Chapter 2 - What happens now?

Three Hearts and a Single Beat

The sound of the school bell broke Jungkook out of his reverie and he found himself staring at the student right in front of him. What was his name again? Oh, yes. Kim Taehyung, wasn’t it?

“Oh,” Jimin suggested. “Assembly’s probably over now. Wanna go back?”

Taehyung pocketed his hands and turned away. “I’m not attending the first class,” he said and tried to walk away but Jimin was quick to pull him by the collar. “You are not bunking classes again, you little runt!” he called out, letting go of Jungkook’s hand which he was holding just a few moments ago.

Now Jungkook didn’t know what he felt at the moment but he would later on realize that he felt a certain sense of emptiness the very second Jimin let go of their intertwining fingers.

Jimin continued to chastise Taehyung endlessly, making them look more like brothers than friends. Jungkook didn’t fail to notice this and he felt a pang of jealousy. Would he be able to regain the same relationship that he used to share with Jimin? Would they be able to continue being friends as before?

“Jungkook?” the shortest of the three suddenly called out, once again breaking the youngest out of his day dream.



Taehyung choked due to the sudden jerk on his neck by none other than his best friend, Park Jimin. Barely able to speak, he managed out a coarse sentence, informing Jimin of his condition. “Are you trying to kill me, you idiot?”

His gaze shifted from the ground towards the shortest member only to be distracted by the flawless skinned new student looking at him with blank eyes. Was he daydreaming?

“Jungkook?” he heard Jimin call out. And for some strange reason, he felt a small skip in his chest. He hadn’t a clue what caused it but he was certain of the small convulsion. There was just something unexplainable about this new kid which made him so excited.

“Ah,” he heard the maknae of the trio say. “Did I space out again?”

The oddly colored head let out a muffled laughter. Was the kid always this light headed? If so, he would make a good friend of his. They could exchange their weird thoughts together, no matter how preposterous or outrageous they were. Also, didn’t he say that he was in the literature department as well?

“Has your weirdness struck back again, Taehyung?” Jimin seeped out the sentence, dreading for any answer from him. Taehyung continued to laugh as he heard Jimin warn Jungkook over and over again not to become too close to him.




Jimin honestly didn’t mind that Taehyung was laughing at Jungkook or anything. He was used to Taehyung’s alien nature by now so he knew the pros and cons. What he was worried about was Jungkook.

It had been so long since they had seen each other so he didn’t know if Jungkook would take Taehyung’s weirdness in an offensive way. Jungkook, if he remembered correctly, was the type of person who took negative comments quite seriously. It wasn’t that Taehyung was being negative or rude. But Taehyung just managed to come off that way whenever he was with anyone. So he tried to control Taehyung’s strange reactions to a minimum.

“You’re really weird,” he suddenly heard Jungkook spit out. A little startled, he turned to the ebony haired student but to his surprise, he found him laughing even more. “How does Jimin even stand you?”

Jimin smiled a tiny smile of relief. Jungkook liked him. To be more precise, Jungkook didn’t hate Taehyung.

Letting go of a small breath which he didn’t know that he was holding, Jimin suggested that the three of them head to class. “You wouldn’t want to miss classes on the first day, now would you, Jungkook?”


As they headed back inside the building once again through the door, Jimin felt a small sense of relief and responsibility. Jungkook was back for good. He also noticed a tiny feeling of wholeness but he pushed that feeling down not being able to comprehend what it was. It was probably nothing.

“Oie Taehyung,” he called out and turned back to the boy who had the voice deeper than the Pacific Ocean. They were in the midst of walking down the stairs so Jimin was careful not to miss a step of the stairs, regardless of the fact that he was turning back. Taehyung raised his eyebrows as a response. Jungkook continued to walk alongside Jimin, not really paying attention but overhearing the conversation.

“Take care of Jungkook, alright? Make him do anything strange and you’re dead, got it?” He warned cautiously once again.  To his annoyance, he saw the carefree Taehyung chuckle. “Of course! I’ll keep your prince safe and sound. Trust me on that,” was the cheeky reply.






Min Yoongi opened his eyes to the countless shuffling of the feet of the students around him. Oh how he hated that. The endless noise, the irregularity of those stupid, stupid shoes – gosh, he abhorred even the thought of that. If only he could just escape this place and go back to his photography…

“Hey Yoongi,” the comparatively smaller framed student heard a cheery voice call out his name. He rolled his eyes dreadfully. Great, even more brightness.

Yoongi turned towards the caller of his name simultaneously yawning.

