sheer coincidence, brought up the topic of clubs in hopes to let Jungkook join one but it had repercussions for Taehyung instead.

Jungkook innocently sipped on his own banana milk and listened quietly, diligently, both to the conversation and Jimin’s warnings on not to be someone like Taehyung.

“You’re not setting a good example like this, Taehyung. When will you finally settle on a club? I can’t believe you quit the vocals club. Nope, I actually can. But you’re a good singer!” Jimin continued his scolding on the particular cotton candy head.

Taehyung clicked his tongue and muttered something inaudible. “It’s not my fault the president was creepy and scary. And besides, she was incredibly pushy!” Jimin looked at him, appalled and utterly shocked. “The president’s your girlfriend!” he sort of screamed out but controlled his anger so the words sounded like the noise created upon blowing on a flute with too many holes in it.

Jungkook noticed the flinch in the second eldest. As if to say “”, Taehyung turned away and let out a nervous “erm”. He didn’t dare face the eldest of the group by then. “About that,” Taehyung said, his voice almost trembling. Which Jungkook didn’t understand one bit. Why was his voice trembling? Did he break up with his girlfriend? If so, why was he so scared about it? Was Jimin really that scary that Taehyung had such a scared expression on his face?

“We sort of broke up,” Taehyung squeaked out and nervously waited for Jimin’s finishing blow. Damn, why was he so scared of this shorty? Oh yes, because his hits hurt like hell.



Taehyung swore the aura around Jimin turned menacing black. “What was that, Kim Taehyung? I don’t think I heard you right. It sounded suspiciously like you said that the two of you broke up,” Jimin’s voice dragged on and filled the air with bitter ice.

“Erm,” Taehyung answered, finally turning towards the dead filled boy, “We did. But listen before you hit me, hyung!” he raised his hands to protect himself from the hyung’s blow.

Jimin calmed down a little and explained to Jungkook that this was a normal routine. “This idiot here,” Jimin pointed towards the ‘idiot’ who kept on on the straw to his chocolate milk, “has never been in a club for more than three months. He has a record of joining and quitting seven clubs altogether just because he didn’t like it. And even worse, he’s had more number of girlfriends than you can count. All because he can’t fall in love with them.”


Taehyung looked at the youngest of the group, innocently sipping on his straw. Strangely, he noticed that the maknae wasn’t judging like everyone else, including Jimin.



A voice, not as strong as Jimin’s but not that weak either then pierced through the atmosphere. “Why is that?”


“Run that by me again?” Jimin asked, unable to discern why the younger had asked such a question. He turned to face the ebony haired maknae but his eyes were transfixed on his fellow classmate.


Taehyung’s chocolate almond eyes widened visibly in surprise. Did the kid just ask him why he did why he did?


“Why can you not fall in love with the girls? Why can you not remain faithful to a single club?” Jungkook asked again, honestly interested and curious about his classmate’s behavior. He didn’t want to sound mean or rude but he wanted to dissect anyone he came across and figure out their patterns and train of thoughts. And maybe Taehyung would be his first test subject.



Taehyung muffled his mouth and controlled his laughter. This was new. And it was definitely was funny. But he couldn’t do it anymore. It was a little too much for him to handle. So, being unable to control his amusement finally, he burst out laughing, filling the once sullen atmosphere with his melodious voice.

“I’m sorry, did say something wrong?” Jungkook asked, evidently surprised and confused. Jimin shared the same look as Jungkook – wide eyed and very much speechless.

The person of interest had to wipe his tears from the sudden burst of expression that he had just released. He felt like that was stuck and shoved down inside him for such a long time that this release felt incredibly good though he had no idea why he found it so amusing in the first place.

“You’re really strange,” Taehyung said and stood up from his spot. He heard Jimin ask where he was going. “The restroom,” he replied and crushed the juice box in his hand while picking up his own litter. “You won’t be coming back?” he heard the youngest and yet the tallest of the group ask him. He replied as he walked away. “Nah! I’m off to hunt down the faeries which are causing the flowers to wilt in the school garden.”

