Cheer Up Hyung (VMon)

12 Days of Bangtan

“Namjoon, I’m hungry. Buy me food,” Taehyung sprawled out across Namjoon’s lap and took hold of his hands, playing with his fingers. Namjoon looked down at him with disgust and annoyance on his face.

“Excuse me?” He glared, pulling his hand out of the younger boy’s, “what do you think you’re doing? Don’t speak informally to me! Do you want to die? I’ll hit you.”

“But I’m hungry,” Taehyung rolled over on his stomach. Namjoon frowned and pulled him up by the back of his shirt.

“I’m going to kill you,” he warned.

“Okay, okay,” Taehyung raised his arms in front of his face, struggling to break from Namjoon’s firm grip, “I’m sorry hyung. I’m sorry. I was just messing with you. Don’t kill me. Hoseok hyung told me to do it.”

“Like hell he did.”

“He did,” Taehyung assured and wrapped his arms around Namjoon’s neck, “I’m sorry. You know I love you hyung. Forgive me.”

“You’re gross,” Namjoon tried to pull back from Taehyung’s hug but when that failed, he pushed his face away.

“Don’t be like this hyung,” a pout formed on Taehyung’s lips. Namjoon stood up, leaving him to sit alone on the couch.

The quiet sound of a door closing made Taehyung sigh. Namjoon had been a little moody lately and no matter what he did, Taehyung couldn’t seem to pull him out of it. Even when he danced every girl group dance he knew for him, he barely received a smile. For days he had been racking his brain trying to figure out how to make Namjoon cheer up. If he knew exactly what would make him smile, Taehyung would drop everything and do it for him – Taehyung would drop everything just for a chance to make him happy.

He sunk into the couch and pulled out his phone, wishing that if he stared at it long enough, it would tell him how to make Namjoon smile. It didn’t. His stomach growled to remind him how hungry he had been a few minutes ago. Maybe if he wasn’t a fire hazard in the kitchen, he could cook for himself. That gave him an idea; Taehyung grabbed a jacket and his wallet and rushed out the door.

He returned back home with a large box of pizza and slipped into Namjoon’s room. He found his hyung sitting on the bed with a pad of paper in hand and headphones plugged into his laptop. The smell of pizza reached Namjoon, causing him to look up from his work.

“What are you doing?” Taehyung flashed a smile.

“Work,” Namjoon replied shortly, “I guess you got yourself food, right?”

“Nope,” Taehyung sat down at the edge of the bed and opened the box, “well kind of, but I mostly got it for you. It’s been a while since you’ve had pizza.”

“You’re serious?”

“Come on,” Taehyung nudged him, “try some. You know you want to.”

Namjoon cracked a smile, set down his work and turned to face Taehyung. He grabbed a piece and took a bite. Taehyung was right; it had been a while. Between diets, packed schedules, and little pocket money, no one had eaten a pizza in months. He had forgotten how delicious it was.

Namjoon had forgotten a lot of things. He forgot what it felt like to wake up fully rested, he forgot what it’s like to stay in one place for more than two months, and he forgot what his parents’ voices sounded like. But for as many things as he forget, he remembered something wonderful in its place. He remembered what it’s like to go to bed exhausted after a day of doing what he loves, he remembered the feeling of landing in a different country where there were people who supported him and loved him even without ever meeting him in person before, and he remembered the sound of the fans cheering for BTS loudly – there was nothing more beautiful than that. All the things he had been missing lately were worth having to miss. After all, he wasn’t the only person who had to suffer like this and that was comforting – he wasn’t alone. That was all he needed to remember when these periods of sadness and homesickness hit him. He would never be alone.

“So?” Taehyung asked, his signature smile frozen on his face.

“Thanks, it’s good.”

“You’re happy?”

“I’m happy,” Namjoon nodded.

Taehyung cheered, wrapped his arms around Namjoon, and kissed his cheek, which caused the latter to cringe. He did it. Somehow he had managed to make his moody hyung admit that he was happy and say it in such a way that it convinced him it was true.

“I’m glad,” Taehyung smiled and reached for a piece of pizza but Namjoon closed the box and moved it to behind him. “Hey, I want some too. I bought it.”

“You said it was for me, so it’s mine.”

“I said it was mostly for you,” Taehyung reminded him.

“Well it’s mine now,” Namjoon laughed and continued to eat.

“But I’m hungry hyung. You’re so mean to me,” Taehyung whined. He tried to reach over Namjoon but a large hand grabbed his wrist. With his free hand, he tried once more to get at the box but Namjoon took hold of his other wrist and kept him still. He smiled playfully and pressed his lips against Taehyung’s.

“Thanks, you little brat,” he smirked and pecked his lips one more time before letting go of him. Taehyung blushed and buried his face in Namjoon’s neck. He tried to hide the grin on his face, but Taehyung was so cute sometimes, “yah! Stop that! Do you want to die?” 


~A/N: Thank you for your support and nice comments everyone. I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a wonderful one and you all had a great day.I'm sorry if I didn't post a certain ship that you wanted to see.Thanks again everyone~ <3

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Cda1110 #1
Chapter 4: I want morreee
Chapter 2: My cuties yoonmin awww...
Chapter 2: ohmygod yoonmin is so cute xkwnbxkwnxjwkdn my heart ㅠㅠㅠ
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 4: arghhhh jinkook arghhhh so cute aaaaakkk
Chapter 12: Awww, so cute! I like grumpy Namjoon
Chapter 13: sweet bonus chapter :D