“It’s just the start of the day,” Hoseok, the person who had just called out his name continued. “Why do you look so tired? You weren’t up the whole night with that camera of yours, were you?”

The dark circles under his eyes were evident of this fact. But no way in hell was he admitting to anything Jung Hoseok said. “No,” he simply said, too lazy to speak out another word.

Hoseok, the perfectly weird student dragged out his chair right beside his and laughed heedlessly. “You, my friend, are the most horrid liar in the history of mankind, you know that? I am ashamed to be your friend!”

A second roll of the eyes followed. How are you my friend, you jerk? Yoongi thought but kept quiet. He just wasn’t in the mood to counter back the ever lively ‘ball of hope’ as Hoseok himself had coined. He laid his head back down on the desk and turned away from the noise. Classes were supposed to begin in a matter of seconds. Which meant auto shut down of all sensory nerves and organs were to begin in an equivalent amount of seconds.

“Come on, Yoongi. Don’t be a lazy on the first day of the new academic year!” Hoseok whined. “You shame the members of the photography club!”

Yoongi’s eyes remained closed. But his voice seeped out lazily, “What the hell do you know about the photography club, you ?”

Hoseok simply laughed. There was no bringing down the hope. “What don’t I know about this school?” he proudly announced. Yoongi couldn’t hold back his thoughts. Your syllabus!

“Besides, you’ll worry our juniors, especially Jimin. He’s a er for your photos. You don’t want your junior to get worried over the senior, do you?” Hoseok commented and waited for the person sitting adjacent to him to make a movement. There was none.

Hoseok clicked his tongue. “You need to stay in good health if you want to take more pictures.”

Yoongi sighed. What the did he know about photography?

“I’m fine, you . Now leave me be. Classes are starting soon. And I have to deal with other bright characters later on.”

Hoseok clapped his hands in a sudden epiphany. “Oh yes, we’re meeting Taehyung and Jimin later on right? Man, it’s hard to get in touch with those people nowadays. By the way, do you think that that Jungkook guy has arrived yet? Jimin couldn’t stop blabbering about him, now could he?”

Yoongi swallowed a dry gulp. With his eyes remaining closed, he simply breathed out as if he had the whole world on his shoulders. “Who knows?”






Jungkook wasn’t a diligent student. Yes, he did well in his exams but he wasn’t the ideal student. But then again, not all the bright people were the ideal students. So, it wasn’t surprising that he grew bored by the second period.



White feathers. Falling slowly like snow. No. They’re not falling. They’re gliding upwards. Something is pulling them upwards. What is it? The music?


“Jungkook ssi?” a hand waved right in front of his face. The called upon boy blinked and unplugged his earpiece from his ears to find the light haired boy before him. His eyes focused on the hyung before him until he realized that he had spaced out. Again.

“Were classes boring?” Taehyung asked in that deep voice of his. Jungkook thought it had a nice ring to it even though it was in a very deep contrast as compared to his best friend – or at least his once upon a time best friend. The younger sat up straight and tried to pocket his gadget when the strange student before him stopped him in the most unbelievable way possible.

“Halt!” Taehyung had screamed out.

Startled by the sudden outburst, Jungkook’s motor senses came to a sudden pause and he waited for the next command. Whoa wait. Why the hell am I even listening to him?


The students in the room momentarily paused and turned their heads to the sudden noise but seeing that it was only Kim Taehyung, the class genius but weirdo, they resumed their business again, whatever business it was that was so important in their lives.

“Uhh, Taehyung ssi?” Jungkook tried to smile but Taehyung’s intense gaze on him made him a little nervous if not intimidated. “Jung Jungkook,” Taehyung began and pulled out a chair from the desk adjacent to Jungkook’s. It’s ‘Jeon’, Jungkook corrected mentally but decided to let it slide. The elder continued. “Were you listening to music?” Taehyung asked, making himself comfortable beside Jungkook. His arm had already reached Jungkook’s cell phone through which he was listening to music so there was no point in retorting. Not that Jungkook was planning to.

“Yes. I was,” Jungkook replied, calming his nerves down. Jimin was serious when he said that this Taehyung guy was weird. “Would you like to listen to it?” The assigned teacher hadn’t turned up yet so Jungkook supposed it would be fine.

Taehyung let out a cheeky grin. Jungkook noticed that the elder’s eyes had disappeared into nothingness when he did so. And he had too bright of a set of teeth. And there were tiny crinkles on the edges of his eyes, right where the outline of his almond shaped eyes ended. Bright, was the only thought going on in Jungkook’s mind when he handed the smiling figure both sides of the ear phones. Taehyung plugged it in and waited for the music to play, anticipating for god knows what. Jungkook apologized mentally. He knew for a fact that his playlist was weird.