He slipped the litter into the trashcan right beside the rooftop’s door and went inside, closing the heavy door behind him. Once inside, he paused in his steps as he was confident that he couldn’t be seen. He chuckled softly and scratched his head. “Why can’t I fall in love with them?” he reminded himself of Jungkook’s question. His chuckling didn’t cease but began to pick up in volume, but not loud enough for the duo outside to hear. Then, he stopped all of a sudden.

The hollow whispers of the empty staircase leading back to normalcy rung in his ears. His eyes and mind, unable to concentrate on anything and refusing to concentrate on anything shut down and his sight remained pitch black. He took a deep breath and turned up though he saw nothing but the darkness.

Another deep breath.

“It’s because I’m bored, Jungkook. I’ve been bored for the past few years now.”

The previous amusement he had felt faded away, along with the release of his deep breath and he was filled with nothing but emptiness. He could also sense a small depressing creature, gnawing away at the bottom of his heart. His eyes began to sting for no reason in particular.

“Huh?” he questioned and felt his eyes burn up a little. Am I about to cry? He lifted his right hand and checked his eyes. They were dry. He scoffed. “There’s no reason for me to cry so obviously there are no tears.” His eyes shot open and he took another deep breath.

“Oh well,” he shrugged his shoulders, deciding to chuck away the moment of weakness that he just had. He would probably get bored of this again anyway.





Jungkook watched a certain pink dyed head walk away from him and Jimin quite uncomfortably. Maybe he transgressed some sensitive boundaries upon asking that question. He thought that it would be wise to not bother too much about it but he was interrupted by Jimin.

“He always does this,” he heard his hyung speak out. Jungkook turned to him, his full attention on the concerned boy. He assumed that Jimin was a little worried, judging by the tone of his voice and he got it right. “That Taehyung.” His interest was positively piqued by this statement and he decided to press for further details.

“What do you mean hyung?”


Jimin let out an exasperated sigh, like a mother tired of running around her children after a long day in the park. “He always gives up halfway and never completes anything.”

Jungkook’s provided his full attention to the speaking boy.

“He never finds anything interesting enough to hang on to. And he’s so airheaded about it, never taking anything seriously. Yeah, he’s the top rank holder of the department but that’s not because he wants to.”


“I’m not very sure but apparently, his parents force him to do so. You know those hitler parents who expect nothing but perfection from their children? Well, that’s Taehyung’s parents for you. But like I said, I’m not certain of it. He never really talks about his parents. In fact, if you think about it, Taehyung never really talks about his life at all. Ah, I don’t mean to gossip about my best friend, Jungkook,” Jimin confessed. Jungkook shook his head. This wasn’t gossiping. He was just telling about his friend because of his concern. And it was a good sign that Jimin could share so much about his friend despite reuniting only a few days back. “But I’m quite worried for him. As long as he’s happy and smiling, I’m alright with it. But there are times when I really fear for him.”

“Wait… ‘fear’? What do you mean by that?”

Jimin decided to stop. He had said too much to someone who was entirely new to Taehyung. So he apologized again. “It’s not something that I should be telling you about.”

“But hyung…” Jungkook tried to ask more but understood why Jimin had stopped. It wasn’t Jimin’s story to tell. He had to gain Taehyung’s trust for him to know more and understand more. That would take a whole lot of effort. But it would definitely be worth it. Just thinking about it made Jungkook’s stomach churn with excitement and nervousness. He hadn’t felt this in a long time. True, he sounded like a mad scientist getting totally excited to dissect an endangered species or something but he didn’t care. It was something he couldn’t control himself.

“You’re his classmate. Do take care of him for me,” Jimin said and stood up from his position. A few minutes had passed since the two of them had finished his lunch so they both decided to head inside and do something with their free time.


Jungkook didn’t know what to feel when he heard his favorite hyung say this. But he decided to push the uncertainness aside and trust Jimin on this. However, that didn’t mean that the anxiety disappeared with him pushing away the feeling.





Seokjin stood bowed in a ninety degree stance and remained in that position. “I’m sorry,” he apologized to the girl in front of him who stood there, on the verge of tears for getting her heart broken. Jin continued to speak, “I can’t go out with you.” He stood back straight to his original position and gave the girl in front of him the sweetest smile that he could manage. “But I’m really thankful that you harbor such feelings for me.”