Four minutes and twenty seconds later, Taehyung unplugged both sides of the earphones silently. His cheerful face had broken into a serene looking one and by the time the song passed thirty minutes in its allotted time, his eyelids closed and a placid smile formed on his fair face. Jungkook was naturally surprised. He didn’t ask any questions. Why didn’t he ask any questions?

Jungkook stopped his playlist and pocketed his gadget finally, waiting for Taehyung’s reaction. It was imperative that he got one. He was a literature student. There was a dire need to discuss art and everything, if not critique it.

“Feathers,” Taehyung suddenly said in a soft voice but Jungkook heard it loud and clear. The listener had to recheck what he had said because there was no way Taehyung had said ‘feathers’.

“I’m sorry?” Jungkook asked, trying his best not to show his surprise.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with the straightest and dead calm but peaceful face that Jungkook had ever seen in his life. “I saw the blue sky. And there were feathers in the distance. They were gliding. It was beautiful,” Taehyung said and grinned again. “Hey, what’s the name of that song?”

The younger newcomer stared at the cotton candy haired student in utter shock. “You can see them too?” Jungkook blurted out all of a sudden. But of course, the voice was controlled not like a certain someone. Taehyung raised his eyebrows in obvious agreement. “Yeah. I thought that was normal.”

Jungkook knitted his eyebrows but let out a smile. It wasn’t normal, he knew that much. Seeing pictures and images when you were listening to music. Or when you smelt things. But that was what Jungkook saw. And he thought that it wasn’t normal. He couldn’t recall Jimin experiencing the same when they were kids.

“Jungkookie?” the deep voice called, out of sheer concern.

Ignoring the sudden but not inappropriate nickname (Jungkook really didn’t mind), Jungkook straightened himself out and replied Taehyung with the name of the song that he let him listen to. “Trigger.”

“Excuse me?” Taehyung asked, confused.

“The name of the song is ‘Trigger’. By Yuuki Ozaki. It’s from an anime I had watched a few months back,” Jungkook replied and gave him a bright smile.

Taehyung’s eyes attained a mischievous and excited grin. “You like anime?” he asked, anticipating the answer as nothing aside from ‘yes’. Seeing the adorable sight, Jungkook laughed. “Yeah. Best addiction of mine, I’d like to call it,” he replied casually. Taehyung grinned like an excited child who had been informed that they would go cicada hunting. “You, sir,” the elder said, standing up abruptly as the door to the classroom suddenly opened to mark the entrance of the teacher of the next period, “Are in fro a real treat to see my collection.”

The whole class stood up to wish the teacher. Jungkook too followed suit but his mind was occupied by the bright student who had been nothing but weird and yet strangely impressive in his own way. He smiled but caught himself doing so. He shook his head slowly. That bloody smile was really contagious, wasn’t it? Jimin definitely did have some great friends.




Jimin ran up the stairs across the hallway as soon as the second lunch bell rang. He had no idea why but this action came as something etched into his mind as he made his way to the one place where he felt welcome even though he wasn’t a part of the club which used the room for their daily club duties. His robotic movements suddenly came to a stop when he slid open the light wooden door with all his might only to be followed by a loud bang.

“Honestly, Jimin, you’re gonna break the door one day,” a female student spoke out, her eyes fixed on the person at the door. Jimin laughed awkwardly. He was too excited that he forgot about the frail door.

“Sorry, Sooyoung ssi,” Jimin scratched his head and closed the door, this time very gently behind him. The said girl, who had her long silky hair tied in a loose braid with strands falling off the side of her face, simply smiled though she clicked her tongue as a nature. “You can break it though. That way, we might get repairs for our club room,” she said simply and got back to the camera in her long delicate yet firm hands. Jimin had no idea which model camera that was but he knew one thing – it was hell expensive. All cameras were. He learnt it the hard way when he broke Yoongi’s camera that one time and he had to pay it back.

“Heyo!” a cheerful voice suddenly sounded from near the window. Jimin turned to see two students seated by the window, wiping what looked like lenses of the some cameras. Jimin smiled back at them. “Hey Minhyuk, Yui,” he wished and walked up to the two. Yui, the small girl beside the mentioned boy, the girl with the glasses gave Jimin a small nod. Jimin appreciated the gesture as she wasn’t known to be very sociable. Minhyuk, however, was of a different case.