The girl in front of her was truly on the verge of tears, much like the receiver of the confession had anticipated. But unlike his past confessors, she had the strength to ask why he couldn’t accept her confession and Seokjin liked her for that.

“I don’t think I should get into a relationship with someone I don’t know,” he lied. Yes, he had no clue who this girl standing in front of him was. Probably some junior or something. But that wasn’t the reason why he rejected her.

“You can come to know me then. That’s what a relationship is about,” the girl pressed on, her hands gripping on her skirt a little tighter than before. Seokjin had to admit, she was a little cute; looking all meek and gentle. But he had had enough of this. He didn’t want to go on to everyone, explaining his inability of getting into a relationship. It was hard work. And this girl seemed a little too nice for him to reveal his true self to.

Seokjin let out another smile towards the girl. “I’m sorry,” he apologized again. “But I really can’t go out with you.”

The girl finally nodded and gave up. “Thank you,” she said and bowed gratefully, “for listening to me.” And with that, she ran away, disappearing from Jin’s line of vision as she turned the corner.



Seokjin let out a relieved sigh and ran his fingers through his unbelievably silky hair. “You can come out now,” he ordered and from behind the trees of the school back yard revealed the ivory head student known as Kim Namjoon. “Don’t you know that it’s rude to eavesdrop on someone else’s conversation?”

Namjoon chuckled, revealing those handsome dimples that all girls swooned over occasionally. “I couldn’t help it.” Seokjin rolled his eyes and walked away from the place only to have Namjoon following him like a shadow.

“What number is she?” Namjoon asked, keeping a safe distance from the boy in front of him. He wouldn’t want to get too close to him, especially not right after a girl had confessed to him. He knew by now that Seokjin was kind hearted so he hated it when he made anyone cry. Namjoon never understood why the elder was so nice to go to the extent of feeling guilty for breaking someone’s heart. It wasn’t his fault that the poor girls fell for him. But he didn’t ponder too much about it.

Seokjin replied in an airy voice, indicating that he was tired. “Who knows? Honestly, it’s starting to get a little annoying.”


“Well it’s not their fault that they end up falling for the prince of the third years.”



Seokjin rolled his eyes out of sheer annoyance. He hated it when Namjoon did that. “Are you sure you should be speaking to your employee like that, Namjoon?” he asked, his voice dropping by fifty degrees.

Namjoon smirked. “Technically speaking, I’m not your employee. Your father hired me.”

Seokjin replied confidently, “My words are my father’s.”




The boy walking behind halted his footsteps to see that his master had stopped. “I didn’t mean that,” he heard the elder say. “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean that.” Namjoon made no visible expression and simply replied that there was nothing for him to feel bad about.

“But I’m curious, sir,” Namjoon said, stressing on the word ‘sir’ a little. He saw Seokjin wincing on hearing it but that didn’t stop him from doing so. It was common procedure to address your seniors and masters that way. “Why not get into a relationship? I don’t mean to preach but it might add to your experience of having a normal life.”


Seokjin turned back and smiled at Namjoon. But it was one which the younger couldn’t make an understanding of.



“Who am I?” Seokjin asked, his smile not faltering from his face. But Namjoon noticed the gravity and depth of this question without further explanation. He looked deep into the elder’s eyes and answered confidently, “You’re Kim Seokjin. The only son of Kim Donghae and Yaeji, the founders of the Kim enterprises. Currently the holder of twenty percent of the total shares of the company and the future owner of the company.”

Seokjin, or more preferred, Jin didn’t like the answer but there was not denying the facts. “It’s twenty three, actually,” he corrected, his face illustrating a bitter smile. “But yes,” he admitted. “Now tell me something, Namjoon.” He turned away from the younger but slightly taller male and put his hands behind him, something he did whenever he tried to hide something from anyone. “How can a person like me, who has such a huge responsibility like that, possibly enjoy a normal life?”

Namjoon remained quiet. He was stupid for asking such an answer. Seokjin continued to explain his current position. “It goes without saying that being the child of such a prestigious company, I have everything planned out for me. Graduating from a good school, attending and then graduating from an equally well known university and taking over the company, it’s all written down, Namjoon.” If he was regretful of his position and situation, he didn’t show. “And during this, I’m pretty sure my parents will search for an appropriate and worthy wife for me. I mean that’s what happens with most commercial families so there you have it: my reason for not engaging in a relationship.”




Seokjin once again turned to his taller bodyguard. “Oh don’t look so sad now,” he gave him a beaming smile. “It’s not like I hate my position. My parents were nice enough to send me to a public school instead of having me home schooled so that’s huge enough experience for me. And to think, my parents did this in secret. They’re so considerate of my feelings of wanting to be a normal boy.”

It was true. Only the principal and the authorities of the school and Namjoon knew the real identity of Kim Seokjin. Namjoon was certain that Min Yoongi, the photographer from the other section had a clue about Seokjin’s identity but knowing Yoongi, he wasn’t a threat to his master’s identity so there was nothing to worry about. But still, to have your life all planned out like that was a little claustrophobic… but hey, who was he to even think about such matters? After all, he was simply one employee. He was fortunate and lucky enough to even go to public school considering that his family was in charge of the Kim’s security.

“There’s no need to pity me, Namjoon, I don’t mind this life,” Jin turned away again and began to walk. “However, if at all you want to convey some human emotions, do direct it towards my cousin. He’s having a harder time than me.”

Namjoon’s confusion showed on his face but Jin wasn’t there to see it. He knew that Taehyung was somewhat of a problem as compared to the perfect Kim Seokjin but he didn’t understand why and how Taehyung could be having a harder time than Seokjin. He shook his head, giving up trying to understand the world of businessmen. It wasn’t something that he should poke his nose into. He should just focus on his job, that was to protect his employer and not displease such an important family.






“I like you,” Yoongi whispered out and crouched down towards a flower, a daisy, if you were being specific, blooming in full glory. Upon its delicate white petals rested a white butterfly with intricate designs on the back of its wings. Yoongi held his camera tightly in his hand and got into position to capture a picture of the scene, crouching down in an impossible posture. It was amazing really, to how much extent he went to get just a picture. Take away his camera and you wouldn’t find him bothering to go out of his house to get groceries even if his life depended on it.

Anyway, there he was, in the school botanical garden, ready to capture a uniquely hard picture to add to his collection of nature based photographs when he heard the not very subtle humming of a person a few metres away from him. The butterfly flew away upon sensing potential danger and Yoongi sighed at the loss until he recognized that annoyingly deep and resonating voice.



Now, considering how much Yoongi disliked the human race in general, he didn’t hate Taehyung. He was sort of interesting. Granted the alien could get unnervingly loud and hard to handle and sometimes he was just so weird that he could comprehend nothing about him. But there was something more to him and Yoongi, being a person behind the camera, it was in his nature to see beyond a normal person.




“Hey,” Yoongi wished to see Taehyung lying under one of the trees in the garden, humming an incredibly dreadful sounding song. “If you’re trying to attract faeries or elves or gnomes or whatever by singing, you’ll need to change your playlist,” he mused the younger and waited for a reaction.

The laid back boy took a single glance at the person who had spoken to him and returned to his original position, covering his eyes with his arm. “What do you suggest then, hyung?” he asked the standing student and shuffled a little towards the left. Accepting the unspoken invitation, Yoongi sat down beside the sleeping male and said that he didn’t know. “Try something cheerful or lively,” he suggested. Taehyung chuckled softly. “I don’t feel like it at the moment. Maybe later.”



“What’s wrong? Couldn’t find the rabbit hole or something?” he asked, laying down his precious camera on the soft grass.

Taehyung replied, “Something like that.”



Yoongi reasoned that Taehyung must have been feeling a little down considering how he wasn’t continuing with his crazy stories. But the senior didn’t ask further. Taehyung would tell him if he wanted to.

“How are you then?” Taehyung changed the topic. He still had his eyes covered but by now, he had changed his position and was lying a little on his sides, coming closer towards Yoongi.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. Such an irrelevant question, really. “I’m alright, I suppose.” Taehyung’s silent reply was cue for him to continue the answer. “My project’s on the verge of completion, if you’re interested.”

The alien took down his arm from his eyes and turned towards the fair skinned hyung. “Really? When’s the exhibition?”

Yoongi answered that it was on the twenty eighth of that month. “Would it be alright if I came to see?” Taehyung asked, positioning himself right next to Yoongi’s lap. It was like he was unconsciously seeking the man’s warmth as compared to the cold grass.