“Yo, Jimin. I search of your beloved hyung again?” he asked, his hands of cleaning the lens coming to a halt. Jimin smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry to bother you…” Minhyuk just laughed and acted hurt. “We’re alright too, thanks for asking,” he said, stalling Jimin. Jimin chuckled at Minhyuk’s child like nature. The photography club was really very fun.

Sooyoung, the president of the club chose to speak out at that point. “You are by far the most punctual student in this club, Jimin,” she sighed out, “and you’re not even a member.” Jimin laughed. “I know nothing about photography, senior,” he answered and turned towards Minhyuk expectantly.

Rolling his eyes with a playful smile and pointed towards a door at the corner of the room. “He’s in the dark room, developing some new pictures or something,” he answered. Jimin bowed in gratitude and made his way to the ‘dark room’, the room where the photography club members developed their beautiful art work into hard copy and marvelous photos which were very often of the professional level.

“Just don’t anger the beast,” Minhyuk joked and then added, “As if you could.” Jimin waved his hand dismissively and opened the door to walk into a room which was completely dark after he had closed the door. Once his eyes adjusted, he was under a dark red light. The surroundings around him were barely visible but he didn’t need to see to know where he was going. After all, he has had this place memorized like the back of his hand.

“What do you want, Jimin?” a voice which Jimin recognized very well called out from the left. Jimin turned towards the voice and saw a dark figure who was none other than Yoongi. He was busy with his hands, carrying a pair of what Jimin called ‘tongs for photos’, fishing out several photo papers out of a solution of god knows what (Yoongi had once explained what was in the solution but Jimin forgot immediately as the names were a little too hard).

Jimin grinned and walked up to his hyung. “When are you free, hyung? I want to introduce you to my best friend from my childhood days.”

Yoongi made no reaction. “You mean that Jung Jeonkook person?”

“Jeon Jungkook,” Jimin corrected.

Yoongi hummed as a response. “Why am I meeting him anyway?” he asked, not even looking up from his work. Jimin pouted a little, not that Yoongi would notice. “Coz he’s my friend. And you’re my friend too. He’s a nice person. You’ll like him.”

Yoongi cringed. When did he ever like people?

“After classes,” Yoongi finally gave in. Jimin grinned cheekily and thanked the elder before running outside to god knows where, probably to meet his new (old) friend and show him around the school or something.

The door shut close and darkness filled the room once again. The scent of the solution stung Yoongi’s eyes a little but he invited it. He though he deserved this punishment for being such a stupid coward all the time. He sighed heavily as he closed his eyes to let his eyes rest a little. “Friend, huh?” he asked, but obviously, there was no one to hear him.





I know, I know. I've been an for disappearing for a long time. But here you go, a new chapter... Please continue to support this fic. I promise, I'll update soon. (please ignore the mistakes and errors. This one was kind of rushed and I'm having wiriter's block on this one)




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i'll edit the alrrady updated chapters and release the newest chapter soon. i promise


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Chapter 9: As expected, I am definitely bad at handling one-sided love tae and yoongi. my feels— ㅠㅍㅠ
Chapter 9: wtf????jimin go to ur yoongi already!!and u kook if ur heart fluttered again i will dirk u !why is tae so idiot ?try to do sth like make kook jealous ,laugh with hobi or or dance with namjon .. .. .. I DONT KNOW !*calm myself down *
my dear author why do u enjoy suffering my taekook hreat so much?*cry
Chapter 9: i know i know kook about what u feel..................................................................................but i know u will fall for tae so bad so prepare ur self !
marry Christmas
Chapter 9: authorrrrrrrrr marry Christmas ....
my poor tae tae ...i always wonder why he should suffer ugh!i hope this story have taekook ending !
newpersonhere #5
Chapter 8: Read all the chapters in one go! Well, I had read it before, but just to refresh my memory. And refreshed it is. I love the Hobi Hyung of this story, he is new and exciting. I will leave the final pairing to you but I would like to see more interactions between Taehyung and Jungkook, because that really sparked my interest, they blend well for two people who shouldn't. Jikook is so cute... and Yoongi, oh! Yoongi. (It's okay, just don't break his heart into too many pieces *sniffs*)

Update soon, L!! :) Excited!
Chapter 8: u know author i hope this story ends with vkook i don't like jikook stuff yoonmin is better and vkook is life and love
vkooook fans fighting
hell yeah
Chapter 8: i want vkook and yoonmin that all
Islahearts #8
Chapter 7: It scares me that this will be jikook and not yoonmin but.. its all up to you though. Haha anyway i like how you slowly building each characters in this story. While reading this it reminds me of reading a manga. idk. Just.. well hoping for updates ^^