“Mmm,” Yoongi simply replied in the affirmative and lifted the younger’s head and placed it on his lap. It was strange that it didn’t feel weird for Yoongi to do this to the younger boy. Yes, if it had been any other person, he would have thrown him off a cliff for even thinking about it but it was Taehyung. There was something very comforting about letting the younger boy rest on his lap. Something like petting a cat.

“Don’t you have responsibilities at home?” Yoongi asked and took support from his arms which he placed on the ground.

Taehyung nuzzled dangerously close to Yoongi’s crotch but Yoongi didn’t mind. Taehyung was weird but he wasn’t a bad person. So he trusted the younger to not do anything silly. “I’m done with my syllabus, if that’s what you mean.”

Yoongi sighed. This kid should get an award for being so advanced with his work. “I meant some other responsibilities. I know all about how well versed you are with your studies.”

There was a pause from Taehyung after which he answered with a sly smirk. “I do. In fact I have a meeting with a potential client of my parents that day.”

The elder snorted a little louder than expected. “You’re not going then?” The younger turned upwards and faced met the gaze of the speaker halfway. He smiled mischievously. “No. I don’t want to.”

Yoongi scratched his head and laughed while turning his gaze away, something which he rarely did when he wasn’t with Taehyung or Jimin. “You’re not giving my name to your parents as a cause for not making the meeting, are you?”

Taehyung returned a smile and shook his head, still looking at his hyung with appreciation. He was grateful that this particular hyung didn’t mind how he actually was. He knew for a fact that he wasn’t what one would call normal. And though Yoongi would control and scold him at times because of his behavior, he trusted Yoongi not to judge his character despite it being extraordinarily strange and different as compared to other people. And he was eternally grateful to Jimin for introducing him to this person in the first place. Yoongi was perhaps the only person who didn’t judge him based on his character and behavior, that is, until now; until a certain rabbit toothed jet black haired student showed up a few days back and approached him with his neutral character and judgment. And honestly speaking, it made the ever so laid back Taehyung a little anxious and curious.



“What’s wrong?” Yoongi then asked, sensing that his dongsaeng was a bit distracted.

Taehyung shook his head and returned to his sleeping position, this time, being able to lay down on a comfortable pillow. A moment of comfortable silence followed and Taehyung spoke something, which led to Yoongi snatching back his legs from under the head of Taehyung.

“You need to gain more weight, hyung. You’re not meaty enough to be my pillow.”


“Go get another set of legs then,” Yoongi shot back and picked up his camera. Taehyung pouted and tried to grab hold of Yoongi’s legs but it was pointless. Yoongi was already gone from his place and was walking out of the garden by then.






Hoseok snuck up behind a certain shorty and startled him by suddenly putting his arm around his shoulder. “Hyung!” Jimin whined and lectured him not to do it again. Hoseok laughed cheerfully and apologized, though not promising to stop it.

“Where were you during lunch break?” he asked as they headed towards the club room. Classes were over by then and the duo had a lot to do regarding putting he steps together to make a flawless routine. “I wanted to talk to you about the new moves that I came up with yesterday.”

Jimin looked apologetic to reveal that he was with Jungkook.

The elder cocked an eyebrow and he released his arm from Jimin’s shoulder. A sly smile formed on his lips and he looked at Jimin with an exaggerated expression on his face. “Park Jimin, you did not just ditch me to be with your boyfriend!”

The addressed choked on air and he looked at Hoseok, horrified. “He’s not my boyfriend,” he cleared up, with all the seriousness anyone could manage within a split second.

Noticing and realizing the landmine he had stepped on, Hoseok backed down carefully. “Whoa, Jimin. Relax, I was just kidding.” That was a little too close for comfort.

Loosening his glare upon the elder, Jimin apologized for his sudden behavior. He had a lot to think about now regarding the way he had reacted. He was spooked out with his own reaction when Hoseok hyung had called Jungkook his boyfriend.


Practice went smoothly as expected and the crew even managed to add in some of Hoseok’s new moves in the end. As everyone changed and wished each other a good night, Jimin packed up his stuff in a rather slow motion and let everyone pass first.

“Oie, Jimin?” Hoseok called out. Jimin broke out of his reverie and turned towards his hyung. He noticed that knowing smirk on his face and it made him want to smite himself because it meant that the elder knew something that he didn’t. “What is it?”

Hoseok simply signaled toward the door and Jimin realized what he was talking about. It was Jungkook, waiting patiently, not even looking bored or annoyed that the practice had lasted thirty minutes later than usual. “He’s not your boyfriend now, is he?” Hoseok teased. Jimin rolled his eyes and ran off to his friend.



“Don’t tell me you waited the whole time,” Jimin said as they began walking away from the club room. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. “I was bored,” came his non chalant reply. Yes, Jimin was beyond happy that Jungkook waited for him but there was no way he was showing that. It would be way too weird if people actually found out one of his deepest hidden secrets, for four years, might I add.

“You could’ve just gone home, you know,” he continued, indirectly pressing the answer he wanted from Jungkook. He knew it wasn’t fair on his part but he couldn’t help it. He simply loved Jungkook paying him attention. It was a habit he had retained ever since they were kids.

“I wanted to wait, actually,” Jungkook replied, surprising both the listener and the person who had spoken out the words.

Jimin swore his heart skipped a beat because that wasn’t the answer that he was hoping for. If at all, he was anticipating a simple, “Oh yeah” or “yeah right” but not this. So he asked, “What?”



Jungkook found himself fumbling with his words. “I… I mean I don’t have any… I don’t have anything to do at home so I kinda waited for you, yeah,” his words faded out by the time he enunciated the last word. Where the hell did that come from?



Jimin hid his happiness and continued to smile indifferently. “Alright alright, fair enough.” But there was no end to his joy at that moment. It was a mistake, Jimin knew, but that single sentence meant a lot to Jimin. And since he knew that it was impossible to make a certain someone’s dreams come true, he would have to grasp at the thinnest of straws whenever and wherever he could.



Jungkook mentally cursed. That was so awkward! God dammit, Jungkook, way to go. You’ve successfully made the scene a whole lot more awkward than before. Amusingly, he was too busy scolding himself that he failed to notice his heart speeding up its pace upon hearing Jimin’s high pitched laughs.





Please excuse the confusion of age in the story (if you ever find any discretion anyhow) I don't intend on changing it though. It kinda makes more sense this way (To me, at least)

Late updates, I know. *sass mode activated* I don't really care though...


Just joking. Later then...

*flies away into the night*

Yours indefinitely,



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i'll edit the alrrady updated chapters and release the newest chapter soon. i promise


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Chapter 9: As expected, I am definitely bad at handling one-sided love tae and yoongi. my feels— ㅠㅍㅠ
Chapter 9: wtf????jimin go to ur yoongi already!!and u kook if ur heart fluttered again i will dirk u !why is tae so idiot ?try to do sth like make kook jealous ,laugh with hobi or or dance with namjon .. .. .. I DONT KNOW !*calm myself down *
my dear author why do u enjoy suffering my taekook hreat so much?*cry
Chapter 9: i know i know kook about what u feel..................................................................................but i know u will fall for tae so bad so prepare ur self !
marry Christmas
Chapter 9: authorrrrrrrrr marry Christmas ....
my poor tae tae ...i always wonder why he should suffer ugh!i hope this story have taekook ending !
newpersonhere #5
Chapter 8: Read all the chapters in one go! Well, I had read it before, but just to refresh my memory. And refreshed it is. I love the Hobi Hyung of this story, he is new and exciting. I will leave the final pairing to you but I would like to see more interactions between Taehyung and Jungkook, because that really sparked my interest, they blend well for two people who shouldn't. Jikook is so cute... and Yoongi, oh! Yoongi. (It's okay, just don't break his heart into too many pieces *sniffs*)

Update soon, L!! :) Excited!
Chapter 8: u know author i hope this story ends with vkook i don't like jikook stuff yoonmin is better and vkook is life and love
vkooook fans fighting
hell yeah
Chapter 8: i want vkook and yoonmin that all
Islahearts #8
Chapter 7: It scares me that this will be jikook and not yoonmin but.. its all up to you though. Haha anyway i like how you slowly building each characters in this story. While reading this it reminds me of reading a manga. idk. Just.. well hoping for updates ^^